
Chapter 19: Kiss & Talk

(Ezra: POV)

Rubbing my left cheek I am still a bit shocked.

I never expected Elesa to give me a kiss like that.

But I can see it wasn't intentional.

Given the embarrassed and slightly ashamed look on her face right now. Her cheeks are dying themselves pink right at this very moment.

"So....that happened." I said.

Trying to not let things getting anymore awkward than they were becoming.

"I am...Ezra that was....It was um..." Elesa sputtered. Unable to form a complete sentence.

"Let's go somewhere and talk." I said.

"Yes." She said.

I then took Elesa and led her out of the gym.

Taking her back to our shared hotel room.

Since we needed privacy for the discussion we were about to have.

As we sat down on the couch, Elesa slipped off her shoes and then started looking everywhere in the room but at me.

I decided to let her do so until she had collected her thoughts.

But when five minutes passed and she still wouldn't look at me I decided to make matters into my own hands.

Moving closer to Elesa I gently grabbed her face and then forced her to look at me.

"Elesa." I said.

Not needing to say anything else. Since my one word made her understand what I was getting at.

"Right." She muttered.

"Alright." I said.

I then took my hands away from her face, and thankfully she didn't look away from me.

"So, the kiss." I began. "What was that all about?"

"It was a spur of the moment thing, honestly." Elesa admitted. "I didn't even think about it before I did it. Sorry."

"No need to apologize." I told her. "I just wanted clarification on what it meant."

"I wasn't trying to come on to you Ezra." Elesa spoke.

I simply nodded at her words.

"What I mean to say is, you are a handsome guy. I admit that, and I enjoy spending time with you. But we are not in "that" kind of relationship and again if I made you feel uncomfortable at all I am truly sorry. I don't want to give you the wrong idea or send any mixed signals." She explained.

"Okay. I got you." I said. "Now a question for you. If I did want to enter "that" kind of relationship with you, would you be open to it?" I decided to ask.

At my question Elesa began opening and closing her mouth. Until eventually she got her bearings back again. "Are you saying, you want to date me?"

"Yes." I answered. "I mean, I know we've only known each other for a short time but I can safely say I like you and see you as a woman who I want to date. But that's only if you're willing. If you say no I won't lie and say I won't be hurt, but I won't abandon our friendship because of it." I explained. "If you turn me down you turn me down. Nothing else too it than that."

"But like you just pointed out we've only known each other for a short time. Isn't dating a bit fast?" She asked me.

"I mean, isn't that what dating is all about. Two people going out and learning things about each other to see if they are compatible." I said.

Since that is what dating basically boils down too.

"I see your point." Elesa conceded.

She then got silent for several seconds.

"If you don't have an answer for me right now that's fine. I am not trying to rush you or pressure you or anything of the sort." I decided to say.

"No, I mean I was just taking a moment to think." Elesa said. "And I've come to a decision. We can try dating." She spoke.

"Really, are you sure? You are not just saying that to spare my feelings?" I asked.

Since I don't want pity.

Elesa shook her head. "No Ezra, I am not. That is to say, I've been having certain...thoughts about you and I want to expand on them. Dating would be the best way to do that." She admitted.

Getting another blush on her face.

As she did so I smirked.

"I see. So you have me on your mind." I said.

"Don't let it go to your head. It's just some thoughts." Elesa quickly spoke.

"But they are thoughts about me." I retorted.


"Yes, me." I said.

Elesa sighed at my antics. "Whatever. So yes, I am willing to date you. But if it didn't work out we go back to just friends right?"

"Of course." I said.

But I don't intend to let that happen.

I will do all I can to strengthen my relationship with Elesa.

Since I really care about her.

I can honestly say that.

Despite our time together being short.

l'll admit that my past life memories concerning her play a part in my feelings towards her, but only a small one.

After getting to know her as a flesh and blood person I can say she is wonderful.

"Good." Elesa said.

Once she did so I decided to be a bit bold.

Leaning forward I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and then pulled back.

Elesa face going bright red after I did so.

Seeing her embarrassed is fun. It actually makes me want to tease and bully her more.

I just hope something doesn't awaken inside of me as a result.

Need to watch out for that.

But other than that I think things will be just fine.

So long as I don't meet another girl I want to be in a relationship with.

But the chances of that are small.


Fuck, I just raised a flag didn't I?

Yeah, I definitely did.


A/N: So it's official, Ezra and Elesa are now in a relationship!

But they won't be humping like rabbits right from the start.

No, that will come later.

For now I will build the relationship in a manner as stable as I can.

While also introducing the other harem members.

Though lemons will come.

I can assure you.

Until next time then.

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