
Chapter 3: Dual Checkups

A smile on my face I skipped through the city streets.

My destination, the local pokemon center.

Since now that Ladon is officially my pokemon I need to get him a full and proper checkup. Since he has been living in the wild for his entire life, and I have no clue if he has injuries or diseases that need to be tended to.

After all, just become something or someone looks healthy doesn't mean they are.

And as a future trainer its my responsibility to make sure my pokemon are always in tip-top health.

In no time at all I reached the entrance to the pokemon center.

The moment I did so the doors slid open automatically, and I entered it.

I then went straight up to the front counter, since there was no one else waiting or in front of me.

Arriving I came face-to-face with a nurse Joy.

Looking at at me, she put a kind smile on her face.

"Hello there young man, how may I help you today?" She asked.

"I would like you to check over my pokemon please." I said.

When I did so the Joy gave me a pointed look.

Understandable, since I am still five years too young to have a trainers license. The item needed to allow me to officially act as a pokemon trainer.

"You have a pokemon hm? Say young man, how old are you?" Joy asked me.

"I am ten years old." I replied.

"Then how did you acquire a pokemon?" She asked me.

I then explained things to the nurse Joy.

Once I was finished Joy looked at me with a surprised expression on her face. She then quickly came around the desk, and grabbed onto my left arm.

She then started pulling me along without saying a word.

"Nurse Joy, what are you doing?" I asked her. "Please don't take my pokemon away." I said.

Since right now Joy has a bit of an angry expression on her face.

I think she is mad about how I acquired Ladon for myself.

Stopping in her tracks Joy turned to face me. "Relax, I am not going to take your pokemon away." She told me.

As she did so I breathed a sigh of relief.

"But honestly, what were you thinking?" She asked me. "Do you know how many diseases you can catch from interacting with wild pokemon without the proper vaccinations?!"

"Am, no." I said.

Since such a thing was never mentioned in any versions of pokemon in my previous world.

But it does kind of make sense.

Given how intertwined the lives of people and pokemon are in this world. There are probably several diseases that can be transmitted between the two groups. Just like people and animals in my last life.

Hearing my answer to her question Joy simply sighed and shook her head. "I see. Well at any rate young man once we get your pokemon checked out we are heading to the hospital so you can get a full medical checkup as well." She explained to me. "And I won't here any arguments about it."

"Yes mam." I said.

Since I wasn't even on planning to argue in the first place.

I don't want to catch some disease simply because I have a fear of being stuck with needles.

Hearing my words Joy nodded.

She the continued pulling me, and eventually we arrived in an examination room.

Where a Blissey was waiting.

"Blissey, please go and monitor the front desk. I will examine this pokemon. Then I will be out for a while. I need to take another young one to the hospital for a checkup." She explained to the Blissey.

Telling me she's dealt with a case like mine before.

"Blissey." Blissey said.

It then gave a curt nod before leaving the examination room.

Once it did I released Ladon, and nurse Joy went about examining him.

After 30 minutes he was given a clean bill of health.

Then once he was done I returned him to his pokeball and nurse Joy and I headed to the local hospital known as Dewford General.

Where I got my own medical examination conducted.

Which included getting several shots in my right arm that made it look like a pin cushion in the end.

I also had blood drawn.

At least I got a cookie for my trouble afterwards.

Sitting in a pair of chairs nurse Joy and I waited as doctor who performed my examination reviewed my information.

She is an older lady whose name is Greta.

A few more moments passed before Dr. Greta put down my information.

"Everything seems to be in order. Young man I am happy to say at the moment you hav a clean bill of health." She explained.

"At the moment you say?" I questioned.

"Well, we need to wait a few days for your bloodwork to come back. But I don't think we will find any issues in the results." Dr. Greta explained.

"I see." I said.

"Don't worry. We'll take good care of you if we do find something." The doctor explained, giving me a warm smile after she did so.

I returned it.

"Well that's all for today. You two can take your leave. Have a nice day. Joy, a pleasure to see you as always." Dr. Greta spoke to nurse Joy.

"The same to you Greta." Joy replied.

Once we did so the two of us left the hospital and returned to the pokemon center.

Where Joy treated me and Ladon to a free meal.

Once she did I started making my way back to the orphanage.

Having no idea my life was about to be changed in a huge way.


(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in her office at the Dewford General, Dr. Greta stared at her computer screen.

Displaying the results of Ezras' bloodwork.

Which showed he had no diseases of any kind and was healthy across the board.

Despite this Dr. Greta has a shocked expression on her face.

Namely because of some extra results displayed on the computer screen relating to Ezra.

After running his bloodwork the hospital entered into into a worldwide database created by the various Pokemon Association's of the world. A standard practice for those who owned pokemon.

In case they followed the path of a pokemon trainer, and met with an untimely end. Their bodies could be identified using this method to give any family they had some closure.

Because some trainers do end up dying after starting their journey.


The results on the computer screen told Dr. Greta that Ezra was in fact not an orphan.

He has a living relative.

The father of his mother, his grandfather.

Who was a big name in the world of pokemon trainers.

Ezra's grandfather is Drayden Albion. The gym leader of Opelucid City in the Unova region.

Dr. Greta re-read the information relating to Ezra several times before she took her eyes away from the computer screen.

She then began rubbing her temple using her left hand after she did so.

"What are the odds?" Dr. Greta muttered.

For a patient of hers to be related to a gym leader in an entirely different region.

Even so, the doctor can't deny the results she is seeing.

So after taking a few moments to let the information seek in Dr. Greta got a move on.

First, she composed an email to nurse Joy with the results of the bloodwork. She then sent it to her friend.

After that Greta picked up her office phone and started making some calls.

Since she was going to unite Ezra with his grandfather.

In her mind it was the only right thing to do after all.

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