
Master Plan

Jackson is loaded into an ambulance in a body bag. There's venom dripping down the bag as the ambulance doors close.

"Thanks for your help but we can take it from here," The female Paramedics tell Melissa McCall.

"You know, I'm gonna have to give a statement, why don't I ride with you," Melissa says.

"Umm, I think that would be a little—"

"Perfect, great" Melissa says as she rushes to get into the ambulance leaving the paramedic to sigh and mutter great.


In the locker room sheriff is talking to Scott and Isaac.

"we're gonna meet with a medical examiner to figure out what happened with Jackson. We've got an APB on Stiles, his Jeep is still in the parking lot so that means..... oh hell I don't know what that means" the sheriff says worried about his son. "look if he answers his phone if he answers his email if one of you see him—"

"We'll call you," Isaac tells him.

"Look he's probably freaked out from all the attention or something. we'll find him" Scott says trying to reassure him and Stilinski nods not really convinced.

"Yeah, I'll see you," Stilinski says before walking away.

Coach walks up to them and tells Scott that they need him on the team and he needs to step it up with his academics so he doesn't get benched next season.

"I know I yell a lot but it's not like I hate you guys. Well, I kinda hate Greenberg but, you know, that's different. It's Greenberg. I'm just saying we– I need you on the team. Get your grades back up." Coach says.

"I will," Scott says.

"I know," Coach says before walking away.

"Is that everyone?" Scott asks Isaac.

"I think so," Isaac says before hearing Scott rip Stiles's locker off the hinges and grab some of Stiles's clothes. Scott and Isaac are going to track Stiles by scent.

"How come you get a shirt and I get a shoe," Isaac asks before Scott could reply he sees Derek.

"We need to talk," Derek says before Peter turns up behind him.

"All of us," Peter says surprising Scott.

"what the hell is this?"

"You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station," Derek says.

"Ok, hold on have threatened to kill my Mom and I had to get close to him, what was I supposed to do" Scott defends.

"I'm gonna go with Scott on this one, have you seen his mom, she's gorgeous," Peter says making Derek and Scott look at him.

""Shut up"" They both say at the same time.

"who is he?" Isaac asks.

"That's Peter, Derek's uncle, Little while back he tried to kill us all and then we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat" Scott answers him as Peter waves his hand.


"it's good to know," Isaac says.

"How is he alive?"

"look, the short version is that he knows how to stop Jackson, maybe how to save him," Derek says as Scott and Isaac give each other a look.

"well, that's very helpful except Jackson's dead," Isaac says shocking the Hales.


"Yeah, Jackson's dead it just happened on the field," Scott says as Derek looks at Peter.

"ok why is no one taking this as good news," Isaac asks.

"Because if Jackson's dead it didn't just happen, Gerard wanted to happen," Peter says.

"But why?" Derek asks.

"well, that's exactly what we need to figure out and something tells me the windows of opportunity is closing quickly," Peter says.


Mama McCall goes to check on Jackson's body in the morgue. She sees the weird liquid stuff dripping out of it and grabs a sample. She unzips the body bag.

Sheriff is in Stiles's room, looking for clues, when Stiles returns, bruised and bloody. He tells his dad that he was beat up by some sore losers from the other team and says he couldn't see his attackers. Sheriff wants to pistol-whip whoever did this. He pulls Stiles in for a hug and Stiles cries on his neck.


Derek, Peter, Isaac, and Scott go back to the Hale house. Scott gets a message saying that Stiles is okay.

"Look I told you I looked everywhere," Derek says to Peter as Peter goes to a sneaky hidey-hole under a stair and pulls out a dusty bag. 

"What is that a book," Derek asks.

"No, it's a laptop what century are you living in," Peter says as he opens it and takes out his laptop, " A few days after I got out of the coma I transferred everything we had, fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones who keep records"

"well, it's good to see that you still had a brain even with all that rage you had when we first met," Astrid says as she enters the house just as Scott's phone rings and he answers.

"Hey, mom I can't talk right now"

"oh yeah, well I'm so freaked out that I can bearly talk either"

"What's wrong?"

"something but definitely something I don't know what but I think you're gonna want to see this for yourself," Malissa says with a shaky voice as she looks back at Jackson who is encased in a cocoon of his venom.


Lydia shows up at Stiles's bedroom door, looking on the verge of tears. She asks about his bruises and he tells her it's nothing. Lydia starts crying. They won't let her see Jackson and she can't give him back his key. 


Scott and Isaac go to inspect Jackson's cocoon. Whatever it is, it doesn't look good. Jackson's head twitches and everyone backs up. Scott, too scared to touch it, asks his mum to zip up the body bag. Mama McCall does, despite Jackson growling and showing rows of razor-sharp teeth.


Stiles hands Lydia a roll of toilet paper in lieu of tissues. Stiles's phone keeps buzzing and Lydia picks it up, telling him he has 17 missed messages from Scott. Stiles isn't ready to answer just yet.

Lydia notices that Stiles has a stash of women's jewellery in the corner of his bedroom. Stiles admits that he bought it for Lydia's birthday.

"I kind of didn't know what to get you so I just bought you, like, a bunch of stuff. Like, a lot of stuff. You know, I was going to return anything that I didn't give you." Stiles says making her chuckle through her tears.

He even bought a flat-screen TV. Stiles's phone goes off again. Lydia still has it in her hand and tells him he's going to want to read this message.


Scott calls Derek to fill him in on Jackson's cocoon.

"They're saying he's in some kind of transparent casing made from the venom coming out of his claws," Derek tells Peter and Astrid.

"That sounds terrifying," Peter says as he looks through his laptop.

"He also says that he's starting to move," Derek says.

"Ok look I found something," Peter says, "looks like what you're seeing from Jackson is the kanima's beta shape"

"Meaning what it can turn into something bigger" Derek asks.

"Bigger and badder," Peter says.

"He's turning into that, that thing has wings," Derek says.

"I can see that," Peter says.

"And here I thought Jackass can't get any uglier" Astrid says.


"Scott bring him to us," Derek says through the phone.

"I'm not sure we have time for that" Scott says as they watch Jackson move inside the body bag.


"Look, someone made an animation of it. Maybe it's less frightening if we—"

The animation lets out a terrifying screech and Peter slams the laptop closed.

"Nope, not at all, we should probably meet him halfway"

"Scott get him out of there now, go now," Derek tells Scott through the phone as him as they leave the Hale house.


Scott and Isaac carry Jackson in his body bag out of the hospital, trying to be stealthy. Scott accidentally drops whatever end he's carrying. The head, probably. Chris drives up and stares at them.

"You're alone" Scott states.

"More than you know," Chris says since his daughter is still pissed at him for letting Gerard ruin their family.

"What do you want?" Scott asks.

"We don't have much in common Scott but at the moment we have a common enemy," Chris says.

"it's why I'm trying to get him out of here," Scott says.

"I didn't mean Jackson," Chris says.


Stiles asks Lydia how much she knows about this stuff. Lydia says she only knows pieces and half of it's like a dream. But she doesn't care how bad things are if there's a way she can help Jackson.

"You see, that's the problem. You don't care about getting hurt. But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freaking mind. You see, death doesn't happen to you, Lydia. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how to live the rest of their lives now without you in it. And look at my face. Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me?" Stiles says his voice raising at the end.

Lydia backs up in fear and Stiles apologises for scaring her. Lydia leaves, saying that she'll find Jackson herself.


"Gerard has ruined my family from the day he came to Beacon Hills and my daughter is mad at me for not stopping him sooner and she's right I should have tried to stop him and I lost my wife as the prize and now I'm losing my daughter," Chris says his voice cracking at the mention of his wife.

"You're right so can you trust me to fix this" Scott asks and Chris nods, "then can you let us go"

"No, my car is faster," Chris tells him.

Chris, Isaac, and Scott arrive at the meeting place. Derek arrives late because he had to wolf-run in and do a flip to make a dramatic entrance. 

"someone certainly enjoys making an entrance," Peter says to himself a distance away from the other as he rolls his eyes. Astrid who was watching from the rooftop of the warehouse cringes.

"I have got to tell him how weird that looks from an outside perspective," She tells herself.

"I'm here for Jackson not you," Chris says.

"Somehow I don't find that very comforting," Derek tells him before turning to Scott, " get him inside,"

"Where are they," Scott asks once they are inside.


"Peter and Lydia," Scott says but Derek ignores him and walks toward Jackson and opens the body bag.

"ok, hold on a second you said you know how to save him," Scott says.

"we're past that," Derek tells him.

"wh-what about—"

" Think about it, Scott. Gerard controls him now. He's turned, Jackson into his personal guard dog and he set all of this in motion so that Jackson can get even bigger and more powerful" Derek says.

"No, no he wouldn't do that. If Jackson's a dog he's turning rabid and my father wouldn't let a rabid dog live" Chris says.

"Of course not. Anything that dangerous, that out of control, is better off dead." Gerard says as he appears behind everyone. Allison has joined Astrid on the roof as they prepare themselves in case of something unexpected happens.

Derek tries to slice Jackson with his claws but suddenly Jackson's awake. He claws Derek in the chest and sends him flying across the room. Chris draws his gun and everyone else stands there in shock.

"Well done to the last Scott. Like the concerned friend, you are you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realise that you were also bringing Derek to me" Gerard tells Scott.

Chris starts shooting Jackson, who is transforming into the Kanima and uses his tail to take away Chris's gun. Chris draws a knife and the Kanima sends him flying.

Isaac and Scott are all wolfed up and ready to fight. Peter watches from his corner, doing nothing to help anyone. The werewolves all fight the Kanima one at a time instead of overwhelming it with their numbers. Derek gets dispatched with another claw swipe to the chest which paralysed him.

"Alright, it looks like it's time we intervened," Astrid says as she and Allison turn into their wolf forms and jump between the kanima and Derek shocking Gerard.

"What are those things doing here?" He asks himself as he takes a step back. The two wolves turned back to their human form Astrid being the first followed by Allison since this is the 3rd time she shifted her body not being used to the shifting.

"You how are you alive, I shot a wolfsbane bullet through your heart. I watched you die" Gerard yelled his mind not being able to comprehend what was happening.

"That was your mistake thinking that a wolfsbane bullet was enough to kill me permanently. I'm Astrid Mikaelson the original hybrid I can't be killed" Astrid said shocking Gerard and Chris.

"Mikaelson, You're the original Hybrid one of the progenitors of the vampire race," Chris said in disbelief as Astrid nodded in amusement, "But that impossible you were supposed to be dead killed by the witches 300 years ago" he added making Astrid laugh hard.

"Is that what they told everyone well let me refresh your history they tried everything from mixing vervain and wolfsbane to even adding mountain ash and then burning me with fire nothing worked so running out of patience and ideas they weakend me enough to seal me in a tomb not far from here. My coffin was surrounded by a mountain ash barrier and the floor was covered in wolfsbane and vervain. I think they even cloaked me and the tomb for good measure. I stayed in a magic-induced coma in that tomb until not too long ago when the magic seal broke awakening me well you know the rest" Astrid said with a grin on her face looking at Chris's shocked look.

"well this is a turn of events that I did not expect but it does not change anything," Gerard said trying to act cool but the erratic beating of his heart said otherwise to the supernaturals in the room. They knew that he was scared but for him to act so confidently meant that he still had a card up his sleeve and they were proven right when a hunter brought in Malissa who pushed her to the kanima who grabs her by the throat.

"what are you doing?" Chris asks.

"He is doing what he came here to do," Scott says confusing everyone except Astrid.

"Then you know. It was that night outside the hospital wasn't when I threatened your mother. I knew I saw something in your eyes you could smell it don't you" Gerard says as Isaac takes a whiff.

"He's dying"

"I am I have been for a while now, unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet but the supernatural does," Gerard says.

"You monster," Chris says.

"not yet"

"you'd kill an innocent mother"

"When it comes to survival I'd kill my own son," Gerard tells him before turning to Scott. Scott shifts back and walks toward Derek but Astrid is standing in front of him, she looks between Scott and his mother who is being held, hostage before sighing and stepping aside making Gerard smirk thinking he has won.

Scott apologises and holds Derek's mouth open so that Gerard can be bitten. Gerard holds his arm up in victory but it's not looking so victorious. There's black blood coming out of his arm. Astrid vamp speeds to the hunter that brought Malissa using the moment that everyone is distracted by the black blood and rips his heart out.

"What did you do," Gerard asks Scott.

"Everyone said Gerard always had a plan. I had a plan too.

Gerard immediately pulls out his pills and starts getting angry as he crushed them. Apparently, when Scott handed back Gerard's pillbox at the sheriff's station, it was a plant. The pills were actually filled with mountain ash from Deaton. 

Black blood starts dripping from every orifice on Gerard's face. Then he starts vomiting up the stuff and everyone is disgusted. Gerard drops to the ground.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Derek asks.

"Because you might be an Alpha but you're not mine," Scott says as Derek looks at Astrid with a knowing smile which she returns.

"Kill them, KILL THEM ALLL" Gerard shouts to the kanima who does nothing before passing out. Allison speeds behind the kanima freeing Malissa from and then Stiles drives his Jeep through a wall and slams into the Kanima. 

The Kanima jumps on the hood of the Jeep and Lydia and Stiles jump out of it. Stiles immediately runs away but Lydia stands her ground, addressing the Kanima as Jackson.

The Kanima looks ready to slash her throat. Stiles lunges forward to help but the Kanima stops. Lydia is holding up Jackson's house key which is enough to start bringing Jackson out of Kanima mode.

He takes the key from Lydia and starts walking backwards, opening his arms as if he's ready for Derek to kill him. Finally, Peter starts jumping out of his hiding place. Derek stabs Jackson in the stomach, Peter stabs him in the back. They lift him off the ground and Jackson starts choking.

They let him go and Lydia goes to stop him from collapsing.

JACKSON: Lydia, do you still—

LYDIA: I do. I do still love you. I do. I do still love you. I do.

Jackson falls into her arms as Lydia cries. The key falls to the ground. Allison takes Astrid's hand and everyone stands around and watches while Lydia sobs over the dead body of her ex-boyfriend, saying over and over again that she still loves him. Lydia lays Jackson back on the ground. The last of the Kanima scales disappear from his face.

Allison notices that Gerard's missing.

"Where's Gerard," she asks.

"He can't be far" Chris answers.

Lydia stands up, still sobbing. Stiles goes forward to comfort her but is stopped when he sees Jackson's claws scratch the ground. Jackson is breathing. He opens his eyes and they're bright blue. He throws his head back and roars.

Lydia runs into his arms as he turns human again. Stiles looks like he's been crying a bit and Scott finally gets a chance to look at him. Stiles shrugs off the bruises on his cheek, saying that he scratched himself.


"So what now," Allison asked as she and Astrid sat on her bed.

"well I've been thinking about going out there and searching for my pack," Astrid tells her.

"How would you even find them they could be anywhere in the world," Allison asks.

"I can track them using our pack bond think of it as a tiny little voice in the back of your head telling you where to go," Astrid said making Allison nod her head in understanding.

"What about the packhouse"

"I'll leave it with Derek and His betas to look after it in our absence"

"ok so when do we leave"

"2 days from now"


Erica and Boyd were walking in the woods heading to the packhouse, each of them carrying a bag since they were going to spend some time in the packhouse. Suddenly, they're surrounded by a bunch of werewolves who pull out their claws. 


Deaton finds a spatter of black blood and Ms Morrell shows up wearing some killer high heels.

"You're not planning on getting your hands dirty, are you?" Ms Morrell asks.

"I do what I have to," Deaton says.

"Good. I never liked you being retired anyway." Ms Morrell says.

"Whoever said I was retired?" Deaton says.

They walk past a pool of black blood together, having a little chuckle at the fact that Deaton put some mountain ash in Gerard's pills.


Derek, Peter, and Isaac go to look at the Hale house. Peter says that Derek hasn't told Isaac everything. There was a reason Derek was in such a hurry to build his pack and strengthen his power and number; when there's a new Alpha, people take notice.

Isaac wants to know what 'this' is. He points at symbol that was painted on the door.

"It's their symbol. And it means they're coming." Derek tells him.

"'They' are a whole pack of Alphas. And they're not coming. They're already here." Peter says.


Stiles and Scott drive over to the lacrosse field to practise.

"So you really think they are going to come back?" Stiles asks talking about Astrid, Allison and Chris leaving town.

"Yeah, I know they are Astrid said it might take a while but they'll be back." Scott says.

Meanwhile, Stiles's 10-year plan to make Lydia fall in love with him might have to stretch to 15 years but he hasn't given up. Scott suggests that Stiles just ask Lydia out but the idea is laughable.

Scott realises that he's back where he started; no lacrosse, no popularity.

"Dude, you've still got me." Stiles says.

"I had you before." Scott tells him.

"Yeah, and you still got me, okay? Life fulfilled." Stiles says as he gets ready to shoot some goals.

Scott isn't supposed to use any of his wolf powers to give him an unfair advantage when he's blocking Stiles's goals. He can't help himself, though. He looks up with glowing eyeballs just as Stiles takes his first shot.


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