

(A/N : I will try to keep the action scene minimum as I suck at writing it. Anyway , enjoy the chapter.)


Subaru was trying his best to keep up with the black knight but he wasn't able to.

The gap between them was far big and those attacks which Subaru was dodging somehow, were only thanks to his luck and coincidence.


The others could only hear a slinging sounded and groans of Subaru who was recieving physical attack continuously.

Subaru had hundreds of minor and major spell in his mind but the fact that his opponent could nullify all the mana originated attacks , made him only frustated over his powerlessness due to his inability to use weapons . And using combats was only possible for the opponent you could see .

Blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth as well as from his abdamon . His clothes were torn partially with breathing slightly ragged, even so he didn't surrendered nor lost his cool as he knew there was no chance he could survive if he were to loose his focus even for a second.

Fubuki was helpless as she was managing herself , two other person, as well supporting Sahsa too, so using physckokinesis for a opponent who only get visible for a second was impossible for her. She could only gritt teeth and wait for the opening she needed.

Subaru left small booby traps near him so if he the knight steps on it, then he might explode but the knight was levitating most of the time and even he stepped on that trap, the trap simply got absorbed in its body like he was collecting them.

"You are tough ,I must give you that however you think dodging like a sissy would help you protect them ?" The knight was simply mocking Subaru just to shatter his reasoning and lower his guard as the knight also seemed a little rushed.

Sasha had a blank expression as her whole world seemed to be collapsing infront of her eyes. She never ever in her life let anyone harm her son and to think someone could damage her beloved to this extent infront of her own eyes.

Subaru was helpless but he knew one thing that his opponent was rather impatient so Subaru had no option better than waiting for the best time to attack , however the damage he was recieving was more painful for someone else in the room.

"Unforgivable". Her eyes had slight tears in the corner but that wasn't the focal point at that time as her surrounding aura changed instantly. Her hair started floating in the air with heat waved erupting from her body.

Fubuki saw this change and when she realised what Sasha actually was doing, she just gasped in shock.

She was chanting a spell which was also called the last spell of any mage as after that particular spell no mortal had ever survived .

"Sasha don't ..." Fubuki words were not a single bit affecting the rage Sasha was going through and she continued her chanting while only focusing on the growls and groans of Subaru.

The assaults of the knight stopped and before Subaru could realise what and why , this sudden development happened , he was infront on Sasha who also got shocked all of a sudden, but her chanting never stopped.

Just a couple of second and she could have done what she wanted but luck wasn't on her side.

"Stupid woman. Targetting the spell creator with his own spell". He stabbed Saha with a shining blade which wasn't in his hand, until now.

"NOOOOO..." Fubuki screamed in shock who was beside her some metres apart.

Subaru ran toward them in the speed which he never ran before, but he already felt it.

Felt what he never imagined. Saw what he never wanted , and lost what he cherished the most.

Sahsa life force, her mana depleted instantly from her body as the blade pierced her skin , sucking away every single ounce of mana from her body .

His steps stumbled and he fell on his knees , sliding toward lifeless Sasha to some extent.

Fubuki was quick witted , so grabbing the opportunity she used the full potential of her skill , making Theo and Rinka dug again in the ground and caught the knight who was stable right now.

"So your eagerness for death is just like this woman huh. Rest assured , I will make it more painful than this one to lay a hand on the renowned Knight of the order". The black knight said under the bind of Fubuki, but he knew that he could escape this cage just with a little more force and time.

"Subaru...I won't be ...able to ...hurry up". She called Subaru who was just staring at the lifeless face of Sasha, expressionlessly.

At the time, the people around him, the power he recieved , the thing he came for into this world , the training he did until now just to protect himself and his loved ones, seemed utter futile to him. Only twice in his both lives , he felt a pain like this, and both time something massive happened.

Fubuki who was struggling to maintain her psyckonesis , saw Subaru drop a tear on his knee , but rather to be feel as expected she was surprised as the tear was actually crimson in colour.

"Fubuki ". He raised his head which made Fubuki terrified to look at him because of the unexpected change in his eyes. His cold blue eyes were no where to seen, and he adapted the irises same as his mother except for the presence of two small tomoes , which made her shiver down the spine.

His murderous glare only meant one thing .

Fubuki released the knight who was also a little surprised but nonetheless he was more than happy to recieve a bountiful of mana from one person which inevitably led him to the biggest mistake of his life .

Subaru disappeared from his site, and appeared right behind the knight and with his all might jabbed a punch on his torso, making a huge dent on his armour with only one smack.

The knight flew some metre but rather than crashing into a box, he disappeared again .

Subaru had a stoic expression as ever but the two tomoes appeared in his eyes helped him to see each and every moment of the knight ,he was trying to figure out until now.

His irises were moving at a inhuman speed, catching every track of his enemy and waiting for him to approach .

The knight felt he was getting tracked so he approached differently this time and used a regular dagger to distract him from the left and attacking from the right , but...

"Now it's time to pay". Subaru caught the both ends with ease, with one palm grabbing the blade of the dagger with some blood pouring down and other one grabbing the punch of the knight.

The knight , was more than surprised this time and before he could use his skill which he didn't showcased until now, he started to feel pain , drastic pain .Not once , not twice but multiple times .

With one hand clutched , Subaru used his another hand to punch the helmet of the knight after dropping the dagger.

His hands were getting bloodied , but he didn't cared less at the moment and kept on punching like a street brawler .

"Let's see how much mana, you can eat ". Subaru covered his hand with his blue flames before continuing his beating, all the time just on the skull.

The knight wasnt able to keep up with how he was suddenly started to get beaten up sensless and even he absorbed Subaru mana, the flames didn't disappeared like he was facing someone with infinte mana reserve.

After a certain amount of time he stopped absorbing mana as his whole face was distorted even under his helmet .

Subaru didn't knew why but , how much he jabbed his helmet , it didn't broke and one his punch on the the torso with flames, resulted a clean hole without any second ado.

The adrenaline on which Subaru rarely did anything before , was making him loose all his senses. All he wanted was the death of the thing in front of his eyes and for that he was ready to burn the whole planet right now.

Subaru threw the knight on the ground, before chanting two mini inferno orbs, which had destructive power worth of destroying a whole building , and poured then inside the hole he made on the armour before.

"AAAAAAAAAAA" The knight screamed for the first time . The two lava balls were burning through his stomach , all the internal organ until it exiting through the other side of his armour, further penetrating into the ground.

Due to the regenerativity , his insides were rapired instantly but the pain stayed.

Suabru eyes widened in aggression as he liked this fact. He drew to big swords on his hands with his wind element and sepeated the forelimbs from the body , like cutting butter with heated knife.

The knight who was on verge of fainting , started screaming like a pig who was in the process of being slaughtered.

"Aww ,you didn't got that back. Sad". Subaru froze the wound as he didn't wanted to kill the knight because of blood loss and just after freezing the wound ,he broke the lower armour , revealing two legs like a normal human male should have.

Subaru drew threads from his finger and connected it with the exposed crotch ,before pulling the whole thing at once .

But this time , the knight didn't shouted and Subaru felt his mana erasing from existence in an instant , which made him realise that the knight killed himself before he could have felt the pain, from the torture, Subaru only started with.

Subaru stared at the dead body of the knight before he heard Fubuki words .

"Subaru ..... Sasha ..."

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