
Catching Fire (Lola)


I gazed across The Rock Princesses hot and sensual dance floor with a sense of longing. The music called to me like a lovers caress, casting silk bounds to curl around my wrists and beconing me folward.

It had been a long time since I had allowed myself to danced, yet there was nothing in this world I loved more. When the music took hold everything else seemed to melt away as I give myself wholly to its warm joyful embrace, and just for a moement I am free.

I take a swaying step toward the dancefloor, my graze catching on the flickering lights shinning overhead, like a thousdand stars twinkling in the night sky.

“Dance with me,” Jamie considers, offering me his hand.

“Do you even have to ask?” I counter, grinning up at my friend. Needing to blink serveal times to clear my vison, the alchol in my blood already starting to take effect leaving me in a blissful haze.

“A gentleman would ask,” He points out, causing me to snort.

“Since when were you a gentleman?”

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