
Space Collapse, Advancing the Universe

Chapter 7 Space Collapse, Advancing the Universe

The grandfather looked towards his grandson in gratification.

His dear baby kid had grown. That rascal that used to annoy him. That brat that would run to him in grievance.

That same child...sob...that same...sob...that same bear child...ugh somehow reminiscing the past makes him annoyed and angry instead.

Anyway, that same child who he had always scold, pamper, and spoil was now on his way, going forward on his own journey.

The journey to the unknown. The actual coming-of-age ceremony tradition of the Lin Family, practiced since its founding millenniums ago.

Hidden from the sight of his grandson, feeling overwhelmed, he quietly wipes his tears.

But the grandson, who was stupefied by the absurdness of the situation and the nonsensical words from his grandfather was now standing there frozen.

His mind became even more confused.

'What did my grandfather just say?'

'Necklace? Ring? Spirit Soul?'

'And what about my miracle fruit?'

'Wait. wait. wait. what do you mean when you said, when I arrive there? Am I going somewhere?'

'And why did you mention my army training? Am I going to be sent to the frontier?'

'Is there a war going on somewhere at the country's border?'

'And putting aside whether you love me or not first, what do you mean with those parting words?'

'Why does it sound like we would never see each other again for a lifetime?'

'Are you setting up a death flag for me, old man?'

He kept thinking hard in his heart about the words the old man had said. He was standing there without knowing how to response for a while.

Suddenly there's a suction force coming from the side. At the center of the platform, an oval shaped distortion portal was present.

As someone who likes to play video games, the first thought that came to his mind was teleportation or transmission channel. As avid gamers who like games such as Diab**, Dun**** & D*****, Pa** of Ex***, and various other MMORPG, this scene was no stranger to him.

He, who was running his own blogs and his own online media channel, was no strangers to the transmission channel or transmission portal.

'Is that a portal? Why does it suddenly appear here?'

'The glow above ground. Grandfather's words. Was the portal artificially created?'

'When did our humankind advanced so far ahead that it could produce a portal?'

'This seems unscientific! You're bluffing right?'

'Transmission Channel? Star Gate?'


For those who likes science, or read fiction and fantasy novels, they would think of wormhole, blackhole or star gate.

But for those in the know, the oval portal shape itself was actually a space collapse phenomenon.

Anywhere where space collapse occurred, a space crack would open and spread from a singularity point and radiating and spiraling outwards. It is a spherical phenomenon that attracts everything in the surrounding towards the center of the sphere.

So technically it is not a gate-like thin portal where one pass through to enter another space or channel.

At the very least, a gate portal is a different phenomenon compared to this one.

And it is very different as compared to gravitational collapse phenomenon.

When a gravitational collapse happened, it attracts the surrounding matter, condensing everything around into a highly concentrated matter, finally giving birth to a star.

But space collapse basically forces everything in the effective area being converted into a singularity point, leaving nothing behind. Thus, the space collapse's singularity point was called the void.

The void here is not the outer space where star, planets, moon and so on exist. Nor was it a different dimension nor space nor plane. But as literal as the word meant.

Void. Emptiness. Nothingness.

So, when everything around being thrown into the void, it is like forcing a 3D object existence into a one-dimension singularity. When that happens, well, sayonara boys and girls.


The teenager's situation was very similar to the phenomenon of space collapse. But what different about it compared with general space collapse was that it was controlled.

The space collapse that was happening right in front of the teenager, was controlled and activated by the formation pattern that lies in the garden.

So, yes, the term that he first thought of was indeed correct.

It was indeed a transmission channel, albeit different in the related working principle and various science laws that games introduced it with.

It was artificially created. Using the known space collapse's law, by relying on complex formation, various suitable applications for it was born.

The formation was set up eons time ago by the Lin Family's founding ancestor. The technique was inherited from his master and was brought along with him when he returned to the earth.

All the family members knew this phase of history politely refer the founding ancestor's master as the Master. As the one who had blessed the Lin Family and its descendant, the Master deserve to be respected.

To be honest, beside founding ancestor and several people of that time, no one else had seen the Master. It was said he or she had come from a higher-level place and later returned there.

The working principal concept of a transmission formation, to explain it simply, it is like fishing.

The fishing hook is connected to the original location while the fisherman's location, or the fishing rod's location to be exact, was the destination.

Once the hook caught the fish, which is space collapse singularity point in the original location, the fishing rod would automatically reel in whatever that exist in that singularity point effective range and brought it back to its location.

So, before the existence within effective range was erased from existence at the singularity point, it was immediately hauled back by the fishing rod, and later released it back to the real world at the destination.

The so-called chaos void plane in novels and fiction stories don't exist.

What people commonly known void channel was just the motion force of the fishing rod's hook being pulled back to its location. Moreover, without any string or road or path or whatever that connects the two locations.

It was simply like being summoned to another location forcefully. The kind you cannot control once the transmission start.

One of the most important characteristics of space collapse is that whenever there's a space collapse, it would generate vibration or echo that propagate the space.

Another characteristic of the phenomenon is that when the space collapse occurred, everything within effective area would converge into a singularity point.

And the most important discovery is that this singularity point can also echo with another singularity point at another location and act like a magnet that can haul and beckon the other singularity point into its location.

So once these characteristics were discovered, all the wise and intelligent creatures had once gathered to conduct experiment on it, trying to find ways to manipulate these characteristics.

After countless effort being put into it, based on these discoveries, the various races in the universe had finally applied it to their own civilizations, allowing military, political and commercial expansion across the multiple worlds.

The study of space collapse was in fact, an advance branch and application of gravitational space and theory of relativity. Though the earth's scientist had theorized it early decades ago while observed it for the first time several years ago, in fact it has been applied by advanced civilization since eons years ago.

By using these space collapse characteristics, the present transmission formation was created and introduced as a beacon of hope.

Not only was used as a new means to travel extreme distances, but also as a solution for resources' import and export logistics, for communications and transmission, for military deployment as well as for advancing the race and civilization.

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