
Chapter 2

As we neared the school gates, Amiya detached from my arm.

"I'll be late today, by the way. The sewing club got held up with something so we'll be doing a lot of work!"

"Oh again...? Want me to wait for you? I don't really have much to do at home."

"Oh snap, I forgot to tell you yesterday?" her face went a bit pale.

"It's fine, I went home after waiting for a bit. So, you want me to wait for you?"

Her previous paleness immediately disappeared, and she even let out a sigh of relief. "Not needed. I don't need you, anyway!" she replied with a cheeky tongue.

If I didn't hear and see what I did yesterday, I would have just played it off like one of her harmless jabs at me. But because of what I saw yesterday, I could already tell what she was going to do.

And after she gave me a quick peck on the cheek, she made her way inside the school while greeting a few of her friends, one of them being the guy she had sex with yesterday. All I did was watch her with anger in my head.

Why wouldn't she just break up with me? Why is she putting on this act of being my girlfriend, of being interested in me? It annoyed me to no end, so much so that I wanted to punch her. Nothing would satisfy me more than to see her just hurt on the ground.

But I held myself back, because even in my state of anger, I knew that doing that would just get me in trouble. If I was going to get back at her—at the both of them—I had to be more discreet than that.

I'm pretty sure they're gonna be having sex again... What if I record it and post it all over social media with an alt account? It'll be a good excuse to break up with her as well and she wouldn't even know I recorded it.

And with that thought in the back of my head, I go to class like normal.


Time felt like it passed so slowly. I couldn't focus on the lectures earlier. The only thing that my head could think of were all the ways I would get my revenge on Amiya. But even so, I was still unsure of my plan.

Is this really the correct thing to do? Thoughts similar to that bounced all around my head. Even now, with school ending, I still couldn't justify it.

But before I could wrap my head around it, the teacher had announced classes were done and ordered us to go home. I blended in with the crowd rushing to go home before sneaking off to go behind the school.

There's usually a patrol check 20 minutes after the students had left so I'll just wait it out. I'm sure that's what those two are doing as well, probably just hanging out in the club room with some convenient excuse.

As I sit there in the bushes behind the school, I begin rethinking our entire relationship. When did it first begin? How'd they even begin? Where? But it would always circle back to the question of why. Why did she cheat? And every time I asked myself that, I couldn't help but blame myself.

I know I'm not the coolest-looking, I know I'm not the smartest, I know I'm not the most unique, I know I'm not the best boyfriend. I've always been average but damn it, I still deserve to be happy even with all my shortcomings. I fucking know all of my problems but I've always strived to be better. To be a better person for Amiya...

I sit there, waiting around 30 minutes before sneaking back into the school through one of the windows. I wasn't too sneaky last time I was here because even if they caught me, I'd just say I was training in the P.E. field. They would just slap me on wrist and send me home.

Now though, I have to do this.

Leaving my bag in one of the bathrooms stalls, I make my way over to the room from yesterday. As I get closer and closer to the door, I could hear the sound of faint moans. Grabbing my phone, I open the camera and hit the record button.

Just like yesterday, I crack open the door ever so slightly as to not alert them and point my phone's camera at it. And exactly like yesterday, there they were having sex. The crack in the door was just big enough to get both of their faces.

From the door, I could hear them having a conversation.

"Ha... You like that, yeah? Who do you prefer, ha...me or that boyfriend of yours?"

I'm pretty sure he was attempting to do dirty talk but it just came off as weird and awkward. I wasn't remotely interested in the answer because I already knew what she would reply.

"Agh! Keep going— And I haven't even had sex with him ye— AHHH, KEEP GOING!" she yelled out, not even bothering to mute her voice.

I expected that answer but...it still stung. I guess deep down inside, I... I still love her in the end...


Having gone home already, I look at the video file I just recorded.

I came upon the realization earlier that I definitely still loved Amiya, no matter how twisted that is. But I'm also quite aware that this relationship is not even remotely healthy for me.

Deleting the video, I open the phone up and dial her number.

Two rings later, I hear her pick up.

"Kazuya? What's up? Did'ja miss me?" she asked with a giggle.

"Haha, nah, nah. I just called to ask if you were free tomorrow? Wanna go on a date?"

"Well, it is a weekend tomorrow so, yeah! Let's go for it! Ehehe!"

"Alright, see ya tomorrow, Amiya. Meet me at the store in Alia St. at 2, alright?"

"Mhm, loud and clear!" she replied. "Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

"Mhm. Good night."

"Love you, Kazuya! Good night!" she said with a kiss sound at the end.

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