
Chapter 51: Day Raid Strikes

~Third POV~

Meanwhile at the Shie Hassaikai as the gate is a large courtyard filled with trees that leads to the main entrance.

There were many police officers around the area as they closed the way off to other heroes except for the current ones in charge of the case thanks to the HPSC influence. Only those who are high ranking are allowed to enter.

Lady Nagant and Hawks were at the scene investigating the whole courtyard as some police officers were already inside the compound.

Hawks was reading the reports of the goons as well as the secret underground research notes as he whistles at this along with Lady Nagant reading the research notes with disgust, "Whee~ Damn now this right here is some really dangerous stuff. Especially these so-called Quirk Erasing Bullets? Shame the research notes didn't say how or where they get the original from but…"

Hawks stop himself as he saw Lady Nagant glare at him not finishing his sentence as he stops raising both his hands up in his defense as he spoke, "Whoa! Whoa take a chill pill Lady Nagant most people would get the wrong idea don't ya know?"

She merely scoffs at that notion as she begins reading the reports to herself as she sighs out in relief reading the reports in her head she summarized, 'Sigh… looks like from the research notes about these quirk erasing bullets were destroyed. Even any data of it is gone but… how does this group of individuals manage to figure this out? Did they attack because of these bullets?'

Just as they are reading their reports Hawks opens up his iPhone that is only available to the HPSC as he views the fight between the goons and dragon hero. He frowns at what he sees as how they were taken down quite easily as he comments on Day Raid skills, "Hmm… this might be a tough one. Their skills are certainly unique pressure point combat, swordsmanship, the speed with roses, and pure brute force. Not a bad team considering they are very young."

Lady Nagant also views the video as she reaches her conclusion of their fighting styles as well as their oddities of the group with a raised eyebrow as she thought to herself in a confused tone, 'Odd? Yeah, I guess I would agree with that annoying KFC guy. But how they fight though is what I find odd? The one in the scythe is been well trained but those movements looked to be made to kill but she doesn't as she uses the blunt end of her weapon?'

Next Lady Nagant goes over to her to the one with the sword as she sees how the attack from the goons was easily swiped away from fast sword slashes as she came to her conclusion that it was a quirk.

But what comes next was how the only male in their group was able to use multiple quirks at once as she reviews everything that has happened with a narrowed eye, 'Lion transformation, enhancer, shockwaves, and sudden awareness of his surroundings along with teleportation? Just how many quirks does this guy even have but the only way to get that many quirks are through surgery or… All for One…'

Reaching at the same time their conclusion Hawks began to narrow down his thoughts seeing how grave the situation is as he thinks critically of what happened, 'Wait then if Day Raid attacked this place with multiple quirks then AFO might be connected to this somehow. But wasn't that old boogie man dead when All Might kicked his ass? Shit, I guess he didn't finish the job if he's around.'

The two heroes were going around trying to connect the dots if what they thought was the truth when in reality it was VERY far off their marks.

Somewhere out there is a secret base filled with evil intentions and evil peace lies the greatest villain to ever live in the MHA world All for One as he rests comfortably watching his new project in a glass container.

He's been very inactive since his defeat at the hands of his archenemies All Might ruining his face. As he stands and watches his Nomu project he began to scrunch what some assumed to be his face as he begins to morph it into…


A sneeze.

That was then his greatest and evilest sidekick blessed AFO in a normal manner, "Bless you AFO sir."

That was when he suddenly sneezed out of nowhere as he began to rub what was his nose to his destroyed face as he spoke, "Sniff. Thank you, doctor. Damn and here I thought I don't get cold? Wait is someone talking about me behind my back?"

The doctor to his side shrugs as they went off their day continuing their research of the Nomu project as they took the dead bodies and morphed them into more Nomu's for the upcoming future.

But let it be known for ONCE in his life his not to the blame for the whole incident behind the yakuza attack and was innocent for a change.

Although there were some investigations that he may have caused global warming that is a story and theory for another time…

Just when the two heroes delude themselves with their ideas and make their conspiracy theories of who Day Raid could be working with given the knowledge they have at the moment.

They both tried to figure out their reasoning when Hawks pales at a certain but definitely, the false realization hit on him as he loses a few shades of his skin, 'FUCK! If AFO still alive did assign this group to take the quirk erasing bullets or even the research material…'

Hawks didn't even need to think of the complications of what disasters this could bring as again AFO sneezed again wondering who keeps talking about him.


While the two were busy investigating the scene that was when another Pro Hero made her appearance as she breaths in and out as she has a wicked grin on her face, "WHERE THE HELL IS DAY RAID!!!"

The two other pro heroes dropped their stuff as they held their ears from Mirko shouting as she managed to catch herself together. The two heroes glare at Mirko for the sudden entrance from her hometown.

While Mirko examines the area, she noticed her two fellow pro heroes as she grins at them while catching her breath with a smile on her face, "Huh? Oh, hey, Lady Nagant and birdy boy! Didn't know you were around guess came to see where those Day Raids are as well?"

The two merely glared at her before Hawks sighs at this as he is already used to Mirko's stance and partnership for previous work before. They worked once or twice with Mirko both knowing she plays by her own set of rules.

As he was done sighing, he began to greet Mirko in his usual lazy attitude to her while not coming out a realizing the end of hero society, "Sigh… Hi Mirko… what you are doing out here in Osaka? The same with all of the people here wanting to capture the Day Raid?"

Mirko smirks at this as she fist bump her fist into the air showing a wicked grin on her face as she spoke with determination, "Heck yeah I did! Those Day Raid punks are going to be in a world of pain when I get my hands on them! Like seriously they have to be tough to beat down old flame farts!"

Hawks frowns at that as Lady Nagant smirks at that notion seeing Hawks down makes her day even when the society ends of heroes and villains she'll gladly get drunk seeing it burn to the ground.


In a small burst of explosion from the distance, a small smokescreen appeared as it then reveals Tastumi, Ruby, and Hinata in their shinobi uniforms as they began to get attention from the top of the yakuza building of the Shie Hassaikai Compound.

This action however was soon caught the attention of Mirko's ears twitched hearing someone's footsteps land on something as her eyes traveled to see the group she was wanting to meet as she grins at this. The two other pros looked confused before they heard the other heroes' words looking in their direction.

"Hey look it's Day Raid!"

"Fucking hell they returned to the scene of the crime!"

"Yeah, man doesn't make sense why though?"

"It doesn't matter those villains are done for!"

"Yeah, no way just a three-man team can fight against the people representing for justice as we are on Justice Side!!"

Hearing the voices of every hero Lady Nagant scoffs at that but more so disappointed at the group just showing up out of nowhere on the Skytop of the building thinking to herself, 'Shit I don't know what these guys are thinking but –'



Suddenly an unimaginable pressure erupted from one of them as all the heroes and officers that were around the yakuza compound suddenly lost their consciousness as they began foaming at the mouth.

As they did, they all soon fell being unconscious not able to withstand the pressure of [Conqueror Haki] as the pro heroes that are weak-willed all fell before they could react at all. Each of them felt pressure unlike any other before as three remain standing but not without their problems especially Mirko.

Mirko wasn't having it any better because of her animal instincts screaming at her to SUBMIT as she grits her teeth not fond of the idea.

The only ones standing after the sudden attack from the [Conqueror Haki] were the Pro Top 10 heroes Mirko, Lady Nagant, and Hawks as they sweat drop from the sudden increase of pressure seemingly out of nowhere.

However, not everyone was taking it calmly from the sudden pressure subsided Mirko was having difficulty controlling herself because of her [Rabbit] quirk acting up. Mirko wasn't having it any better controlling herself because of her animal instincts of a rabbit screaming at her to SUBMIT as she grits her teeth not fond of the idea.

While [Rabbit] grants the user rabbit-like anatomy and abilities. The Quirk gives Rumi enhanced senses of hearing and smell, as she was able to accurately pinpoint the location of a fight from far away.

Similarly, to [Frog], Rabbit grants Rumi functional rabbit features like long ears, large, strong legs, and a fluffy tail. She also possesses a rabbit's survival instincts, which alert her of any nearby danger.

And one of those instincts of danger was to fully submit to the person in front of her like a normal rabbit usually does, by the way, her muscles tense sup if they are stressed or worried about her situation. And with her willpower, she didn't go into a crouched position or flatten themselves against the ground as that would be very revealing to her as it's not helpful in her situation.

What's worse was the fact if Tatsumi kept using [Conqueror Haki] it would be a matter of time before her animal instincts would take over fortunately for her Tatsumi hasn't known about this fact… yet….

Only the top 10 ranking heroes Hawks, Lady Nagant, and Mirko managed to keep themselves up from the sudden attack but not without being shaken to their cores of that pressure of intimidation.

The remaining three sweated dropped at the scene as the leader with a male voice began to talk mocking them, "Well you heroes wanted to meet us… you better be careful what you wish for or else we may be too much for you to handle."

Those opening words mocked the heroes as Day Raid has come to play.

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