

Entering the room where she would be staying while in Breviel, Princess Ievna immediately brought her silver eyes to scan the room as she usually did when she was in a new place.

It was true that the sun was about to set, and she would soon turn into her red rose form. However, her curiosity was still great, so she still used her beautiful pair of eyes to see what kind of room she would use in Prince Reigen's palace.

The room was larger than her room in Shovalon's palace, and that was to be expected because Breviel was indeed bigger than Shovalon. The room was on the second floor, there were two big windows in the room, some chairs, some wardrobes, and also a big bed that was ready to use. The room was clean and tidy, and it even smelled pleasant on her nose.

The smell of the room was like Prince Reigen's natural scent. It resembled sandalwood, and for some reason, she felt relaxed when she was in the room.

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