
Chapter Three: Broken Bonds

Marco walks up to Jeff's room as he addresses him as Captain Jeff and tells him it will be a two week journey back home. "Thank you Marco, you're dismissed" Jeff says as he hears Roger's voice from outside the door. "Stop at the island with the mist on it. There is something there. it might be a person stranded so let's stop there" Roger says as he then walks away. Jeff then walks out of the room as he tells the person steering the ship to stop at the mist island. They do just that, letting Jeff know they arrive there in about 20 minutes. "Go and get whatever you want or whoever you want from the island but make it quick" Jeff says as Roger hops off of the ship as he mocks Jeff. "Aye aye captain , fuck off" Roger says as he begins searching the island he sees a shadowy figure. "You better show yourself now because i am not in the mood to hold back" Roger says as the man appears to be a skeleton dressed in a samurai outfit  with a sword "My name is Ryuma and i'm the protector of this island,if you wish to proceed any further then you'll have to get through me" Ryuma says as he draws his blade. "A black blade,similar to the one Mihawk had. Although it's a lot smaller and thinner " Roger says to himself as Ryuma notices him eyeballing the sword "Ah, I see you've taken interest in the sword,this is Shusui a black blade that has been forged through countless battles and has been coated in haki that it merged with the blade,unfortunately for you i'm not giving this balde away anytime soon" Ryuma says as he points the blade at Roger who already transformed into his Ninnin comic form,"No worries i'll force it out of your hands then" Roger said as the two began to battle for a while until roger lands a finishing blow on him breaking his brittle body made of bones "Well done,you've managed to beat me,i guess you truly are worthy to wield shusui then" Ryuma says as he threw Shusui to Roger who caught it as he de-transformed. "Thanks old man," Roger said as he walked back to the ship. We then cut back to Jeff as he checked his phone to see 30 missed calls from Jirou . "Oh shit,I'm in trouble" Jeff thinks to himself as he calls her back. "WHERE WERE YOU AND WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK UP YOUR DAMN PHONE? '' Jirou screams at Jeff as he apologizes profusely. "I really am sorry babe,i know you probably won't believe this but i was in a war, like a literal war " Jeff says as he tries to explain everything that happened in the two months. "I really wanted to call you but I was so busy training and being in battles that I really couldn't,I'm sorry" Jeff says as Jirou takes a deep breath. "It's fine. And i don't even know how to comfort you about this though, well when you get back home i'll make sure that you never have to experience anything like that ever again okay?" Jirou says as she tries her best to comfort him. "Thanks babe, I'm just so tired," said Jeff. "Anytime Captain Jeff" Jirou says as Jeff turns red. "Don't say stuff like that" Jeff says flustered. We cut to Roger in his room on the ship. Roger had checked his phone and saw 45 missed calls and 12 texts from Hagakure. "Oh dammit. This will be Interesting," said Roger. Roger immediately called Hagakure. "Hey babe...…." said Roger. "Roger, you have 12 seconds to explain to me why you haven't picked up your phone or replied to my texts. Time starts now," said Hagakure. "Well, There was a freaking war here. A Freaking WAR, Ace died, WhiteBeard died, I got stabbed on my chest, and there was a person on the ship who got me a sword. Long story short, a lot has been going on here. I hope you can forgive me," said Roger, nervously. "I'll let this pass since you've been going through a lot. KEEP YOUR PHONE ON YOU!!!!! You promise?" asked Hagakure. "I promise, babe," said Roger. "Okay. I love you," said Hagakure. "Love you too, babe," said Roger as he hung up the line.

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