
Chapter 2: Indescribable Ino**

Chapter 2: Indescribable Ino

A week had passed for Naruto and Anko. They had moved into Anko's much larger home and had just about christened each surface in the home with their sweaty bodies. But the last two days were boring as hell. Tsunade had sent Anko on a mission that specifically requested her for her interrogation ability. Naruto had carefully read over the mission details and dubbed it easy enough for her, after all he hadn't just been fucking her, he had been using their copious amounts of sex to plant some of Kurama's chakra into her that would activate should she end up in mortal danger.

Naruto walked through the village his orange jacket left at home. He walked around in just his pants and black T-shirt. "Hey Naruto," a voice called to him. Naruto turned to see Ino and Sakura walking up to him. His eyes trailed over Ino for a moment, she looked freaking hot today. She wore a pair of tight black pants that Naruto loved to see on a hot woman (Yoga pants!) and a blue sleeveless shirt. She had clearly been training or something when she came looking for him. While Sakura on the other hand wore her usual outfit but she had started to grow her hair out again.

"What can I do for you two?" Naruto asked.

"What's with you and Anko?" they asked in unison. Naruto cracked a grin and rolled his eyes.

"That's none of your business," Naruto said with a smile that creped out both girls.

"Tame them!" Kurama shouted making Naruto visibly shake his head.

"What was that?" Sakura asked.

"Kurama made a joke," Naruto said smiling again.

"Who's Kurama?" Ino asked.

"The Nine-tailed Fox, his name is Kurama," Naruto said.

"Ooo tame that one first," Kurama's voice echoed out.

"Dude what the fuck is with you?" Naruto asked going into his mind for a moment.

"What do you mean?" Kurama asked.

"I already have a girl and you want me to get another?" Naruto asked.

"Tch you don't have a girl you have a sex slave," Kurama replied. "Having one means you could get more," he added.

"I'll get back to you on that," Naruto said returning his attention to the girls.

"You spacing out on us, knucklehead?" Ino asked glaring at him.

"No… and I have a name as well. It's Naruto not Knucklehead," Naruto said his eyes twitched for a moment. He was beyond sick of Ino's insulting nicknames for him.

"She would make such a nice submissive bitch. Just think she bitches and you shove your cock in her mouth. Boom she shuts up," Kurama said causing Naruto to burst out with laughter right in front of the girls.

"What now?" Sakura asked.

"Nothing drop it ok. It doesn't affect you so leave it," Naruto said walking away still laughing lightly.

"Ugh fine, like I give a shit in the first place," Sakura said walking leaving Ino in thought.

"Ino you coming?" Sakura asked.

"No… I'm way too interested to drop it," Ino said starting to follow Naruto. Sakura shook her head and walked away knowing once she sunk her teeth into gossip it was impossible to break her from it.

Naruto reached his favorite spot to mediate, and my meditate he meant talk to Kurama. "Ok what the fuck," Naruto said looking up at Kurama whom laid with grinning in his open cage.

"What?" Kurama asked.

"What the hell was that about?" Naruto asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Kurama said laughing lightly.

"You made me burst out in laughter in front of Ino and Sakura," Naruto said looking up at Kurama.

"I thought it was funny," he replied.

"No doubt but why?" Naruto asked starting to smile. Kurama finally lost it and burst out into laughter.

"Your face was priceless. I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard," he said.

"And I'm the knucklehead," Naruto said rolling his eyes.

"So are you going to tame her?" Kurama asked suddenly.

"What?" Naruto ask.

"That blonde girl… you know the one with the bitchy mouth?" Kurama asked,

"I'm not going to tame Ino," Naruto retorted.

"Oh come now you were staring at her… and I give you props she is hot… for a human," Kurama said still grinning.

"Yes she is really pretty, but she would never willingly be my submissive," Naruto replied.

"Oh but you would like her as one?" He asked.

"Of course I would," Naruto replied then paused. "Where did that come from?"

"It's your Alpha male nature peeking through. Might be a little bit my fault," Kurama replied.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"You've had me living in you for eighteen years, two of which we have been on good terms and we even became friends. I'm starting to rub off on you," Kurama explained. "And after all I am the ultimate Alpha Male. The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox!" Kurama added.

"So my willingness to have multiple sex-slaves is your fault?" Naruto asked.

"Probably," Kurama said.

"Ok we are done for now I need to train," Naruto said leaving Kurama to his laughter.

Ino carefully watched Naruto, he had just finished training and now only stood in his orange pants. Ino hated herself for it but she could feel her mouthwatering at the sight of the hunk that Naruto had become. "Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu. Ninja Art: Mind Walking Jutsu," Ino said doubling up on her Jutsus to hit Naruto as he sat down.

Ino's body drop onto the pillow she had set up knowing she would drop. Naruto noticed a second to late that someone was there.

"So this is Naruto's mind," Ino said looking around.

"It's the bitchy girl," a voice said from behind Ino. She froze feeling a hot wind on her. "Face me little one," the voice commanded.

Ino slowly turned to see the Nine-Tailed Fox standing half out of his cage. He stared down at Ino and licked his lips. "Kurama I take it," Ino said with an audible gulp.

"Don't say my name, you're not close enough to Naruto for me to allow that," Kurama growled. "To you I am Kyubi," he added.

"Ok Kyubi… I should be going," Ino started to raise her hands when Kurama laughed lightly. "Release," Ino spoke but yet she remained.

"You can't leave unless I allow it… your trapped within my Chakra," Kurama spoke as he lowered to face the girl.

"Please… I'll never invade Naruto's mind again… I just wanted some answers," Ino said starting to become afraid for her own mind.

"What answers?" Kurama asked.

"What going on between Anko and Naruto," Ino said.

"I could tell you that… but then again what's in it for me," Kurama said lying down to face the girl.

"What would you want?" Ino asked.

"I could think of a few things," Kurama grinned.

"Kurama let Ino go," Naruto's voice came like a cool breeze. His presence felt like a weight was taken off Ino's shoulders.

"She invaded your mind!" Kurama retorted.

"And I'll punish her for it," Naruto said clearly and annoyed with her intrusion and Kurama.

"I'm sorry Naruto I let my need for gossip get the better of me," Ino said worried.

"How best to punish you… you need to understand that invading a fellow leaf ninja's mind is a bad thing to do… especially when that mind holds a monster with in it," Naruto said rubbing his chin slightly.

"I'll do anything just don't let Kyubi eat me," Ino said looking at Naruto.

"Kurama doesn't eat people… not anymore," Naruto said. "Here's the deal… you get out of my mind and you owe me one later," Naruto said.

"Oh come on at least make her fuck you," Kurama said. "Give that tight ass a go," he added making Naruto laugh.

"Umm…," Ino looked at Naruto worried.

"No that would be rape and I won't do that… Anko is willing in her position under me," Naruto argued.

'Holy crap Anko is having sex with Naruto?... and she is willing' Ino thought as Naruto turned his attention to Ino.

"Go you owe me one," Naruto said sending her out.

Ino shot up and looked straight to Naruto whom stood in the field looking up at her. Ino gave a nod and ran off. "I can't tell anyone about this…. They would never believe me,' Ino reached the village and her apartment. She stepped inside and leaned against the door her heart felt like it was going to burst from her chest.

"Never again… never again," Ino said. "That Kurama is just too scary," she wiped away some sweat and moved further into her apartment. Ino laid on her bed showered and rested she slowly drifted off she couldn't figure out why but she was dead tired.

Ino ran with everything she had. A demonic roar followed her as she ducked between street and alley trying to escape the demon. "I'll have you soon!" Kurama's voice echoed.

"Naruto… Naruto… Naruto," Ino called trying to find the blonde haired ninja. She knew he was the only one that could bring down the fox.

"You little bitch… he protects you from me and what you continue to ignore him. I'll eat you alive!" Kurama shouted his claws narrowly missed her.

"Shit," Ino jumped landing on a roof top to see Naruto standing on the Hokage's monument his back to the village. Once again Kurama's claws narrowly missed her as she started too moved towards him.

"Naruto you have to stop Kurama," Ino grabbed Naruto. He turned showing his eyes had become red, his teeth were sharpened and the lines on his face had thickened. The Nine-Tailed Fox was in control of his body.

"Why would I help you?" Kurama's voice came from Naruto.

"NO!" Ino screamed as she shot up from her bed in a cold sweat. She looked around to see she was alone in her room. "What the hell was that?" Ino said dropping back onto her bed.

Naruto walked through the village bored as hell. Anko was still gone on her mission thus leaving him without something to do… or someone in this case. "Hey Naruto," Ino's voice came out.

"No answers Ino, I already told you to drop it," Naruto said turning to face Ino. He paused seeing her; she was sweaty and looked exhausted. "Nightmares I would assume,"

"How did you know?" Ino asked.

"Wasn't hard to guess you were stuck in Kurama's chakra for a while after all," Naruto said.

"I owe you a thank you… let me make you some ramen or something," Ino said nervously.

"Sure… I'll meet you at Ichiraku two," Naruto replied.

"I said make not buy," Ino said with a blush.

"Oh still sounds good," Naruto replied.

"I can be at your place at two then," Ino said.

"I live with Anko," Naruto said pulling out some paper giving her his new address.

"Wow it's really serious between you guys," Ino said

"Like I said no questions," Naruto said walking away.

"Oh what did I tell you Alpha. Male.," Kurama said laughing.

"Shut up," Naruto said cracking a smile.

"Just think of it, her hot, sweaty, and loving it," Kurama said with a grin.

"Oh stop, I don't want to get a boner during lunch," Naruto replied.

"I bet she couldn't last five minutes before she's begging for more," Kurama grinned.

"Dude stop, she doesn't want to be with me," Naruto replied.

"Get her to sign the contract then she'd love it," Kurama laughed.

"Ok that's enough," Naruto said shaking out of his own mind. He didn't need those thoughts in his head.

Naruto sat on 'his' couch freshly showered and bored he was wondering if he was going to get a mission. A soft knock came to the door. "Come in Ino," Naruto said as the door opened and Ino walked in. She held a bag of food and a blush on her face. He could easily tell she was nervous about something.

"Where is the kitchen," Ino asked. Naruto stood and led her towards it. Ino still blushed, she couldn't tell what it was but there was something about Naruto that made her feel flushed and nervous.

Ino stood in the kitchen washing the dishes along with Naruto after their meal. She handed a bowl to Naruto; as she did his fingers ran over hers making pull back and the bowl to fall. Naruto easily caught it and dried it off giving Ino a lingering stare. "Little slippery eh?" he asked with a very sly grin.

"Uh yea," Ino said trying to contain herself… which failed miserably. "Ok please what's going on between you and Anko… please tell me," Ino begged her shoulders dropping as she looked up.

"No Ino the only way I'd ever tell you is if you joined her," Naruto said then quickly looked away noticing what he had said.

"Join her?" Ino asked.

"Nothing forget it," Naruto said taking the other bowl from Ino. This time she purposely dropped the bowl to get Naruto to reach for it. As he did she leaned in and put her lips against his. The bowl smashed into the drop and surprisingly survived the fall. But neither of them cared about that. Ino was too busy being pinned against the wall with Naruto's lips on hers. She didn't push away his lips tasted too good. The taste of the ramen she had made still lingered on his lips; but something else kept her kissing him. Like the kiss itself was fanning her desires.

Naruto left her lips moving his kissing down to her neck. "Ah Naruto," Ino gasped as he kissed. Her voice snapped Naruto. She stood on the other side of the room panting, he looked at Ino then back to the floor. "Sorry… I shouldn't," Naruto started before Ino nearly jumped him. She didn't know why but she wanted more.

"Yeah! She wants it," Kurama's voice echoed out as they started to lustfully kiss. Ino pulled at Naruto's jacket nearly breaking the zipper as she yanked it down. Naruto moved his arms out of his jacket and took his chance to either make the moment or destroy it. He slid his hands onto her ass lightly groping her. Ino gave a light moan into their kiss giving Naruto the access he wanted. His tongue slid into her mouth and quickly started to play with hers.

Ino started to grind herself against Naruto becoming lost in the moment. She wanted… no need to have Naruto. If not him she wouldn't make it home without snapping. Naruto's hands groped her ass as she pulled at his black shirt.

Ino's back hit the bed and Naruto quickly attack her neck with kisses. Her blue sleeveless shirt was removed and forgotten along with Naruto's black shirt. Naruto's hands slid down her body dipping into her tight pants. "Ah Naruto!" Ino gasped as his fingers rubbed over her pantie covered womanhood.

"Should I stop?" Naruto asked.

"No, god no," Ino said her chest. 'What the hell? Why am I letting him do this? Why do I want him too?' Ino thought as he ran her hands into his hair. She felt his lips move down her body.

Naruto stop pulling away. "No you're not thinking straight," Naruto said stepping back.

"What?" Ino asked she could believe it he stopped.

"You're suffering from hero Worship," Naruto said handing her back her blue shirt.

"You think so?" Ino asked covering up.

"Yes… as much as I would like to do this… I just can't," Naruto said looking away.

"What if I'm not Hero worshiping you and I just want to bang?" Ino asked.

"Think it over for a while… at least a day or two if you feel the same I'll rock your world," Naruto said leaving the room.

Ino stood in her in her room fuming. Naruto had literally cock blocked himself. She wanted to thank him for showing restraint but damn it did she want to ride him still. She started to pace then stopped taking a deep breath. She needed to forget about him, she took another long deep breath when a knock came to her door.

"Ino you in there," Sakura's voice came from the otherside.

"Yeah just a sec," Ino said walking to her door.

"You get any info?" Sakura asked as Ino let her in.

"I'm not sure," Ino said closing the door after Sakura was in.

"What did you find out?" Sakura asked.

"Well I made the poor desion to invade Naruto's mind," Ino said

"Ino… oh my god… are you ok?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah Naruto stopped the Kyubi before he could do anything. And since then I haven't been able to get Naruto out of my head," Ino explained.

"What some kind of twisted Hero Worship?" Sakura asked.

"That's what he thinks… but the problem was it was yesterday and I still can't get him out. I mean even a little," Ino said dropping onto her couch. "I wish it would stop," she added.

"It will after another day or so… at least I think," Sakura said sitting beside her friend.

"There's something else… I almost had sex with him," Ino said.

"What? Why?" Sakura asked.

"Well I made him some ramen as thanks for getting me away from the fox… and it kind of just happened. I mean one second we are cleaning the dishes the next I was against the wall kissing him," Ino explained.

"Did you like it?" Sakura asked.

"It was freaking amazing. It's like his lips were morphine or some kind of drug," Ino said fanning herself. "Just thinking about it makes me sweat," she added.

"Ok Ino… I think you obsessing a little," Sakura said.

"I can't help it is the problem," Ino replied.

"Well get some sleep maybe you'll feel better later," Sakura said.

"Good Idea," Ino replied

Naruto walked groggily through his apartment towards his door. "I'm coming keep your panties on," Naruto grumbled as he opened the door to Ino.

"I don't have any on," Ino said moving inside. "God I need you Naruto," she quickly pressing herself against him.

"Ino…" Naruto said pulling her inside. "I'm glad you came back," Naruto pulled her into a kiss.

Once again Ino's back was planted on the bed this time however Naruto didn't stop is decent down her body. Her shirt was already forgotten, she moaned loudly as Naruto flicked his tongue over her nipples. His hands trailed over her soft yet toned body.

"Oh god please don't stop," Ino moaned out feeling Naruto's lips move further down her body. His hands preceded him and pulled off her tight black pants showing him that she really wasn't wearing panties.

"You weren't kidding," Naruto said kissing over her belly button and down to her femininity. Ino bit her lip as his breath hit her womanhood.

"You don't have to do this," Ino said.

"Bullshit… I love to do this… to make you scream and moan with just my tongue," Naruto said as he slid his tongue over her. Ino shuddered and moaned lightly her hands ran down into his hair as he started to work her over.

"Don't stop," Ino moaned as he traced around her lips then stuck in tongue in and repeated over and over. Ino's back arched as Naruto licked her; he was beyond good at it. Naruto moved a hand towards her entrance. His fingers lightly spread her opened while another pushed into her.

"Narutoooooo," Ino moaned climaxing from his finger sliding into her. Nartuo gave a chuckle and continued to lick and finger her. He wanted to blow her but he also wanted to hear her beg for it.

"Just as I thought… you taste good," Naruto said licking up her juices. Ino panted as Naruto stopped toying with her for a few moments.

"Naruto… please," Ino gasped.

"Please what?" Naruto asked.

"I want you," Ino said.

"You have me," Naruto said placing a kiss on her womanhood. He started to finger her again; Ino moaned loudly as he slid a second finger into her.

"Naruto…. Stop," Ino moaned. Naruto stopped removing his fingers from her.

"Is there something you want?" He asked.

"Please… no more foreplay… I want you in me," Ino said biting her lip.

"If that's what you want," Naruto said moving up her body. He unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to the floor. Ino's eye widened seeing his size.

"You're fucking huge!" Ino nearly shouted. Naruto cracked a grin and looked at Ino.

"You still want it?" he asked. Ino licked her lips as she started at his cock she gave a nod and spread her legs. Naruto moved in rubbing himself against her wet entrance. After he thoroughly lubed himself with her juices he finally started to push in.

Ino winched as he spread her, it hurt but felt amazing at the same time. The fullness that he was giving her thanks to his more than impressive size. Naruto gritted his teeth as he pushed into her. She was tighter than Anko it almost hurt to be inside her.

"Shit you have a tight little cunt," Naruto growled as he stopped trying to get her to adjust to what he had in her.

"I would say thanks but, I almost wish I was looser so I could take it easier," Ino said hooking her arms under Naruto's allowing her nails to dig into his back as he started to press into her again.

Naruto leaned in kissing her neck trying to get her body to relax around him as he reached half way. Ino's back was pressed to his chest as she arched; her mind was going blank and he hadn't even started to thrust. She was afraid to let him have her; she didn't want to lose her mind to him. But at the same time she wanted to. To be a free as Anko seemed to be, happy to be nothing more than release for Naruto seemed like a good life at the moment.

"Ah Naruto!" Ino cried out feeling his cock start to withdraw, she panted and braced herself, he was going to either slam into her or grind in slowly either way she was going to love it. And love it she did; he slowly pushed in grinding from side to side as he pushed in making her moan loudly. Naruto hooked an arm under Ino's back pressing her against him as he started his slow and methodical thrusts.

Ino raked her nails down his back as she climaxed around Naruto's cock. Her walls suddenly clamping down on Naruto's cock nearly made him burst. He barely held out his teeth clenched to an almost painful limit. Ino's tightness was driving him mad, he had to find a way to get her to sign a contract and become his.

"Told you she would love it," Kurama laughed. Naruto ignored him and focused on Ino, he took a slow breath and started to move again.

"Oh god Naruto how long can you go?" Ino asked. Naruto said nothing knowing they hadn't been going very long in the first place. Instead he decided to push her over the edge; he slid his hand down her back groping her ass while he moved his lips to her breasts again toying with her nipples.

"Naruto!" Ino screamed out again as she climaxed again, this time however he wasn't able to hold out and burst into her. Ino's ecstasy filled scream dided off and she passed out. Naruto rolled off her panting but still ready to go. He looked to see her out and gave a sigh.

"Guess we are done," Naruto said getting up moving towards his bathroom to get cleaned up.

Naruto stepped out of his shower and into the bedroom to see Ino looking at him. "Is this was Anko does for you?" Ino asked.

"I told you the only way I'm answer any questions is if you agree to join her," Naruto said.

"Then I agree," Ino said.

"I don't think you want to do that," Naruto retorted.

"If I get to have sex with you more often I think I can suffer," Ino said.

"You wouldn't be suffering you'd be my Submissive," Naruto said pulling out a scroll. "If I show you this you have to swear that you never tell a soul," Naruto gave Ino a look of such seriousness that she was afraid to cross him.

"I give my word," Ino said taking the scroll.

Ino rolled the scroll shut and looked at Naruto, "Anko does all this for you?" she asked.

"Willingly too," Naruto added. "I have told her anything she doesn't want to do she has to vocalize. It's in the contract so it's not like she can't disobey me," Naruto sat down on the edge of the bed.

"So I would have to sign one of these if I want to be with you?" Ino asked.

"No… only if you want… then you can ask all the questions you want and I'll answer every one of them," Naruto explained.

"And if I don't sign?" Ino asked.

"We go our separate ways and never speak of this night, and you never bring this," Naruto grabbed the scroll. "Up to anyone ever," Naruto put the scroll away.

"So it's be your sub and get sex and answers or no sex and no answers?" Ino asked.

"Yup if you became my sub you're also bound to keep it a secret what happens between us," Naruto said as the door opened and Anko stepped in.

"Anko," Ino said fearful of her reaction.

"Is Naruto-sama busy?" Anko asked.

"No just finishing up. What say you Ino?" Naruto asked. Ino's mind was racing she definitely wanted more sex from him but she wasn't sure if she wanted to be his Submissive.

'Of course you do dolt! He only came once and didn't even get exhausted! You know you'd do anything for that cock,' Ino's mind yelled at her.

"What if I decide I don't want to be your sub anymore?" Ino asked.

"Tell me, I'll cancel the contract," Naruto said.

"You can do that Naruto-sama?" Anko asked remember the summons saying that couldn't be done.

"Yes, but it has to be of my own free will, Tsunade can't force me to break it… to answer the unasked part of your question," Naruto said looking at his first Submissive.

"Ok," Ino said.

"Ok what?" Naruto asked.

"I'll be your second Submissive," Ino said blushing. Naruto nodded and summoned Gamateshi.

"What now… you have another girl?" the frog asked looking at Ino.

"Yup so I need a contract for her," Naruto replied.

"Girl what's your name?" Gamateshi asked.

"Ino Yamanaka," Ino replied. The frog brought forth her scroll and at an impressive pace wrote up the contract.

"Sign in these spots and make sure you understand your position under Naruto-sama," Gamateshi said. Ino read over the scroll making sure that even as his submissive she would still have her own mind and not be head over heels for him.

"Looks ok," Ino said as she started to sign the scroll.

"Blood Mark here," Gamateshi said point at the bottom of the scroll. "Your turn Naruto," she turned to face Naruto whom already had his finger pricked for the blood mark.

"The scroll is nearly set, I'll be going to Tsunade for the witness again," the frog said.

"Oh she's going to love this," Naruto replied turning to Anko.

"Are you ok with this" Naruto asked.

"Do I get to play with her too?" Anko asked.

"If she's willing yes," Naruto said glancing at Ino whom gave a 'why not' shrug.

"Then what's the problem as long as I still get sex," Anko said smiling.

"So who's next oh great master?" Kurama asked laughing.

"What's that mean?" Naruto asked.

"Like you're going to stop at two," he replied still cackling. Naruto cracked a grin… he had a point why stop at two when they didn't care about the other.

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