
[Bonus chapter] Game Over

[Bonus chapter 1 for keeping me in golden ticket top 30 rankings!]


The Voice saw the energy buildup in the skeleton, effusing into a bright green light, and determined that it had slightly less than a single second to deal with the incoming explosion.

Yet, even as the Voice saw this development, it could not help but feel disappointed. Yes, the Kindred had been surprised, but was this truly it?

Because even from a cursory glance, the Voice could tell that though the incoming explosion would be damaging, it would not be enough to completely destroy this fine vessel, and nothing less than absolute destruction was needed to sever the Voice's connection to it.

Was this truly all a Kindred could do? A Kindred that could harness the powers of the Outer to a far greater degree than the Voice itself?

No, the Voice realized. This was more than to be expected in the first place from a neonate Kindred who had barely stepped into understanding the powers they wielded.

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