
Ch 60 - Job

"Oi! Jinah! Good morning!" said by Dahsoo who was wearing a white shirt and some black pants while waving to Jinah slowly approaching from the distance.

A few days has passes since their intial meeting at the park and now they meet here in nearly a daily basis to train with each other.

"Good morning Dahsoo!" said by Jinah as she wave back to him and dissapeared from his view to appear besides him in an instant.

They then did a high five with each other as Jinah drop her bag on the ground as they did some stretches and work out for some time with Dahsoo currently sitting on the ground with balls of electricity around him.

"Yawn" said by Dahsoo as his balls dissipated with the lost of focus as Dahsoo rubbed his tired eyes.

"Huh? Why are you tired lately, you always have some bags under your eyes for the past few days" said by Jinah with curiosity.

"I'm just tired from my job, yawn" said by Dahsoo as he started to train again with electricity cackling around him.

"You have a job?" ask by Jinah with more interest.

"Y- yes..." said by Dahsoo as he acted like he did an oopsie.

"Hmm... can you tell me what your job is?" ask by Jinah with curiosity.

"You know, I do... stuff" said by Dahsoo as he averted his gaze from hers.

"Hmm, what stuff?" ask by Jinah with a raise eyebrow.

"You know, I make songs... and art... and stuff" said by Dahsoo as he started to get nervous.

"Hmm... then how do you earn money?" ask by Jinah.

"F- from metu- I mean commissions! In twatter, yeah! From twatter" said by Dahsoo as he started to ramble.

"Hmm... would you mind telling me your twatter account?" ask by Jinah with an interested smirk.

"You know, I think you don't need to know what it is, its just a hobby, its not even a job" said by Dahsoo as he slowly sweated profusely.

"Hmm, okay" said by Jinah as she shrug and continued her training as the time flies by with their daily training session.

"Huff, puff, water" gasped by Jinah as she took a water bottle inside her bag and hurriedly gulp it down as she lied down on the grassy ground.

"Water please" said by Dahsoo who was also on the ground covered in sweat as he breathed heavily.

Jinah look through his bag and found his water bottle and toss it to him.

But as it shot off, Jinah miscalculated the strength of the throw as the water bottle shot pass Dahsoo who suddenly stretch out his hand that spew out electricity and somehow made the water bottle float back to him as he hurried gulped it down.

"W- what was that?" ask by Jinah in surprise.

"Oh, I just control the electricity outside of my body to achieve something like psychokinesis" said by Dahsoo who then sat down and wipe of his sweat from his face.

"Oh, its already time" said by Dahsoo who felt his phone vibrating inside his pocket and saw that it was already 10:30 am.

"What time?" ask by Jinah in confusion.

"Uhhh... its nothing, by the way I won't be able to come here tomorrow because of my... job" said by Dahsoo who started to pack up his stuff.

"Hmm, its that job again..." muttered by Jinah.

"What?" ask by Dahsoo.

"Its nothing, well see you then next time" said by Jinah who then stood up and did some stretches as she pick up her bag.

Then they started to walk along with each other to the exit for the park and once they reach the exit, parted ways with each other as they took their separate paths from each other as Jinah contemplated some stuff while deep in thought.

'Argh, what is this job of his!? Okay, so its related to art and singing, also twatter so his job is related to Social Media. He suddenly cut off his words when saying metu-, but what is metu? Metuber? He's a metuber!? But what? He definitely earns money from metubing so he should be popular but who? Who is a popular metuber from Korea that sings, does art, and has an electricity quirk?' thought by Jinah as she racked her brains but couldn't think of any so she decided to rely on Chroma and started to search for popular metubers from Korea.

'Hmm, electricity control is a rare quirk so this should be easy, huh? There's only one metuber that always appear when I search for popular metuber from Korea that does art and is a singer and its Ai? Who the fuck is Ai?' thought by Jinah as she decided to investigate who this Ai girl is and entered a cafe that she goes to back in middle school.

"One cup of coffee please, whatever type you think is good" said by Jinah to the girl on the counter as she sat down on the corner of the room and took out her laptop while putting on some headphones.

"Hmm, Ai is one of the fastest growing content creators that went from 0 to 900,000 subscribers in the span of 3 weeks and is expected to reach a million in a few days? What? How come I never heard of her?" muttered by Jinah as she started to search around more.

"Ai can speak many languages ranging from Korean to Russian and more, she presented many talents like singing, art, voice acting with tons of different voices and more that just continues to astound the viewers. Ai's gender is currently unknown as they never confirmed if they were male nor female. Ai's quirk is also confusing as it sometimes shows psychokinesis with objects being controlled in a yellow light, sometimes explosions that cackled out of their hands which was recently shown just last week, and most of all is their astounding control over electricity capable of making life like scenes from anime and movies which Ai uses nearly on a daily basis from what they said from this clip right here. Wait what!? Psychokinesis, explosions and then electricity? But that can't be true, Ai is definitely a girl, even some articles believe that Ai is a girl already. And look at her, Dahsoo's appearance looks drastically different from hers... black hair, dark brown eyes, petite body... Lets just read more" muttered by Jinah as she reads more about Ai's history.

"Ai's first ever video was surprisingly a music video with astounding quality, animation and singing that was revealed later that Ai did all the work for the later music videos they made and the process was revealed in this video which they made a milestone video when they hit a hundred thousand subsrcibers" read by Jinah as she started to get more interested with this Ai fellow so she continued reading more of the wiki made for Ai.

AN: More world building baby, here we can see more of Dahsoo's metubing career with tons of articles already being made for him as he already got a fan wiki made.

But I just made the outline for the future arcs and lets just say, it will be a convoluted mess that will just shock the readers with what will happen inside it, big brain plays left and right, lies and deceit happening everywhere as you guys can witness my massive brain.

(January 30, 2022 - 67th day of writing)

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