
Chapter 21 Escape

As the plan had failed as everyone that was inside the prison are distracting esdeath while David makes his daring escape alone once again

As David is saddened the he couldn't save everyone

David (thinking) : I was supposed to help them but now they are distracting esdeath for me

As David begins to get his thing together as he focus the escape

He used his status and goes to the transportation shop and buys VPK-233114 Tiger-M

As it appears by his side

Notification level 18 state points 100

Item : VPK-233114 Tiger-M key

David : escape now stats later

As David gets inside the vehicle he starts the engine

David begins to drive through the wooden gets



As runs over some imperial soldiers

(Crash ,slam)

Imperial soldier : ugh !!

As the imperial soldier with firearms begins firing the vehicle David's driver

As it's bulletproof

David : fucking idiots move your gonna get runned over

(Crash slam)

Imperial soldier : aaaahh!!

As he makes his escape to freedom

Just as he notices there's a blockade in front of him

As David steps the paddle to charge fast

Engine raving


Imperial soldier : aaaghh!!

As David ran through the blockade of the last gate to freedom as he reached to the out

David : oh shit ….oh shit ….oh shit

As he drove off to freedom


As many prisoners have been slaughtered as Takashi smiles

Takashi : (weak laughing) (coughing

Takashi : it looks like he made it

As Takashi passed away from the wound he's sustained

Esdeath : hm? it seems like one got away no matter they'll hunt him down

As David takes a compose out as looks at it he's going west

David (thinking) : I have to go west I can't stay here

As David drives to west


Two days later

As David kept driving to west during nighttime on the road but he stops to scout out

As he gets out of the vehicle he takes out a binoculars to see

David : shit ….that's a big fucking wall

As he see a wall that is blocking his escape at the western borders

David : I see the gate but there's two walls how the hell im gonna get through those

As David thinks of a plan to breach and enter the western region

David : I'll use two truck with explosives to blow the gates

Morning daytime

As David smokes

(Lighter lite)

Dave : (inhale & puff) it looks like it's time

as David drives a white truck with explosives as he drives to the gates

Imperial soldier 1 : hm ?

Imperial soldier 2 : what's that ?

As the sound of truck moves david activate the explosives for a impact

As he speeds up , he jumps out of the truck

David : hup

(Thud , roll)

David : aaghhh! Shit that hurts !

Imperial soldier 1 : waaahh move!!

As they moved away froM getting runned over as it crashed to the gate it exploded

(Crash , booom!!)

As david runs up and kills two imperials

Bang ! , Bang !

Imperial soldier 3 : we're being attacked !

David : shit

As david runs through the otherside of the gate he encounters unwanted guest

Imperial soldier 4 : you -

As david fires his weapon at the incoming soldiers

David sprints to the last and use the other white truck as he drives to the other gate he activated the detonation for 15 seconds

As David runs fast to avoid the blast

Imperial soldier 4 : get that bastard

Imperial soldier 5 : what is thi-


David wasn't injure from the blast but rather it was he graps for air

David (graps) (heavy breathing)

David : haaa haaa ….fuck

as David fires his ak74 at the imperial soldiers

(Gun crackle)

Splatter , splatter , splatter , splatter

Thud , thud

As David takes out VPK-233114 Tiger-M from his inventory as he enters it and starts the engine he begins to drive off

As he enters the valley into the western region

As David begins to laugh

David : aha…hahahahahaha!!

David : wwwooooooo!!! I fucking did it you all can kiss my ass

as David drives to look around to find a village

As a few hours past he encounters a village as he looks into the gate it's open

David : is their anyone ?

As he drives into the village

David : wait this is ….tekido

He looks around as some homes have been burnt down he enters the one that's slightly burnt

As realized that he didn't get that far as he is in the outskirts

David : ahaha (breath) ahahahahahahahaha !!!

As he laugh insanely

David : all for that effort to get here (breath) ahahaha !

As he stops laughing he was silence for a few minutes as he he throws some furnitures around

David (fury) : raaaagh !!!!

(Crash) !

David (fury) : aaaaaahhhh!!!


As David kept smashing all the furnitures and tables

As he is exhausted from all that tantrum rage

David : haaa…haaaa….haaa all that for what to find a place nothing but blood

As David closed his eyes as he falls asleep

Night time

As it's night David wakes up as David sees torches he used his status and takes out RPK 47

As he mounts his bipod to a window

Imperial soldier 1 : look around , the fugitive is here

As David opens fire at them with a spray of bullets

(Gun crackle)

As David kept firing at the imperial soldiers as they layed there dead

David didn't blink when he fired his weapon as he looks around to see if anyone is alive

Step step step step

Imperial soldier 5 : (coughing) aaaaaghhh !!

As David looks at the soldier dying but when he gotten to close the imperial pulls out a dagger and started to stab David at his righ side

Imperial soldier 5 : eeeerr!!


David : aaaghhh!!

As David fires an RPK as the imperial soldier until his magazine is empty

Notification : severely wounded

David takes a bandage as he tries to stop the bleeding

David : shit ….shit !!

Hp 5,900 - 5 ,400

As David begins to drive further somewhere in the west as time past his health bar is low

Hp 1,000

Notification warning : you are out to past out

As David is still driving

David : d…dammit

As David just passed out as it Caused him to flip and crash

David opens the door as David struggles to get out of the car he passed once again

As he sees a figure he couldn't due to the blood blocking his vision

David : he….help …..

As David passed out

End next chapter

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