
Chapter 31: Should I go?

A stage had ended, bringing with it a lot of things to consider from now on, it may not have been a big change for most, but for the only 3 who had more involvement in this phase, they really have a bit more open minded about what they can do and depend on the situation, they really ended up learning a lot, they really even ended up gaining a lot, you could say they ended up getting more rewards than others, but someone who also felt rewarded for having found their personal path and goal in life, with the passing of their experiences had found their essence in this life they have and.... ... in the end when he believed in accepting everything from the one he trusted, he ended up doing what for many is even a punishment, he agreed to let himself be helped, if his purpose for both of them is to learn more and more from each other, then it was fine, but that was his mistake, that last attack Pure Light, I ended up bringing with it a serious consequence, either because it eliminates everything external, everything that is not of you ends up expelling it and even in many cases eliminates it, the stronger the pure attack, the more it radiates its light, it will not cause a limited external expulsion, if not it can do much more. ...

In that last moment he could feel it X, finally that his world was full of colour and he could see it as such, a strong light ended up engulfing everything and swallowing everything without the opportunity to do anything, and not only was there, everything he learned for himself, until he found his true essence in the world, until it all began to lose and forget....Y when he least imagined it, he knew he would continue from scratch why and what was his meaning in life, had a reset when he was really happy with himself ....


『Where is X?』

At that moment M was falling limply to the ground, where thanks to the help of his friend Carmis, he could be swallowed by a portal, where he appeared safe and sound along with Zeta who was still passed out, she could turn her eyes to see her surroundings, her other companions were also still unconscious with no sign of waking up soon. M of the lying on the grass protecting himself from the heat by the leaves of the trees, he was going to get up with the little strength he had, but before doing so he could notice that someone stood in front of him, standing up and with a bearing that would not be defeated easily, Blaze was in front of his friend, and ....pom!.....M of what he wanted to get up ended up falling without full force to the grass, Blaze ended up giving him a slight blow of fingers on his forehead to tell him.

『Where are you going to go? You better stay still kid, since you really *smile* did a great job with your last attack 』

『.....*smile*You too Kitten, your final attack really was pretty awesome 』

『Of course, that's obvious, and thanks to this last fight I realised something, we are all really weak...I don't mean the strength we possess, but we are weak to many things that we don't take into account sometimes, the first time I lost against Big Parasite was because my weakness was because I rushed too fast thinking I was protecting my loved ones and.... That was also the reason why I lost against Zeta Parasito and others, even though I wanted to defeat them and save them, I hadn't thought that I was going to hurt them in order to get to that end, that's what stopped me and I ended up taking Carmis with me because he always had in mind what was best for everyone. .... With all this last year that has passed, including the fight and meeting again I had with Zeta Parasito, he really ended up losing because of his weakness, if he hadn't focused on thinking about what he wanted, I feel that things wouldn't have ended like this, having a purpose in your life, without you realising it also plays against you...』-At that moment Blaze turned to look at me sideways-『What you achieve and acquire on your journey, really makes you stop and feel satisfied with everything you have achieved, completely forgetting your final goal and all the journey you have yet to explore, I can't get the Parasite out of my mind, even at the last moment I saw him, seeing him standing still and not wanting to continue. ...it really fills me with anger and yelling at him to continue...I hate people who start hesitating in the middle of their journey when it is clear that they should continue until they reach the end, that's why he lost the Parasite and ..... Tell me M, what is your goal in life? What do you really want? 』

At Blaze's words, I didn't really expect her to tell me all that, because more than a teaching and reflection of herself to all these events, she seems to see the same with me and.... I didn't know what to answer honestly, I was silent for seconds where Blaze was waiting for my answer, Carmis also didn't stay still, Blaze asked the same question to the Demon, what does he really want in his life, whether it is because he is older than me or his goal is more fixed, Carmis answered.

『That's obvious, my goal in life is to be with the person I love, I want to be together with Medusa』.

『And tell me something Carmis, are you fulfilling it? Are you doing something to realise that purpose? Are you making an effort to really be together with her? Because the way I see things, ever since you knew about the portal to travel between worlds, you didn't try to leave here at any time』.

At that moment the Demon could understand it by understanding Blaze's words, I still couldn't get a clear idea but...just seeing how Carmis from confused he was, he lowered his head as if he was regretful for some reason. It seemed that Carmis wasn't going to answer any more, so with a sigh, I gave him the order to heal me too so we could all be healthy, when Carmis had placed himself next to me and was healing me, really having him closer, I could understand more how he felt, the way his hands were shaking, the clenching of his fist, and the way he was holding back the urge to answer Blaze but . ..he didn't since with the same he would also have to rise up and....without being afraid that I was wrong I said that....

『Are you throwing Carmis out? Blaze?....』

As I spoke, Carmis was shocked by how straightforward I was in saying that, whereupon the cat turned to stare at me to do just that, to agree with me without hesitation.

『That's the simplest way to put it, that's right, if Carmis' goal in life is to be together with the one he loves, doesn't it seem strange that he's still here with us? *sigh* That's what I mean a lot of people stop in their tracks and get sidetracked thinking they're fine and satisfied with their life when really...they themselves know better, I'm sure Carmis has the thought that he appreciates all of us and will always help us in the worst situations, I really appreciate his friendship, he's a good friend after all but...if he's going to give up his personal goal in life in order to be with us, I'm really going to have a resentment for him that I'll never forget 』

I don't know what's wrong with Blaze right now, after managing to get the victory and defeating our opponents...this should be a happy ending with joy and smiles but...Blaze always has to do everything but the obvious....I was more confused with this, it was like I want to but at the same time not understand, as I feel like everything he tells me, is for me and...At that moment I felt kind of annoyed as I feel like he wants to see me away for some reason. To this Carmis of what was curing me, I finally counterattack with words to Blaze and tell him...

『It's true Miss Blaze...since I came to this world and the way my relationship with all of you ended up being, I really would do anything for nothing bad to happen to you, after all you were the ones who reached out to me and made me fulfill a personal purpose in life, thanks to you I know that I can turn all those stories and lies into reality.... made me very happy my first victory with everyone's help... For me they are all very important but...as you said Miss Blaze, I don't have only one purpose, I have many pending that I want to accomplish, I want to be with Medusa, I want to see my family again...I want to eat again and learn from my cook...I want to see again everything I left behind and go back to my way but....yo...I am very afraid at that moment and...I really don't feel strong enough to accomplish it.....』

『I'm sorry Carmis, it seems like me and all of us are one of your impediments, giving yourself new purpose in life is not bad, rather it's something to be proud of, but and I'll say it again, that you're stuck believing a false happiness, it's really something to hate』.

At the exchange of words that Carmis and Blaze had...it was really the first time that I felt they were talking like adults, leaving behind the childish arguments they had, this really was serious in many ways. Carmis was frustrated that anything he says will sound like an excuse, he knows very well that he is afraid to go back home because he feels satisfied and happy with what he has now. Blaze again passed by to look and just by saying something he left me frozen....

『And you boy, when do you plan to go back home?』

....-----------......--------.....Really when he told me, I didn't know what to even say to him, what should I do now, yell? refuse? answer him with certainty? what..what....what should I say in the middle of this situation, at that moment I looked at Carmis again, and it became incredible to me that he could answer and talk in front of Blaze in the middle of that question, my mouth moved by itself. ...Blaze's ears twitched as he wanted to hear my answer...I started to stammer a little as if remembering my childhood...and amidst trembling all over my body, I also gave my answer.

『But what are you saying Kitten, I'm already at home....*smile*.....』

I thought he was going to stare at me again as I was used to, but he just turned and walked away from me and Carmis. His tone of voice in those last words of Blaze's, really were low and even depressed disappointed for us.

『I see, even though it's all over, you guys still prefer to live in falsehood....』

And with that, Blaze left, she didn't even want to see us at that moment, we could only see her going into the forest without saying anything, but giving us to understand that she is very disappointed in the two of us. To this I asked Carmis if it is wrong for the two of us to stay in this world, to leave our home.... where the Demon first tried to calm the tension by laughing, but he really didn't know what to say at that moment.....


After a few minutes of delay because Carmis is still fighting with the UltiWorld, I managed to recover a little, enough to be able to walk on my own, but now that I see, it's safer to transport us using Carmis's portal.... but seeing him, I think he doesn't feel like anything after everything that happened. In order not to forget and to change the subject, I told Carmis about one thing.

『Hey Carmis, can you use the Seikatsu no Basho? I want to be able to confirm if X is still alive, since I feel like I ended up killing him with my Light attack at the time....』

『X? You mean the Parasite? I didn't know he had a name』

『Before we fought I had a conversation with him, he's really not a bad guy, he's like a child that you have to teach him right from wrong, you know what I mean, that's where we thought of a name for him and X stayed, I would really like to teach him a lot of things like I promised him....*happy* That's why I want you to find him Carmis, I need to know if he's okay or not!!!』

『With that Master X...I'll take you at your word Master M, after all promises are kept *smiles* (With that the Parasite isn't someone bad, and I even talk to him...in this year that passed, I take into account that he socialized a lot with Master X, just like he did with me, he ended up becoming his friend) 』 

At that moment Carmis used the search spell in order to find X, but at that moment the Demon remembered something and went into a quick worry, because as it happened with Big Parasite, at the end of the fight, Blaze stayed in the forest in order to verify if the Parasite was dead, surely one of the reasons why he withdrew was also to make a second verification. To this Carmis went ahead and ended up telling me, I was scared just imagining that Blaze would end up destroying and killing my friend X who is full of illusions and dreams of learning but .... Before moving on to my God Form, Carmis told me that...

『Eh?...That's weird.... I don't feel his presence at all....』

At that moment when he told me, I got more and more scared and again asked Carmis to check it well so that it won't have any faults like the first time. But after doing a second check trying to locate X, the answer hadn't changed, I really couldn't detect X anywhere, which I....At that moment I ended up falling to my knees on the floor, as this could only mean one thing, there are 2 reasons why you can't find anyone with the Seikatsu no Basho, first is that they are dead or second is that they never existed and.....

Frustrated I ended up putting my forehead on the ground, while I gave a really loud scream at that moment, I used the strength I regained to get even with myself at that moment, I started hitting the ground and grass with my fists. Really after telling him all that, after offering him my help and fulfilling my promise, after all those words, am I going to end up as a liar because I ended up killing him? ???? I couldn't deal with it, I had to get it off my chest any way I could, but quickly before I could do any worse, Carmis came to stop me by grabbing my arms, while I was kicking at nothing looking for a way to get even.

『Please calm down, Master M!』

『Let go of me Carmis!!!! This can't be happening!!! After I promised to show him the world....I...I....AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!』

『Calm down Master M please!!!! Nothing can be done in these cases, if he died then there is no way to bring him back to life, but if he is alive...then I promise you something, no matter how I do to him, I will do everything possible to bring Parasite X back to you!!!!! Please! Trust me!!!』

In that M wanted to free himself from the Demon's grip, really between kicking and punching to achieve his goal, Carmis was trying to calm down a boy who was frustrated and upset, he was trying to talk and calm him down with words that...he doesn't know if even the truth of what he was saying, if he was alive or not. ...but I just wanted Master M not to hate himself.... It seems that he managed to calm him down, because M at that moment stopped and looked at Carmis, who was worried about the boy, M even though he knew that, at this moment they just need to say yes to everything even though they both know that it won't be like that...

『You're going to bring him back to me???? I want you to promise me....』

『As I already said Master M, if there's a chance, I'll bring him back to you *decided*』

『...*sigh*....All right, I'll believe you for now....X...I'm really sorry....』

It seems that she somehow managed to calm down, M surely expected another kind of ending, one where she also includes X as a friend, but it seems that it can't be like that at this moment .... They heard yawns and movements behind them, where it seems that their friends were waking up little by little, they didn't have to wait any longer, quickly with the help of Carmis' portals, they were on their way back home, to have a better recovery, as well as to finally be able to eat something, their tummies were already growling since they hadn't eaten anything since last night.


After days of recovery, finally everything was back to normal, M finished telling them what had happened in this year from her point of view, where the most interesting of all, was the point of view of the other possessed, initially Amy, Rouge and Cream had something in common, being their weakest possession, they were really more aware that they were possessed but at the same time they had total control of their actions, then all those interactions and reactions in every situation, they were being themselves in an aspect that as I imagined, is somewhat rare to see. To this of what they were telling us, I then asked Amy if she was conscious all the times we played the chess games, to which her response was: "I was aware of the fact that they were possessed but at the same time they were in total control of their actions.

『That's right, all those times you played against me and not the part of the Parasite that controlled me, it was really fun and new to be able to spend time with something like that, I'm not usually one for strategy and coming up with a plan to be victorious, only when I'm up against someone, I'm not normally one to strategise or come up with a plan to come out on top, only when I fight someone, I give it my all according to what I've previously learned, but this kind of game really opened my eyes in many ways, from now on I'll stop focusing so much on brute force and better spend my time on what other skills I can improve 』.

At Amy's reflection, he had actually learned and gained a lot more than he thought, the thought of him fighting against her was really quite noticeable, as there were times when he said that this was how Amy would act if she was in agreement. But before I could say anything else on my part, the pink one turned to me to say.

『With this year that passed, I don't know if it's because you were bored or you got tired of the same thing, but you decided to pay more attention to me, make an effort and give me a space where only the two of us can get along, we went from being acquaintances, to partners to now friends *smiles* if you want to form bonds with other people, don't forget about us M, have something that is only and unique to the two of us』.

Amy was giving me a piece of advice for the future if I ever have any more friends, with something unique between us 2.... I'm going to keep it very much in mind. Rouge and Amy were also telling us about their experiences, but it was easy to guess that it was the same with Amy, all those days we spent together, I really had a lot of fun doing things I did in the past. When we finished talking to the two of them, Cream was a bit sad because ....

『Now that it's over, won't you play with me anymore? Dressing up and the catwalk...*sad*』

At this I really saw her sad because I thought that those days would never come again, where I clearly gave her a hard time, I stroked her head to try to cheer her up because.

『And why is that? Of course we're still going to continue having fun and doing many more things now that we're free, there are many dresses to try, as well as many hairstyles to make, we can also include Carmis, we'd be more with him...what do you think if one day we make a Cream theatre? So that everyone could participate *smiles*』

At this proposal I made, the rabbit got a huge smile on her face, where I was more than satisfied with this. Where quickly the Demon didn't want to at first, because dressing up as a woman doesn't appeal to him at all, but... who told you that you would dress up as a woman?

『My friend Carmis, you're killing yourself again, with your talk of liking big-asses, white women and now this...you can easily earn people's hatred, my friend』.

『Hate for what???? It's just my thinking and I don't do any harm with it!!!!! Then to you also that they hate you because it is unforgivable that you like little girls!!!!! You talk about me so much! Listen everybody! M besides lolis, likes albinas and nekos!!!!! She loves kimonos and yukatas!!!! Plus he likes thighs!!!! You already told me one night! That you would like to be between 2 thighs and that you would be apri--------』

『AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Don't you be making fun of me now!!!! I talked all that only when we were alone!!!! and that time with Blaze!!!!』

『But you just said what we talked about privately to everyone right now!!!!! I'm just being fair!!!!!』

『I just wanted to make fun of the situation!!!!!!!!』

Things that we rarely see but usually happen, where M and Carmis got into an argument at this point as they were telling secrets about each other to everyone. Where everyone could hear this and they were really laughing because they had lived together long enough to get to know them, the only one who would be so to speak was Blaze, and when he heard that M liked chubby thighs, at that moment when he was watching the two apes talking, he looked down to see their legs and... he just stayed there, and now that he thinks about it, it is too weird considering the huge differences that each one has, and as M told him before, he should look at who they really get along with.

『If you're going to talk about me that much!!! I'd better tell you myself at once!!!! Yeah!!! I love lolis with all my heart!!!! I like ironing boards, lemons because...because...that way you're closer to their heart!!!!!! Plus they are the symbol of purity and innocence in so many ways!!!! No matter how varied they are!!!! They all have that something in common that is really attractive to men!!!! If I had the chance, I would really like to be and share my life with a loli!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!』

But what is this, it was the first time we saw M like this, out of nowhere he gave a speech about the affection he has for the little girls, it is his first speech in the whole story, does that really mean we will see him again? Unfortunately yes, if the reason why he didn't say it before was because he was ashamed, it would have been better to keep this private secret hidden, really this revelations between friends, was the awakening of this desire that is already becoming public with each passing day. M shouted at the end, ashamed of his words, where all his friends, listening to him, didn't really know what to say, at that moment Amy preferred to take Cream outside with her just in case. While Rouge despite M's speech, she tried to say something.

『And don't you fancy mature girls like me? *wink*』

『Matures are the ones I'm least attracted to...』

『*sigh* I'm pretty sure you'll be a bitter old man when the time is up, well I'm retiring too』

Rouge was leaving the room where only Blaze, Carmis, Zeta and I were left. Although we already know how Blaze and Carmis' point of view was, the most interesting thing to hear will be Zeta's perception, since she was the one who had the X-Parasite inside her body. She was about to speak where we quickly paid attention to her explanation, even though we already had the information Big gave us, this was much more theoretically useful....

『Well, it felt, nice *smiles*』

... Nice? What Zeta was saying really gave us a bad sign that we might not be that well-informed. To this we asked more specifically what it was like to live with the Parasite inside, where Zeta went on to explain what we already knew, that she was in a black space where there was nothing to begin with, but that she could see on a screen everything the Parasite X was doing with her body.

『It was like watching a movie.』

『Ya....(Seriously Big's explanation that he looked like an idiot is going to be better than Zeta who is a thousand times smarter?....)』

We continued listening to where Zeta commented that besides the black space, he again confirmed that this was the interior of our thoughts, that already made a little more sense, and that also at that moment, he was able to coexist with the Parasite in that very interior. I didn't know how to explain it well Zeta in logical and theoretical terms, it was easier to explain it using simple words like, coexist, talk, converse, play, exchange ideas, thoughts, how on some occasions Zeta really influenced the Parasite, I suppose that on occasions like stroking my head or being attentive in many things, I ended up learning it because Zeta influenced him directly and internally.

『I could talk to the Parasite, because being inside I could hear his answers in my mind even though he didn't speak, in the black space I and the Parasite would manifest and we would talk together about what we were going to do, it was really fun, since I could see how his gelatinous body moved giving to understand his expressions and emotions, he went from being a bit still to being very expressive, something that as a mother I ended up being very proud of *smiles* The Parasite X after knowing him well and understanding him, I realised that he is not really bad, he was only looking for a reason after fulfilling an external and internal purpose at the same time, to be there when you told him M that you were going to help him, I am really very proud of you too son *happy* And in that last attack I could see it, that black background that I knew initially, little by little everything was covered with colours and the external world, I even thought that I had finally returned to being myself, but. ..that Pure attack...the Parasite X....』

『It's dead』

What Zeta was talking about, confirming that she also ended up forming some kind of bond with the Parasite, she was about to say something very important at that moment, but was finally interrupted by Blaze who confirmed the death of the Parasite X. We all turned to look at her as she was determined and confirmed that she had not felt the Parasite this time and that she would not fail again like last time. To this I was against her thinking, but Carmis at that moment stopped me because ....

『That's right, the Parasite is dead, I could see it myself, as the same Light ended up hitting him directly, disappearing on the spot 』.

Zeta confirmed Blaze's words, who I, because I know her better, could see through her words and expressions, where Blaze could also catch the same thing, she even frowned and with a snap of her mouth, without saying anything, she went on to leave the room in annoyance as well. I was sure I was going to do something stupid, I could see it coming, but then Zeta looked at me and just with her smile, she gave me the security and confidence that maybe everything is really ok.

『Although I also forgot to say something, the more the Parasite made itself known, the more it found its purpose, the more I was disappearing more and more, I could no longer influence it even if I wanted to...if it hadn't been for that attack of Light M, I might not be here right now, thank you son』.

That ended up confirming something to me, just as I also thought, Zeta was slowly disappearing in the Parasite's path. With her words, the albino made me not feel bad about my actions and that it wasn't such a bad decision that I initially proposed. To finish with all this about the Parasite, Zeta confirmed that even if the Parasite has its own way of thinking, there is always something that will not disappear from it even if it is forced to expel itself, and that is to fulfil the initial objective it has, that of possessing and having the successors in any way it can. That's why he was always aware of me, forgetting at times his learning and only focusing on getting me or keeping me. Like the times he would come to stop me if he saw that I was going to leave the room, or the clearest examples, the fights he had seriously knowing that what he has in front of him is a danger to his mission. That's really what influences and makes him act without risk. But when he put that purpose together with his personal purpose, he found a stability and was able to better manage that sense of possession achievement. .....

I was thanking Zeta for the information that she gave us, where she was retiring commenting that she was going to go and stop Blaze, because as she has planned, most likely to make sure that he is going to cause a fire in the forest, to this I could only close my eyes because I was right that he was going to commit a madness, Carmis opened his portal and as we thought, Blaze was preparing to burn the forest....

This day ended with valuable information, I was really happy with the most important thing that I can stay, that there really is still hope that X is alive.


I thought that the days were going to continue as before, but it really was the opposite for me....Since that time Blaze brought up the topic that we should go back to our paths, he has been nagging me and urging me to do that, he wasn't afraid of what comes out of his mouth, because he knows he does it for the sake of his friend.

『You have to go M』

I didn't think much of what he said at first, so I told him that I was going to go train in the forest for a while, which he didn't mean...

『You have to go back home』

『....But what are you saying Kitten, of course it's obvious that after you leave home, you have to go back.....*nervous*』

『Yes, you have to go back, then I don't understand why you're still here M』

...To her words that are making me very uncomfortable lately, I'd rather leave the meeting in silence and not listen to her again for a while. The days went on and on, I was certain that this was going to continue, if I keep ignoring him maybe there will be a time when he will give up and stop insisting that I leave...really why is he doing this...I want to stay here, I have done many things, I have many achievements...there is no reason to leave my home to return to the previous one ....


At that moment I started to reminisce in the past and.... at that moment when I remembered them, I really felt a chill in my body, I moved my body, head and better decided to continue on my way. Where again as I was walking through the forest in a calm and relaxed way, accompanied by Cream to pass the time, again as if waiting for us was Blaze in a tree, quickly seeing her, I knew I was going to feel uncomfortable because I knew I was going to feel uncomfortable. ....

『Are you still here? How long do you plan to stay?』

『.... What do you care about ....』

That was the only thing that came to my mind when I answered him, when I saw the tension between the two of us, Cream asked if we had a fight or something like that, first I tried to tell her that it wasn't that, then I looked at Blaze that ....

『It's just that....oye Cream, you want me to leave?....』

『I don't want you to leave M, after all you are like our family *smiles*』.

At Cream's response, it really raised my spirits a little, where I was now passing somewhat more confidently to Blaze as having Cream's support, but at that moment I seemed to celebrate from before....

『But I know you have your family somewhere else out of the world, you are the only human I saw all this time, your M, don't you want to see them again? Don't you feel lonely to be the only one?』

To Cream's words, I really didn't know how to answer her...I always had an answer for her, but now...I was swallowing my breath and even stammering at that moment....That she told me in an innocent and pure way, it seems that even a child understands that I'm wrong in my decision, I looked at Blaze who was now in front of me, I lowered my head to look at her and....

『I don't want you to be alone, you have to go back M』

She told me clearly without a second's hesitation. When I least expected it, I was lying on my bed, it was night, I felt excited and worried in many ways. I remembered all the times that Blaze has been harassing me in the same way that...no...I don't want to see her and compare her like that...Blaze is not like that person that tormented me until the end.... I was lying in bed asking her to please stop doing this...really if she keeps on like this...I don't know how I'm going to end up ending up like this....

The next morning was a bit different, I woke up and I could already hear someone inside my room, and as I imagined it, it was Blaze who had brought me breakfast and...for some reason Carmis was also with her, my friend also went through the same situation as me, he was harassed by Blaze but unlike me, he looks in a better state and even decided on something. Blaze was telling me to get up and eat breakfast.

『Today will be a great day *smiles*』

『Great day of what...nothing special is going to happen today...』

I was just stopping by to have breakfast where...really this food that Blaze prepared, it's too delicious for me,so....

『If I leave, I won't be able to eat your really delicious food anymore Kitty...wouldn't that make you sad?』

『*happy* Yes, it would make me sad that not only would you eat my food, everyone would be sad if you left suddenly, we wouldn't know how to deal with it...you disappearing without a trace, it's really sad....』

『Then stop asking me to leave and...-----...』

『If it would hurt us who only spent 2 years together, what will it be like for the people you spent your whole previous life together with, surely at this moment, they are still hoping that one day you will come back home....』

...At that moment I got up from my chair violently, I knew he was going to come out with something like that, I was prepared but .... he really made his move, just thinking that my family, friends, friendships, all that I left behind are still doing everything possible, him trusting that his son who disappeared suddenly would come back one day.... I had not thought about it, how my mother must have felt that I had gone out to run an errand and see that her son never returned....I was clenching my hands in frustration because....really just thinking about that truth, is making me cry like never before at that moment, I started to shed tears and I could do nothing but cry, while I imagined the faces of all my acquaintances that....?????¿¿¿¿¿

『Wait...my mother was like that? my father and my sister?.... looked like that?.....-------....』

For a moment, just for a moment, it's not that I'm forgetting them but, for a moment I couldn't remember them as they are and that.... really chilled my skin like never before. I was in shock for this moment, then before Blaze tells me, I....

『I want to see them...I...I want to see them.... want to go back home...』

I really at that moment I was determined to do it, I don't care how, but just at that moment I forgot everyone for a moment...I really don't want to think about the future, it will come to a point where I won't even remember them and I will just be in a black void and...Blaze at that moment was happy, and with Carmis, with the help of his portal, they took me to the living room, there I could see them all, by their expressions and their being here, it really made me know that they already knew about everything and....

『I think I was very excited when I met you M, now that I see you better, you are no longer the little boy that I saw for the first time, how scared you were, now you are so brave that you are able to defend yourself, you are really ready for the journey *smiles*』.

Zeta addressed me, her words I really appreciated, it made me realise something, maybe they also had a purpose in meeting me, knowing that I am not from here and I was a helpless child, the most logical thing to do is to take care of him and protect him until he is ready on his own and starts his journey back home. ...maybe it's like that, maybe it's not like that, but when nobody opposes and see that everybody is happy that I must go back to my way because ....Carmis at that very moment I stretch my hand and invoke the portal to travel between worlds in front of us, it really is different from the one that brought me here, it is greenish with black.....

『If you keep staying here, you will really end up living happy, joyful, satisfied, very proud of what you will achieve here but .... is really not the best for you, you deserve more because only then you will find the best version of yourself, you can no longer stay here, you need to move to the next phase, we already taught you everything and you became very strong, go and return to your home, let your family see how much you have grown up *smiles*』.

Blaze had stood next to me and with his words, it really made me gain more confidence at that moment, that I really should continue with this journey, Carmis was also happy with this, where in hand he had a little piece of paper he gave me, which was....

『It is the spell to conjure the portal of Worlds, so that you can find your home, I wish you luck my friend 』.

At this I was thanking Carmis, where having the portal in front of me, it seems there is no other way, I too...I am determined to return to my world and never forget anyone. In that of what I was walking, just as I was entering the portal I felt something blocking my way, it wasn't backwards at all, something in front was in my way, it was about my height at that time, I really didn't understand what was happening, either because the portal was blocking it, I forced at that moment to cross it but .... at that moment I could feel it, a hand ended up pushing me slightly backwards, I was confused with this, we were all confused, that when I looked back to my front, the person I was holding was ....

『¿? Where am I?』

It was a green haired girl with short hair, she was short, she only had a kind of black cloth that covered her body, she was not so scared by what was happening, but initially it showed that she was not an enemy because she did not make any movement, this was the one who pushed me and prevented me from passing to the portal? I know very exactly who it is, but I really couldn't believe it, I need to confirm this, and as she was in front of me and being shorter than me...what I did to confirm was....

『Oww!!! Yes it's real, a real loli!!!! *happy*』

I stroked his head like a little girl, he was really warm and smelled good, everyone was 

confused at that moment, but at that moment it seems that my action was not the right thing to do.

『*she's upset* I'm not a loli!!!!!』

POOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!! At that moment I don't know how, but I felt that my 

body stood still and with great force that I don't understand, it is as if it had been something very powerful psychic, but I ended up stamped hard against the wall of the room, I did not expect this, it hit me in my Base Form, I was unconscious with white eyes, I literally ended up defeating me in one move. Quickly seeing this, Blaze was not going to endure this, going to his Unleashed Form, from one moment to the next he launched himself to fight against the visitor that no one expected.

『Do you want a fight? Good! I'll beat them all!!!』

The strong psychic who had come to our world, was none other than Tatsumaki, a person who in her world is classified as an S-Class Hero, Rank 2, and it seems that this time because of my bad actions we got into trouble.....

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