
Chapter 24: Limitations

The time for a new fight had come, and it seems that in all this first story, the enemies will be known to have a strong bond with their opponents, the fight was about to begin, the fighters were being swallowed one by one by portals and took them to the training area of the home, an area that specializes in being able to withstand the big fights that occur, is a huge space to move without any limit, suffered some changes after M was implemented in the team, although the idea of improving it was already close, since the members of the team, little by little also increased their skills, they needed both a fixed control, protection measures and even something to keep them at bay if things go wrong, it was not superfluous in case someone loses his mind, to keep him locked up here, really Zeta who is in charge of most of the things in the home, thinks so much in our protection and care.

Blaze was at the other end of the large room, he remembers it perfectly, this is where he 

mostly trained with M, it was a choice to come here, as depending on who was training 

him, it was either in the training area or outdoors. At that time when he trained M, it really was like watching a kid trying to figure out what to fight, but he really just waved his hands and ran around aimlessly, with a little bit of scarce skill it was easy to hold him off and overpower him, catching up to his level was too boring for Blaze. And to think that now he is a boy who has improved a lot in his fighting skills, and able to bring him to show his true powers, he is really grateful to be shown that he can be at his level or even surpass it. Not only with the little boy he thinks that, also with those he has a great esteem and trust, he wants to reinforce and that they give their all, so that Blaze can respond in the most sincere and honest way possible. Talking is fine to pass the time, joking is for fun, missions are fine to have a little advance of your skills, but one on one fights, only the fists have to say what you really feel at that moment, for Blaze who likes the competitive and the strengths of others, there is nothing better than a fight to know who is the strongest and who is the weakest, who needs protection and who needs to be taken care of.

『I'm going to win!』

Blaze was animated and excited with this fight, you can see it in her eyes, she has been 

waiting for this for a long time, M already showed her, now her friends must also show her that they are serious about defeating her, because the cat is going to be it, she is going to defeat them and fight seriously for the sake of her friends, she will not hold back for anything if it is to save and not to bother those she cares about.

She was in combat pose and her face reflected confidence, Zeta Parasite and others also 

became alert, slowly they also showed to be ready for the fight, their combat pose said it all, the parasite is having it clear, yes...in that fight on the beach, this cat was the one who caused him the most problems among the majority of those who fought, he considers her a danger to his mission, and anyone who represents a danger, without a doubt must be eliminated at any cost, or if he has the opportunity, she is really skilled with her abilities, to possess her as well as that Demon with her portals, would be to ensure even more his mission to possess M.

Quickly at that moment, Cream Parasite was at the edge of the training area, he was 

walking calmly thinking about retiring, but something at that moment stopped him, there was nothing in front of him, everything seemed to be correct, but no....POOMOMMMMMMM!!!! He quickly gave a strong blow with his ears to what seemed to be nothing, but quickly something resounded in the training area, there was an energy barrier that enclosed all those present, what was this...the force with which Cream hit, was dissipating and expanding throughout the barrier....Zeta Parasite to see it was clear, the functionality of this barrier that he designed, is made to expand and disappear the damage through the entire barrier, if only focused on durability and defense, no doubt it would be easily knocked down in minutes. It is a really good measure that Zeta designed, but of course, it had a small problem. The durability of the barrier, this one absorbs the damage and distributes it throughout the barrier, making it lose its effectiveness for the time being, for the time being? That's right, being inside the home, this itself is quickly reinforced and healed so to speak by the energy provided by the home. So the moment this barrier takes a hit, it won't take moments to refill its durability bar, thus converting and fixing the small error it had.

Or is it that even this barrier that was created, the fight that is about to happen, may not be able to withstand it and be completely destroyed. This I had in mind Blaze, what good if they get locked in here if things go wrong, go wrong? From this fight? Of course not, Blaze does not plan to lose this fight, if he is going to win it will be demonstrating that he is the strongest of all, and if he loses, he does not think nor has the intention to escape from here, he will fight giving everything until the end, that is something that will never cease to be, his conviction has already been calling the attention of someone. ...

Quickly the first to start the fight was Blaze, who with his flame stroke, went all over the 

area first going for Zeta, appeared in front of him as if it were a real flame, he was going to hit a strong blow of fire, but in that quickly something happened, a small spark arose at that moment.....BOOOMMM!!!!!! There was an explosion nearby that made both opponents move away from the fight, the explosion generated by this reaction, normally is not able to cause so much damage to Blaze, he has resistance to explosions as we saw earlier in his combo attack. The only bad thing is the smoke screen that was created in that instant, someone was coming at that moment, Blaze could feel it before receiving the blow, with her ability to deflect the blows, with her hands she directed Amy's blow that was going for her, this really made her mark a smile on her face.

『You're just brute force, direct hits like yours are the easiest to deflect!』

POOMM!!!! He gave a strong blow without flames all over Amy's stomach, who by his 

expression on his face, you can tell that if it ended up affecting him, he sent her flying, he was going to continue to be able to first finish her off, but this is a fight of all against the cat, so at that moment the smoke screen was undone, it was Rouge who flying had 

dissipated everything with her wings, quickly there was another shake, causing a strong 

breeze that caused small cuts, Blaze was covering himself, but at the moment of doing it, he could feel how his hands and arms, were suffering small cuts but not fatal, from one 

moment to another, from the strong breeze that Rouge was throwing, he was wrapped in flames, and as if the technique was returned to him, Blaze had ascended with speed in a whirlwind of flames being in front of his friend Sucubo.

『Still possessed you want to tear my clothes, you don't change, if you want to take off my clothes, the best thing to do is to do this!!!』

With the whirlwind that had ascended, with his simple palm he directed it to where Rouge was, right now the Succubus was wrapped in flames, who had no screams from her, you could only see how the strong flames were covering her, surely Blaze hoping to burn her garment and thus teach her that she is better at doing even what she does not like. Poomm!!!!!

A blow was deflected to the ground, Blaze with his tail sensed that Amy had returned, but ended up directing it to the ground, it did not take long to give her seconds to pull herself together, quickly Blaze with a confident smile, was going to teach her friend, how not to give her opponent any time to breathe, with his fists wrapped in flames, Amy was being completely whipped non-stop by blows that left a burn mark all over her body.

『That's how you fight isn't it? Without leaving you time to even cover yourself!!!!! 

What's so funny about that? Tell me Amy!!!! There's no fun and it's not a fight if you just 

throw the punches, in combat, one must also receive them!!!! Showing that you're at a high level without even measuring it against your opponent beforehand is just a waste of a fight!!!』-『You have to start by understanding who you're up against!!!』

POMMM!!!! With a downward kick ended up hitting Amy all over her head, even ended 

up bouncing on the same floor, it would not take long at that time, Blaze quickly placed his palm on Amy's chest and....BOOMMM!!!! It generated an explosion at the moment that ended up sending Amy flying, at that moment, Blaze's ear moved to one side, she was glad why.

『Now you're going to fight your Cream? Well, show me what you are capable of with the training you received, being a child I might still hold back a little with you, no.... if you want me to fight for real, then you have to let me know!!!』

At that moment, from what Cream was circling with speed and quick jumps to Blaze, she 

thought she was safe and confusing her, but quickly, only putting her foot Blaze, managed to make Cream fall completely on the ground thus losing the strategy she was employing. The moment she tried to stand up, Blaze was already in place, she was on her knees calmly with a confident expression, and...Pom! With a simple finger strike, she ended up hitting her forehead, which...did not send her flying like the others, but it did make Cream rub her forehead because of the pain it generated.

『*laughs* If you're already crying about it, I don't think I need to increase my power 

against you *smiles*』-『And I don't like that, try even harder Cream, try harder all of 

you fellows!!!! If I end up defeating each of you without you showing me your full power, I will really be very angry with each of you, this is the only time we have to make many 

things clear, I consider you strong, you are among the strongest individuals I have ever met, but if I compare you to me, you are wimps, there are only a few people who made me feel that you are really capable of being at my level and even get to imagine that you surpassed me, you more than anything, I also wish to get to that thought』-『Fight with all your might!!!!!』

He said it to each of his companions and rivals, there was no one to discriminate at this 

time, in all of them he sees that little spark that at some point they will also become equal or even stronger than Blaze, if that happened, he really would no longer have this 

obligation or feeling that he must always protect them from all evil. But for sure so, he 

would still do whatever he could to take care of each one of them. At that moment everyone heard him, and when one says everyone, it also includes the Parasite residing in Zeta, his expressionless look didn't say it all, he clenched and numbed his fist that if...He must give his all in combat, so...

At that moment, the whirlwind of fire that enveloped Rouge, ended up being dissipated 

with the huge wings of the Succubus, she had not received any damage at all, her wings 

ended up protecting her from the high temperatures, who Blaze was happy with this fact. And it was not only her, each one of the possessed, had returned and could be felt, if .... were to change strategy, this fighting for individual even if they are in a team did not work ..... The parasite still needs to polish their knowledge.

Blaze was in the center surrounded by all, who she noticing it, was smiling with the fact, it was like a group of hunters, was surrounding their prey to make it theirs, this Blaze had it clear, that with a smile said.

『They want to make me look like I'm the prey? As long as I'm not really cornered and think I can still save them, I'll look for them and fight to the last moment!!!』

At that moment, most of them went to fight Blaze melee, the first to go against the cat were Amy and Cream, who with their blows tried to hit even one, but Blaze's skill and deflection of blows seemed to be at another level, even if she was being harassed by 2 opponents at the same time, it was still a piece of cake. 

『Neither the Teacher nor the Pupil can do anything to me, if I were here with M, it 

would certainly be a joke to both of them』.

But at that moment when he was taking it easy, quickly Cream jumped in the air, this was quickly felt by Blaze, his eyes were now fixed on Amy who did not stop attacking with his fists, it seems that he increased the intensity of his punches, yes, each of the fists come with the intention of numbing your body so they can not react at the time, this Blaze mocked because.

『If the punches don't hit at all, then it's a useless technique Amy! Let me try it, you just 

concentrate more power and energy into your fist at the exact moment right? Then.....』

Blaze dodged at that moment and was ready to hit her blow, she put more power than even undoing her flame blow, and she rammed it with brute force to match what her partner does, but at that moment...¿¿¿¿???? Blaze was confused in the same way, Cream had just appeared at that moment, and with her ears, ended up not deflecting, but with force trying to redirect Blaze's blow, which fortunately this if served, leaving Blaze staggering on the floor so he does not fall and....That little moment was enough for Amy to give him a strong blow that when Blaze wanted to dodge it, he ended up falling 


It was only a graze at that moment, quickly Blaze was walking away from the duo as his 

plan had worked. At that moment before Cream had taken the leap, Blaze had calculated in mind how long it would take, and when he no longer felt her he thought she had retreated but.....

『(Cream was still on top of me?.... but like...I didn't feel any turbulence around me, she 

really just stayed on top of me and I forgot she was even on top of me?)』

It was somewhat strange what just happened according to Blaze, there was no logic for 

Cream to have remained suspended so to speak in the air or above her, Cream is not able to fly as Rouge does, detect those living beings that fly is easy, you can notice the ageing of the wings or how they control their flight that is forced on many occasions, it is like humans, if we want to walk or run, then we do it consciously and give a little effort, if we want to swim, fly, hunt, eat, according to the instinct of nature, but in the end it is 

something that we end up learning consciously that we do it and we need to but...

『(I didn't detect that in Cream...is she able to jump with her jumps....*smile* It comes so 

naturally that I couldn't even notice it...you have grown up Cream)』

At that moment Blaze was recovering from what was on the ground and he could not see it, but he could perceive what was happening, it was strange, it was as if someone was running...no.... was jumping in the air and in the wind, it was so fast, capable and natural that new ability he obtained thanks to the power of the Parasite. If Cream was already able to move over the water with his jumps, now it was the next level that the parasite longed for, and that was to be able to fly. And with Cream he was able to jump through the air without any problem.

『(And with that speed you have it is almost imperceptible...) I said grown up? don't be 

proud or happy Cream, it's something that for now you yourself can't do, but as I saw it I can assure you that, you will manage to do it one day, you will be able to jump through the sky without any problem!!!!! *proud*』

At that moment Cream was coming for Blaze with a kick, at that moment you could feel it, it even resonated in Blaze's body, and it really is as if everything had changed in that 

instant, the power of his blows became stronger, and when Blaze tried to hit a blow, 

quickly Cream was no longer in front of her, It really is as if he had disappeared, she can 

not follow him so perfectly, but most likely that little sound she hears above her, it is 

Cream who is stalking her, but that was not her only problem, since the rubbing of the fist on her arm and the premature stopping of that blow...left Blaze's arm in a state....

『(No...I can still go on, I can still fight)』.

Blaze's face already became a little more serious, she knew that this could be a 

disadvantage for her, if the fight continues, her right arm will no longer be able to react as she wants. But it was not time for that, her duty is to stop and defeat her friends, so she should only concentrate on it, so quickly, she would move again with her stroke of fire, but when she was going for Amy, quickly something very fast also happened.... At that moment she could see it, a lightning had appeared in front of her that even surpassed her in speed and....BOOOMMMM!!!!!!!! Again the clash of fire and electricity caused an explosion that Blaze ended up flying through the air, quickly to this Cream had to attack, he was going to give a blow with his ears, who Blaze took advantage of the momentum to make a sphere of fire and to counterattack the kick, A collision was occurring in the middle of the training area, but this was not the end of it all, because again the lightning had appeared and was throwing electricity to the fire sphere, which Blaze quickly dodged because it literally left her unprotected for seconds.

Neither being on the ground can have a moment of rest, as quickly Amy was coming for 

Blaze, who seeing that again was going hard with his blow, a simple deflection with his tail will serve to do so, but at that moment something left her confused.....what she thought she had deflected, it was only a reflection of image, the real Amy had also been empowered that from one moment to another. POMMM!!!!!!! It ended up giving a strong blow in Blaze's face, who she was sent flying away, even hitting the barrier, I think this is where it would end but.....!!!!!!!! As if a swift slash was coming for her, the cat quickly found herself blocking with her arms what seemed to be a whirlwind of wind so strong that at its peak it looked like blades that would cut your hand if you weren't strong enough. Rouge had also been empowered and wanted to end this at once, where Blaze was trying to resist the blow, but he could feel it all over his body...the constant spinning of the whirlwind of blades, weakened more and more his body, and especially his arms that received all the impact. It could be seen in the barrier, all the time he was deflecting the power and recovering vitality so that it would not break. But at that moment .....Zeta had appeared to the side, and was only stretching out her hand for if ....Blaze could feel it very well, they wanted to possess her too, just imagine being back in control of another person...that ....


『Hey, and how are we going to avoid that if the parasite wants to possess us, can we stop it? I'm pretty sure there is a way to prevent it, M for some strange reason seemed to reject the parasite in the times it wanted to possess him...』

While they were still in Carmis' room devising the plan to stop the parasite and company, Blaze was still puzzled as to why M seemed to be immune to the parasite's possession, Carmis had to say at that moment even if he wasn't so sure.

『I think it is due to the pure spell that I implanted in Master M, when we were eating the cake, at that moment I showed the pure spell to M, I did not collect so much pure energy to cause great damage, so I thought of giving it to him, that is to say that Master M receives that technique on his forehead, just as you do to annoy him.....Este has the principle of repelling everything impure and foreign external that does not belong originally from the body, maybe even though the spell is still active inside Master M, it could repel those few times that the Parasite wanted to possess him.... is the only thing that comes to my mind....』.

Carmis gave his logic and support to the events, really now that he says it may make sense, indeed ... it is the only thing that makes sense so that M can not be possessed those few times, at that time Carmis proposed to Blaze that the small pure energy that he collected, Blaze also receives it to prevent in the fight those little times that the parasite took advantage to possess it, it would be a great defense against the parasite and thus get rid of that problem, but ...


『Why is it that everything I say and think is logical, you end up despising me Miss 

Blaze?....I feel that my efforts and ideas are useless....』(ノ﹏ヽ)

『I wouldn't want to do that.....I know it's something silly, but I want to fight just like that out of pure pride, if I get to have such and opportunity to be possessed, it's because I was weak at that moment, which you and I know that I'm not weak at all, don't worry Carmis, I don't need your protection, I alone am capable of defending myself, already declare this as my fight to beat, I better ask you something, your possession of you is different the first time I felt it, I knew I was under your control, but I also didn't stop being myself, a possession that lets you be yourself, really every time I think about it, you are not someone bad at all Carmis *smiles*』

At that moment, Carmis was more pleased and happy to be friends with Blaze, but it seems that he is not the only one who wants to sympathize with the Cat's decision, Carmis could feel a little stirring of a power alien to his own.... At that moment Blaze proposed 2 things to Carmis, first it was to avoid risks, if someone has to possess him, then let it be someone he trusts, Blaze let himself be possessed by Carmis with his ability, in all this fight that we have had, Blaze was really still the same, but Carmis had put him a different defense mode, not to prevent the parasite from possessing him, Blaze doesn't want that, but still, he doesn't end up losing who he really is in the process. Carmis I respect the decision and how the fight will end, either Blaze comes out on top or he comes out on the losing end. And also that if she feels that something really bad and in serious trouble is Blaze, then Carmis would go to lend a little hand to her friend, she would help her against everything ....

At that moment when Zeta was about to possess Blaze, she could see it at that moment, 

even she was confused because... a portal had appeared in front of her, swallowing her 

hand, the exit portal went straight to Rouge, who, because of the collision, managed to free her from the attack of the whirlwind that was putting Blaze in trouble. There wasn't even time to react to what happened, the Parasite also knew that Carmis was involved in the fight, but...

A strong flare at the edge of the barrier occurred, it was gushing great flames that would burn anyone who came in contact with it. The Barrier seemed to greatly withstand the 

overflow of Blaze's power, who she between a great effort and showing that she really 

means business from now on, had switched to her Unleashed Form.

『It wasn't necessary for you to use your portal to help me, with my flames I was going to prevent the parasite from possessing me, in fact, I would have been burned to death if I did, but thank you for your concern for me anyway....now if my companions, I will go all out to help you』

Blaze was really imposing at that moment, his huge fists of fire and the bonds that were 

created around his body, it was really his Unleashed Form in all its splendor. Carmis to 

possess Blaze, knew where he was and where he was, likewise could perceive everything 

that Blaze perceived, invoking his portal in the middle of the fight is something simple, it really will be a help, at that time Carmis who was still collecting more pure energy, from 

his room commented that.

『I hope you don't mind if from now on I help you in your fight, really forgive me for not taking your pride into consideration but...I don't want to see a friend giving it all without 

me being able to do anything, although I know you want to fight to the end...despite 

everything you told me...I really hope you end up being the victor friend.....』

Carmis really wanted everything to go as planned, but if it doesn't, he knows exactly what he has to do. In the training area, Zeta Parasite and company realized that now if the real fight is coming and who will be the winner in all this, it seems that they will not let Blaze possess her, but now that she showed such power and make him be, see that conviction she has, really more than get to kill her, they also want to have that person in their ranks, tolearn more and more of what it really takes to be a living being with convictions to the end.

Quickly they all went to fight against Blaze, who was ready to fight against each and every one of them, quickly did not want to fight against Zeta, as their shock only cause 

explosions that hinder and damage their fight, the easiest to beat of them all is Amy, so 

quickly, would go for the pink with great speed, what was in front was obvious, to his right he could see the real Amy who with his huge fists of fire, ended up giving a strong blow, a strong and powerful slash was going for Blaze, but..... A portal appeared at that moment swallowing Rouge, who could not stop his speed and strength, ended up hitting with everything and filled Amy who received a double blow.

Now she was going for Cream, who the little doe was not being perceived by the cat, it was strange, even in her Unleashed Form she could not feel Cream's presence above her, her nature is incredible. But.....Quickly Blaze likewise, would go on to trace the entire top with her flames, if she likes so much to be jumping over everyone, then let her come down to be quickly detected by her footsteps.

Just as he thought, having the entire top engulfed in flames, this not only caused Cream to go down, but also the shield and barrier to suffer damage. He could detect the small jumps of Cream on the ground, and so it was easier for him to know her movements and...in a simple way, he grabbed her huge ears to make her stop, it was really like hunting a rabbit, at that moment Cream was kicking to get free, but just doing so, caused her to end up getting hot, but not burning her little legs, seeing her expression that something bad was going to happen to her, it was really cute.

『(I hope this slows down your speed....) Right!, forgive me Cream but....』

Blaze was thinking of warming Cream's legs a little to slow her down in her jumps, but 

when he wanted to do it, he quickly felt the presence of everyone at that moment, as if he did not want to hurt the smallest of the group. Again Rouge came like a blade, but 

immediately a portal appeared at that moment, it was a very good measure against Rouge, since among all, thanks to the empowerment of the parasite she was the fastest, but she could not control her speed.

Amy was going to give some strong blows, while Zeta was going with her blade with 

everything to Blaze, who in a simple way, ended up giving a jump with a twist, and even 

with Cream holding her ears, POMMM!!!!!! She ended up hitting her huge fists of fire 

against her 3 friends, she had them on the ground unable to move, it was time to take 

advantage, so she quickly threw and provoked large amounts of flames to leave them even more vulnerable. But, she herself wondered at that moment, all that amount of flames must cause great damage to her friends.... again as if no one could stop her, Rouge had quickly returned as a swift slash, again a portal appeared in front of her and at this, the Succubus caused a strong agitation of her wings that gave her enough strength to cause a whirlwind that stopped her at that very moment. A strong breeze could be felt hitting everyone from the other end of the room and reaching here. Again Rouge tried to strike a blow with her needles, but as if she had no chance, another portal appeared to block her attack.

But at that moment...BOOMMMM!!!! There was an explosion that lifted Blaze's body, it 

was Zeta who now was his turn to fight, quickly as if it was a lightning, he knew that she 

was his worst fighter, so quickly a portal appeared to deflect it but...unlike Rouge, Zeta had a good command of his speed, dodging the portal and hitting Blaze in his 

body...BOOOMMMM!!!! It wasn't even a hit as such, it was more like a lightning bolt 

hitting Blaze, this generated another explosion that quickly another lightning bolt was 

coming for Blaze, he tried to stop it with a whirlwind of fire, but in the process there was an explosion all the way and....POOMMMMM!!!! Blaze had received a strong punch all over his face, BOOMMM!!! Generating another explosion that sent her to the ground. What was this? is Zeta stronger than Blaze, it's true that his abilities and strength have increased, his punches were powerful, but Blaze should be able to resist them but...breaking his attacks and defense only with his electricity, plus every hit he receives is accompanied by an explosion that makes him even more damage...fighting against Zeta was really complicated.

There was no time for distractions, Amy was also waiting for her to receive her with a 

strong blow but...again came the slash that this time was different, not only it was no longer invisible but...in the path it took, it left a breeze that seemed to confuse even more what was happening. Blaze was going to use that breeze to stop and deviate in the air, but in that moment of wanting to do it, he quickly felt that .... the breeze that seemed to be so calm and relaxed, it was really going so fast that it made him feel that, he ended up pushing it hard against the barrier causing even more damage. Cream did not hesitate in this that again came for Blaze, with a stroke of fire she approached the little rabbit, but...at the moment she wanted to give her a strong blow to leave her out of combat...her fist that was going to attack her at that moment, deflected by itself, she was confused but at that moment she could know it...she was affected of so many times she was attacked with electricity, that now she was suffering from Electric Fever. Her punch was deflected where...POMMM!!!! Cream ended up giving her a double ear blow, she ended up hitting her so hard that sent her straight to the ground, Amy was waiting for her to continue with the combo, but a portal appeared to deflect her blow but...this ended up being an illusion that the real one managed to hit Blaze with several blows, she was whipping her without holding back or stopping, her whole body was receiving damage, including among all her arm that...

At the moment she wanted to stop the fist, she could feel it herself...the great fire artifact of her right arm, quickly ended up lost, the only thing that was there was an arm that was totally weakened. Blaze to this was worried, she was going to receive another blow, but was blocked by the portal of Carmis, and ....si her intention was that another one receives the blow, it was really complicated, all the adversaries were moving at great speed and it was difficult to perceive, even Amy at that moment, left illusions all the time and it was not known who was the real one, where they are, where they are, this really....

This frustrated Blaze who knew that this would not last long, he tried to explode and fill 

everything with fire to burn everyone inside, but that would really happen? but quickly a 

fast lightning appeared and surrounded Blaze, causing and generating that the explosion only occurred in and around Blaze, although he had resistance to such a reaction, with a weakened body now caused him damage. Her explosion attempt ended up being thwarted by Zeta Parasite, that when everything dissipated, Blaze could be seen extremely tired and exhausted, she tried everything, but .... seems that it will no longer be like that...the confidence she still had at the beginning, she still kept it, so she would try to fight again with all her strength but....Being affected by the Electric Fever, her attacks were not able to hit, moreover, at the slightest attempt to charge her attacks, by releasing her flames, her own body exploded internally every moment..... her speed was reduced and now she was literally attacked from all sides, even if Carmis tried to help with her portal, it was difficult to deflect all the attacks that were there. If Blaze tried to use her flames successfully, Zeta came to stop her and break her defense, the more hits she received from Amy and Cream, the less her body responded, the slashes that at the beginning did nothing to Rouge, now they were cutting her body little by little, she really did not believe or maybe she did, that her team would defeat her....She didn't know whether to feel happy or frustrated....When everything was over, the parasites stopped at that moment, since they could see the cat that was only breathing and only that...she was still, with her breath gone, in a completely worse state than before, but even so....still with the intention to continue fighting.

『Why are they stopping....Hey...Why are they stopping!!!! The fight is not over yet!!! 

Don't take pity on me!!!! Even though we are friends...this is a fight!!!!! It's a fight....you 

are my friends...I'm going to win for you.....*frustrated*』

!!!!!What was this, for some reason, hearing and witnessing Blaze's conviction, made her 

feel something in the parasite, still badly wounded, still with that body that can't take it 

anymore, with all her blood spilling out of her body, she literally screams that she can't go on but...unlike before when she possessed Big and was in the same conditions, they are totally different, Blaze does intend to keep fighting because she has to, because that's how she is, because that's what her being dictates to her. Her reason for fighting is to help those she cares about, she is the same as the Parasite in that sense, isn't she? But then why do they look so different? The Parasite wondered if at some point in his life, he would give up everything for the sake of another person....

This was incredible for the parasite, to have someone like this and to learn from it, maybe with just a little bit of what Blaze has, it is just what is necessary. Zeta Parasite was slowly approaching Blaze, who even though she wanted to keep fighting, her body couldn't take it anymore. The Parasite wanted to possess someone who would teach him the importance of others. ....

But at that moment she had another De Ja Bu, the person she wanted to have at that 

moment, from one moment to another was gone, it was clear, she saw the trace on the 

ground, the portal that was defending Blaze in the fight, right now instead of swallowing the others, it had swallowed Blaze in order to help her.

In Carmis' room, he was still collecting pure energy in his fist, but he could no longer 

witness how his friend was being physically abused by her friends, he really saw those 

friends not holding back and seeking victory...what if, but if things got bad, he had to do 

the right thing.

『Eh?...where am I?...and the fight?...hey.....』

Blaze had appeared in Carmis' room, who could not take it anymore and did what he had to do from the beginning, Blaze's plan was right and even the words of encouragement made him believe and trust that they could solve the problem between them, but as the plan progressed, it did not really work out as it was painted. ....

『I made it in time, now that all the parasites are locked up thanks to the barrier, we are 

safe, it was a measure that I thought of in case things went wrong..... I really wanted 

everything to go as you planned it Miss Blaze, but life doesn't do what you say.... I...I really apologize to you....』

Carmis at that moment bent down touching his forehead to the ground, he knew it, what he did would really upset Blaze, who she at last understanding what the Demon did and what he was up to, could not hide her fury that...

『Come back to me!!!!! Come back to me right now!!!! I can't leave a fight that I dictate 

myself to beat!!!! You want me to default on my person and pride???? Come back to me 

right now Carmis!!!!』

『But....usted is badly injured...she even just lost her Unbound Form without her 

realizing it....』.

The moment she saw Blaze it was clear, her body couldn't take it anymore, she even lost 

such a shape, Blaze was frustrated, she wanted to clench her fists tightly but...even that was impossible, blood dripping and staining the floor, her garment torn and her body likewise, really if she continues fighting, it will be the end for her.

『Are you afraid I'm going to die? That's not going to happen, I'm facing my friends, they would never do that...yes...they are my friends...they are not strangers or outsiders, this is something personal, I care about them a lot...it's my fight against them...I must be the one who defeats them....』

『That's impossible Miss Blaze.... You won't be able to beat them...』

To the words and affirmation of Carmis, to this Blaze remained confused and shocked, such was her surprise that she said nothing more than that, but Carmis with a repentant face told her the truth.

『You could see it, couldn't you? In all the fighting that was going on, the only one who 

really got hurt was you and only you Miss Blaze...the punches and attacks you made 

against your teammates, didn't really cause them any real damage....』

『....But what a thing to say Carmis....of course I was fighting for real, you better clean 

your eyes well otherwise--------』

『What Master M said is true, you can control who you want to hurt and who you don't, just as Master M did not suffer burns despite being engulfed in flames, his attacks against his companions had no real intention of hurting them or causing them great harm...because that's the same...you are also not capable of hurting those you love and care about....』

She had said it and it was a fact, Blaze's fight against her friends, anyway she was going to end up losing this first encounter, in the whole fight, she didn't really cause great damage to her companions, although she had the intention of defeating them, deep inside her, her true sincerity and honesty told her that she didn't want to make them suffer at all, because after all it wasn't a friendly fight as such, her friends were being possessed, they were victims and she didn't want them to be harmed in the process, She didn't want to make each one of them suffer, because after all it wasn't a friendly fight as such, her friends were being possessed, they were victims and she didn't want them to be harmed in the process because of her, the last thing Blaze wanted was to lose one of her friends. The cat knew at that moment, that the Demon was right...the idea that he was trying to defeat them as such, did not work out.

『With Master M I fought seriously at that time, I considered him and trained him to 

excel, but now I can say something Miss Blaze, you get soft, and much more if you depend on your friendships, if you really considered yourself the strongest of all, it was normal that you were afraid that one of your attacks would really end up mortally harming your friends...』

『....No...no....I was really fighting....fights are not about emotions or feelings...you just 

have to give your all in the fight....I said it myself!!!! In combat you really let the other 

person know what you think and...!!!!!!!!』-『ahhh...I really love you all very 


Blaze at that moment was on her knees and hid with her hands her sad face at that moment, the fight of a while ago, she realized herself that she could not win it. Carmis to this she had in mind to go with M to tell him what was going on, he is a bit far from her portal range, but no problem, she can move fast with her portal between the places she knows, she was approaching Blaze to be able to leave together but....

『Come back to me.... you have to come back to my fight....』

『I'm sorry Miss Blaze...but the best thing to do now is to retire....』

『Get me back...get me back damn it....I can't give up a fight...I can't give up my 

friends....I have to be with them....you have to get me back now!!!』

At that moment when he had invoked his portal below them, something strange could 

notice Carmis, there was interference for some reason, those little sparks of magic that 

sprouted around his portal, it was because there was instability at that moment, this worried him, something bad felt that was going to happen, so without wasting time, both were swallowed by the portal where...

『(Eh?...the range of my portal decreased? I'm pretty sure I decided to transport us to the extreme end of my range...*worried* it's still going on and getting stronger instability....I should hurry up and leave....)』

『Get me back...you have to get me back now!!!Abandoning a fight is like abandoning 

and betraying your rival!!!! They are my friends!!! I can betray thousands of people, but 

never who I really care about!!!!! Come back to me already!!!!!』

Carmis again went on and on transporting himself with his portal, but the more he did it, there really was instability, it was strange, the places where he appeared were not what he indicated, also the size and capacity of his portal was getting smaller, he had to try harder than ever to keep his portal in control, something that was already natural, this was strange, but Carmis could get an idea of what was happening, again a glow from his hand also seemed to sprout instability ....

『I hurt to run away just like you!!! you and I are capable of giving our all in combat even if it's the fault of our stupidity and pride!!!! I'm just being true to who I am!!!! That's why I don't understand you at that moment Carmis!!!! My friends and I left a fight hanging!!!! I have to go and fulfill it no matter what it costs me!!!! So we have to go back!!! We have to go back!!!!』

『Calm down Miss Blaze...strange things are happening...』

『Come back to me right now!!!!!! This is compliments of mine!!! So let me take 

responsibility for my mistakes!!!! No matter how the fight ends, my duty is to be 

present!!!! The important thing is to stand together and support my teammates!!!!! Get back to me now!!!!!!!!』

At that time they were moving from place to place, this was too strange, from what they 

were in the forest, right now...the place where they were was completely different, Carmis was scared and with a drop of sweat on his face, he had in front of the Possessed who were giving everything to destroy the barrier, which made him get close to their limit all 4 together. Carmis didn't understand, they had returned to the fight, in the training area...

『Why...we're here....(We must run away soon....)』

But at that moment of wanting to use his portal, from one moment to another he simply could no longer invoke it, this was alarming, but his answers would be answered soon. In a forced way, UltiMundo wanted to be invoked in this world in the palm of Carmis, who was also confused by this since he did not order it or anything, but he already felt it, this is where the interference and lack of control of his power came from. The portal used by 

Carmis and all his family, comes from this book, so for the UltiMundo to interfere with it 

was easy, but he could not understand why he was unstable and did not obey his orders ... but at that moment ....

『HEYY!!!!!!!! Come back for our combat!!!!! friends....*happy*』

At that moment Carmis could know exactly, if...the cause of this trouble they got into, it 

was because of Blaze herself that ....

『(!!!!!!!! It can't be.... UltiWorld is rejecting me...and at the same time he is accepting 

Miss Blaze's conviction and decision .... All this time living with everyone, he ended up 

being more interested in that kitten because of her personality that does not break with 

anything, that is faithful to her decisions until the end, was what moved and captivated 

UltiWorld...but me...it seems that he no longer wants me to be his bearer....)』

Carmis could not use the UltiWorld, who in a forced way wanted to make an appearance in this world, wanted Blaze to become his new carrier, since he more than accepted the same thought at this moment. In the end without a party to accept it, it ended up being a failure his summoning at this moment, leaving only with bad news to Carmis and Blaze, the Demon could not use his portals temporarily, he had been limited...escape from here was already something impossible. While Blaze, still badly wounded tried to go against his fighters who with a bloody fist said to them.

『Come!!! I will defeat every single one of you!!!』

.....This was a result that Carmis did not expect, who only gave a sigh, and with a face that things can still end well, he could only do one thing, he would prepare his fist at that 

moment, and... he would hit himself in the chest, generating a great pure glow that would blind the whole place. The fight has just ended...


On the cliff, M has been practicing so much that it even became night, he was returning to his Base Form, and everyone thought, he was practicing the Seikatsu no Basho, the search spell, he was shaken by it, but with a face that he tried very hard he said.

『In my God Form if I am able to achieve more rank, I noticed at various times that my 

friends were together, after all they are some of the strongest souls out there, I am very 

hungry, I skipped lunch, I am craving for a fried rice 』.

M was really not sure what had happened in all this time, so this quiet was looking at home to his companions, was somewhat rare since he entered the house, as all the lights were off for a reason, M to this turned on one by one areas while searching, were not in the kitchen, were not in the living room nor in the dining room, really could not know where they were or if it was a joke, but at that moment he thought of something.

『I know! I'll use the Seikatsu no Basho to look for them!』

He went back to his God Form, and used the spell, really his area can be better when he is in better shape, when he returned to his Base Form, he could feel it again, the tiredness that sticks to his original body, is something that always seems to be present, having used the spell so many times, he is weaker than normal. But that didn't matter, when he finds his friends he will feel better, he was going to the infirmary area where everyone seems to be, but before he had passed through the training area and .....

『Wua, the barrier was destroyed? it seems that if they showed off in this fight, for sure it was the Kitten who destroyed it, she's the only one I can imagine doing it 』.

I could see the light of the open infirmary, yes, surely they were training and now they are recovering each one, I entered the infirmary to know what was going on and... I found nothing strange, they were all calmly recovering from their combat.

『Good evening, were you training? I see you broke the barrier, eh? everyone is injured, it was an all vs. all battle?』

I approached to see what was going on, it really seemed very normal to me, as soon as I got closer, the first thing I saw was Cream who was with slight burns, but above all, her legs were with bandages, I quickly alerted myself about this.

『What!!! It can't be!!! Who did this to you Cream? you should take good care of your paws, and also your ears...I brought you some ice? I have an idea of who did this to you, although it's weird, I thought you were training with Amy, but anyway, don't do anything reckless and get well *smiles*』

I was caressing Cream's head to show her my concern, but at that moment I saw that the others were also with burns, it seemed to be an attempt of burns, since it looked more like black spots easy to clean, this made me more suspicious of who was the crazy woman who got out of control, this only made me think that if.

『Yes, also when I fought the Kitty, she didn't hold back at all with her fires, although it's 

strange, even though she throws all her flames at you, you don't really burn burn burn burn burn burn at all, no doubt she's a very sentimental crazy cat, hey Carmis, since you're here, why don't you use your healing spell on them』.

Carmis was also with us, and when I told him what I was thinking, he quickly tried to 

summon his magic book, but for some reason, when he tried to do it, it was like he couldn't, he could only see a light wear on his hands. He can't use it now? Strange...As I was walking around I finally found who is responsible for all this, Blaze was on a stretcher with several of her body with bandages, I even found her bandaging her arm....

『Hey...what happened here, why are you the only one who ended up in a worse state?...I know you like fights, but for everything there must be control, you even made me worry, good! Now you need care and someone to watch over you, just like you watched over me so I could recover, now it will be my turn to do it with you, I won't take my eyes off you for your sake Kitten *smiles*』

Blaze reacted to my words as I expected, she moved her ears and looked at me, I stared at her, she seemed to want to tell me something, but she preferred to keep silent, now that I think about it, nobody said anything since I came in, it was a bit strange, normally they are not silent, there are not Rouge's dirty jokes, Blaze did not get nervous, Amy should at least give me an explanation to this, that Carmis did not talk to me with respect....Cream does not look as tender as normal either.....

『Hey Zeta, you know what's going on? Don't tell me they are applying the law of ice to me, that would be really bad』.

At this Zeta from the question I said, he looked at me fixedly and quickly approached me without hesitation, he was worried about what was happening, and as if he wanted to 

reassure me, he stroked my head as he always does, when I looked up I could feel it better, yes, Zeta was smiling as he always is, this only assured me something, these assholes are applying the law of ice to me.

『Now for doing that to me, I won't be cooking desserts for you for a while-------』

But at that moment, something was coming out of Zeta's hand 


Without me expecting it, I ended up receiving a strong blow in the stomach that ended up not sending me away, but enough to leave me on the floor touching my stomach. It was Carmis who did not hesitate to do it, I really did not expect that blow and much less from my friend, I could only say.

『Eh?!?!!!! That hurt!!!! It really bothers you a lot that I said that?!!!!! Even if we're 

compas I'll tell you right off the bat! No candy for you and no milk for 2 months!!!』

At that moment Zeta came I thought he was going to help me, but...POMM!!!!!! He ended up giving me another blow at that moment in the stomach, again I went back to crouch in pain on the floor, I did not understand the reason why they hit me, first Carmis and now Zeta followed him....seriously that....Before I could continue giving reasons, they were not the only ones that I received blows, Amy had also appeared giving me another blow in the body, Rouge also did not hold back with her blow, I do not know what I had done wrong, but then I looked up and it was Cream, I was going to ask her for context but...I saw how she lifted her kick to hit you full in the face....POMM!!!!!!!

That last one if he didn't hold back, to this he was lying on the wall without understanding what was going on, he was really exhausted without understanding...that....

『What...what's wrong....why is everybody hitting me all of a sudden....』

At that moment Blaze appeared in front of me, who I was confused and even getting to the verge of tears, I was telling him and repeating what was happening, but Blaze at this, I could see his expression change, he really...didn't seem to like what was happening, that was the last time I saw Blaze with that expression for a long time because 

....POOMMMMMMM!!!!!!! Blaze was surprised by this, M had switched to his God Form 

at that moment saying.

『Stop it please.... if I did something wrong...please tell me...I don't like that the people I 

trust and love very much.... are hitting me without me knowing what I did....please...tell me what I did....what did I do wrong...what do you dislike or what bothers you...but please...I don't want you to hate me....』-『You are my family now, please...tell me what 


At that moment, M was crying and all in front of Blaze, who she heard perfectly what she just said, whatever is going on, really just opposing what I did wrong weighs me down, this is weird...it reminds me of my mother's scolding when I did something wrong, I really didn't like her being furious with me.... At that moment, Zeta appeared in front of me, and with a motherly smile she has, she put her palm on my head again and I knew at that moment, that things were not going to be the same for a while.

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