
Chapter 369: Submerged Part 11

S͇u͇m͇e͇r͇g͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇ ͇1͇1͇.

The situation of how bad it was, seems to want to turn to a more unbelievable one, and even what many expected in their lives to happen, they had in front of them for what several consider something virgin, something that has not been desecrated yet, something that has never had contact with the outside before after so long but so long, what things can be inside, what things can you find, what would you end up discovering if you decide to descend even deeper but. ...what if what was thought to be the deepest floor, what if there is one more floor that is difficult to access? what would it do to a person? would they want to stop there and go back for their own wellbeing, or would they be able to overcome that fear and their desire to fulfil their desires be even stronger so that they would be willing to put themselves in real danger, was your life worth so much to be able to fulfil your desire? For many the answer may be simple, but those who stop to think about what is truly in their own best interest are not smarter than others or more knowledgeable, they are simply aware of what they really want at that moment, life or a wish.

The scouting party had found an ice bridge that seemed to be really long, the darkness that covered the sides and all around, really even with all the lighting you could not imagine what the whole place would look like. Just seeing this, Shinu felt a fear in him, it wasn't the first time this had happened to him, he had faced this feeling of what was behind the darkness waiting to be discovered, of course he had successfully completed it thousands of times, and that's why he was afraid now, The fear and the hunch that something bad was going to happen to her, was the engine that made her accomplish several of her explorations, maybe they say that she was someone brave for overcoming herself and being determined in many occasions, but it was the opposite, she was strong because she was afraid, she was conscious between the good and the bad, that feeling of agony in his chest, that feeling of being trapped between the stones, that feeling of not being able to breathe, that feeling of defeat and that this is as far as you go, he was in many situations where his life was in danger, That is where the survival instinct of every person is activated, fear is what characterises every person, there is no one in the world who is not afraid of something, it is a strength, especially if you have the job of exploring the unexplorable, being a fearful person is the best blessing you can have.

『(This is wrong...very wrong...I have a hunch that for anything in the world you have to cross to the other side of this bridge...just standing here...it's ice, at any moment you can slip off because of a rampage, there is no safety, if you fall over the edge you will most likely fall into the void. ...I am trembling internally at that moment...if I show them my fearful attitude, it may also provoke mistrust and insecurity in my companions, I have to show myself confident in everything, the South Korean Chief must think the same thing....)』

『(There was another entrance?...what is this place...I have vague memories of being here...I can't say it's a hallucination as I can feel it very real...I'm afraid...I'm very afraid...my skin is colder than previous days, with that even in my state I can feel the fear of dying....eh? dying?...me dying?...memories...I feel I'm not very clear...)』

The South Korean Chief was a bit confused after thinking about it, the vague memories he has, that feeling of being somewhat familiar with this place, yes, one thing is for sure, it was not the first time he was in this place, the strange thing is that he does not know when was the first time he was here. He turned to look at the Biologist and how he kept encouraging the rest of the group to follow this path, he did not see him like the others, for him every time he sees him, he is like a form trying to be human, a lot of circular strokes to give the appearance of someone physical, of course he sees traces of the Biologist in him, but these fade more and more, especially when it is night, those strokes become clearer, as if leaving him without light to every person.

"What are you doing here with us?" "Why is it easier for you?" "Why aren't you wearing anything on your head?"

Also those words that the Biologist said to him, those small but very present words were taking force every time that time passed, why did he say all that to him? Why did he say it with anger and injustice all that time, as if he was claiming something about why he was doing better than him, why was he talking as if he no longer had the right to be here, in this world, in this reality, to be able to live and live like a normal person. Again the SouthKorea Chief looked above the Biologist's head and if.... there was nothing, still....

『A great experience awaits us! Let's go! We are waiting! I know you all are eager to fulfill your wishes, the rest you can leave for another time, this is a unique opportunity, it won't happen again, you are the first after all in a long time, you are special, you are unique, it may also be my only chance, I can't let this opportunity pass me by too, as I heard before, we are all here to help each other, you came all the way here, we didn't come to you, don't you think it's more than clear whose interests are at stake? *smiles*』

The Biologist was still talking with that attitude of wanting to be able to advance even more with these people, the use of his speech seems to be working, because if many people thought about it, he was right in many aspects, we could say that they have all been chosen for the skills and people they are, of course there are many better people in the profession, but among all the people in the world, they were the ones who had the opportunity to be here, they are special, they are incredible, each one has a strength, each one has that unique touch that no one else has. 

『You are the invoked ones!!!! Be proud of it!!! Come on family, let's get to the end together *smiles*』

At that moment, the Biologist thought he was finally in the mood to continue with the expedition, he was flattering them at the drop of a hat, he considered them special people because for them they are, they were for a long time in the dark and without the presence of living life around them, of course, as another person, he would be happy if they were visited by those who were really interested in them. The Biologist really couldn't keep his smile off his face, but ....

『It is clear that as you say Biologist, this is a unique opportunity, and that is why I regret not being able to take it 』.

The Electrician spoke at that moment, it was direct and without disrespecting him at any time, quickly as he heard that he was denied, at this he quickly removed the Biologist's smile, leaving his gaze up looking at the darkness between his eyes. 

『You said it so beautifully that it even made me feel young again Biologist *smiles* Being able to experience new things is something that is in the past for me, I only took this offer to be able to relive a bit of my youth, to be able to prove to my family, to my children that I can still give more to this world, but in front of this new experience that we are in, it is too much for me, I have it quite clear and I hope it does not bother you, between my loved ones and my professional desire, I want to be together with them again 』-『Also I prefer that the Pantheologist gets better, I would not like someone so young to die because of an absurd decision』.

The Electrician said it loud and clear, you could feel that he was not saying it to contradict the Biologist, he was saying it because he felt it was more sincere to say it this way, for adults who are already established and have a life already made, this is something unnecessary in their lives, they know what they are capable of and the moment they see that the offer they have in front of them, does not compensate for losing everything you have already obtained and want in life. 

『I also agree with the Electrician, I didn't form a family as such, I only have a mechanic's workshop in my home country, working and working to support myself in the future is the only thing I had in mind, the truth is that I didn't see anything interesting in it, it became so routine that I even lost that feeling of joy when I discovered mechanics for the first time, it would be no problem for me to continue with the adventure, the truth is that since the first day I arrived in Antarctica, everything has been a great experience *smiles*』.

The Mechanic also wanted to talk at this moment, he also made it clear how his life was so far and how he is following the routine of most people in the world, hearing that he was willing to continue with the trip, this made the Biologist happy, still looking up, he smiled saying that he was happy that he was going with him, but it seems that he was too happy soon....

『When I saw my nephew coming to my workshop, not only him, but also my brother and his wife, I was like "It's true, I'm not alone" I thought since my parents died of old age and my brother started to make a life for himself, my family that I had known for years had disappeared, I was the only one who had me and my job that little by little took away my interest, but when I saw my brother come that day unexpectedly, he was happy, he wanted to introduce his son to me, he wanted to introduce him to me because... "Why are you distancing yourself from me, why are you distancing yourself from me? ... "Why did you distance yourself, brother? Aren't we family? "When I heard that he told me that, I really wanted to cry again at that moment, what stopped my crying was meeting and touching my nephew's hand, I couldn't cry in front of him, he gave me strength and a new reason in my simple routine life, I smiled with all my joy 』-『I'm sorry Biologist, but I'm not willing to risk myself in something that I don't know if there's no return, as unbelievable as it looks, it looks very dangerous, it's one thing to feel excitement and joy, but it's another to be afraid of not getting out alive, my nephew might tell me I was a coward, I'll just wait contentedly for him to tell me *smile*』-『Just like I'll wait for the answer from the Pantheologist, when he recovers I'd like to hear your answer *smile*』

『Eh? Electrician...Mechanic...do they really care about me that much? *shy*』

The Mechanic was also unwilling to embark on a new adventure that looks very dangerous for everyone, for him what had more weight right now, were the people he really cared about at all times. The Biologist again was left with nothing to say, he learned something new, for those who have already lived a life, they are not willing to lose something they have already strived for, that made sense, because in their time they too, those souls surely did not want to lose what was most important to them. The 2 old men may not be on their side, but what about the others, he quickly wanted to go to the other extreme, now it would come down to who was the youngest of the group. He would ask the Typographer what he thought of this, where the youngest took him by surprise, and said.

『"Well it wouldn't be bad to explore and go to the other side of the bridge, if they promise me that incredible things will happen then I'm in, everything that happens I can document it which is something I really like, but to be honest I'm not in a position to choose, all my life I've always consciously followed others because I know they make better decisions than me...it's a complex that people like us have, we have 2 paths, we either follow others or we follow our own path"』.

At the moment the Typographer was speaking, at that moment he turned to look at Nushi, who would also do the same by crossing his eyes, the Typographer with zero expression on his face, would sigh to give the last of his words.

『"I'll choose for the decision by the one that looms the most in the balance"』 

『Lie Tipografo, you're going to go for the decision the Nurse makes right? 』

『That's right, it's very clear, you wanted to hide it by putting us in your words, but it's obvious that the Nurse's opinion carries more weight *smiles*』

The 2 stooges, the Pantheologist and the Archaeologist interrupted their friend in all this, why hide it, they knew perfectly well that their little friend was really interested in the Nurse, they didn't say it openly that he feels something direct like the Biologist did, but that she is someone important to him. At this the Typographer became very embarrassed and asked them to be quiet, but these two only laughed at this gleefully, the Nurse turned to look at him, where the Typographer again clashed glances, so to end it all, he covered his face with his notebook while not controlling his voice.

『"Ahhh! All right!!!! Let's get the hell out of here!!! !!!! It looks very dangerous and I don't want anything bad to happen to the rest of us!!!!! The Pantheologian can shit more!!!"』

『As long as I'm not shaken or forced I can hold out for a few more hours *smiles* But still Tipografo, you don't want anything bad to happen to the Nurse do you? 』

『....*red*...Ay ya!!!! That's right!!! I don't want anything bad to happen to her!!! Are you happy now?!!!!』

The moment she shouted, the first thing she did was to look at the Nurse, who couldn't take her eyes off her, that she should care about her, that she should see her as the most important, that her opinion should be worth more than the others, that she should see her as the most important, the selfishness was evident, but this made the Nurse smile, and she let the Typographer know it, who, seeing her again with that expression of blushing joy on her face, was enough for the Typographer to hide his gesture again in his notebook. Well, now that the Typographer had spoken, it was time for her to speak.

『Well, I have made up my mind, I'm not a fan of exploration like everyone else here, I just came as the one in charge of everyone's health, I'm really the one who should follow everyone else's decision and appease them, but these days that we all live together, I'm really glad that you have me as a friend, I'm really glad that you all like me so much and that you consider me someone essential to the group *happy*, you are all very kind, if I may, I think it's better to withdraw and leave everything about the cave for now, you don't have to be an expert to realise that this is very dangerous, it really scares me to know what I can find in the dark』.

『Besides, my priority is everyone's health, right now the Pantheologist is not in the best condition, even if everyone decides to go, I will make the decision to bring the Pantheologist back to the surface so that he can make the best use of the life I will save』.

At that moment, the Nurse gave her opinion regarding the group, where upon hearing it, they were actually happy and regretted if at first they thought that their word and presence would not be of great value to everyone. For the Nurse it was clear, the priority is to save those who need help, if it were up to her, she would carry the Pantheologist to the surface by herself, and then walk through the snow and darkness until she reached the base of Antarctica where the Pantheologist would finally be taken care of properly. Nushi did not take long to imagine that this was possible, for.

『You are a gorilla after all, you can make a round trip by yourself 』.

『Nushi!!!! *red* Now for saying that, I'll be the one to carry you on my back!!!』

『You're going to carry my son on your back?! Really?! Fine, fine! As your little mother-in-law I give you permission for that!!! Come on Nushi! It's also your time to give her first impressions of the hunk you're carrying, after all you came from a well-endowed man *smiles*』

『Mom!!!! What the heck are you talking about?!!!!!! You're not referring to .... and how I come from a well endowed man?!!!!! Don't go around profaning and speaking in my daddy's tongues you beggar woman!!!!!』

『*shy* *red* (Suegrita, she called herself my suegrita....*sonroja*) No problem...with the cold...penis size and testicles shrink...so there won't be any problem....so for more safety...we have to cuddle very well Nushi! *red*』

『You too what are you saying!!!! Hey!!! I'm talking to you too!!! Give me your face!!! The only woman who cuddled all my life is my mother!!!! You too don't want to get rid of me or what?! I told you it would be a big bother...I don't want to repeat it...』

『*red* *shudder*.....*smile*...』

『You even reply with the same silly smile as my mother...ay...why do women give me so much trouble, seriously father, what did you see in my mother?....』

How can there not be, always at all times the Li family will take the opportunity to do their own thing, and with it that looked so normal, they made people forget for a moment the tense and serious moment they were in, accompanied by smiles and laughter among all. But at that moment the Pantheologist heard about the penis and the cold, so it makes sense why the Nurse didn't react as she had expected when she saw it earlier. The Nurse was totally embarrassed and red about it, she was looking at Nushi, not taking her eyes off him, but the look wasn't the same, Nushi was looking at her confused because he didn't really understand her. But in all of this, the Typographer could see something that might not happen with him, at that moment he was envious of Nushi, it was obvious that he didn't feel any attraction for the Nurse, but she did for him, it was clear, the Nurse was in love with Nushi, and this only made the Typographer sad instead of angry, instead of angry, it only made him sad.

『("How can you not realize idiot, the Nurse loves you, she really loves you...it's very different from when she interacts with me, the gap is huge...I...I can't have a conversation like that with her, I.... can't treat her or talk to her in that direct and serious way like you do.....")』-『("So it's true that women like those who treat them badly...no...treat her on the same level...*tsch* I would treat you better....")』

This really seems like a flourish for the Nurse and Nushi, while more repressed hatred for the Typographer. This everyone managed to see, but especially who paid more attention to it was the Biologist, who noticing that the one who was provoking such negativity in the Typographer, was the Nurse herself, stared at the latter while saying.

『I see, it's a more complicated issue than I thought』.

The Cartographer was raising his hand, that he raised it made everyone think as if he was in a classroom, this one with a drawing in his notebook, also gave us to understand the opinion he had.

『Let's stop this, having contradictory ideas is horrible, I know you are eager to continue exploring Biologist, I can tell that you are a person that nothing stops you, and I would not like that because of us we stop the desire to discover new things you have』.

『Are you contradicting me? But how kind of you Cartographer, you're the one who's apologizing for everyone, really seeing you in a great situation would help a lot *smiles*』

『So please excuse me too! Yes it makes me want to draw what's more in depth, but I'm afraid, afraid that if I put my personal desires at the forefront, I'll end up losing what I consider most important, I'm afraid of losing my friends, I'm also afraid that at any moment something bad might happen to the Pantheologist, I'll do anything to be useful to him』

The Cartographer was very clear about his decision, as he understood his drawings well everyone, really he himself believes that he is a boy who only knows how to draw and is only good for it, he has the need to be useful always even out of his capabilities, it is not that he belittles himself, he just wants to be useful in any difficulty to others. 

The Geologist also wanted to give his opinion to this, commenting that he is very encouraged by this, but the most sensible and correct decision possible, is to watch over all those present so that their lives are not in danger. Even with the Pantheologist on his back, he was determined about this.

『Additionally, the Night Season has fallen, just look at the cave, there is no trace of light if we do not light up, the cold will go down even more and our equipment will not be able to withstand it after a while, also we have to count all the possibilities, it is normal that in the Night Season in Antarctica, strong blizzards occur, snowstorms, it can filter from the entrance, it is not uncommon to think about it, if the sunlight filtered through here, why would not the storm, it is not unusual to think about it, if the sunlight filtered through here, why wouldn't the storm, my opinion is to go back to the Second Layer, it will keep us protected and then we will plan if it is safe to go further or stay and wait for a while 』

The Geologist was giving a possibility to this, knowing from his subject, it is normal to him that Snowstorms can occur in these parts and seasons, for it to leak in would be extremely terrible, the Biologist did not think of that, never before had wind leaked into this cave before because it had not been discovered, but perhaps the introduction of wind, from a strong blizzard, would awaken something else. To this the Biologist smiled at this possibility, where he commented.

『Also the blizzards bring animals to take refuge, we already saw penguins, so it would not be surprising to find another animal at the entrances, such as a polar bear』.

To what the biologist said, he seems to be using what he learned and knows about the subject, this alarmed everyone a little, the possibility that if a snowstorm occurs, this would cause animals to come by chance and use it as a shelter. But the Biologist commented that if that happens, he brought with him some tranquilizers for the occasion, but before shooting or taking drastic measures against an animal, the most preferable thing would be to try to talk to it. Which for many did not seem strange coming from him. This was not over, not everyone had made their opinions clear, the Pantheologist and the Archaeologist who are the happiest about this, as they were the first to be disappointed to realize that their path was over. 

『If I were in my best state, of course I would say let's continue with the exploration, they wouldn't make me change my mind, it's what perhaps I've always hoped for, but of course, it would be very foolish of me to get into something that I don't know how it will end in my condition, if I put something else in my mouth, I'm sure I might even die』.

『Don't say that Brother, you're not going to die, if one of us has to die, then that will be me!!!』

『But I don't want you to die bro, I would be very sorry if you would give my life for me or anyone else』.

『Bro....but if one has to die, I want to give you my life』.

『You two, don't talk about dying that only brings bad water.....』

Between the conversation of the 2 stooges, Nushi did not take long to make them stop all this. It was more than clear, everyone in front of him, none of them had the intention to continue with the path, the reasons were different, but they all seem to have something in common, they all made the decision to retire because they already had someone in their lives who they don't want to worry and in the best case, go back to spend more routine joyful days with that person.

『We are missing, aren't we? I don't plan to go deeper, you have to be crazy if you think that something bad will happen during this bridge, besides if something terrible happens, as I have it very present, I know that my mother will do everything to make me well, that's how it has always been.... and just imagining that possibility...makes me sad...』

『*smile*Now you're the bad water Nushi, I told you, I'll always be by your side until the end 』

『That's why we have to go...neither my family, nor my friends, I don't want anything bad to happen to them』

Meilin was caressing Nushi's head, who could only turn his eyes while blushing, he was not objecting to his mother's caress, he was just letting her do whatever she wanted with him. Everyone felt happy for Nushi's comment, it was a bit weird, but seeing him worried about others, coming from him, made that feeling even more incredible. The Nurse even made it hard for her to think that he was the same as he was days ago, at that the Pantheologist, he was so touched by those words that he began to shed pitiful tears.

『Now I feel bad...I feel like I'm the one responsible for stopping our adventure here...they hold me in high regard *grins* but!!!! Really thank you so much for importing them!!!! 』

At that moment, the Panteolgo started to squeal like a baby that needed its mommy, to this the Geologist only tried to soothe it on its back, this so it wouldn't forget that it was really warm.

The Biologist was already upset, he was clenching his teeth and fists with great force, the souls that were inside him and wanted to form a single body, did not like this, they were not supposed to help each other, right now they need his help but simply will not do it, the souls seem to be upset by this, without realizing it, this caused by the weight and force, that the place where the Biologist was, cracked slightly.

『You heard it Biologist, we have to go back, I am also not allowed to endanger my comrades, if you don't agree, then I will take you by force to come with us, you also deserve to live』.

Shinu tapped the Biologist's shoulder noticing that he was displeased with this, it gave him enough reasons, no more needed to be said, it is a majority vote to want to return. Whoever tells him that he deserves to live too, this only made him....

『That's right...I deserve to live more than anyone else...I deserve to feel alive again no matter what...why don't you help me for that purpose, I need you, everyone now made it clear to me what really matters to you, I have to make use of it to strengthen myself and find myself.... you...it's not going to ---------』

『Calm down』

At that moment when the Biologist seemed to burst out, the Chief of SouthKorea appeared at that moment to grab his shoulder warmly, when he was by his side, he could see, how the souls that made up the trace corps, wanted to leave, they were planning to do something dangerous to make them stay, but the Chief of SouthKorea, being in charge of everyone, was not going to let them put themselves in danger.

『There will be other opportunities, don't just stay with this one, rest assured that we won't be the only ones who come here of our own free will, so it's time to let it go, at least let us go please....』

He was not talking to the Biologist, he was telling the souls that were receiving in him, at this the Biologist looked at the South Korean Chief, where he again looked to see if he had something on his head, and seeing that there was nothing, he simply seems to have given up, the whole body that before was heavy, now seems to be getting lighter and lighter. The Chief of South Korea could not believe what he was seeing, but the souls were leaving the body of the Biologist, leaving him little by little at the end of his control. Now that he could see him as he always should have been, the Biologist found himself confused by this, he looked at his hands, how he could move them and .....

『I told them to leave quickly...I gave you that task South Korea Chief...they are not going to let us leave』.

At this the South Korean Chief became very alarmed, and when they thought they had already made a decision to retreat, a strange loud noise could be heard coming from the labyrinthine path of the 3rd Layer, it was a combination of a stunted scream like a beast, accompanied with harucan winds, this ended up alerting and confusing everyone. Quickly by instinct, Shinu went to stand in front of his companions, it was pure reflex, as he felt that something bad was coming en masse. The others did not understand this, if something dangerous was coming after them, the best thing to do was to get out of here, the Geologist would walk first but ....

『Eh? Cold?...and where is this wind coming from?』

He saw and noticed how a light blizzard was running after the low level of his feet, quickly this seeing low ran all over the place where everyone could feel that icy wind that was making them understand that something bad was about to happen. Quickly Shinu to this, he was going to shout for everyone to quickly follow him behind his back, but again in his whole being, just looking ahead, an icy cold of fear ran through his whole body, he couldn't handle it, he froze. He wanted to speak but...it was as if he was petrified of something.

『Come on! Why did you stay in the middle of the words!!!! You were going to say that we have to go right?』

The Wind was getting stronger and stronger and from the low level it had, it was gradually rising, Nushi who was the first to speak to him, again insisted on what they were going to say, what the orders were, he trusted him, he wanted to know his answer, after all the professional about this was the Spectrologist, Shinu.

The Biologist to this was repeating again that he told them that they had to leave quickly, he knew what was about to happen, it was not time to go into fear, this was an opportunity, this determined would shout that.

『Do not return to the 3rd Layer!!!! You will see things that your conscious will not be able to resist!!!! you have to cross the ice bridge now!!!! Chief of South Korea, please guide us....』

『Seeing things...resisting...(the fear...the memories...the scenery and all...is something I succumbed to....) Listen everyone!!! We have to cross the bridge now!!!!』

Seeing him, the SouthKorea Chief was taking him in his arms and when he touched him, he noticed something in his body, he was light....but not light light light, he was as if he had really already spent too much time here, it's as if he hadn't eaten for a good while, it's as if he was already at his limit, he had to help him, since right now the Biologist couldn't see well, they were helped while repeating to him.

『I trust you SouthKorea Chief...why didn't you do something before...why couldn't you do something....』

『....I'm sorry....( It seems that he is already the same, the souls that received in him, have vanished, but right now, those souls are enveloping the whole 3rd Layer, they have no intention to let us go, if one enters that place with those violent souls, I am very sure that they will be left the same or worse than the Biologist, even to what I lost. ..)』-『(They are not normal souls, they are stronger than normal, what a simple soul would find hard to interact with reality, these ones here, if they are able to interfere in a thousand ways....)』

In the middle of the entire 3rd layer, the souls had made a cumulus of themselves, they were expanding as much as they could, they were not going to let anyone pass from here, they were not going to let anyone leave this place until they had finally received the help they were promised. Shinu knew this, she could feel it all over her skin, she couldn't take off the worried look on her face, her hunch tells her that for nothing she should let anyone go back that way, the end could be worse than death. And for the first time....Shinu by staying calm and serious for the whole time, this one really having only darkness in front of him and uncontrollable fear, he would scream.

『Listen to the Boss!!!! Stay away!!!!! Don't go the way we went!!!!! If you want to live!!! You have to get away from whatever is coming for us!!!!』

And with that scream of fear in his face, he would go on to push all his companions and incite that for all they want in that world, do not see the darkness that is behind him. Shinu saw it clearly by being present, he was able to see what mankind is most afraid of, he was able to see something that was not supposed to know its existence. Just imagining that it resides in the non-existent, just discovering something that should not have been discovered, was even a cause for sin. No one could believe it, Shinu, as serene and calm as he looked, had the most horrified face possible. The Chief of South Korea knew it, and commented that he was a strong guy for having resisted and remained serene even after seeing him for seconds. Shinu and the Chief were making this decision to cross the bridge because he really doesn't want any of his companions to experience the same as them.

『I don't get it, are you afraid of the dark too Shinu? *laughs* I'm going to make fun of it for quite a while....』

『We too have to run son, I don't feel a good feeling about it either 』

Nushi didn't understand but, her mother also agreed that something bad was about to lurk, from one moment to another, everyone was in the decision to run to the other side, both the Archaeologist, the Geologist who had the Pantheologist on his back, Shinu who encouraged and supported everyone so that no one would be left behind. The Chief of South Korea, seeing that everyone decided to cross to the other side, had to hurry and leave the Biologist at the other end as soon as possible. The Nurse, the Li family, the Cartographer, the dwarves, really everyone was running across the ice bridge as if their lives depended on it. 

『"Hey...hey...hey...why the rush...unbelievable, I've never seen you with that expression before, are you really that afraid of the dark Shinu?"』

The one who least believed in all this, was the Typographer, who was being pushed by Shinu so he wouldn't be left behind, since he didn't see the point, it was just a vestisca, just like the Geologist said, it's just a snow blizzard, not because of something like this one will really die.

『"We have tents and sleeping bags, we have heaters, even if it's a Snowstorm, it exhausts its strength when entering the cave, we are safe, it's not like it will hit us directly, even resting in the middle of the 3rd Layer is better than this, hey!!!!! Are you listening to me!!! Stop pushing me already!!!!"』

The Typographer stepped aside and got rid of Shinu, but the Typographer did not agree with this, it was too sudden the decision they made, besides he had already made his own, that they were all going to return to the surface. The Typographer looked at Shinu in a bad way, who did not understand how his little companion did not understand what was going on here.

『"It's just a light blizzard Shinu, it's nothing, besides, stop superimposing your thinking on others, I don't like that at all"』-『"Hey!!!!! Guys!!!!!!! Stop!!!!!"』

『Don't stop!!!! Keep running!!!!』

But of course, at a time like this, it was clear that they were going to listen to the Typographer instead of Shinu, who did not understand why they were stopping, but the truth is that if, no one besides him and the Chief of South Korea, understood what was happening, for the others it was clear, they made this decision because he said so, but everyone clearly want to take the first decision they chose, to return to the surface. He repeated several times not to stop, to keep running, even Meilin who was carrying her son, Nushi stopped because it was time to stop this antics.

『Keep running!!! Don't stop..---------』

『"Shut up Shinu *sigh* We've all made up our minds!!!! That we were going to return to the surface because we just all agreed that this place is too dangerous!!!! and look at us now! Just because we were given an order we have to follow it? I'm sorry Shinu and Chief, but this time I feel that your decision was the most hasty and fearful there is, it's not the right decision. Everyone here knows the right thing to do!!!! Let's go!!! Let's go back to the 3rd Layer!!!! We have everything we need to withstand this blizzard, we can go back to the base from before!!!!! Also an option!!!! You said it yourself!!!! You don't want to put anyone in danger!!!!』

The Typographer had spoken, this one only said what seemed right and simple to him, he did not see more in depth of what may happen, it was normal, it was not his profession nor his subject, only for him Shinu's decision, it was out of sync with everything else and it was really hasty. Shinu could not believe what his partner said, but the worst would come later, when the others heard this, they really had already decided, they felt that it would be more dangerous to cross the bridge than to return, that's how they saw it. Nushi who heard and saw all this, more than agreed, turned to see his mother and said.

『Let's go back mother, looks like Shinu just embarked us in his fear *laughs* That's very unprofessional of him, what is he, a child? *smiles*』

Nushi was making fun of this, in the end he seems to be right, he wanted to leave, but he realized that his mother was holding his hand, and this prevented him from wanting to leave, which only gave him the favor of wanting to let go. Since one said it, the others also thought the same way, the dwarves think that there is still a chance to return, they are in the middle of the ice bridge, the Geologist was also worried, he did his best not to run so much, but it seems that he made the Pantheologist feel bad, since his grip and the gesture he was putting, seems to be losing effect of the medicine. The Nurse likewise, she didn't want anyone to be in danger and....the Archaeologist likewise, if there really was a danger in returning, then let him be the deterrent for everyone to suffer.

『No!!! No!!! don't go back!!!! Ahhh!!! Chief of South Korea!!!! Please say something to them!!!!』

『"Looks like he got too far ahead, I think he's about to cross to the other side"』

The Chief of South Korea was moving forward, he felt that he had to take the Biologist to the other side so that something bad would not happen, he thought that everyone else was following him, they were all in the best decision to make, to go back to stop being in danger. Shinu was worried and scared, he was going to scream again, but without him seeing it coming, the Cartographer was already in front of him, at what moment did he appear? But whatever it was, he was showing her a drawing that said.

『Let's go home together*smile*』.

The Cartographer was happy with this, he doesn't know how to do anything else besides drawing, if he wants to help someone, the best he can do is to give them the best advice there can be, to be useful to them. Shinu seeing this, was more regretful than everyone, he couldn't deal with this, where he whispered that.

『Me too...I want us to go back home...』

It really hurt him to make this decision, and when he finally realized this, the presence he felt, the cumulus of souls ended up reaching the beginning of the bridge, and seeing a crack before, they all felt something that left them completely frozen, the path where they were, a crack was forming quickly. Shinu, seeing this, knew that whatever was behind him was approaching, so without warning, he grabbed the Typographer and the Cartographer with his arms on one shoulder each, and took them running with him.

『"Hey!!! Let go of me!!! Who gave you permission to carry me!!!!! You think I'm a kid? huh?!!!!"』

『Please don't run fast, we may slip』.

Shinu was not going to listen to them, and was only running to get away from danger, the crack seems to have remained just that, a slight crack that was all over the middle of the bridge, it is as if a great weight had set foot on this bridge, if all that great weight is in the middle of the ice bridge in both directions, it has already gone from the beginning to the middle...

『Hey you, Geologist, what are you waiting for, don't listen to Shinu, you have my friend the Pantheologist on your back, it hurts me to see him suffer, we have to go back』-『And you Mechanic and Electrician, sorry for the favor, but could you go to the other side to bring back the Chief and the Biologist?』


『Mother, I am making this decision for others, not for me, I want the best for this group, I want the best for the people, you are the one who taught me all that, or do you want me to abandon my friends?』

『Yes son...but...』

『Let me help, there are few opportunities I have...』

Listening to Nushi, Meilin didn't know what to do, at that moment she realized what an incredible decision Nushi has to choose more for the welfare of others, for him this was the right decision. Seeing him act that way after all those years where only he mattered, he really felt he did a good job raising him but...it was not the best time to show it. The Geologist was advancing backwards, the Dwarves were advancing to bring back the Chief and Biologist. Nushi was telling the Geologist to catch up with him when the other two were brought back, he was trying to get his mother to let him go, but she still wouldn't do it. 

『I know what you want, if I tell you to go hand in hand, would you agree to go?』

『I also think that...it would be best to go back....』

At that moment, the Nurse approached these 2 to give her opinion on this, she had it 

obvious, she must take care of who is in bad shape, and she will do everything possible for it. Hearing this from the Nurse, Meilin was confused, Nushi told her to help him to get out of his mother's grip, but the Nurse instead of forcing him as Nushi did, she just touched Meilin's hand and said.

『Let's go back, I wouldn't like to see a nice family like you 2 are destroyed, this danger we took, it doesn't deserve it 』.

Meilin was even more hurt, hearing her daughter-in-law tell her this, seeing that she was really worried about the two of them, made her want to make a decision that would also weigh too heavily on her. Shinu was running carrying the Typographer and the Cartographer in her arms, where they were complaining, but they were not going to be heard, but at that moment.

『(Eh? What is this...the fear...gone...I don't feel anything on my back anymore...)』

Shinu felt this strange, now his hunch said that there was no more danger behind, he ended up running, but anyway he kept running because he still felt a little insecure about this, as if the worst was yet to happen...

From what the Typographer was being charged, he didn't agree with this, but forcing 

himself would be a waste of time but... at that moment he dropped his notebook where he wrote down everything about the expedition, it was a crucial moment for him, to lose this, would be like losing what he does, what he is and what he is.

『"This if I am not going to allow it..."』 

The typographer forced his body so hard again, that Shinu shouted at him to stop, Meilin also at that moment, with her free hand, grabbed the nurse's arm, where she did not understand why she did this. 

『(Nushi is not advancing...and Shinu is coming...which way should I go?)』

The Geologist walked slowly towards this, he was a bit confused with the decision to make. The Chief of South Korea was on the other side, he arrived with the Biologist, they were both safe, and as he saw it coming, a dark storm of souls was on top of the Biologist, they were spinning and this alone caused a lot of fear in his being, and when he finally knew what was going to happen, the Biologist would tell him what to do.

『Why haven't you done anything...do something dammit....』

All the souls were entering violently back to the Biologist, who could feel a strong blizzard coming from the end of the bridge, the blizzard caused a pressure on them that could be resistible, but for Shinu, this was enough to knock him down and fall backwards, he wanted to pull himself together, but he could see how the Typographer was running for his notebook. But he was not the only one who fell, also the Cartographer did it, and scared he was looking around, he was also looking for his backpack that had also fallen. But ....It seems that it was too late.

The South Korean Chief knew that all the weight and strength of the souls in the Biologist's body would not withstand the bridge, if this happened in the middle of the road, he could have destroyed it without further ado, he believed he had made a good decision to bring it to the other side where, but .... At that moment, the Biologist looked at the Chief and said.

『Don't you think it would be boring if nothing happened?』


It was heard how from the place where the Biologist was, a great weight was placed on top of him that ended up fragmenting everything and cracking the entire ice bridge, but now from the end to the middle. With both sides cracked, at any moment this was going to be destroyed from the middle. At that moment, Meilin knew what she had to do, she took her son and the Nurse, she ran in a straight direction towards the end of the bridge, she could see clearly how the fragmentation wanted to meet its other side, quickly the whole bridge was going to be destroyed in a chain at any moment. Shinu looked behind him, and noticed how the Typograph was already far away, he had to go for it but .... The Geologist felt the tremendous weight, he was frightened by this thinking that it was already being destroyed, he did not know where he had to go, at the beginning or at the end. Shinu in a fast way, he would go running to take it and go to the end, but by running in a fast and hurried way to rescue him, this only caused .... the destruction of the bridge to begin...the 2 fragments had 

already been found in the middle of the bridge.....

Shinu made a face of fear, she would go to take the Geologist in her arms so they could go to the end together but ....

『Nooo!!!! Pantheologist!!!!!』

The Geologist screamed when he saw that this unexpected movement, the Pantheologian's grip did not resist and he was lying in the middle of the bridge in destruction, to this Shinu wanted to return but .... at that moment he saw the Cartographer who was near the sameplace where the Pantheologian fell, so he shouted to him.


The Cartographer who had his backpack recovered, managed to hear the cry of Shinu, saw the Pantheologian crawling for fear of falling into the void by the destruction, where without hesitation, the Cartographer went ahead to the destroyed area and that was falling every second, managing to take the Pantheologian and with him away to the other direction with him. Meanwhile on the other side, the destruction had begun at that point, Meilin quickly took them and ran to the exit of the ice bridge, they were the only ones, the others had already gone ahead.

『But what is this!!!!! The bridge is being destroyed!!!!』

Nushi screamed because of this unforeseen event, from the middle of the bridge, it started to be destroyed from both sides, Meilin was running with all her strength, where the only thing she could feel, was how the two young men who were with her, were clinging as if their lives depended on it. But she was not the only one who had someone on top of her, Shinu caught up with her and they were both trying to escape from the plummeting bridge. The South Korean Chief was asking the Biologist if this was who caused it, where the Biologist was only telling him.

『So tell me, are you finally going to do something? *smiles*』

He repeated to himself many times, what was his purpose in this, what did he really want him to do? ....The destruction reached Meilin and Shinu, who, seeing themselves cornered, made use of all their experiences to use them in this, even with fragments falling, they jumped to safe areas that were also destroyed, and ...

『You have to do something *smile*』.

Again because of the weight and power that the Biologist had, it provoked another strong blizzard coming from him, and with it the destruction accelerated even more...this was noticed by Meilin and Shinu, who didn't even have time to push themselves and take strength but ....

『I won't let my family die here!!!!!』

Meilin became serious, and anyway this one could give her enough time to be able to keep running ice by ice, Shinu was not far behind either, it was not the first time she had death on her side, and in all of them is what she resorts to, she achieves great feats like this, because she is too afraid, but.....

『I've arrived!!!!! Meilin you!!!--------------』

At that moment when Shinu reached the end of everything, he thought that Meilin and others had also reached the end, but at that moment, the Biologist only with a slight step, managed to make the firm part where Meilin was going to step on, was already being destroyed and falling into the void.The only thing that everyone could see at that moment, was how the 3 members of the group, Meilin, Nushi and the Nurse, were about to fall into the void. .....

At that moment something incredible happened, or rather he followed the words of another, the Chief of South Korea who was sure, he can not allow anyone else to end up like him, so he quickly jumped on Meilin's back, and with a kick they were propelled, it was like a blizzard had given them the strength and thrust needed to reach the end of the bridge where they were asalvos. The three of them managed to arrive safely, but quickly Shinu could only scream for his leader who, without being able to say anything, was the only one who fell into the void in that immense darkness, and the only thing he said as he fell was...

『Ahh...I remember...how I died....』

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