
Chapter 346: Cursed History

H͇i͇s͇t͇o͇r͇i͇a͇ ͇M͇a͇l͇d͇i͇t͇a͇

For years there has been a story circulating on the frozen continent, one where the panic and the strangeness of it, ended up concluding that it was something supernatural, totally the opposite and even denial by researchers and scientists, can something like this exist in real life? someone who has always dedicated his life to seek the truth, that in the end the result you were always looking for is the product of magic? curses? fantasy beings? a result that goes against all logic that we know today. 

Antarctica is a place where it is not at all comfortable to live, you would literally be isolating yourself from the world in order to know more about the world, every person who comes here and decides to stay is to give his life and give all his being to obtain more advances, either technological or biological, that's why there are very few people who live here, mostly are people with an important profession, scientists and researchers are the most present, discover new theories, discover new lives, discover and decipher even events, phenomena or objects outside the human mentality, that's their job in life, to give a clear sense to everything lived and not lived, make sense of something concrete, make sense of the abstract as well.

But of course, they are not alone, they could not survive in a habitat that is a danger to simple lives that are worth little in the world. Some scientists and researchers have that thought about life, in retrospect humans are too fragile and at any moment we can die for whatever small cause, and it is not lying, the same figures and percentages say it, humans die every second either by disease, accidents, battles, or simply by old age, and there is also the possibility that humans die for situations that they simply deserved and many others did not deserve. But of course there will always be the counter to give balance to life, in every second that passes, in any part of the world right now a new life is being born, and the situations are external and alien to us if that creature deserved to be born or not, but there it is, humans are some of the most primitive beings that exist, no matter how much the years pass, no matter how much we evolve or advance, we will always have in us what we were initially, inferior beings that we catalog and refer to them as animals.

Is it really worth all the effort we give as researchers and scientists, is it really worth giving all our lives and our achievements to such repulsive beings as humans are? Obviously not all of them are, but the rotten amount of humanity is sickening and it is very noticeable, listening to the news on my radio is what makes me most angry at the time of doing my job, I ask myself the question, is all this sacrifice of more than 10 years really worth it to save these people? The clear answer for me is no, they already showed me many times and thousands of times that no matter how much you forgive a person, how much you try to change a person, you got rid of one, but so what, the world is stained with more people like the one you killed and they will continue to spread as if they were a plague that has been there since the beginning of life. And seriously I am dedicating all of me to save the world, of course I want to help them and that they are well, but if among all that handful of people also managed to save those who do nothing but harm and mistreat others at their own expense, people who live lying and on the basis of their stupid logic? I....It is undoubtedly something that still makes me sick and will make me sick until the end of my days.... A cleansing would be the best thing that could happen to this world, that is what I sincerely think, but of course, how nice it would be to choose who lives and who dies, between the good and the bad, obviously I would choose the good above all things, while the bad can rot in hell.

But to do that is God's job, which I completely reject, there is no one who deserves such a title, nobody created us, we are the product of the evolution of hundreds and hundreds of years, we went from being simple microorganisms to have a complete and defined body with millions of cells and patterns that give us life, then why are there people who do not deserve our effort and decide to give it to someone else who does not even exist, to thank someone abstract is like marveling at a painting of those silly ones that are worth millions of dollars, what do they see special in their beliefs? Of course I know the answer to that, I know most of the answers there are in the world, people take importance to stupid and silly things because at the end of the day, it is what makes them happy, and before one's happiness where it does not bother anyone or harm anyone, if you are the only one who believes it, then I have nothing more to say or deny. If you believe in God and it makes you happy, fine, if for you a chewed gum is worth millions of dollars and it makes you happy, fine, everything within your circle is fine, but if you try to put your beliefs in another circle outside yours, you would literally be cursing it with your stupid beliefs and there if I can tell you clearly, no, even if you do not mess with me I will think but not tell you "Your beliefs are stupid".

Is it even supported? does it have veracity? does it have bases? did you really dedicate it, did you treat it with logic to what you want? of course not, it is your own base with which you define it, and that for me is .... living a life ignorant of everything, and as one says, an ignorant life is living a happy life product of your thinking, knowing and knowing more, wanting to obtain something out of your limits, only makes you lose on the way that little thing that made you happy...I.... when was the last time I really felt happy for something small, if someone actually wants to make me happy, they will have to show me something I have never seen and exceed my high expectations, the amazement, scares and fears I also think I have lost them...with my mother.... with my mother I could feel all those emotions and although I didn't express it as I should, I would have liked to tell her at the time that "Thank you for everything" because right now it's too late, 10 years late, but I still don't understand why I have that hope that I can say it, maybe I also believe in those stupid things because I want to be happy?.... humans are simple creatures in retrospect.

There is a collective history for a decade, in Antarctica there is a series of caves that are linked together, and as if it were a welcome to the icy hell, these same can descend that even what we have investigated has up to a fifth level, but it would not be exaggerating that had more and more. These caves already inside are like labyrinths that increase in complexity the more you decide to dive and explore, but every time you challenged yourself, you managed to carry and overcome a new layer, the first explorers commented that it was something unique to live, a struggle that you won maybe alone, maybe not, but the feeling of seeing something out of the ordinary was incredible, I also want to experience it, take my first steps to places where little contact with humans has been seen, what will I find, what will I find, I want to see it with my own eyes.

To that set of caves intertwined one with the others and that together make a great labyrinth in Antarctica, we ended up calling it Abyss, at the end I will explain why it was given that name. The First Layer was the easiest and simplest of all, its labyrinth was not difficult at all, it was strangely easy not to get lost and obviously the little you could see was the typical thing you could find in Antarctica, nothing.

In the Second Layer it starts to get more interesting, after descending for minutes until reaching the Second Layer you can notice the difference, the environment was darker so to speak, the white and transparent ice becomes a translucent blue color. It is not cold at all, even when measured, the temperature was a little warmer than in the First Layer, something extremely rare but it must be because of the hard layer that blocks the same external environment. It is perfect to take it as a resting point and relax for the next level, not only for humans, but also small creatures seem to live here, the penguins in hatching season where they need to be warm, they bring them to the Second Layer to achieve a perfect hatching of the eggs, There are even reports and photographs of several explorers who managed to capture these moments, penguins in general scare me, just look at their mouths, since I saw one with my own eyes, I think I will never forget that memory in my mind.

The Third Layer thanks to the passing of time has suffered modifications and abrupt changes, there is nothing more to theorize, the cause is the global warming that is affecting several regions of the world, you should have seen it yourself, they seem little and insignificant now, but when the situation gets worse, it is very human to become aware of our mistakes. Actually the Third Layer is dangerous, besides its labyrinth is not like the others, it is a large space with different paths, there is no place to stay quiet or rest, because the same environment closes the fear that if you stop for a moment, something terrible can happen to you. The walls of ice make a cracking noise inside, giving you the feeling that at any moment or at the slightest contact it could break and start a collapse, it has been discovered that nothing like that would happen, it is only the filtered sound of the ice that yes, it creaks at a small level but not so much to achieve a collapse. But that constant creaking and insecurity that you must get out of there as quickly as possible is what scared the explorers the most.

The Fourth Layer is the maximum that we explorers managed to reach and only a few managed to get out alive, here is a very complicated issue and nothing to do with the previous layers, upon arrival the first thing you find is an extremely huge space that would easily be the same size as an international soccer field. There are different paths to take, and here begins the weird and supernatural, first of all, when you manage to see through the walls of ice, you can see something moving inside them, many say they are abstract figures, others say they are complete and complex figures, monsters or strange beings that stalk you at the very end, always accompanied by the sound of the sea and something that hits, it can be constant that in turn can take its time, many catalogued it as if someone was watching you and wanted to give you to understand that you should leave as soon as possible, someone can not stand your stay there, they want you to disappear or escape by yourself or giving an end to your life in the Fourth Layer.

I told you that the Fourth Layer had paths, at the beginning there are only 2, when you choose one and take your route inexplicably after enduring everything mentioned, you return to the starting point at the center of the layer, this puzzles you a lot and at the time of taking the other path, you notice that now there were no longer 2, but there were 4. But when they managed to meet again in the center, they realized that one of their companions was missing, and when they saw the paths they were no longer only 4, now they were 8. The labyrinth that always was ended up becoming a dead end and even infinite, according to those who managed to get out product of a miracle or luck, they say it was the product of a spell or magic, since they could not give logic to what they had just lived. To such a degree that they ended up seeing thousands of paths at the same time, some could enter but others simply managed to collide with a wall of ice, and those who lived through it commented that they experienced hallucinations and phenomena that tormented their souls. It was easy to lose stability in the time you were carrying, so it was commented as a help tip, if you see a path in the Fourth Layer, do not take it and just wait for help.

In the Fifth Layer almost nothing is known, the few who managed to overcome the Fourth Layer and managed to reach the Fifth, or rather speculate, are nothing more than rumors, but by the very experience of the survivors, if in the Fourth Layer you could already perceive supernatural phenomena and events beyond logic, it is said that in the Fifth you will see a piece of the Abyss, you will see the unimaginable, spirits and ghosts will take you to a warm world so that you do not suffer, It is said that if you manage to see a translucent figure in the middle of a quiet space, it is because you reached the Fifth Layer and the only thing that awaits you is that you have the same end, your soul will be separated from your body and you will take that new position of the translucent figure that will welcome the new traveler who by bad luck or bravery ended up reaching its end.

This did not stop here, because of what we experienced and the inexplicable nature of the matter, that huge cave in Antarctica ended up being called the Abyss. We thought that those who managed to survive as a result of a miracle, luck or the courage of all the rescuers, the nightmare was finally over, but when no one came to the surface, everyone who was inside the Abyss. They suffered a slight headache, all without exception felt a discomfort in their body, those who only reached the First Layer felt a slight passing pain, those of the Second Layer felt a slight headache, those of the Third Layer felt a huge pain in their being, They related it as if they were pierced by thousands of needles, while those of the Fourth Layer simply fell down without any apparent reason, they did not suffer anything or feel anything, they just fainted with their eyes either closed or open.

They treated them all with the necessary measure, explorers, researchers who accompanied them, biologists, scientists, etc, etc. It had to be a huge group made up of many professions to be able to get out alive all or most of them. But after a few hours, all the victims, including those who fainted, woke up without any discomfort. So, out of nowhere they were as if nothing had ever happened to them, and from those same dreams they commented on their situations and what they experienced. Where everyone without exception in the end, ended up sneezing, coming out of the mucus or catching a cold. "A simple flu it must be".

Seriously after what one lived through overcoming the First,Second,Third and Fourth Layer, the only thing one will take with them is a simple flu? Apparently it seems to be so, with a little rest and medicine, the old reliable paracetamol and they were as good as new. Their symptoms disappeared and they could resume their work again, but it was a rare thing even after their recovery, since after a certain time, you would get sick again out of nowhere without any explanation, and even with simple treatments you would get better.

Antarctica has always received people and new people who join the research, every so often as expected they receive everything they need to continue living here. Just as people come, you can also ask permission to return home to give you a break or simply take another way because the experience in Antarctica is over, a researcher's life is dedicated to solve and give an answer to the doubts, after that look for another problem that encourages you to overcome, but with what happened many decided to return again abroad either to take some time, be with their loved ones.

One day after a Researcher who managed to survive the Fourth Layer was in his hometown taking a walk with his family, quickly and suddenly out of nowhere he began to drip snot from his nose, accompanied by sneezing that seemed to never stop, his family was thinking it was a simple flu and that was what the Researcher thought, with a simple pill or even sunbathing should be cured. But from one moment to the next.... Pom.....The researcher who decided to return home ended up falling to the ground and when his family went to help him they were surprised to find out...that he was dead.

The news quickly spread that a man had died and it was taken as a simple matter by the news and other media. Being a member of Antarctica, a member of the Antarctic Leader, they got the news that their colleague ended up dying inexplicably in his hometown. They were doubtful, especially from the last report, it seemed that he caught the flu before he died.

And as if it was a chain reaction, he was not the only one who decided to return home, but others involved in the exploration in different areas of the world, were dying for the same reason, they fell dead without further ado where they quickly managed to take measures to this so that no one else would find out, they managed to camouflage it by orders of Nushi because he already had an answer to this.

『This is a....』


Panic ended up winning over one person who was at the meeting, was it really a curse? His arguments were that all those people took the curse by being harmed when they came out of the abyss, from suffering the slight headache until he fainted, they were all cursed, the slight flu was the most obvious thing, but they were fools to think it was a simple illness.

『Don't you see!!!!! All those who were cursed in the end died because they decided to move away from the place that cursed them!!!!! The Abyss was the one who drove such a curse on them!!!! Their job was not to leave here to get away from trouble, their job since they decided to investigate the Abyss is to give their lives to it!!!!. He just couldn't forgive them for leaving!!!! Why we are fine!!! I and many of you were inside the Abyss and suffered from the flu, but nothing bad happens to us because we still stay here!!!!! If one of us decides to leave Antarctica, rest assured you will die within a few days』

『What? no...don't tell them that.... the problem is-------』

『A curse?....』-『The Abyss curses you?....』-『It's something supernatural...that would explain everything that happened in the lower layers....』-『Then we'll be fine if we stay in Antarctica. ...』-『A curse?...I don't believe in such things...I don't...but a few days after leaving the abyss I also got the flu...could it be that I'm cursed too?....』

『SHUT UP!!!!!! Listen to your Antarctic Leader!!!! As of today no one from here is allowed to leave Antarctica!!!!! Nor will we let anyone else disembark in our settlement unless they are determined to give their lives to science, we will only put them in danger, understood』.

Nushi spoke loud and clear, he knows the answer to this so he took the necessary measures, he still needs more research as he currently knows nothing. He has been trying to analyze each infected person to support his theory, but when he was able to see the state of each one, he could not see anything different in them. Everything was calm, which puzzled him a lot, and he also thought that maybe it was due to something supernatural, maybe the curse...

『The curse is true?....nah, souls, spirits, demons, god, angels, zombies, elves and even Santa Clous don't exist, all that is nonsense that we make up to please ourselves, you will see, I will find out the truth no matter how long it takes me, don't go around spreading your lies based on your own conjectures...I.... can't stand it』.

For a decade now, Li Nushi has been devoting his whole life to finding an answer and a solution to what everyone for the collective history that was created, The Abyss and the Curse of the Abyss, really can not approve at all everything that is believed in Antarctica, supernatural....solely by telling you something that the only basis there is your own experience and has no real support. It is already synonymous that he will do his best to correct everyone for the good of the.... of the?....

『I...why do I want to give you a solution? Rather it would not be the solution? This world as I said in the beginning needs a cleanup』


It was already night in Antarctica and all the homes could be seen as all the lights were on. Cliston in the Norwegian home had been all this time taking care or waiting for the fainted rookie to wake up to see if he was okay, after a few seconds finally the fainted rookie was waking up with a slight headache, there were all his companions who offered him water and quickly some medicine against the discomfort. He could see how the Chief of Exploration was worried about the rookie and thanks to Cliston's headphones with his glasses he could understand what they were talking about.

『Stupid!!! I told you clearly that we would only explore the First Layer and Second Layer to get you familiar with the basics!!!!! Why did you go all the way to the Third Layer!!!!』

『Yes that's exactly what I did! You think I'm disobedient? I didn't go into the Third Layer!!!』

『Then where did you go!!!! We were all in the Second Layer resting and taking notes and when I lost track of you, you were gone!!!』

『I didn't go into the Second Layer!!!! I just went to explore the area a little on my own and according to the map I found the entrance to the Third Layer, and just being in front of there I got chills and whispers in my ears....That was enough to scare me and turn me back....But when we were all going outside, at the slightest contact with the sun I felt a great pain throughout my body and I wanted to faint....』

『Eh?...so you didn't enter the Third Layer?....』

『No...I didn't enter....』

『So...the curse of the Abyss....is spreading?....』

What they talked about left the Norwegian Scoutmaster confused about this, the rookie was sad about this and you could see it on his face, commenting that now for sure by the symptoms he must already be cursed by the Abyss, you could tell how frustrated he was, he wanted to make a stir in bed but quickly something else would make it clear to him that....

『Eh?...snot?...I...it's kind of cold isn't it? Have you turned on the air conditioner yet?...』

Everyone stared at him confused with this without saying a word, but with just a look everything was in order, no one else felt cold, the air was on, the only one who seems to be shivering was the rookie. He wanted to get even again but his strength quickly left him and with tears and snot dripping from his nose he said.

『I...fuck...I thought this was going to be easy....I thought this curse thing they told us was just nonsense...but since I entered the Abyss I could feel it in my own flesh...all those words and exaggerated story were true....and now I'm cursed. ...*tsch* I don't want to....I don't want to stay and live here all my life....I want to explore more areas....I want to go back home to my family....I don't want to stay here until the day I die...please...someone...tell me this isn't real....』

The rookie was sad crying for the reality he was living, everyone here thought the same as him, I mean everyone believes in science and giving the reason to something like a curse is something that contradicts with their logic and thinking, history proved that all product of the unexplainable is because it does not exist, magic is just a good lie in real life. There was no comfort to tell him, those in his Norway group especially the Chief wanted to pat him on the back, but quickly the rookie brushed him off, what was the right thing to tell him...that it's a lie...that he can go back home...but what if he goes and after a few days he ends up dying...then....

『Hey!!!! Maao!!! You told me to come back because you were already coming back, but you lied to me, what time do you plan to come back home?!!!!! It's already night and you didn't show me your wind powers!!!』

Through the door of Norway's home, Nushi entered upset by his bad situation, as always he comes warmly dressed with his cat hat and a blanket that covers him up to his feet. When he arrived he saw a sad scene and a discouraged atmosphere, the only thing that could be seen was how the Chief of Norway tried to help the rookie, but no matter how many times he tried, he always rejected his offer between cries, tears and snot.

『What is wrong with this brat?....----....AHhh!!!! Somebody tell him to shut up!!!!! I can't think straight with all this noise!!!』-『Hey, brat, stop crying and ....ah...you don't need to show me that pathetic side of you that I don't give a damn about...』

Nushi approaching the rookie, saw him looking all sad and snotty-faced with tears, accompanied by a gesture of frustration and anger at the same time. Quickly Cliston to this was going to tell him to have more respect for someone who is suffering, quickly Nushi would pass his gaze to Fatty where he would reply.

『Seriously? Haber Maao, my clear objective is to shut this brat up, yours must also be the same no? The answer is easy. How about we compete in a little game? *smiles* Come on, I'll give you a free pass』

『No, my goal is to make the brat I mean ugly boy happy, or at least smile』.

『That doesn't help me you know?....』

『Make him happy? smile? You're just like they said, I'm telling you right now, you're going to fail Maao』

This looked more like Nushi was challenging him with bad intentions, his gesture and sharp eyes implied that. Cliston was quick to see that Nushi was giving him a free pass, he would try to make him happy as he said, he first thought of stroking his head but as expected he brushed him off. Cliston was going to proceed to talk calmly where he wanted if or if he wanted to succeed and show Nushi that always what he chooses is the best option.

『Come on, don't be so sad, even if you're cursed that doesn't mean all is lost, as one says, you can live to the fullest with what you have 』.

『¿? I just had everything that makes me happy taken away from me and you tell me to keep being happy with what I have left over? Are you stupid or what? Besides, who are you? Why do I have to listen to someone who pretends to be smart with those glasses?

『What did you say about my glasses you asshole!!!! I'm going to kill you motherfucker-------』

Loquendo upon hearing what the Rookie said, quickly his reaction would not be long in coming by blurting out words that are too much of him, good thing Cliston silenced him so that his voice would no longer be heard. But this was too late, the rookie heard the insults and would pass to see Cliston badly making many things clear to him.

『I may be a Newbie but I can deduce many things just by looking at you, just because you are hopeful doesn't mean other people are hopeful, don't expect your actions to always benefit others for the better, that you told me all that, you wanted to infect me with your positivity? well here is my answer, I am not as hopeful as you, I lost everything that made me happy by limiting myself to only one purpose in my life which now is to stay on this giant piece of ice...how do you want me to be happy leaving a better life that I wanted behind? You are nobody in the world who aspires to great things, and the worst thing is that you are not even prepared for that, you will only end up having wrong results and when you have already given your only answer there is no second chance, my life has no salvation 』.

What the Newbie said ended up hitting Cliston like a bucket of cold water, he has been thinking a lot and since then he has been paying more attention to the negative comments than to the positive ones. Simply because they are the most relevant, they tell us our mistakes and where we are wrong, and even if you are someone positive, being told of a mistake always hurts. Are all these people always like this? On the boat he commented that he is afraid of how he will be treated, it seems that nobody here knows who he is, that should make him happy, if nobody knows who he is, then is there any need to act like a Hero?.... should he keep playing a role where it is not necessary?.... Right now there is someone who is sad, what would Cliston really say, what would Cliston really do....yo....

『You have to make an effort, just like everyone else, I don't know if I can help you but at least I want you to be well because between being well and being bad, it's better to be well, isn't it? I'll try my best too *smiles*』

Cliston gave his final answer with the Rookie's situation, the latter didn't know how to feel about it, it was words that he didn't expect at all, of course if it was up to him he wants to be fine, at first he started to be annoyed by the answer but in the end, remembering that he should be fine and Cliston is going to make an effort too, this just gave the Rookie a little hope.

『Did you....』

『You get too much enriedas Maao, now learn how it should be done, you Newbie are worried about the Curse of the Abyss, aren't you? your life is over, there my life!!!!! what a sadness what a pity, that according to your own conclusion that is a lie, you are wrong you and every one who thinks that there is curse, listen all present, in the first place there is no curse, you brat are not cursed』-『How can there be a Collective History with many believers in a continent where science abounds? The cause of this is a simple disease that causes us all that silly and senseless history, that said, I have dedicated this last decade to find that disease and finally put an end to all this stupid belief, your brat and other cursed people in Antarctica, will be cured someday, I will give them the damn truth and you can resume your former life outside Antarctica, I also want to get out of here』.

As one always says, Nushi's words are always clear and loud, always with that firmness in his words that no matter if what he says are lies, people will take it as truth because that is what he implies, moreover, no lie will come out of Nushi's mouth, everything he says will always be fulfilled. This last thing for those present left everyone surprised, especially the Norwegian Chief who was surprised and said to him.

『So you always devoted yourself to finding a truth to the Abyss and its Curse?』

『That's right, I do it so that I can feel satisfied and...maybe so that everyone will be well, and no longer call it Curse!!!! It's an unknown disease!!! Why always the absurdity in many occasions wins over science』.

『Then can I get my old life back?...』

『Huh? That's what I said, or did I ever lie...besides I don't like crowds, it would do me a favor if the ones I'm not interested in would leave 』.

『Can I trust you? Why did you spend a decade already and you haven't found the answer yet, I don't want to stay here that long...I have a life ahead of me and I want to dedicate it to more research and discoveries...』

『Can you trust me? What good is that to me, what I said is not a question child, it is an affirmation, in a month and a half, I will give the truth, on October 14 where there will be an event of Boreal Aureoles at 00: 00 hours, in there, I will come out of my Home and disprove all those stupid beliefs that were made, no curses, magic or witchcraft, that does not exist, and who will help me with that result is Maao, take for granted that I will make good use of my resources *smiles*』-『You saw it Maao, don't be reined in with your words, be direct if it's in your power, see, he already kept quiet the brat, what you just did before is to give him a hope, I always give people the reality itself, the brat will be saved』.

Nushi said with no intentions of aggravating anyone, he said it according to what he thinks of the situation, this quickly shocked the Rookie that he was again crying, but it was not out of frustration, it was out of joy to see that there are people who will make an effort to give him what he deserves. And it wasn't only the Rookie, the whole group from Norway went to thank Nushi who didn't even expect it.

『Thank you very much for your work』-『I'm sorry I doubted you, thank you』-『Really thank you very much, no wonder you are our representative, Antarctic Leader?』-『I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your efforts, thank you very much』.

『There you go with your thanks again....enserio makes you happy? I do it for a personal goal, you benefiting are unforeseen side reactions....』

『You do it for your mother, don't you?』


Seeing Nushi how he refused to let her receive congratulations, seems to be something very much of him that we will see often, he wasn't blushing or anything, he always had that look of being tired, annoyed and annoyed with what he doesn't like. But when he heard that someone referred to his mother, his gesture changed to one more how to say it...hopeful. His Li Nushi's Mother was also an explorer who decided to investigate together with a group of explorers the newly discovered Abyss more than 10 years ago, where obviously in that group was also integrated a recent graduate of the University, Li Nushi.

『I said personal goal, the rest are secondary reactions...』

『By the way, this is a theory of mine that I got by collecting and asking the residents, but you Li Nushi, you prefer to live alone because you were the first one to receive the curse, right?』-『That's why you avoid people because you are afraid that you will infect them, ah! You said it's a disease, so it makes more sense』

According to what that other Rookie said, come to think of it, since we arrived we have always seen Li Nushi well wrapped up and mostly for with the snot out, he always says he is cold and prefers to be in warmth. Quickly Nushi to this was denied saying that again they should not draw conclusions on their own without substantiation or anything, accompanied with words of.

『And who says he is sick, this is not a flu』.

『A flu that lasts a decade?』

『I said sick, I am not sick, I was the first one to get tested to see if I had something inside me, but the results showed that I was in perfect condition, this flu thing, the mucus and the cold, I don't know what it is due to.... but it's not a product of a curse I know...it's a disease and the only answer where there is it is in the Abyss, the Fifth Layer has the answer』-『There's something there, a trapped disease that as far as we know today, extended to the Fourth Layer』

『No, according to what the Rookie told us, it seems that the curse got stuck at the entrance to the Third Layer, that means the Curse spread to the Third Layer....』

『!!!!!(Impossible!!!! It kind of spread!....no, it was always spread to the First Layer because they also suffered from the symptoms, the ones in the Collective History of those who die are only affected from the Fourth Layer...it makes sense that more you put yourself at risk by descending deeper...but...what exactly is it that makes you sick enough to die from leaving Antarctica. ...that's something I still don't know....what's in the Fifth Layer...if I had my hands on the origin of the disease I could....)It's a bit difficult subject to talk about now, besides don't say I was the first one to get the disease, don't relate me to abstract things, I'm perfectly healthy』.

Nushi was not the first to die obviously from the disease, but many think that he was the first to receive the curse because of the state he is mostly in, along with the fact that he was the one who was integrating the First Exploration into the Abyss, plus Nushi was the only one to survive in that exploration. Since he was rescued, since he got better he always locked himself up to give him an answer to what he experienced, and everything that follows after that is already the Story already told.

『We are leaving, it's already too late at night and .... can you use your winds inside my home? I really want to see and analyze your powers』.

『Right now I don't control them at all well, and your home not having much space I can destroy it』.

『Then do it here, destroy this home』

『『『『『NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!』』』』』-『Eh? winds? Destroy? Who are you...we haven't even asked your name』

『Nice to meet you all, I'm Cliston, a regular guy』

Cliston introduced himself to the entire Norwegian household,but clearly after what they saw in the afternoon and today's commentary, Cliston was obviously not a normal boy. Nushi was addressing at the door saying that she wants to go home making a call to Cliston.

『Hurry up Maao, I don't feel entirely comfortable if I'm not at home』.

『You can stay tonight, it's already dinner time, while we prepare everything we can get acquainted and socialize for a while』.

The Norwegian Scoutmaster was proposing such a good pastime, it made Cliston happy to be able to get along with more people. Excitedly he accepted and turned to Nushi to tell him to stay, but when he turned around Nushi had already closed the door and was heading home. Cliston was about to go for him but something quickly stopped him, is this the time to impose his thinking? Nushi didn't seem to want to stay and live with more people, Cliston thought better of it and decided not to do it, he would only be accompanied in Norway's home. While outside in the snow and ice, Nushi walked in the cold, he saw the other homes, it was always the same story, although he could not hear or see anything inside, surely everyone was living together and strengthening the friendships that were made over the years, Nushi would only look at his home which was the only one with the lights off and when he entered, yes... although it was full of a lot of things, it was not alive at all.

『I left home 3 times today, I deserve a maruchan』-『Ah! Maruchan with spicy shrimp!!! I forgot I had it, the only bad thing is...I'm going to have to wait again for a season to get our new orders downloaded...because Amaz@@ doesn't get here...what a bad service』.

Nushi's home was on fire where he was also enjoying in his own way that accomplishment he hadn't done for a long time. There is little entertainment to do, so when he puts the boiled water in the maruchan and starts waiting for the 3 min, he starts counting in his language the seconds left.

『Wǔ, Sì , Sān, Èr, Yī, Yǐjīng!!! Ah! But what a delight』

He started eating with his traditional chopsticks, and to think that just a moment ago he said he didn't enjoy small things in life. While he was eating, his phone rang and when he looked at who was calling him, his gesture did not change much, in fact, he did not hesitate to answer the call.

『Tell me South America.』

『Hello Antarctica, has Cliston arrived with you yet? I heard what happened lately with him, so I would like to give him a little push, and not only me, but all of us will do it』.

『There's something I've always wanted to tell you SurAmerica, why do you always drag the rest of us into your ideas?』

『And why not do it? It's better to be all together and have fun *laughs*』

『Don't laugh so loud, I'm sure it can be heard all the way outside and that's me.... tell me what do you plan to do SouthAmerica 』

Nushi would go on to want to spend more time talking to SurAmerica who gave her a call out of the blue, now if we could all households, they were getting a talk where everyone was clearly expressing their ideas.

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