
Chapter 328: The Little Soldier 17

  E͇l͇ ͇S͇o͇l͇d͇a͇d͇i͇t͇o͇ ͇1͇7͇͇

Mikel had no other way or an escape in his destiny, if this had to happen, it was the right time for it to happen, though of course it would be lying if he would not be in doubt or contradicting himself deep down. For does he really want this? Of course not, if it were for him all this would not have happened, if it were for him innocent people would never have to suffer, if it were for him people in the world would not have to suffer every day, if there are many today, how will it be in the future, he still remembers when he saw the television and heard such a message, could it be like this? A new world where I can achieve progress, maybe no more violence, maybe no more wars, discrimination or racism, someday everything bad will disappear and only the good will remain? Mikel wanted to believe that a world like this can be achieved, that if you are having a bad time you have that dream that everything can get better, with the passage of time he has been understanding it better, from the sadness that his family lived, hopes and desires grew, even in the worst case one can be happy with the little you have, no matter how much time passes, anyone can feel happiness with what he likes in his life, you just have to know how to appreciate it before losing it. 

But now things were different, looking into the eyes of Colonel Alfred he could understand, a new world that he wanted so much, will not be able to be fulfilled, it was something simple that he also ignored all his life, just as there was the possibility that one maintains the joy and hope, there will be others who are on the opposite side. Whether for different reasons everyone has a path and an end, every time he remembered how Colonel Alfred's vision was, the more his way of thinking about the world changing was different, is it even possible? It is a dream, maybe it was always defined as a dream since it is impossible to be realized, if a small district like Arnicania that lived quietly away from everything, up to here the evil of the world, the greed and lust, how will be the rest of the world where an era of expansion is coming, there are already wars outside, that is the communication that people expected? No matter where you are, no matter what time in history you are, everyone has to struggle in the best way possible to get what he wants, compare the struggle between someone who's day is to leave his house every day to work to get money so he can feel he is someone and contributing to that society, working as an accountant, as a coach, as a clown, a laborer, maybe a job that does not require leaving home, He struggles in his own way to be able to have the happiness that everyone wants, but people will always end up judging others, because that is the nature of humans, we have to reproach others in order to feel better in a way, because for us our struggle is heavier than that of others and only we understand how we feel, to find an equal with whom to have a talk that understands you, makes you feel good.

You could hear the gunshots, the shouts to continue defending the area, the sky of all these years that was always grayish and the depressing atmosphere, now little by little is gradually becoming colorful, either because the enemy forces lost a great power they had, as if it were a fictional story this only meant that everything from now on can get better. Mikel played the role of a soldier in the front, he did not say anything or talk too much when he had to work, always carrying his rifle, his knife for when he has an enemy nearby, the uniform he has like the previous ones, was worn out, the holes were covered by needle and fabric by hand, he looked homely and homely somehow in his way of dressing. Mikel had to get up every day to do his job, which was to defend and protect the precious things he had, to pass on those words and request that Colonel Alfred asked him, why help him in the first place? He knows the answer and there could be many, either because he wants to help him, or because he is threatened by him, maybe a mutual deal, but the fact is that he is giving a hand to the one who destroyed his world and everything he knew before.

『The same as every day, gun in hand, ammunition ready, uniform stained with blood, and fighting against those who I don't want to hurt them...why do I have to fight against them, they are not bad guys, the shadows behind my back you could say they are the bad guys, but they also fight for their ideals, if we lived in a different world, maybe we are the bad guys because of our fighting cause...but what am I saying, I don't understand what I am saying...seriously am I still a kid? I start talking like an adult *laughs* Then Didiel would talk like an old man』-『Didiel.... I have several reasons why I'm doing this, and the one I keep in mind the most is that I have to go on day by day and not stop in my work, I have to go on and on, no matter how hard it is or how much I don't want to leave home, I have to do it because it's the reason why I fight, I also want to live until the last of my days, I have loved ones waiting for me and I also want to see them again, there is no other reason why I am in a foot forward』.

Mikel, since months ago when we started going to war to protect the oil area, the forces of the shadows were tremendously reduced, their numbers decreased for different reasons, the first would be because of the explosion of the airship that happened in the coastal area, area where the community of shadows lived, also another factor was due to the war itself, although they are in the background watching everything, that you get a bullet, a stray grenade, it was to be expected. Just as they finished with the young men of Arnicania, they had no one to send to the front and their security was destroyed, they had no choice but to finally go out to the front to fight themselves, thus making their numbers go down and down and down, it was said, sooner rather than later, the invading shadows were going to lose the war, while the French soldiers were waiting for their surrender so they could prosecute them and condemn them all for the atrocities they did.

『I have a message for you again』-『I want you to pass it on to your superiors and all the people of power fighting for the same purpose』-『I know you don't want to hear it from someone who already got his hands dirty killing innocents, to you I must be worse than Ann, but I still want you to hear what I'm fighting for』-『Please let Didiel Schuman come and talk to us, we are open to an exchange of words and ideas, it is the only option we have in order to put an end to all this』.

Mikel every time he could this one rushed face to face with his enemies, to be able to communicate to them that he wants to talk to that person who is making the impossible possible on the outside, that young man was about to come of age, and with that would also come new responsibility and a whole different level. Mikel did not have much context of what Didiel has done this last time, there is no way for him to know, the only thing he knows is the information that Ann was able to collect years ago, he knows that his friend is doing incredible things, helping people in short to understand, this made Mikel happy that he did not stop and imagine how his friend is also fighting every day to create that new world where everyone is united.

『I trust that you still have hope that a New World can be achieved, because I lost all hope after realizing how the reality is, for me that New World is something impossible to take』.

Fallen bodies every second, the shooting and again the shouts that they must keep fighting, as time went by it was obvious that many deserted and gave up when they saw that they were lost. Many shadows personally raised their white flag as a sign that they no longer wanted to continue fighting, they did not look like shadows, they did not look covered in ashes, in their faces you could see a person tired of continuing to live this way, about to break, to destroy themselves, if you touched them even with subtlety, it is like they would be lost because they could no longer continue to live.

『We give up!!!! We....I don't want to fight anymore...my arm trembles every time I pick up my gun....my legs tremble when I walk...I make it back home because I'm afraid to go fight....and when it's the next day...I don't want to anymore....I don't want to get up and resume this routine....I can't...it's consuming me...if I continue I will become something I don't even know myself....I don't want to lose what little humanity I have left...we give up!!!! Please help us!!!!』

Many groups of enemy soldiers stood up to just surrender, they were not armed, they had no other intentions, there were no traps or any well planned plan, there were only in their fronts men who no longer want to continue fighting, men that in their faces you could see that they were tired, they just wanted to get out of here and for everything to end. The atmosphere of the war now made them go through bad moments, to see lifeless bodies, the atmosphere that they still see as catastrophic, to see that they took the wrong path, they thought they were ready for that job when in reality they were not, would it be easy? would it be fun? they were told that this would be the best life? They don't remember why they took these paths, it was true that they enjoyed making people feel less, whipping and beating them, following that path they believed that being a shadow was what would bring them joy, but after that night, many shadows opened their eyes to how the world really is. They noticed the difference between them and those who truly became one with the worst of the world, to see how they killed children and old people, to see how they destroyed a home where they already considered their home, maybe they made friends here and saw how they ended up dying in the chaos. The same thing happened to them or even worse than the citizens of Arnicania, they had a taste of their own medicine, many did not recover from that night they wanted to leave, they thought about many things and in the end they made the decision that they wanted to get away from all this, what would have happened if they had taken another path, what would have happened if they had appreciated more those little moments of joy, rather than living all the time with a joy that in the end was not what they really wanted.

Each time the time passed more and more they lost their strength and numbers, finally they realized how many were actually the invaders, and when they were surprised by the number, the French soldiers themselves could not believe it, in total when they saw all the shadows, there were 200. Literally it was a small number of soldiers if we were to put them to fight in the war, obviously their numbers were bigger as they used the young men as squires to appear to be more, now as a result of all this, there would be less than 50 men still fighting, not even they themselves know why they are doing this, but just like Mikel who is still in those ranks holding on, they are fighting for what they believe is the right way.

『This war is literally won, with our numbers it is more than enough to put an end to it, why don't we just do it? We already have the oil zone in our possession, we wiped out many of the enemy and those who surrendered are now being prosecuted, most likely their fate will also be to die, but I want someone to tell me why we don't just end it now』.

A French soldier was talking with other comrades about the outcome of the battle, as he says now it is more than assured his victory and finally this war that has lasted almost 6 years, they were talking among themselves but none had the right answer, some said why they are doing time, others said that maybe it is because of pride, others said that while there is no surrender by the one who is behind all this, they have to keep fighting, just as they have to follow orders from their superiors.

『And who is the idiot giving us the order that we don't get this over with at once? I don't mean you leader, if not the Military Chief Kiel, who is waiting, having such an important position must also have important orders』

『You're new aren't you? I think the same as you, I'm still shocked by what the children said, that they killed the children and old people, I want to go to Arnicania to see how everything ended, I want to see if there were any survivors』.

『Ah, right, you are from Arnicania aren't you? I was told that you fought here for 4 years to recover your city, incredible, 4 years in the war, I was told by friends and superiors when I was just training, that the war makes you change, it turns you into a monster, that's all horrible, is that true? You are the only one who stayed in the same battlefield』.

That soldier was talking to someone who was next to him, it seems that one of the soldiers was from Arnicania, he looked his age, he was a full grown adult, with a full grown beard and his whole body tired by these years of being in the war, that's why he surely called the attention to that new soldier, since he imagined and even respected that veteran soldier.

『Yes, just as you say, having a sudden change always changes you, either for better or for worse, in my case, I still remember the reason why I decided to join the war, and it was so that my hometown would never know such hell, but it seems that I underestimated what someone who was consumed by all the bad things is capable of, those black fragments that they had, I rarely saw them』.

『True, many here say they've seen black things in the soldiers, I see them as normal, but to each his own, mom taught me not to treat anyone badly *smiles*』

『And yet you're still in the war? well, for me it's the same, my mother gave me the best teaching I'll ever forget, finally after almost 6 years, I'll be able to go back home』

『Looks like you guys are having an interesting conversation, huh? Rachel...yes you have grown up, the last time I saw you under my ranks you were still a youngster, look at you now, even beard grew up and became a leader, I congratulate you now for not being in your ascension.』

『Military Chief Kiel, it's good to see you again』.

Kiel had appeared at the accentuation of the French soldiers, this Military Chief was the same one who accompanied Adrien Schuman as his right hand, and since a short time ago he had now become Didiel Schuman's right hand, when the soldier who spoke ill of his boss, seeing him appear he was first startled, since he had not seen him before, either because he was new, a rookie, he saw how this one had several medals on his uniform and quickly because of how the other comrades saluted him respectfully, he also gave his respective salute.

『Good morning Military Chief Kiel!!! Here doing my duty as a new soldier!!!! Pay no attention to evil tongues, no one here told you that you are an idiot or fool!!!! And if someone said so, then you must die!!!!』

『Your face does not ring a bell, but good morning soldier, and do not say again that someone must die, I see that you do not understand the weight that word means』.

Kiel walked and looked at all the scenery of how the war ended, this one from the background supervised the war as much as possible, since this one had work likewise helping and contributing to the Schuman, always by his side to make things happen as it should be. Every time he turned his head he could only imagine the chaos that must have happened here, he did not see it but he could get an idea, there were still traces of what was once a peaceful and prosperous place. He commented on whether everyone heeded his orders, where Rachel would be the first to respond.

『Everything came true as her words commanded us, we have held off ever since, though their numbers are small and we have all the power to overrun them, we have yet to make a sudden move』.

『And what I told you came true?』

『As you saw it coming, many enemy soldiers surrendered without opposition, we wiped out those who were still fighting, since that day our casualties were less while the enemy, literally both morally and physically has been collapsed sir』.

『Perfect, Didiel already made a space for himself and that's why he sent me, I was informed that there was a child who transmitted the message that he wanted to communicate with Didiel, whatever he wanted it has been fulfilled, negotiating after a loss to simply being annihilated, it's even too much for me for who brought chaos where he did not give a case, but Didiel also from years ago tried to dialogue, so I guess they both won』.

Kiel analyzed the situation, he spent most of these years with the rest of the Schuman family, and he noticed that they were all different in their methods and their way of thinking, when he worked with Adrien his way of thinking was more radical, he did not hesitate to do the right thing and to see that everything he does is the best for everyone, his ideas worked because he always thought about what was best for everyone although he tried to hide it with his personality, that of always seeing himself as the most important, it was actually that the citizens were more important. But unlike his son Didiel, who started working with him recently and in the previous years that he observed him from afar, he realized that his way of acting may be better or even superior to his father. This was strange, since Didiel always showed that he was looking for the best for everyone like his father, but since he started that journey with his grandfather, he ended up finding himself in situations that made him change that mentality he had.

『You were wondering why we did not enter Arnicania to put an end to all this』-『The answer is simple and silly at the same time, it was simply the moment that had to happen, before the new one tells me again silly, I want you to take notes, when all this started it was because of the missiles that fell in this residential area, we did not know who the enemies were since the first soldiers we saw were from our homeland, that Arnicania attacked us? It was hard to believe, it was obvious that there was someone behind it, he took advantage of the fact that that district had no communication with the outside to invade it and settle in, his objective was the oil, with that he could take over an empire, surely he told himself, in the world anything goes, if you can benefit from it you won't mind making deals even with hell, he forced the young people of Arnicania to fight against their own people, we knowing the whole context, tell me how many here would have felt bad if they had only killed an innocent』-『They couldn't even sleep, that's how they were able to resist all these years, they didn't fight with strength, they fought with our feelings, they made experiments to the youngsters to reach something that they themselves labeled it as Shadows, control? superiority? whatever it is we will find out when we go there, and when the explosion of the airship happened, here comes the answer, we did not invade until now because we do not know what will happen there, what do you think will happen if we go there? do you think they will be alone and there will be another war but in the city? we will win and that's it? of course not, we must think of all the possibilities, take the best possible option, not the first thing that comes to our mind, it is not like that rookie, answer me why you became a soldier』

『Well, to become a real man who saves his homeland! go to war, finish off the bad guys, and come back as a hero!!!! That's why I joined the war *smiles*』

『You're telling me you went to war just to kill innocents?』

『Eh? no, I didn't say that, the ones I'll fight are bad, they are not innocent, and my duty as a citizen of my country is to defend it』

『*sigh*And what if the situation were reversed, instead of having the role of hero, for them you are the villain, they would also have to finish you off and return them safe and sound to their homes, they managed to defend their country from those who invaded them for x reason, how would you feel about that?』

『And why do I have to be the bad guy? They are the bad guys!!! That's what they said in school, in newspapers, TV, radio and so on, we are the good guys, the others bad guys, I am the hero, the others villains, I have to protect my homeland to receive achievements and to be recognized, also money wouldn't be bad 』

『...Then I comment to you, you hate them? 』

『Hate them? I guess so, they were telling us that we have to hate them but ....!!!...I hate them?』

The rookie soldier of what he contradicted Kiel, it seems that the more insistent you are the more he ends up learning, in the end the rookie soldier seems that he ended up understanding a little of what the Military Chief wanted to tell him, from a very young age you embed in your mind that one is good and the others are bad, that one is better than the other and that you must protect him at all costs, in other words that is called patriotism, especially in times of war where anyone can be your enemy, you only have you and your people, you are the hero and those you have to fight and hate are the villains, this is much deeper, either because they had a rivalry years ago and for a long time many countries hate each other to death, that the government raises these ideas and ideologies to its citizens, it was obvious that it would happen, but you really hate that person? He did something to you to make you want to kill him? maybe yes and maybe no, but in our present time it would be a no, but it is already done, it was marked in history and it will be like that forever, rivalries that will be present and somehow in modern times will give the idea that you are the good guy and the outside is the bad guy. If another war is fought, citizens will not hesitate to fight for their homeland and they will emphasize the others as the bad guys, it is a defense measure to not be defeated, hating others is the salvation. I would give examples but I think it is more than enough.

『Listen soldiers, we do not fight because we hate you and have to kill you, we fight because we have to defend our reputation and thought, in other words, we fight for the history of our homeland』.

Military Chief Kiel's words was heard by that group of soldiers who were present, many of the veterans already fully understood the true meaning of standing here, while the new ones this was something new that in school they were not taught, it was like really as many people say, only on the outside you will understand how things work.

『So...our history may be modified to appear something we are not and we fight for that lie? Just to feel proud of our homeland?』

『I see you already understood better Rookie, now that you know the truth, do you think you took the best path?』

.....The Rookie soldier was left with nothing to say when he understood everything, then all that he learned as a child that his country is the best and that here is where he grows best, then it is a lie ... it may be partly true but that would be if you try very hard, but in like all history and more in the future, the truth of almost everything will be modified just to see you benefit. There was nothing more to say, with that conversation they already had the answer to why they are still waiting for Didiel to appear to be able to talk with Alfred, who with the name alone can already give an idea of where his origin is. Kiel looked again at the panorama and saw that there was nothing, not a soul, not a person.

『All this fight, I regret that it was in vain, all the soldiers who surrendered, understood that they were the victims of their own homeland』.

But while he was talking, he saw in the distance that someone appeared, again he took his visor to see who it was, he managed to see and was not surprised by this, it was a child who came unarmed, only with the uniform that was only standing for all the times he had been cooked. Kiel looked and knew perfectly well who the boy was, what he came to do was to transmit the communiqué for the last time.

For the first time Mikel and Kiel met face to face, the Military Chief ordered the soldiers to lower their weapons, but they themselves had not even aimed at him, they knew that like all of them, that boy was also a victim of the thought of someone superior. Mikel passed on the message that he wanted to talk to Didiel Schuman, where Kiel told him that that was exactly why he had come.

『The Dialogue will take place right here, it will be a secret where after time it will be revealed』.

『It will be modified, won't it?』

『We'll see but most likely yes』-『Wait a week, tell him to meet here at noon, to come alone, without any weapon or else we'll kill him』.

『Don't worry about that, he's the one who wants to talk to Didiel, I guarantee you he just wants to dialogue, he's cornered anyway, besides I know he wouldn't commit a stupid thing without first fulfilling his dream』.

『Boy you talk as if you know everything about him, were you welcomed in a special way by him? or why do you talk so confidently』

『Special? No, I had to fight and strive since I was little to be able to move forward, like you, like the soldiers behind you, like those who are no longer here, but don't call me special, I'm an important person』

With that last The Little Soldier was retreating back to Arnicania, this was seen as strange since there is literally no one here to stop him, he can simply ask the French soldiers for help and have a better life, just like the other children who managed to escape, but Kiel understood and said nothing about it, but there was a soldier who approached him to say something to Mikel.

『Why go back to Arnicania, you weren't born there, you went through ugly things there, you surely lived the worst part of your life there, why go back to the place that brought you so much suffering?』

It was Rachel who approached Mikel to tell him, the little boy was with a calm look, he did not doubt and stared into her eyes, there he could understand everything, where it made no sense to others but it did to Mikel, the little boy let out a few tears while smiling with joy, so much was his joy that he would take Rachel's hand to tell her.

『Here lives my family *smiles*』.

With those simple words but that resonated so much with Rachel, Mikel would retreat through the forest to return home to his family. In there Rachel saw his hand and noticed as if something familiar in it, Mikel's hand was not cold, it was warm, she couldn't help but think when he was still a young man and lived quiet, happy, joyful together with his mother Margarette, the feeling was so much that Rachel also cried without hiding anything, his companions saw him and said nothing as they understood their friend's feelings. Kiel looked on contentedly knowing that at last it was all over.

『(Mikel, that name sounds like I heard it somewhere, we only know that he is currently 11 years old and he doesn't have the Arnicania accent but he identifies himself as one, he is literally a child, is he...)』

Kiel could recall in his memory and as if he had a fixed answer, he remembered the reason why Adrien Schuman decided to come here in the first place, it was all to save his son Didiel's friend, Kiel had no choice but to accept that if Adrien had come to pick up Mikel at this moment, that Soldadito would have rejected him for sure.


Colonel Alfred appeared in the forest to the war zone, all the soldiers of France were waiting for him, it was something strange, as some of them perceived some enemy soldiers as shadows, they thought they saw Colonel Alfred as a total shadow, but no, for the first time that guy looked like a man, he was fat, he was getting bald, an elegant appearance because he knows that this is the day he waited so much, to be able to chat with someone who could understand him perfectly.

He walked but the looks he received were obvious, the French soldiers were guiding him to where he had to go, but in their eyes they were all full of anger, they were guarding the man who had destroyed all his people, at least he was repentant, but Alfred's face did not suggest that. It was too contradictory what they heard from their Military Chief Kiel to what they felt now, no...they might be right in hating this special person, since he wanted to start his own history and mark him forever.

They guided him to the place where the meeting would take place, it would be a lie if they didn't tighten their guns to want to shoot at once, but they could with their impulse, everyone here was united in something, they don't care where this guy is from, they don't care about the history of their country or if someone from their family branch is considered to win a nobel prize, no matter all the good things he did or bad things that could have happened to him, everyone here hates Alfred, they don't know how much they want him to finally receive the punishment he deserves.

They checked if he brought anything with him, a gun or a knife, but no, Alfred simply let himself be touched everywhere as if to say that he only came to keep his word, to have a dialogue between people who understand each other. And after many measures, Alfred sat in the chair, the table in the middle, and on the other side was Didiel Schuman.

『At last we are face to face, Didiel』

I could stare at him, that boy who behaved like an adult, now he was all of 17 years old, a total of 6 years passed since the tragedy, Mikel was wearing his impeccable uniform, hair neatly combed, it could be seen that he already had some achievements in his uniform, what more awards he would have at home. Alfred was smiling, it was a normal smile but at the same time very unsettling, while Didiel stands poised giving start to the conversation.

『And well, first I want to hear you talk, you suggested talking to me about the many times you rejected me, I sedate you all the time to talk about what you want, I already have a solution from the beginning of how to stop all this, and if I see that it gets complicated, it won't be difficult for me to create a solution right now』.

Didiel was serious, never lowering his head, where Alfred, unlike him, when he saw that no one else was in the place, he relaxed, stretched out his arms and legs, made his fingers thunder so he could start the conversation he wanted so much.

『I understand that your grandfather has already died recently, news like that flies like hot cakes, and that you now take his place, what was his name? Leader of Europe right? your main goal is to achieve a union with everyone in order to get along, or am I wrong? That way of thinking is what I find curious, you are not the first and will not be the last with that thought, what is curious is that you are achieving such a task, you are not like those politicians or presidents who are just words and do not accomplish anything, I can say it freely because I am like that, and I am very sure that you are also like me Didiel』-『One when he takes power is for what he wants, or wouldn't you use everything at your disposal to make what you want come true? in my case mine is...I'm not going to tell you, I want to see if you are the second person capable of knowing what I want, in this world we are all selfish, to a greater or lesser extent but we are, those who aspire to more are the worst, I can get an idea of what you did and the reputation you have, but really Didiel, a New World? that's impossible』

Alfred had started from the least to go up, he wants Didiel to be able to decipher his words and at the same time to enter into context of what will be their conversation, Didiel stared at him, he did not look away, he listened to him attentively, he even looked like a machine to see that he did not make another move.

『Everything in this world is possible, it becomes impossible if you limit yourself, what I really want will be fulfilled, I do not care if it lasts a short time, but if it is marked in history and can help many more people I am satisfied, I do not get carried away by appearances, from the beginning I knew you were a person with a superior thought to others, and of course you are right, humanity is selfish and there will always be a microsecond in which we only think what is best for us, what matters is if we do it or not, it is there where everything is decided, make it real or that they are only simple falsehoods, my selfishness is that everyone lives comfortably and without worry, but I know that this can never be realized or happen, I am not talking about economically or sustenance, I know that there is enough money in the world to put an end to the problem of world hunger and so on, but there is the answer, we do not do it because we are selfish, we empathize with who we know, a friend, a relative, a partner, but with whom we have nothing, our act of help and kindness can be easily covered by pity, in my trip I heard many people say that what I do is because I feel sorry for the poor and weak, at the beginning I denied it but, it is true, I feel sorry for those who suffer and that is why I want to help them, no emotion is bad, every emotion is human, but while I was helping in my trip the more I saw the reality in the world, even if I want to help, it is impossible, to help everyone, it is difficult. ...I left behind many people to prioritize others, I felt bad the first time but when I did it several times, it still hurts me but it is what I have to do, it is not enough, one person can not do everything, there were many times when my grandfather helped me and Kiel too, we only show the pretty face while we hide what we do not want, to be seen as important is important, how many people died, how many people are still outside without help, I received many but. ...and the rest? fuck, in the world there are more people who have nothing and lost everything than people who live comfortably without worry, because...』

『Why would that unbalance the balance of the world, if everyone lives well do you think that would solve everything?』

『No, our whole society would collapse and receive a change that I don't know if we can resist it, but even if we all help and want their welfare, we can't save ourselves from tragedy, accidents, diseases or imminent deaths, robberies, crime, even if we all live comfortably I know there will be someone who goes out in the street and kills an innocent person, I don't know how to stop that, I don't know how to prevent it, human is unpredictable....』

『Yes, a correct society to cover the true face, that would be terrible』.

『I have no idea what you want to hear from me, I have no idea why you want to talk to me, after knowing how the world works, I doubt what I think is right or wrong, but what I do know is that the world will change...it is possible, it will, we have the advantage of growing and evolving, thousands of years passed to be what we are now, nuclear bombs? Who would have believed it, those weapons will become a shield in the nations so they will not be attacked in the future one with the other, as I said everything is possible, and I am here to take that impossible role, I know it will take time, maybe all my life, maybe not even my life will be enough, but I want to believe, I want to keep thinking that it can be done, I do not care if it takes 10 years, 5 years, 1 year or a second, I want people to live happy for an instant』.

『And when we manage to live in peace, the real evil in the world will come out, because that is also very human, everything we know is brought by us』

『A correct and peaceful world, the only thing I can relate it is with the religious history, they all lived happily together those days, Adam and Eve with all the love possible, they lacked nothing, it could be said that the world was born in peace, but as if it was written, evil appeared, the serpent deceived humans and since then we have not seen anything similar to peace, no matter the time, the era, someone will always appear with intentions to change everything, I know that we are different makes us unique, but that is also dangerous. .. history can be modified as you want, war can break out for anything, whether it is for an apple or cakes, if what you wanted was that there will be more people like you, well there will be, maybe you won't get it, but someone else will, the unhinged like you are not alone, I don't know what you found out but many catalog them as shadows or ashes fall from their bodies, but it is said, evil is part of history and cannot be changed, and that is why there has to be its counterpart, someone who stops it and fights for its own justice and believes it is right』.

『The fight between good and evil, God against the Devil, Xer...?....ser...xe...xe... what?』

Alfred from how calm he was had a kind of mental collapse, for some reason he said those words, he had no idea why he said it, he did not know why, even he himself who was calm all the time with his smile, did not avoid feeling afraid and to look to the sides, for the first time he felt that something was there but he could not see it, something that is in all the stories and cannot be modified.

『No...huh? what was I going to say? this thing I discovered...now that I think about it, what is it? I thought it was just a figment of my imagination, you see me as normal right? I'm human right? why do I feel I'm different...』

『Yes, I see you as normal, you are human, and as a human I can assure you something, the shadows will always be present, don't forget that, you don't have to do anything, they will always be there, if you wanted to know if there will be more like you, the answer is, it was always there, from the beginning, until the end, whoever wants to be consumed, so be it』.

!!!!! .... Alfred could understand it correctly, he knew it, Didiel hit right on target of what he wanted to hear, it was like talking to Mikel again that night, when he told him the same thing that will always be present that presence that makes us all do what is considered bad and unique. Alfred had nothing more to say, he felt so tired that he began to move slightly until he fell to the table, Didiel was still straight but everything he said to him and freeing himself as he is, made him feel sad about how things are. The conclusion of all this is that no matter how much you do to remedy it, prevent it or destroy it, the main cause will always be there, the only way to stop such evil is not to exist, that no one else lives, or at least someone who already knows everything, that would be the being that ends up dying finally.

The conversation was over and as it was said, Alfred surrendered without opposition, at the end of the talk he was no longer smiling, his expression was now that he could finally find what he wanted so much, to hear the words he had longed for so long. While Mikel's decision was clear, in the end they ended up keeping the oil zone, they will have to settle in Arnicania since that is where it is closest, when the French soldiers returned days later to Arnicania, they were surprised to find that there was no war or anything, the few enemy soldiers who remained surrendered without opposition, if they had started without talking before, perhaps this would have become a war camp, a guerrilla war. They were all arrested and soon to be tried, from the law they would not be spared, all the soldiers who were shadows were repentant, but Alfred was not, he was realized that he no longer cared what happened next.

『We are not alone...we are not alone...Father *smiles*』.

While in Arnicania at last peace had returned, the few survivors who were only children and some old people could finally leave their homes without the fear of tragedy happening to them again.

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