
World 5: Ova 6: Different Events 6

E͇s͇t͇a͇d͇í͇a͇ ͇T͇e͇m͇p͇o͇r͇a͇l͇ ͇e͇n͇ ͇l͇a͇ ͇A͇g͇e͇n͇c͇i͇a͇ ͇2͇͇

After receiving and listening to the words by Ailane, I felt more relieved and I could act already without exaggerations and as I really am, the performances I left them because I realized that they bring more problems than I thought, this insecurity of how to behave with a large group I have not felt it for a long time, especially I do not know how to behave with strangers and of the opposite gender, in my early elementary school I was never so social, I could be calm with a group of friends and be as I am, but everything was different when a girl approached the group, my friends were normal, they talked and played quietly, but I somehow felt uncomfortable, I felt I could not trust them and I always kept my distance. .... Maybe it was because I was also abused by her, although I knew that the others were not like her, but that little fear was still there, it was as if from nothing ..... had decided to make my life hell. The only one I was very close with was Menhera, with her I didn't feel out of place, she was a girl who knew how to deal with me and accepted me as I am.

Sometimes I look back and remember my past self, to think that before I could not relate to the opposite sex makes me look like a fool, which I still am since that insecurity is back. I said I can act normal now, and part of it is true and part of it is not, it must be because there is one person I trust and that is Ailane, knowing that she is with me I can be the way I truly am now.

『That's right!!! Keep saying my food is good! There is no better praise for someone who cooks than them saying your food is rich』q(❂‿❂)p.

Again I had the opportunity to cook, this time I made lunch where I heard many say that my food is good, to see all these people from another world say that my food is good, is something that makes me happy, my culinary technique surpasses even the very barriers of worlds!!!! Dear Brother, be proud that your teachings are pleasing to the palates of beings with animal characteristics, now that I think about it, I'm starting to get sick of just going to worlds with those characteristics.....

I sat at the table so I could eat lunch too, Ailane was eating too, her way of eating was more refined, I don't throw away her teachings like an Ojou-sama after all, or it must simply be because we are with company, when we are alone she eats like anyone else. ల(*'= ◡ =`*) Spending time with them is calm and relaxing to me, I know nothing bad is going to happen, I just have to lead a quiet life like I did before, I listened to everyone's conversations agreeing to rehearse after lunch, that they want to write a new song, what if such and such add this. They have their things to do and that leaves me alone, so I can do my things in a way that no one interrupts me.

『But what a nice day, nothing happens, everything will go on as usual, yep, nothing will disturb me 』.

I finished eating and was waiting for the others to also pick up the dishes and wash them, that's where we all heard the door open and a group of young people who are also integrated into the agency had made their appearance.

『There are many more people since the last time I came』.

Rosia along with her band had arrived, her companions came by to greet us all, where either out of habit or being very typical of her, she went on to tease the Plasmagica band.

『How lucky are you guys to be able to rest while we have been so busy, having so many performances this month, uhmmm, how many have there been? There are so many that I forgot hahahaha, people loving you is exhausting, I heard that you will also enter the Band Festival, uhmm, it's your first big performance so don't be nervous, if you want you can ask me for some advice, I won't bother at all』.

Rosia spoke with a friendly and calm tone, but the teasing was well present, she patted Cyan's head where she was happy to see her friend again, where the others like ChuChu or Retoree were reluctant to correct this girl.

『Good to see you again Rosia-chan, and you too *smiles*』.

Cyan greeted as her friend that she was, where Rosia sighed and ended up accepting how she was her friend, it's as if her provocations no longer had any effect on her. Rosia looked at Cyan's dish and noticed she was confused, since it looked good, she came to the agency to be able to rest for a few hours and then go back to do her job, maybe what she said about "being able to rest" she really said it without any wrongdoing. She saw a fried chicken where without further ado, Rosia took it and ate it, saying that it was good and that she had not eaten for hours.

M's eyes flashed quickly, from one moment to the next he was no longer in his seat, Ailane looked from side to side and just sighed and made a disgusted face. As usual of this guy, when he saw a loli he rushed to hug her like never before, in this case Rosia, who she completely refused, but she couldn't tell him.

『But what a cute loli, but what a cute loli hahahahahaha, you're so tiny』 ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑๑)♪

M was hugging Rosia nonstop, her companions would go to get in the way, but Rosia simply stretched out her hand implying that she would take care of this.

『You must be a fan, right? I'm glad you think highly of me Onii-chan, I didn't expect to receive such a friendly welcome, but you know, this usually can't be done, but since I know you went out of your way to wait for me to arrive, I'll give you something special』 ◟(๑-͈ᴗ-͈)◞.

Rosia changed to a friendlier attitude, it must be her facet when she is in public, M was still hugging her without further ado, where Rosia would be about to do the same, which is to hug him, but ultimately she regretted it and better decided on caressing M's head, where without further ado when she did her action, she found that there was no one hugging her anymore, this left her confused, she looked to her front and saw M who was standing with his gaze down.

『Eh?....Is something wrong Onii-chan?....』

『You're not.....you're not...you're not a LOLIIIIII!!!!!』Щ(◣д◢)艸

Without further ado I pointed my finger at Rosia for cheating on me, everyone watching was confused by this, Rosia's classmates were bowing their heads for not knowing what was going on with this guy, while Rosia herself was more doubtful than anyone else.

『A loli.....una loli de verdad.....una loli de verdad no tiene esas webadas!!!!!』-『Ahhh!!!! But without a doubt the worst experience was with that dragon....』

M was complaining to Rosia for having deceived him, Rosia is a small girl who has traits of being a little girl, well a loli literally, only that her chest would come to be a little bigger, not as much or exaggerating as Iruru's, if not a more normal ones we could say, but for M for her way of being, it was as if again she had been deceived with the same story. Rosia at this trembled, where she quickly clenched her fists and went on to complain to the boy.

"What do you mean by that? Like I'm not a cute, tender and loving girl?』

『Of course you're not!!!! A real loli or even any person doesn't have to pretend what they are not!!!!! I fell for your words before, but it won't happen again, you are one of the people I would only treat as you really are, to make you realize your mistakes』

M seemed to face Rosia, where she didn't know what to reply as she didn't understand the young man's words, the boy also doesn't seem to be aware of what he says and just blurts out what comes to his mind at the moment.

『Haber, then tell me again that you will give me something special for my effort, I am waiting for you』.

M was crossing her arms in a serious manner, where Rosia was clenching her teeth and fists in the same way, her face must now be showing a gesture of annoyance, which it shouldn't be, she lightened her whole body, closed her eyes and again with that tender tone of hers, she turned towards the boy.

『I'll show you that I'm not lying Onii-chan! If you come closer I'll give you something even more special than before, you won't think of refusing a request from me....right?

Rosia was using her wooing techniques we could say so, she was appearing like a helpless little girl, even her eyes were shining and she was trembling because she wanted to look like someone tender. M was looking at her or analyzing her with little eyes of rice to full body, where without more than a while, the boy rejected Rosia's proposal shaking his head sideways. Rosia seeing this was shocked, her sweet tone of voice changed to a more brusque one.

『Oye..... I don't even know you but you've done things I never thought would happen to me..... First you hug me out of the blue and walk away from me saying I'm not what I am, calling me a liar.....Second you ask me to ask you for something again and you reject me anyway....Who do you think you are? I just came here thinking that I could rest a little bit and you come out with your nonsense.... if I had known that you are not a fan I wouldn't have had to play along with you 』

Rosia made me feel her annoyance towards me, seeing her gesture as she changed to a cute one to how she really is, made me feel more relieved, now I just realized what I just did, I finally came to my senses, I saw Rosia extremely annoyed by what I forced her to do. I felt I had to make it up to her somehow.

『Well...At least I could see how you really are, so ta better』(^ω^)『You see how annoying it is to have the same thing done to you? (I got that last one out of nowhere...)』

Rosia seemed to want to leave after what happened, but after hearing what I said, she stopped to face me again, this time she wouldn't do it from afar anymore, she herself approached me to be face to face.

『Are you saying that you provoked me to realize my mistake? But tell me something, was everything I said a lie? Of course not, at all times I was sincere, I wanted to get away with it in a legal way as I always did, you don't have to tell me that I'm a liar』

『Of course, I saw from the beginning and you weren't lying, but I could tell you were saying it with the intention of annoying others, you must be aware of what you are doing, using the pure truth to get your way, you remind me of someone I know, yes..... you have her same way of being.....although of course, she if she doesn't pretend as she really is, never, if we talk about being sincere to yourself, Konomi would beat you hands down (I wonder if that guy still doesn't give up on Konomi..... wait, did there even exist someone like that?)』

I was telling her what I could understand about her in this short time, maybe the topic of being sincere was brought up by the same thing I'm going through, seeing Rosia now as she really is made me remember a friend, I don't know if I should call her a friend, but the thing that if we compare her with Rosia or even another one, the title of the coldest would come to take her, her way and speech are so strong that always leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. Rosia at this again became even more annoyed and lashed out.

『Now you're comparing me to someone else and saying he's better than me...But what's wrong with you.....I just came here to have a good time and let off steam even a little』.

『I'm sorry...I'm not normally like this, maybe I'm just letting off steam with you, but if you want the same thing too, why not release all the tension you're carrying, surely you're so mentally tired, you have so many things here that you don't know where to start, so just release it, no? 』-『You said they were tired and you couldn't remember, shout it out instead of whispering it *smile*』.

Rosia looked at me as if she didn't understand anything, I don't know what I'm saying either but I think it's a good choice, if she is a person with many things on her mind and she doesn't have time for herself, she must want to somehow release it, besides that recently ,they were involved in Dagger and Ailane's attack, they must have felt helpless and rage that until now they couldn't let go of it.

『Why do you think you know what's happening to us, you're just a degenerate who hugs little girls.... We're leaving now, we'll go somewhere else to relax, see you later Cyan』

Rosia was leaving the place warning her companions that they wanted to spend some time here, but they could not leave their leader alone, with her eyes down and a bad taste in her mouth Rosia was leaving, while in her mind she said to herself that she just wanted to spend a good time, she wanted to spend her time with Cyan, but if this guy is also going to be here bothering and talking nonsense, she better leave and come back when he is no longer here.

『And if you have a duel...what better to get it all off your chest in a fight』.

With no more talk, Rosia would have to keep walking, she was already near the door, but for some strange reason, she just stood still, as if choosing what answer to give, without saying a single word, Rosia turned to look at me with her eyes covered.

『I see it catches your attention, fine! Then let's do it!!! You'll have a duel and you can say everything you have in store, and the person you'll be facing will be nothing more and nothing less than a real loli!!』

Without further ado stood in front of me Ailane who was surprised as to why I was there.

『Hey, keep me out of your stuff』

Ailane was refusing what she was doing, where Rosia hadn't noticed before, seeing Ailane she was reminded of that day, the day of the attack on the agency, it was herself who wanted to snatch her Melodisian, again she went through torment and suffering from which she thought she escaped.

『You are .....ya I see, I don't care that you are no longer controlled by Dagger, what you did to us that day don't think I will forgive you so easily, your eyes didn't lie that night, you really wanted to finish us off, I want revenge, this outlet might work 』

Rosia showed decision and determination in front of Ailane, where the little girl was staring seriously at the leader of that gang, the first thing Ailane did was to apologize by kneeling down to the ground in front of her, apologizing for everything she did that time, accepting that she was wrong and that she did wrong. Rosia's other companions forgave her without further ado, as they know and understand what it is like to be at the mercy of that being and the pain they had to go through. Ailane looked up to see Rosia determined.

『You have unfinished business with me, so I will accept it, if this is what you want in order to be okay with you and me then I won't hesitate, I no longer want to be a problem for others, facing someone like you, is a good challenge to start with my goal』.

Ailane looked with a determined smile at Rosia, who was also the leader, she looked like she was ready for this, her music fight would start right now, we all went to the rehearsal room to start the fight. Everyone was preparing their instruments and was deciding which song to play, Rosia was summoning her instrument and while she was making some adjustments to it, she saw among the audience came a blue dog guy and remembered something.

『(That wasn't ..... the one who faced Dagger that day, what is he doing here, I don't have to lose my concentration now, I have a duel and I only have to think about winning)』.

Ailane was also making some adjustments to her instrument, where without further ado the lights in the rehearsal room went out, the one who would decide who played better would be us, we would be completely sincere with our vote, since that is the intention of all this. Rosia without further ado was the first to take the stage playing a solo, at the beginning of the song she was encouraging and beautiful, she was too tender and playful with her singing and movements, that was the kind of music she played with her band, happy and funny music with tender touches, but at the end of the song it seems that she went a little bit off track and started to scream, saying things that for sure was a torment in her mind.

It took us by surprise but it was like it was coming, I looked at her companions and they were shocked, I'm sure they thought that's how their friend Rosia felt. She finished playing and went down to the stage, she was sweating and felt more tired, but something changed in her, she felt freer and looser than when she went up. She looked at Ailane where she was going up on stage, it was her turn, where the lights went out as well.

『(The last time I played a song, you were there with me and we played one of you, now that I have the chance, I want you to listen to a song of mine and hear what you think, music is the voice of the soul and I want you to understand that!!!』

Without further ado Ailane with a set of strings would start playing her style of music, unlike Rosia who was a tender and playful, Ailane's was with strength and with power, it felt like it was rough in a way of saying it, we all just stared at her without turning around, seeing her that way as she is actually made me understand how she really was more than I thought, just as I thought, her music is a reflection of herself, determined and serious. When she almost finished, from the power that was coming, she passed to a calm Ailane, as if asking for forgiveness and thanking for having a second chance, those last minutes were magical, it was a very beautiful contrast.

They had already finished playing the 2, it was time for the votes, it was close, at first it was noticeable that one had more advantage than the other, but in the end the winner turned out to be a tie.....Nah, do not believe it, the winner of the match turned out to be Rosia, the years of experience led her to have a great advantage to Ailane who was just starting, the little girl turned to see me where I smiled at her.

『Well, you will win the next one, but I got a surprise, now I think I know you even better, you are the living image of moving forward *smiles*』

Ailane hearing what I said smiled at me, and thanked me, but then between whispers she said that she wanted to win this match, that she really put all her strength into it to be able to win.

"『Next time I'll win!

Without further ado, Ailane raised her voice, making it clear that in every duel she had, no matter how silly it was, she would give her all to win and never again taste the taste of defeat.

Rosia and her friends were going to the living room where they found a whole feast there, they were confused where they saw a blue dog in the kitchen, telling them that congratulations for having won and that this is a compensation for having treated them that way, without further ado the blue dog disappeared. One of Rosia's friends seeing that it smelled good, decided to try it and was delighted by how tasty it was, Rosia processed it well and no longer felt tired, with all those problems she had in her head, she was finally free of them, she smiled with her sweet gesture to finally be able to rest after having defeated her insecurities and torments.

『Come on girls!!! Let's celebrate and rest because we deserve it!!!』

They all raised their fist up and celebrated their unexpected party, M who was in her room returned to her Base Form and smiled at how it all ended in a good way.




L͇o͇ ͇D͇e͇s͇c͇o͇n͇o͇c͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇D͇e͇s͇c͇o͇n͇o͇c͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇4͇

Hiro had already more his mind clear and how would be his future with this, after what happened in the creek, he would not hesitate anymore in the problems that would open, this one would throw himself, he would be the first to throw himself to be able to solve it, help him in the best possible way, no matter if the result was good or bad, he would end up accepting it, as long as there was not another dead, he would accept the other problems that would appear to him.

There is only one day left for the exams to start, after this the summer vacation will finally arrive and all the students will be able to relax after this mental hell that comes every time.

Hiro kept coming to Kiara's house at the time they agreed, since they decided to study together, they didn't make their patrols around the city anymore, Kiara was already doubting what was going on with her friend Hiro, he was not like before, his expressions and moods were exaggerated, as if he was forcing himself to act as he normally is.

He was also much more attentive to his surroundings, more than usual, when someone was coming down the stairs he would tell them to be careful, and if possible not to run down the stairs with an umbrella in hand.

When she had lunch with him, Hiro told her that she should chew her food well to avoid getting stuck, he even told her how to drink water, that she should not climb on the roof, that she should be careful when cooking, among many other things, the last one he did not say, Kiara drew those conclusions, but it was true that Hiro was more attentive to things than anyone else, his eyes that always looked ahead, now looked everywhere, attentive to stop any misfortune.

Hiro knocked on Kiara's door, and since the day they saved the cat, the little hero breathed a sigh of relief that his friend was safe for another day. Hiro heard some meowing in the living room, in the end Kiara ended up adopting the mother cat with her cub, now they had a home to live in and Kiara would always be there for them.

Hiro first greeted his friend, where without further ado, not even he expected it, Kiara stood in front blocking his way, where without further ado he said.

『Today....we have to go out on patrol』.

Kiara all shy but determined was able to face Hiro, she had her eyes down and her hands and arms were shaking, again she thought it was very bold of her, but it was necessary to do so. Where Hiro refused saying that everything is already fine and peaceful, that there is so much peace that it is even boring.

『They are fine, we better keep studying!!!! It's so much fun here!!!』

Hiro without further ado said, where Kiara seeing that attitude of his friend, it's like he couldn't stand it anymore, it felt weird to be together with Hiro and not do what he wants to do, it was like it was obvious that this would happen.....but it doesn't happen, it's a very difficult feeling to understand, and for that very reason it's annoying.

『You know everything!!!! We have studied a lot!!! You even know how to find X!!! The only thing we have done so far is to spend time playing games, reading novels!!!! Studying!!!! Eating desserts!!!! Talking nonsense!!! We've been doing what you consider useless!!!! Where is the Hiro who used to put all that aside and just go out to help people!!!! It's over! Today we will not study! Today we will go out to help!!!』

Without further ado Kiara ended up exploding but in a different way, everything she kept to herself and what she was thinking she ended up telling Hiro, she couldn't take it anymore, she had to release him, Kiara took Hiro's hand and if he didn't want to, she would have to take him by force to do what they always do, she knows, she knew that it is wrong to ignore your obligations, but she learned with Hiro all this time, that there are many more important things, and among them is helping those who need a hand!!!!! Hiro was being dragged by her friend, this one couldn't react, maybe the shock of seeing her friend act even though she is afraid came as a surprise.

『You always say that when one converses, there is another person who is having a hard time and needs help, right now we will go give him a hand!!!!』.

Kiara was taking him away, they were about to pass the door to the courtyard, where without further ado, Hiro pulled out of the door, forcing his hand, this action left Kiara confused and with many more doubts than she had. Hiro stood still as he said.

『I don't want to....I don't want to....I don't want to...I don't want to..... I don't want to...』

The same thing was repeated over and over again, where Hiro was taking small steps back slowly backing up but trembling, Hiro's look , his eyes were shaking, Hiro was brought back memories of that day, he couldn't get over it until now, he thought he got over it the day they saved the cats, but no.....that trauma of not being able to save is still there, Kiara worried about her friend and it was more than clear in Hiro's face said to him.

『Are you.....afraid?』

Kiara without further ado said, where Hiro was shocked by her friend's words that she got it right, but it was not at all difficult to come up with the answer, Hiro's face and body, everything hinted that he was afraid of something, Hiro without further ado began to whisper something, he whispered and whispered, Kiara approached his friend, Now the one who was afraid and felt insecure was Hiro, Kiara swallowed saliva, now she was the one who had to help Hiro, take his role and give him a hand, each step he took was slow, but as his friend once told him, it's ok in time, as long as you don't take each step backwards it's ok, I don't know if he said that but now that xd. Kiara was the one who moved forward steadily without looking back, all she wanted was to be able to help her friend who looked like he would break at any moment.

『I'm not like you!!!!!』

Was what Hiro was whispering, where without further ado seeing that Kiara was approaching, he shouted in her face those words, Hiro without further ado went running straight to his house, leaving Kiara shocked by what he just said and happened. Kiara stood in her place where they were crying in silence for what happened, slowly she was going to her room to think what she did wrong, if she just wanted to help, if she just wanted everything to be like before, while Hiro was in his room and he sank his face with the pillow and would stay to sleep to forget what just happened.

It was late at night, the only thing that illuminated the homes besides the lamp posts, was the moon that was completely full, Kiara who opened her eyes after what happened, had also fallen asleep, but instead of forgetting what just happened, she was thinking of a way to solve this, since she can not stay like this. Already from time all the late hours of the night, through her window she saw Hiro go out to the courtyard, again with his fist clenched, he stood there, but a few minutes later he returned home without having done anything else. Tonight would be the same, Kiara got up just at the time that Hiro leaves his house to go to the yard, Kiara wiped the tears from her eyes, before she did not dare to go before because she did not have enough courage, but now that she knows that her friend is in a critical problem, she has to do it, she is the only one who can do it, she does not want to see her friend like that anymore, she had a hunch that the root problem is what Hiro has in that clenched fist.

Kiara without more with the clothes that she had since the afternoon, sneaked out and without making any noise of her house, she entered slowly but stealthily to the yard, where Hiro was, the little Hero this time had a small shovel to make a hole in the ground, she had her fist closed and again she thought to herself that if she had to do it or not, she has to decide in truth if she accepts it or not.

After staying minutes thinking, this one let go of the shovel and left what he had in his other fist in the ground, Hiro was in doubt but without anything else he would start to let out a scream where with his fist he would destroy in one blow whatever was there before.


Kiara moved towards Hiro, where Hiro stopped from his action, he turned to look at Kiara to check that it was her, and yes , it was her, in a quick way he alerted himself and with his fist he grabbed again what he was going to destroy, while with his other hand he hid the shovel but it was too late. Kiara touched her chest, she was in doubt, if she did things right, she could find the answer and help Hiro, Kiara clenched her fist on her chest and went straight to Hiro, but no longer with slow steps, but firm and with weight.

『What are you doing here Kiara-chan?..... Shouldn't you sleep? Tomorrow the exams start, or should I say today... I know you are a good girl, so what you are doing now is something wrong』』

Hiro felt uncomfortable for what was happening, he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, Kiara was not saying anything yet, maybe she is still thinking what she could say, Hiro seeing that there was no answer, this made him nervous, he had many things to hide and he was afraid that she would discover them, especially her, Hiro would stand up and pass to retire, he passed by Kiara's side , where the little girl not knowing what to say to go slowly to the problem, decided without further ado to let it all out.

『Hiro!!....Something is wrong isn't it? For a while now you've been acting different, it doesn't feel like it's you, it's like you're forcing yourself to act like everything is okay....Please Hiro, tell me what happened!!!! If you tell me I will be able to help you get over it, please, I just want to be able to help the one who helps me on many occasions』-『I know that something is bugging you that you can't be yourself!!!!! I knew it at first, I already knew that something was happening to you, I am...I am like you said someone bad.....I took the way that I could spend time with you and ignored the problem until it got worse.....I see that I am still a fool after all....but I don't want to be one anymore!!!! Even someone weak like me wants to help strong people like you!!!!! I've learned a lot by your side, I want to take that decision and courage that you have!!!!! Please Hiro, don't keep quiet on important things.... it hurts me to see you like this....』

Kiara was telling him everything she was thinking so far, they are true feelings she was telling them in front of him, Hiro to all this was shocked, Kiara's words were having result but not in the way he expected, the only thing Hiro wanted at this moment was to be able to leave and have everything go on as before, but the constant insistence of Kiara did not stop, she kept on and on until she told him what happened to him, Hiro could not take it anymore, he clenched his teeth, body, muscles, head, and fists, he simply did not want to be there anymore, where without further ado, for not measuring himself the following happened. ...Pom.....Something burst apparently, from Hiro's clenched fist was spilling like a kind of blood, Kiara managed to witness this where she remained silent.

Hiro was shocked with his eyes wide open, and there was simply no way, he could no longer hide, Hiro without further ado began to cry, he had no strength he knelt on the ground while he continued to cry. Kiara came closer, Hiro had no intention of running away, Kiara finally knew the truth, she took Hiro's fist and opened it, there she found the body of a praying mantis, it was already dry, but with the force of Hiro's grip, a little more blood still came out.

Hiro, between tears, told him what happened that day when Kiara didn't go with him on patrol, how he found the mantis on top of his bicycle basket, how it jumped on the track, and Hiro, in order to help her, swerved and crashed hard against the walls, When he opened his eyes he saw that he had a closed fist, he thought he had caught the mantis, he was happy, but when he got on his bike he noticed that there was something on the wheel, that's when he found out what really happened, for wanting to help the mantis, Hiro ended up running over the mantis with the wheels.

『I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...I didn't mean to....I'm sorry..... I'm sorry....』

Hiro was just crying in the courtyard, Kiara listened attentively to all this, since then Hiro started to reflect on what happened, that maybe if he had not tried to help the mantis, he would have just fallen on his feet and nothing else would have happened. That maybe this happened because it had to happen, that it had to be a failure all this, but Hiro did not want to accept it, he denied the death of his friend the mantis, he really regretted having ended her life in front of his eyes, it is here that he also realizes another truth that was always present, which is death, everyone dies sometime and that is inevitable, and perhaps it is written its why.

『Maybe he still had more time...he had to eat more.....he had to fly more...he had to walk more...he had to live more...but he died...I killed him.....』

Hiro was regretting again what he did, maybe that was the fear he had to help people again, he thought that he is not obliged to do it but he did it anyway and that not everything can end well, there are successes and failures in everyone's life. That is why he did not want to go on patrol again as he felt that he might do something wrong and that he would regret it again, with the cats, he accepted that when there is a problem within his reach, he would try to help him, but that he is not sure that everything will turn out well. Kiara finally understood what was going on with her friend and the guilt he felt, now that she knew.... what she had to do, she did not know.... she did not know what to do when a Hero cries....

But Kiara remembered how Hiro was before all this, like when Kiara felt bad, Hiro would see him like any other, he would smile and pat him on the head, telling him that everything will be ok. Kiara at this moment doesn't have to see a Hero crying, she sees her friend Hiro crying, because that's what he really is, a simple boy who wants to be helped.

Hiro was crying where without further ado he felt something warm all over his body, his surprise came when he found out it was Kiara, instead of patting him on the head, he went on to do something better, which is to hug and comfort him.

『It's over now, everything will be fine from now on, so you can vent all you want』.

Kiara, as if she was a mother hugged Hiro, the little Hero before this could not stand it anymore, and hugged Kiara tightly and happened to cry even more than before, Kiara was not shy, she was not ashamed, she had to act and adapt her way in every situation.

『You didn't do anything wrong so you don't have to blame yourself, you only wanted to help him, you don't have to accept that fact, nobody is forcing you, you don't have to accept his death just like that nor deny it, nobody likes that, it's better to remember that person in the happiest moments, so you are doing him a big favor, You wanted to be friends with the mantis and you always will be, you came every night to bury him, but you stopped to think if it was the right thing to do, if I bury him I am accepting his death and you didn't like that, that's why you always came back without having done anything, you don't have to accept his death, you have to accept his life, you told him you would help a lot together, didn't you? Then do it for her too, so at least you will atone if you feel bad for her, didn't you say you are a Hero? How do you plan to continue being one if you don't meddle in others, no one calls a Hero, he himself comes to help, he is a person who gets in where it doesn't matter to help, because that's how they are!!!! They are people who are willing to help others because that is what they decided! They don't doubt that if I get involved or not, this could happen, no!!!! They help and fight to the end!!!! They fight to have a happy ending, as well as everyone!!!! They are people who bring brightness to those who don't have it, that's how I saw you that day, you appeared out of nowhere and gave me a hand, who would think that by receiving your help you would change my life...you made me....you made me very happy....Hiro』

Kiara continued with her emotional speech to Hiro, where the little Hero was in tears listening attentively to her friend, finally he understood him, he had many doubts and needed help where he didn't ask for it, he thought that there would be no one to help a Hero, and he took the worst decision which is to ignore him but at the same time not, but now that he has things clearer, he would be like before or even better, he would no longer hesitate in his problems, he would no longer hesitate in his life.

Hiro without further ado raised his hand and without Kiara being able to react, the little boy pushed aside Kiara's bangs, before this Hiro smiled and told her that Kiara had very beautiful eyes, where at this Kiara blushed but smiled in a friendly way to Hiro. From tonight Hiro would always fight, no matter if he is not called, no matter he is a meddler, he must be first of all to avoid the tragedy, and he was always fighting to have a happy ending, he doesn't plan to make the same mistake.

『Kiara-chan, when I said I'm not like you.....I meant in the present, I had many doubts in my head, you asked me many weird questions in my mind that I never asked before, I was backing down, I was afraid.... but when I saw that you took my hand and by your own initiative you took your own way, I just thought that you had become someone strong, a person that despite you can't, despite your insecurities, you decided to move forward, you are someone strong Kiara-chan, that's what I thought...that's why I said I'm not like you...thank you for taking my hand and making me see my mistake *smiles*』

Hiro without further ado caressed Kiara's head in a soft way while he smiled at her in a passive and sweet way, to this Kiara simply closed her eyes and accepted without opposing the kindness of her friend, she missed those little moments to come back.

They buried the mantis that same night, she was accepting the life of her friend and that she will do everything possible to make her proud to have known him, everyone's life must move forward, if a misfortune happens you must heal that wound and move on. Hiro touched his chest and promised himself that he will do everything possible so that he will not make another mistake to regret, and if that happens, he can always trust that there will be another person who will make him see his mistake.


BOMMM!!! BOMM!!!!! The city of that world was beginning to be destroyed, Kiara was on the ground standing up, while other chosen ones of this world were fighting against the one they consider their companion and the strongest inhabitant of this world. Kiara had bruises, she saw her companions fighting against her friend, who was acting differently, that's right, he was being controlled by a parasite, for the doubts of attacking his friend, this one was killing them mercilessly for getting in his way. When there was nothing more, the parasite would go against Kiara who did nothing, the little one with the fringe created a shield and it was because of this that the parasite did not manage to possess her before.

It attacked and attacked, but it was useless, Kiara's shield was unbreakable for the level it possessed, seeing that there were no results, it began to destroy the city so that Kiara would understand the situation and get out of that shell once and for all, Kiara was afraid, she wondered what happened so that everything would come out like this, hell was beginning.

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