
Chapter 94: *surprised Buzz Lightyear-like* MY LOLI!

Since the first day I arrived in the Fourth World, which turned out to be Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon's, I've been living on the streets, trying to earn income with drawings in parks and centers, sleeping every night in a small park, also the first day I met an albino loli, who turned out to be Kanna, now thanks to Kanna I have a place to live, a roof over my head and food, my 3 meals will no longer be bread and milk (T▽T) With Kobayashi-san , Tohru and Kanna I will live my days accompanied by them from now on!




It was dawn and everyone was starting to wake up. By now being used to it I was one of the first.


Squinting my eyes I was, what I saw was Kanna sleeping in front of me, her faint breathing almost unnoticeable, her hair loose and those pajamas that fit her so tenderly.

『(She showed her horns again)(─‿─)』.

His white horns made them visible again, it still brought me surprise that he comes to accompany me to sleep.

『(I'm glad it wasn't a dream)』

I again attached myself to her again, putting our foreheads together and going back to sleep some more.

I felt footsteps after a while. A voice addressed me.

『(You should feel comfortable)』-Kobayashi was the one in the room-『(A sofa if a thousand times better than a cold bench)』.

I saw that he didn't wake me up, I didn't want to make myself uncomfortable seeing that he was sleeping peacefully.

『(Eh? They've moved the small sofa)』

Noticed the adult as she saw that both couches were together. The blanket covered our whole body, so she couldn't notice that Kanna was here with me sleeping.

『But where is Kanna, she has to go to her classes』.

He looked earlier to wake her up to her room, but saw that she wasn't there.

『Kobayashi-san, breakfast is ready』-Tohru was entering the room-.

"Tohru, Kanna-chan didn't sleep with you last night?』-Kobayashi asked the dragon.

"No, she's still sleeping in her room, isn't she?

『That's weird....he's not there either.....』-『Ah, Tohru, I told you to hide your horns and tail, with M living here now we should be careful』.

『Eh?...yeah yeah....but wouldn't it be better to tell him already that we're dragons? Since sooner or later he'll find out, living by hiding your true form is kind of annoying...』( ・ὢ・ )

『I'm sorry but it's necessary, besides we won't know how he would react either, he may do it with fear, or surprise, or confused, or even even take it normal』.

『The humans of this world are very sensitive』-(๑-̆૩-̆)-『Except you Kobayashi-san, you accept everyone no matter who they are』 (^ω^)

While praising Kobayashi again, he saw Kanna's tail come out of the blanket from where M. was sleeping.

『Eh? That's not Kanna's tail?』

Tohru asked upon seeing him, their gazes both turned to the sofa. Kobayashi took the blanket and removed it.

『:;(∩'﹏`∩);: It started to get cold all of a sudden, I need to warm myself』.

M was shivering, Kobayashi and Tohru watched without saying anything.


『(^ω^) Now I do feel much better』.

M hugged Kanna who was still sleeping.

『When did this happen?』-Kobayashi said as he saw-?

『I already knew he had his intentions this boy, but nothing bad came out in the end』-Tohru was calm- 『Kobayashi said as he looked at her.

『I think there's something wrong with this (・・;)』

『If I found him with Kobayashi-san, I'd be a dead man by now』('益').

『( ̄ー ̄;...』

Kanna was waking up from the noise they were making.

『It's morning already...』-Her stomach began to growl-『I'm hungry』.

At this, they went about their normal morning as if this didn't happen, it's not like they would think that M went into Kanna's room at night, brought her in, put the couches together and slept with Kanna.

M was still sleeping on the couch without noticing anything.

『If she did that M, why didn't she sleep in Kanna's room?』-Kobayashi asked herself the question while having breakfast with the others-.

『With the boy being as they say in this world, a Lolicon('へ')』-Tohru affirmed-『But I still can't let my guard down』( ・`ω・').

Kanna simply bowed her head.




I was finishing eating breakfast, breakfast Tohru made, the food felt like it was forced to.

『Tastes like obligation....』-(-.-;)-

Kobayashi who joined me at the table so as not to make me feel lonely, her gaze was normal, but her companion's was that of a predator watching its prey.

"What's wrong Tohru? You've been staring at me for so long, do you like me?』 -( ̄Д ̄;;-

『Haaa?! -``д'-If this is a joke, you deserve death for being so bad』.

『Huy yes huy yes, look how I tremble, hahahaha』-( ̄⊿ ̄)-.

『(╬ಠ益ಠ)(And he said yesterday he'd try to get along with me)』

『Hey M』-Kobayashi was addressing me, I stopped as I was carrying my dishes to the sink-』.

『You're a Lolicon?』

"Huh? So fast they figured it out?』('へ').

Kobayashi felt a little feeling of keeping an eye on M whenever he is with Kanna or another girl.




I know I shouldn't be here playing on your TV, I think I'm being too liberal with your kindness of Kobayashi-san, but I'm curious to pass on this game that looks a lot like Dark Souls( ̄^ ̄).

『I see someone has been playing it, you can tell it's bad, comparing your progress and the hours you played』 ( ̄︶ ̄;)

『I'm going to go do laundry, don't even think of doing anything while I'm not watching you』(눈_눈).

Tohru was retreating with the clothes garbage can, of course, how could I not forget that look of hatred she has for me.

『(I shouldn't have made that joke...)』-(-"-;A-『Kobayashi-san today don't you have to go to work?』

『No, not today』.

I was playing while chatting with Kobayashi-san.

"And tell me, is Kanna your daughter and Tohru your sister or your cousin?

I was pretending not to know to make them not to suspect anything, I must seem to know nothing about this world. I was playing the asshole in other words.

"Daughter? I look so old already?』

My comment apparently discouraged Kobayashi.

"It's just that she has your surname, Kobayashi Kanna』

『Ah, Kanna is my little sister, she is the daughter of my father's third marriage (But what a lie)』(・・;).

『(What a lie)』. (^▽^;)-『And Tohru?』

『From the second one, that's why we are almost the same age (I'm leaving my father as a Don Juan...)』( ̄ー ̄;

『(Poor sir)』-(;^ω^)-『And because you are the oldest you are taking care of them, helping your parents in this, you are a good person as well as a good sister』.

『A good sister?(I'm an only child, I wonder if this is what my life would have been like if I had sisters or brothers)』-Kobayashi-『(Of course, taking away the dragon thing)』-She imagined in her mind.

『Sister of Kobayashi-san!』

『You sure are fast at washing』-I said a comment-『And you were still watching even though you were gone』.

『Doesn't sound bad at all, Kobayashi-san's sister, or maybe, Kobayashi-neesan』ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

『I see that you are becoming cultured in this world』-Kobayashi was addressing Tohru-.

*Ding Dong

Someone had rung the doorbell.

『I'll go open up』 -Tohru was polite and had manners, of course, only with those he doesn't see to be love rivals-.

『Ah, Fafnir-san』

It was the Dragon Cursed Fafnir who had arrived.

『You can come in, come in』.

The guy in the black suit, long black hair, his little glasses and those red eyes with a murderous look was passing by without saying a single word. Well, until.

『Fafnir-san, good morning』-Kobayashi greeted him-.

『Eh?』-I turned my gaze as the visitor came in.

『What's an intruder doing in my quarters, leave if you don't want to die』-Full of hatred the goth said to me-.

"That's two more who wish me dead』. -( ̄⊿ ̄)-『Nice to meet you Kuro-san, do you want to play too? Then let's play together』 ( ̄ω ̄)

『Kuro-san?』 -Fafnir said lightly.

Kuro means black.

『My name is Fanfir, address me by my name or else die』-The dark dragon continued to threaten-.

『Yes yes, whatever you say Kuro-san, come on, let's play』(^ω^).

With no other choice, Fafnir sat down next to M, who again was surprised by what he saw now on the screen.

『You're a damn.....』

『Advance in the game from where you had left off, ah! You're the one who was playing, I have a bit of skill at this, so as you can see I managed to follow』 (^▽^)

『I wanted to pass that part with my own effort, that a newbie like you has advanced further than me.... are you telling me that you are stronger than me? A mere human stronger than me?』-A murderous aura could be felt-.

『Eh? Did I do wrong? I thought you'd be happy if you saw the breakthrough』.

『Fafnir-san is about to eat you something ugly』-Tohru towards a comment-『This suits me fine』(ᗒᗨᗕ).

『No good at all! Tohru stop him!』-Kobayashi was worried-.

『Wait! Your departure from where you left off is still saved, so you can pick it up and be able to continue the journey yourself』-I said before he did something to me-『Look and see for yourself』.

I handled the control and placed the game where Fafnir stayed.

"There it is, look, take it! -I passed the controller to him.

Fafnir made a sidelong glance at the screen, after a few seconds he was sitting looking at the screen while continuing to play.

『(^.^;)』 -He heaved a sigh of relief.

『(;^ω^)』 -Kobayashi also felt relieved.

『*tsch* ('・ε・̥ˋ๑)』 -Tohru was the only one who felt bad-.

Fafnir was still playing without saying anything.

『Sorry for what I did! For a player it is important that you yourself overcome your achievements and go unlocking events, as well as by your own effort you keep advancing, that's why before starting a new game, I saved yours, which thanks to a miracle was not reset, you should always save your game before leaving, did you understand, Kuro-san』-I was apologizing as well as giving Fafnir a piece of advice-.

After a silence of seconds, Fafnir spoke.

『You saved yourself this time』.

I happened to smile seeing that everything went well.

『(So this is the human that the human told us about, he's just a brat)』

He thought as he continued to play.




After a few hours.

『No, to the right! Now to the left, jump! Attack! Come on!』-I was instructing him-۹(ÒہÓ)۶.

Fafnir operated the controller, while making gasps and sounds of irritation.

『Yesiiiiiiii!』(ᗒᗨᗕ)-I shouted as I saw that I defeated the boss-『Well done Kuro-san』.

Fafnir looked calm, his expression didn't change, but I could sense that he felt satisfied.

『Good, now keep moving forward, no no no no , don't go to the chest』.

Fanfir went all the way to the chest, where this one ended up devoured and dying.

『That's too bad, I see you still haven't learned about the chests』 -('∀`)-『But you saved the game』 ٩(^ᴗ^)۶.

Now Fanfir and M are getting along, just like that they went from bad impression to getting along.

『Those 2 are getting along well』-Lucoa was at the table with Kobayashi-.

『Here's your coffee』-Tohru just poured Lucoa a drink.

Tohru went to hang out the clothes she had washed.

"They're watching Tohru, aren't they-Kobayashi whispered in Lucoa's ear-『-Tohru just served Lucoa a drink.

"Of course they are』.

『Although Fafnir says he's coming for something else』-Kobayashi turned to look at Fafnir-.

『So what do you say Kuro-san, shall we keep playing or shall we move on to another game』-I was suggesting to my recent friend-.

『You're too lively for me, keep your temper』-Fafnir was saying sincerely-".

『Eh? Come on come on, when I was little I was somewhat like you, all the more reason to accompany you』(・w・).

『What a nuisance you are』

The door to enter the room was opened, Kanna and Saikawa Riko, where Saikawa was crying unable to stop her tears.

"What happened?』-Kobayashi went to find out-?

"A duel』-Kanna answered.

Immediately darkness took over the atmosphere.

『Count on me』(♯▼皿▼)Tohru would help without hesitation-.

『They will die』-Fafnir would too-.

『What!!!(▽д▽)Someone made a loli cry!!!! (ʘдʘ╬) I'll show you what happens when you make a loli cry!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA』

『You look crazy M』-Kanna said when she saw me-.

『Be calm loli, those fuckers are going to pay for making you cry』.

I approached Saikawa already calmed down, where I noticed that this little girl has something that could stand out among the others.

『Can I pet your head?』-(^ω^)-『It's to comfort you』.

『Eh?』-The girl looked confused-(^ω^).

『Wait kid with weird tastes, first explain to us what happened』.

Kobayashi stopped M before doing anything, Kanna went on to explain, where basically on the playground, a group of boys threw a ball full force at them, everything would have been fine if Saikawa hadn't fueled the flame and made the group of boys angry and annoyed, challenging them to a duel of dodge-burners tomorrow.

"Oh, the best thing to do would be to come to an agreement with the boys』-Kobayashi suggested.

『We can't do that, our pride wouldn't let us, we can't let them treat us like little girls』-(⋋▂⋌)Tohru wanted to duel-(⋋▂⋌)Tohru did or did not want the duel-(⋋▂⋌).

"But do you guys know how to play burnt?

『Of course you do, it's extremely easy』(●'・∀・)b.

『I am not good physically, but for the love of lolis I can draw strength that is capable of destroying worlds!!!!』(○`・Д・')9I said aloud-.

『And I've played Explosive Burns, this is going to be easy』-Fafnir was in serious mode-.

『That's a video game Kuro-san...』-(-"-;-;A I turned to him-

『Don't worry, everything will be fine』-Lucoa soothed Kobayashi's worry.

『And well, let's play!!』(●≧ω≦)9.

Double voices were heard, Tohru and I were equally animated.

『Eh?』-Tohru felt confused-.

『Let's team up for the sake of our pride』(・ω・)v-I said to the dragon.

『Quickly everyone, let's play!"』(`-ω-'๑).

She ignored me to avoid giving me an answer.





Since there turned out to be 5 guys, take Saikawa's place so we can be even.

『Hahahaha look, the little girl who challenged us yesterday won't even play, even with your friends you can't beat us hahahahahaha』.

The guy in the red shirt sneered. Saikawa was annoyed and irritated. I moved to stand in the middle so that their glares would be averted.

『Take it easy, I swear we'll get revenge, thanks for giving me your place, now watch as we get rid of the trash』.

I stroked her head, where most of my hand was touching her forehead.

『Together we will win』.

Both sides were on the field, 5 vs 5 in a burnout game.

『You're going to lose egregiously!』

While the guy was laughing, our looks were completely filled with hatred and wanting to give them a real beating.

『Take this!』

Without further ado he started throwing the ball, where without any effort it was caught by Tohru.(・・)

『Tohru』 -Kobayashi addressed the dragon-『Don't kill them』.

『Yes』 (^ω^)

He threw the ball where the first guy suffered the consequences, being stunned and sore within seconds.

The abilities they had were extremely huge, they had no comparison to any other individual on earth, of course, if I show my true Form xd.

One by one they fell before the enormous power of us.

『Leave this one to me, you have to get something from me too』.

I was able to catch the ball and was preparing to throw with all my might.

『It's time to de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de of the duel』.

I threw the ball with extreme force, I think I spent all my human energy on that throw. The guy could stop it, but I wasn't counting on this.

I pointed my palm at his eye, a small glow of light blinded him, did they think I was just stroking his Saikawa head out of pure lolicon instinct? Well yes xd.

The ball hit the guy hard where he ended up defeated.

『With our strength we were able to defeat them, just because I didn't participate directly, doesn't mean I can't help』.

Look at Saikawa as a symbol that we defeated him together(`-ω-'๑).

The guys of were running like dogs from the place.

『It's not fair! We won't forget it! They're going to see the next one!』

『That's right!!! Get out of here (▽д▽)If you don't want another beating like this!』-```д'-

I chased after the boys as I also left the place where we were.

『Hey, wait M!』-Kobayashi was raising his voice for me to stop-.


I was already far away from the place, I had already lost track of the guys I was chasing.

『Well, with this I avoided another memory wipe, I ended up using to my advantage the other day about my blow to the head』. -『And now what do I do in the meantime?』

I walked around the neighborhood , looking at the houses and buildings nearby.

『(But I think doing this, avoiding and hiding things from each other is wrong)』-I was taking a walk-『(Because they are trying to hide their secret from me, but I have my secret too, and I don't want to make them uncomfortable because of that, maybe if I tell them my secret and they tell me theirs , we will come to an agreement where we are all fine, because to be honest, what we are doing now is lying to each other. And it's no good if the other already knows what they're hiding *sigh* One of these days I'll tell them that I know everything, I have to do it myself because I don't think they will)』


Explosions could be heard in the distance.

『There it is, now I have to go』


『Don't worry, I think this time if we go too far, we'll erase the memories of those who saw us』-Lucoa was calming Kobayashi down.

『MY LOLIIIII!!!!』(☼Д☼)

『Ah, M』-Kobayashi said when he saw me-.


I walked past the destroyed field ignoring the others on the ground, the only thing I cared about now was my loli.

『Kanna, answer me, are you okay? It doesn't hurt, does it? Kanna!』

It was in my arms Kanna as I was worried and wouldn't stop worrying.


Her faint voice I could hear.

『Don't make any effort, now I'm taking you to a better place』.

I turned on my heels as I carried Kanna and walked among the other fallen people.

"And what about us? Don't you care about us?』-Tohru addressed me.

『You guys are strong, so you can fend for yourselves, hang in there Kanna』.

『I would also say the same thing if we were in the same situation』-Fafnir said a comment-.

『Ah! ⊙0⊙ And I'll also take her too』 ɷ◡ɷ.

On my back carrying Kanna and hand in hand taking me also Saikawa I was retreating from the place.

『(It can't be ,I was only distracted for a second)』 (・・・;)-Kobayashi thought as he saw me speeding away.

『Kobayashi-san』-Tohru from the ground raised his hand-.

『Eh? ah? eh? eh? ah? ?????¿¿¿¿??????Aaaaaaaaaa!』

Not knowing whether to help his friends and try to catch me, Kobayashi gave a cry of confusion.




I was accompanying Kanna to her classes.

『Look Kanna-chan, I managed to raise money and bought this, a pen with various colors』.

『Woooo』-『You're still drawing』.

『I made a little story, look』.

I passed him a sheet where I had drawn a little story. What caught his attention the most was the word "Shocking" that I put in a scene.


『Oh, that part, yes, anyone would be horsing around with what shocks them, for example, since I like you and I'm shocked to be able to accompany you, then it's "Shocking"』 。^‿^。

『What you like and shocks you is "Shocking."』

『You learn fast, the mind of lolis is amazing』 (^▽^)

We already arrived at the gate where I let Kanna go to her classes.

『See you later!』-I raised my hand cheerfully-.

The other kids were entering the school, there were a lot of lolis, of different kinds, I couldn't stop looking.

『Hahahaha "Creepy"』(⺣◡⺣)♡*.

The other adults who also some were accompanying their children looked at me strangely.

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