
Chapter 85: Moved by Heart

"『M...』-Estela looked up-『Please marry me!

Estela's red eyes were trembling, her determined look didn't change, her hand started to tremble ,but it wasn't because of her nerves, but because of mine, my hand wouldn't stop moving, I don't know if it was because it was the first time someone proposed this to me, or it was from happiness, or it was from fear, it was a feeling I still didn't know what I could feel.

Estela didn't stop looking at me in any second, she was completely determined and went all in, I thought the one who didn't care about anything and always jumped in, was Ron, but Estela was much more daring than that little non-human cat.

『I'm sorry』-M opened her mouth-『I'm afraid I can't reciprocate your feelings, again , I'm sorry 』m(_ 』)m

Estela was shocked, she didn't say a word in those few seconds, she was just shocked, she quickly returned to her usual attitude.

『Ah.hahahaha, no no no don't worry, this is nothing compared to what I experienced』(^▽^).

『All this happened so fast, yesterday night you asked me to be your boyfriend, and now he's asking me to hunt each other, you made me remember a little friend who is also bold like you』 (^~^)

『Yeah yeah yeah, that must have been the problem, sorry, I just like things that are quick, I should have taken my time to be able to propose that to you hahaha....』 (^▽^;)

『But really, I'm sorry, I can see in your look, you're hiding it with a fake smile, when really what you want to do....is cry』.


『Really.....(ノ﹏ヽ) that I'm bad at lying』. -Estela happened to shed her tears in front of me-『This pain I've never felt it before, it hurts much more than if you were beaten, insulted or raped』. -『This pain in my heart..... proves how much I love you (T▽TT)』

I happened to stroke Estela's head.

『You'll find someone to accept all your love, that's for sure』- '・ᴗ・`-.

『Yes, but....until that person comes, let me stay by your side』(●'艸`)ヾ.

As expected, M ended up rejecting Estela, ending in the end in a good way, but .... why M didn't accept her? why was he trembling and feeling nervous? maybe...is he afraid of a relationship? or was it just because he was proposed marriage? but don't worry, later on, like any protagonist of a novela, he will have a partner, if you were paying attention, M talked and commented about that person, if you know which one it will be when he appears.

"I can't accept someone I've only known for two days』-I pointed my finger at the girl-『Estela! You're an easy girl!』d( ̄▽ ̄o).

Estela was shocked after hearing that.(゚д゚;)

『Never before had someone been so straightforward with me...(゜ロ゜)』

『(Although I when I met Glace proposed the same thing on the same day.....(ー∀ー;))』


Days passed already, just as I said, Estela happened to live in the same building as all of us, but....although I accepted that she can be next to me, I didn't think she would take it literally.




『.....I kept playing late into the night on the PC....('皿`;)』-M would wake up-.

『Good morning』- (♡ >ω< ♡) Estela was lying on my bed-.

『Good morning...(・-・)』-『 What are you doing here?』

Estela went on to hug me and kiss my whole face, you could hear her fussing all over the place.

『Good morning M (^ω^)』-Glace came in from my balcony-『Eh? why is your face marked with lots of kisses?』

『Ask her ( ̄个 ̄) , I just try to ignore it』.

『Jijijijiji e welcomed M on this day with lots of kisses, as it should be, I sneaked out in the night to his bed, the warmth he was giving off was warming me up, but I knew that if I defiled him, M would hate me forever (◞‸◟). So what I did was to polish his cucumber and thus at least satisfy my craving ✿♥‿♥✿』

『No wonder I felt something funny while I was sleeping....(-.-;)』

『Wait.....by polishing him in cucumber you mean.....(-゚д゚-)』-Glace was getting red-

『Just what you're thinking』(≖ᴗ≖✿).

Glace understood, it was like she was blowing smoke out of her head from getting too red.

Estela became much more attached to me, she was very close to me, our bodies were colliding, she was extremely happy.

『At what time will Latias arrive....my stomach is roaring』-('へ')M was waiting for me sitting on the couch-.

『You know something Glace, I recently proposed to M』-Estela was talking out of the blue, Glace looked worried listening to him-『His answer made me very happy, he accepted my love and now there are only a few days left for our marriage』(♡ >ω< ♡).

『Ehhhhhhh?!!!』-( ̄■ ̄ )-『That's not what happened, don't modify that scene』.

『Really M? you're going to marry Estela....I should have accepted your proposal』 that time. (つ﹏<.)-Glace was entering into a great sadness-.

『NO no no no no no no no no no, of course not, I ended up turning him down, I can't accept someone I've barely known for 2 days』. (◯Δ◯∥)『(Although I'm not someone to say that ('エ`;))』-『(It was someone idiotic, yeah? let's leave it at that)』

『What a relief ('∀`;) (I should get my act together too(`-ω-'๑))』 -Glace sighed from the scare he received.

Estela kept leaning on M, she wouldn't get off of him.

『.....(Just ignore him)....』-( ̄^ ̄)M was saying to herself-.

『Hey you』-Latias appeared in front of us-『You are very close to M, too close to be more exact』.

『Oh,you're already here』-( ̄ω ̄) I said kindly-.

With his Psychic powers, Latias separates Estela from M.

『Don't you realize that you're making him uncomfortable?』-Latias was addressing Estela in a serious and even somber way we could say-눈_눈.

『Who could be uncomfortable when receiving love? 』ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡-Estela was making a comment-.

『Well, I'll start making breakfast』-M was retreating to the kitchen-.


I was in Jolt's apartment, in his room, we were playing video games on his console.

『Well! I won again!』\\٩( 'ω' )و ///-Jolt was celebrating-.

『I'm not very good at fighting games』- ('へ')-.

『What do you say, another one?』-Jolt held up his controller-

『Sure, at least I have to win you one』.

We started a new round, it was a matter of pure luck or maybe I woke up my fighting game skills, but I was beating Jolt, we were even, just a touch and I was going to beat him at last.

『1 more! yes! we're done with this!』┗(`・∀・'●)

『M!!!!\(^o^)/』-Estela entered from the door, and rushed to embrace me-.

By the force of impulse, I pressed the wrong button.

『Take it!』-Jolt ended up beating me again- 『That was close, good game M』.

『(♯▼皿▼)...(⋋▂⋌)....(◣_◢).....(┳◇┳)*sigh* Jolt, can we play again?』

The rematch for which number will be.....Estela was sticking a lot to M who wouldn't let him play quietly.

『ಠ_ಠ(Just ignore him)』


I was coming back one day shopping with Lea, we had a lot of bags, it was sale day,so we took good advantage of it.

『Sorry I guessed right to come with me Lea』-('∀`)M felt grateful-.

『It's nothing, I like to be able to help if I'm asked』-(∩_∩)-『Ah! Look, that child will be lost...?』-Lea saw a child alone-』(∩_∩)-』-(∩`).

『-Let me have your bags, don't worry about me, I can handle everything』-M passed to his God Form and levitated the bags-?

『米^-^米 As witty as ever, I'll be back in a moment』-Lea with her quality smile stepped to go with the boy-『Take it easy, you're lost, right? I'll help you find your parents, so, stop crying, okay?』

『As kind as always and with that endearment that Lea is known for, she's like a grandma haha』- (*'∇`*) M looked at the scene-『I wonder, if someday I'll be able to treat little kids like this....』

『M!!!!!』-Estela came running cheerfully, wet footsteps could be heard-.

『I'd make an excellent mother.....Ah, what?』-I turned to see what was going on-.


Before I even realized it, Estela had knocked M down.

『Estela, why the need to throw yourself at me?』-M was saying a comment-『Wait, why are you wet?』

『I fell into a lake on my way over here hahahahahaha』-With a playful smile I replied.

『If you'll be an idiot....wait.....then that means.....』(O∆O).

*pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom*.

The bags that were levitating all fell down, everything we had bought fell out of the bags and were scattered all over the place.

『I'm back (=^_^=) Wow, what happened here? (*'∇`*)』-Lea looked at the scene-.

『...(Just ignore .....)』ಠ_ಠ


I was with Luna on the rooftop of the building, the place was spacious and free, a perfect place to train and not cause trouble.

Luna and M were fighting 1 on 1 , M was in its Lucario Form, its attacks collided and made a roar in the air.

『Not bad Luna』-M commented.

『I haven't shown my full power yet, so get ready』-Luna goes with a powerful punch at M-.

Estela suddenly appeared and threw herself at M, she was hugging her and wouldn't let go.

『But what are you doing Estela!』-M was confused and surprised.

Luna wouldn't stop, M with her aura pushed Estela away quickly, she was too close, so M as a last move jumped.


But it was too late, not all her body could dodge, the blow hit her crotch.

『_| ̄|○...( ̄Д ̄_.... ...(○o●;)』-M was dying-.

『I have a question for you . Why didn't you use your shield to protect yourself from the blow?』-Luna looked at the dying M who couldn't stop grabbing his crotch-.

『I have a better question for you....('皿`;) Why didn't you stop your attack?』

『You have to know how to get out of every situation, take it as a test M!』(๑-̀ㅁ-́ฅ✧

Estela approached M. She was very worried and nervous.

『There's no.....your big treasure of M, he'll be able to stand up straight again, right?』(⋟﹏⋞).

『That's what you're worried about?』-ఠ_ఠ- Luna was confused-.

『....(Just ignore it)ಠ_ಠ....((((゚Д゚Д゚Д゚)))) How it hurts!!!!』


I was with Flar watching a horror movie.

『Aaaaaaaaaaaaaゞ◎Д◎ヾ』-Flar was standing behind M-.

『Hahahahahahaha, are you scared of this?』-M was asking him-.

『And you don't?』(*'-`*).

『It's a movie, everything they show us is fictitious, do ghosts, zombies and all that stuff exist』(*^_^*).

『But you have your Ghost Form, that makes you a ghost, right?』-Flar asks me innocently-?

『Uhm....well, but I wouldn't scare with that ability (Speaking of which....I have to take advantage of having that Form( ̄^ ̄))』

A footsteps and agitated breaths could be heard, it was getting closer and closer, Flar felt it, she turned scared and slowly turned her head back, and.....

『...M...』-(■皿■)A red eyes glowed in the darkness, an evil face was seen-.

Flar fainted on the instant. I heard the sound of his falling and turned to look.

『...M...』-(■皿■)-『If you're going to watch a movie, you have to let me know (▼∀▼)』

『You're Estela aren't you? wow, your red eyes glow in the dark hahaha, you look like a demon』-『Eh? Flar is fainted?』

『I must have scared her?』('v`).

Flar immediately stood up, he had his eyes closed, for some reason, the atmosphere felt tense, Flar opened his eyes and he was activating his Sea of Flames ability, burning the whole place and room.


『I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry』m(;∇;)m-Flar was apologizing-.

Me and Estela were completely charred by Flar's fire. We were blacker than ever.

『What a scary thing to happen』-(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)-.

『...(Just ignore it)...』ಠ_ಠ


I was walking down the hallway of the building, looking at every corner, my eyes were moving from one place to another quickly, I was already afraid that Estela will appear.

『I definitely can't ignore this!!!( ̄□|||| He's already going overboard, okay I said he could be by my side, but also not so fucking much! I can't even go to the bathroom quietly anymore, his stare and with those red eyes makes me uncomfortable.....Less blink please! and don't just stare at me like a crazy person!』


Estela would come running to again be clinging to M all day.

『Weyy.....noooooooooooooooo!!!!』-(゜Д゜*)M screamed out of fear already-.

『Eh?』-Estela was floating unable to move-『What's the matter?』(゜.゜)

『I told you, you make M』-Latias appeared next to me-『(゜.゜).

『Latias』(T▽T)-M was happy-.

『Please keep your distance from M, you already caused him too much trouble, can't you see that you're hurting his daily life?』-Latias was talking seriously to Estela-.

『But....pero.....he wasn't saying anything...I thought what he was doing was okay....』( ・ὢ・ )

『Surely M was tolerating you, thinking that at some point you would control yourself and you yourself would realize your bad behavior, it was a test that M put you to see if you would come to measure up, right M? 』

『Ahhh....(;・∀・) yeah yeah yeah yeah...sure, just what you said, hahahaha yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that....(^▽^;)』-M was getting it right-『(The only thing was I was ignoring her...)』

『I won't stop until M says it himself』-Estela would resist-』.

『Just like Latias said, you bring me trouble on many occasions, you hurt me with your actions, and I even feel uncomfortable sometimes.....』-M finally spoke-

『M.....』-( ◢д◣)Estela became sad-.

『It's not that I hate you, much less don't like you, on the contrary, you come across as someone friendly and energetic to me, so, can we keep our distance...since you came you've been very glued to me, I can't do my own thing....distance, you know? I don't know how to say it properly...but I'd like my space....but we'll be like the others, we'll have our moments together, yes...please, is that okay with you?』-M said without taking a step back-『Did I say it right?』-Look at Latias-『Look at Latias-『Hicias-『.

『You did the best you could』-Latias looked into my eyes warmly-』.

『.....I understand...so you want distance, right?』-Estela had her gaze lowered- 『Ah.

『Ah...yes, just that』-M replied confused-


We were at the reception after talking to Estela.

『I hope I didn't hurt Estela.....Hearing that from the person you love must be terrible...』M was getting worried-.

"But it was necessary, wasn't it?』-Latias was looking at me-

『Just like you said Latias, it was necessary』-M was stroking Latias' head-.

『Good evening』-The receptionist spoke to us- 『Ah, I was so happy to see you.

『Ah! good evening, how was your day?』-Latias happily went to chat with the elderly receptionist-.

The 2 of them had a smooth and friendly conversation, compared to the first time, it's a great progress, he's slowly leaving his shyness behind.

『So that receptionist must be from Generation 0, yes it's been a long time since the first time I saw her, that time I was 16 years old and she looked very young, by the way, then the Excadrill from that time was also from Generation 0, his voice was raspy and thick, like an old man. Only now I'm missing to see one of the 1st Generation, although I'm a bit scared really...』('-ω-`)


I was in a shopping mall with Shizuna.

People were walking around quietly, going about their business, eating, shopping, well, what you do in a mall.

『And what did you bring me Shizuna for?』-M was walking behind her friend-

『There is a promotion in a store, if you come with your partner they give you up to 60% discount on a bag, and since I don't know another male as I went to you』(-‿◦).


『Something's wrong? You feel uncomfortable, maybe I shouldn't have brought you』-Shizuna noticed me worried-.

『No no, it's not that, it's just that there's someone who.....』-M moved her eyes back-.

Estela was watching them and following them from afar, hiding where she could hide.

『I told her I need my space, now she looks like a stalker, I wonder what I can do with this girl...(-.-;)』-M walked looking at the floor-.

『Hahahahaha for sure this will all be solved by now, in the meantime, let's go buy that bag with 60% percent discount!』(●≧ω≦)9

Gunshots rang out around the place, an explosion was heard rocking the entire mall.

『We're in now Boss, just like you said, an epic entrance』-A person with horns on his head said, he had a sharp mouth, he was a 2nd Gen Pinsir-.

『Let's steal everything we can, the police won't be long in coming』-A young man with silver and orange hair and red clothes said, he was someone from 3rd Generation , a Bisharp-

『Fast guys! loot everything you can, time is money』-A big guy with a big bandage on his clothes said, it was someone from the 3rd Generation, a Golurk, he seemed to be the boss-

Quickly, several minions entered through the blast hole, both as 2nd and 3rd Generation.

『Just like Megamente said, or well not so accurate, villains like introductions』( ̄ω ̄).

『Quickly M』-Shizuna looked at me determinedly.

Quickly we each went our separate ways, the bandits were stealing everything, while the people were escaping.

『This is a good haul』-A henchman spoke-

Quickly, without him being able to react, Shizuna hits him with Aqua Cola, knocking him unconscious.

『For once in your lives think of others』.

Shizuna was going after others quickly and nimbly. For its part M in its Lucario Form was fighting the minions as well, also helping people evacuate the mall.

『Now I'm 1, and now we're a bunch!』

M using his clones start attacking all the minions, knocking them unconscious and helping people.


『I must escape as fast as I can』.

Estela's red eyes started to glow, she started to fly and escape from the place where they were. Without her noticing, someone threw himself at Estela, knocking her to the ground.

『Owwwfff! but look at that, but what a cute girl, you're a Gardevoir, right? on top of that you're a Shiny, your race is always so cute, although I see that you're a bit flat for me, but you can still be useful』-The 2nd Generation Pinsir had Estela trapped with its huge horns-.

Estela was flushed and afraid, with her Psychic powers she throws the Pinsir and escapes from the place.

『You won't get rid of me so easily 』-The Pinsir used Quick Attack, going extremely fast, it rammed Estela who was flying, making her crash into a wall-.


『Ah! Estela, how could I have forgotten about her』.

M had defeated several 2nd and 3rd Generation minions.



Again trapping her with his horns, he had Estela.

『You have beautiful blue hair, it's almost impossible for there to be a Shiny in the 3rd Generation, you're someone special 』-The Pinsir licked Estela's cheek, revealing its sharp teeth-『Let me see you better』.

The Pinsir used Metal Claw, his hands became sharp, they were going to tear Estela's clothes, she was afraid and blushing, she was getting excited, this was because of because of the experience she had with her uncle.

『(Please.....M.....my prince.....rescue me....)』


『AAAAAAA MY BONES, MY PRECIOUS BONES!!!』-The Pinsir cried out in pain as he recoiled-.

『M!』-Estela said cheerfully-.

『M?』-Turned around confused as he saw her-.

The moment they saw each other, it's like there was a click between these 2, their red eyes of both of them glowed, they stared at each other for a few seconds.

『Bloody!!!! How dare you cut my horns!!!』-Pinsir lunged with Metal Claw at that guy-.

In the guy's hand appeared an energy sword, with it he quickly appeared in front of Pinsir and attacked him knocking him unconscious.

『Who are you?』(●'艸`)ヾEstela was blushing and shocked- 『Who are you?

『Let me introduce myself, my name is Lam, belonging to the 3rd Generation, I'm a Gallade』-The guy was well dressed, he really looked like a fairy tale prince, he had green hair and red eyes-.

『Lam....』-(*'ω`*) Estela kept looking at him-.

『Wow wow, but what do we have here, no wonder you defeated my partner, now you'll deal with me』-The 3rd Generation Bisharp lunged at Lam-(*'ω`*).

Bisharp from his arms appeared as silver energy blades, Lam with his energy sword went to fight, their weapons clashed with each attack, these moved quickly, dodging and attacking at the same time.

『You're someone strong』-Bisharp commented-『But not that much!』

Many silver energy blades appeared around Bisharp, attacking Lam with all of them.

Lam without hesitation, accumulated energy in his sword and released it, sending a powerful attack and finishing off all the blades and Bisharp.

『Well, but what do we have here, you get in our way? I see you need me to teach you a lesson』-The 3rd Generation Golurk appeared, the boss-.

The boss without hesitation began to strengthen himself with Sword Dance and among other things.

『Don't worry, you're safe now, I won't let anything happen to you』-Lam said to Estela-.

He stretched out his other hand, in it appeared another energy sword, now with two swords, he's going to end this once and for all.

『Take this!』-The Boss with his huge fist attacks-.

Lam also attacks, both attacks collide with an incredible light that would blind anyone.

Lam was standing on the other side , his energy swords disappeared.

『Who are you?.....』-The Boss ended up knocked down and defeated- 『Who are you?

"I am Lam, the best swordsman in the world』.

Estela who witnessed all this, was in awe, looking at Lam sweetly, lovingly and desirously.

『.... my true prince』 appeared.

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