
Chapter 11: Castle (Part 4)

I guess I didn't think I was going to get as far as I was, at the beginning it seemed easy and even imagine an ending where I would win every fight without getting exhausted and show how strong and great I am. I guess I still have that mentality of always somehow winning the day as the protagonist of the story, it always happens, in every little situation I can't help but be the best at it when in reality, it just stayed in my mind and little or never realized it, I don't know...is it fear or lack of confidence in yourself? Although the most obvious answer is that we want to stand out in what we are involved in, for example when I was studying, I often imagined myself getting the highest scores, being the best in Physical Education class among others, which... I remember that once I tried to make one of these hallucinations come true and I ended up falling to the ground when I tried to overcome one of these boxes that are stacked one on top of another. ...everything was going well at the beginning, but I think I ended up getting so excited that in the end I fell and .... I got up quickly with my face as if nothing had happened .... which ended up embarrassing me more...now I would have preferred to at least act and feel suffered than to act strong and imbecilic ....

Now the same thing is happening, I'm not going to deny it, after 3 wins in a row I feel that this 4th one I'm going to have it too but...if the wall before I was able to jump over it with difficulty and taking a lot of damage, this next test I have I doubt I'll be able to excel, especially because I know who my next opponent is and....

『That's why I'm excited...I learned so many things from these fights that...I want to enjoy the next one to the fullest!!!』

Even though I know in the state I'm in, I know that if I weaken even more I'll return to my Base Form from exhaustion and I'm sure to lose in that instant, my body wouldn't react and I'd just do nothing which...I know what bothers Blaze the most is that I don't do anything when I have enough power to do so. I know she's impulsive and mostly goes by what she thinks is right, it's kind of hard for your opinions or words to influence her too, for that you have to get really close to her to make her take you into account, with her teammates even though you can mostly see them pretending to fight, she actually pays attention to them and decides to listen for a few moments to see what they do. But anyway, as if she were an animal, she prefers to do what she wants, which is why I tell her that.

『That kitty's a real problem *smiles*』

She takes others into consideration even if she doesn't tell you, the strongest example I can have is the time she spent with me, especially in training, she always put herself at my level and looked for the most even fight possible, she didn't try to be the strongest in our training because she knows that wouldn't be growth, if that happened it would only be a revenge against someone inferior, which she considers extremely horrible, Blaze is more of those who prefer a fight just in case, which are few, because she also has a strong sense of duty, when she sees an enemy she does not hesitate to enhance all her skills because she knows that the enemy is a problem that can harm everyone, and maybe that's what she does not want, that her teammates in whom she trusts and vice versa, are in grave danger when she can avoid it at the beginning. I feel that when she saw Carmis she quickly deduced that he was bad, she related him to all the things that happened and defined him as a danger to her companions and to me, she doesn't want something bad to happen to us? In that sense, I guess I should be grateful to my friend, although I don't know if she considers me one but....

『Although of course that's all based on what I saw, I can imagine Kitten denying everything I said and even telling me not to define others just because I don't know them well, but isn't that the same as what you do Kitten? We already spent 5 months living together and for sure longer, I want to know how you consider me from you...I'm not just a stranger, am I?』

I needed to know what I was for Blaze at this moment, because remembering everything that I have lived with her, it would be easy for me to say that we are friends, but now that I think about it, I never told her as such, in fact, I don't think I told any of my companions clearly what they are for me, when I finish this and after knowing them better in this meeting, I'm going to tell them as such what they are for me. If I want each one of them to end up approving of me then I have to do it in full, each time I went up to the 4th floor with a state that if I receive another blow I am very sure that I will lose at that very moment, the time has come when my decision took me here and I cannot simply give up, that is not what any of my companions would want...No! on the contrary, they want to defeat me for once in their lives and I have to respond in the best possible way so as not to embarrass or humiliate them! I would go jogging with desire to start this fight, I feel that I must take advantage of the fact that I still have the courage and feelings that I can overcome any obstacle I have, if I can beat Blaze in this situation, I am very sure that something would change between the two of us, and I'm really looking forward to it with a lot of desire.

But it seems that M is not the only one who seeks to strive for himself in this problem and situation, the personal desire to become a better person was also very clear to another person, Carmis was on the final floor where in his seat he was upside down, remembering the good times he spent in his childhood, although they were all a bit embarrassing and humiliating, but still he did not give up and pursued his dreams somehow, he still does not fulfil them as he would like, to this day he is still a dreamer like everyone else in the world and that....

『Medusa...I tried hard, didn't I? 』-『I'm pretty sure you'll kindly tell me that I did try hard and reassure me with your words but...I never really committed a praiseworthy or heroic act, I always distort the stories that happen to give me false encouragement that.... If I had been smarter at the time I would now be with my beloved Medusa...if it had been what I really imagined, all those dreams could have been real but...I spent all those years in efforts that!!!! Of course they were worth it, I am not so unworthy and arrogant to throw away all the help and effort I received and made, rather I am very grateful to everyone, yes, I have enough strength, I have enough skills, I have the heart and the love with me! That little boy now became an adult and now he will make all his feats come true!!!! And first I will start by defeating that beast to prove that I have become a grown man!!!』

Carmis had decided, he was still head down in the seat but his spirits were very high, this was a personal challenge for him, he would see it as his first step to become a legend like all the stories he told, he didn't have to wait any longer, finally he realised that he could become someone real and finally nobody would make fun of him, at least nobody would contradict what was really a fact. Carmis invoked the Magic Book while he with a determined smile opened his portal where he was absorbed by it, he saw it coming, a powerful attack was coming for him, but he quickly with his portal, invoked one to his forehead where the fist ended up passing it and .....POMM!!!!! A loud bang was heard at that moment, Carmis summoned the exit of the portal just to hit the creature himself, who the Demon with care, skill and like any knight fell to his knees and stood up as he said.

『Behold the beginning of your humble servant! I may have the advantage of being born into a more powerful family than others, but that doesn't mean I look down on those who are inferior to me!!!! I Carmis on my own! Since my birth I realised I was capable of many things and you are lucky to become the first of my thousands of legends I will have throughout my life!!!! I rather thank you for becoming an obstacle and when I overcome you, I promise you that everyone in the vast existence will know about your glorious and incredible life』-『Losing is not a humiliation!!!! Losing is also one of the most beautiful ways in which you can make yourself known to the world!!!!! Be proud!!! So my friend, let us fight nobly like the gentlemen that we are 』.

Carmis ended up bowing showing respect to his opponent, who either because he had the code of a knight or really was one, finished listening to him and as if roaring was his answer, this to Carmis he perfectly adjusted his tie and with a smile started the fight between these 2, invoking the Magic Book in his hand he was prepared for the most obvious outcome of all.


When I got to the 4th floor I was really happy with this, cheering and shouting I wanted to tell Carmis about my decision and the new goal I had, which was to win this match no matter what. But when I arrived this time it was all different, there was no demon anywhere and only everything was silent, now that I think about it I couldn't hear any noise nearby as it was before, what were those giant hands now that I think about it, the brute force I had was really huge, I can still feel the pulse in my whole body... I know that Carmis told me that I was going to win this match, I was really happy about it. .I know Carmis told me it was a monster, but being specific I want to know what it is, at least I can imagine it's some humanoid from the fists he had...If Carmis has the idea to finish him off I'd like to help him, but...knowing him in this short time and seeing him being all gentlemanly and noble, it would probably be quite a feat for him to defeat it alone. 

『Even though I can't help him much in my current state, when I see him again I'll still give him my help, I'm sure if I tell him and insist he'll accept, he's the kind of person who doesn't deny anyone he wants to help』.

But it seems that I ended up relaxing too much at that moment, because without realizing it, I could feel a sensation in my whole being, something was approaching so fast that I couldn't perceive it, and when I realized there was again a fist coming towards my face at that moment, I couldn't dodge it, I couldn't block it, I couldn't really do anything at that moment. I thought it was all over here so I just closed my eyes waiting for my decisive defeat and.....

『Ay...huh? my forehead...』

I received a finger tap on my forehead lightly that I could still feel it, when I opened my eyes I could see it perfectly, and when I saw it I could only smile with joy as I could guess that it was something Blaze would do in that instant. I had the Kitten in front of me after giving me that finger strike, she could have easily ended the fight here, but I know that's not what she really wanted, I can see it in her eyes even when she's being controlled, she wants to.

『You want a real fight don't you Kitten? *smiles* okay, that's just what I want too, so I'll do my best to make you show me all the real strength you have so you'll finally be satisfied with me』.

I was saying it loud and clear to my opponent who will be Blaze this time, I had my mind made up too, I would do anything to win this fight too, I feel that if I end up winning, it will be a really big growth for me. Blaze at this didn't take her eyes off me, there was no need for her to say anything as I'm sure she would have kept silent anyway. Quickly she jumped back with a great leap as she prepared her fighting pose, this gave me an indication that it would not happen again if she saw any carelessness on my part. With a smile and as if she was about to enjoy it, she took a deep breath and then let out all the air.

『Alright, anytime Blaze!』

Blaze at that moment was running in front of me as if it was a normal thing for her, she wasn't going that fast and she wasn't going that slow either. I knew it, she leveled up to be able to have an even fight with me, she adjusts to her opponent at this moment, and when she sees that this one is showing more strength and power, for Blaze it won't be a problem also to raise her fighting level. I could see him going against me with just his fists and kicks, a melee fight at this point after the previous fight is incredibly good for me. !!!!

I'm not going to waste anything, my reflexes are still working but...Pom!!!! I took a clean hit from Blaze on my shoulder, he didn't cause me as much damage as I thought, he's limiting himself a lot against me, which is a very kind thing of you Kitten.

『(My body doesn't follow me like I want it to...in that case...)』

If slowness was now the most characteristic thing about me, I had to put all this strength into something other than speed, I charged my fists with all the strength I would put into my speed to make them more powerful, even if they had become slow from wear and tear, I had raised their power level. Blaze dodged my boosted punch and managed to notice that with the simple pressure I managed to shatter the wall he ended up colliding with. With a quick glance, I could tell that now my strategy would be to try to hit as much as I could and resist the fight.

『(His foot is unguarded, maybe I can...)』

I would try to knock it down with an attack of my tail to its legs, but as if I already knew what I would do, quickly with one step I managed to stop my tail which alarmed me a lot, I wanted to get it off me where at that moment I was going to get a direct hit towards me, thanks to my nerves and reflexes my body could react by grazing the blow, I also managed to hear a roar at that moment, and when I looked back, Blaze also managed to destroy the wall on my side, which I only said ....

『If that hits me...I'll be really dead...』-『(Don't forget this, Blaze will increase her strength if you increase yours...if I want to defeat her I have to do it with a powerful attack that I couldn't perceive beforehand...)』

Another punch was coming towards my face, where this time I would use my arms as a shield but still, I could feel my body resonate from this but I could still stand up, I would try to run around the place hoping to confuse her, yes.... I was literally running in a tired way and not at the speed of the first fights, I would try my strategy of throwing energy spheres where they didn't hit the target, some of them even grazed Blaze, she seemed to know what I was doing because she didn't move at all, so when I noticed that she already had an accumulation of energy sphere around her, quickly with effort and tiredness I would close my arms.

The energy spheres that I threw gathered and exploded where Blaze was, who seemed to do nothing to defend herself, but...quickly at that moment I could feel that I shouldn't approach at that moment, Blaze with a light footfall quickly wrapped herself in flames to protect herself from the attack, they exploded without hitting their target. By the time Blaze was lowering his defense I had appeared running trying to hit him with my boosted attack. I thought I could hit him, but at that moment as if I was an expert in combat, I manoeuvred my fist deflecting my attack to the side, it really didn't cost him anything to do this, while I tried not to fall and stagger, when I wanted to look back there was nobody, Blaze with light and soft steps surrounded me and with that .....POMM!!!!

He slapped me in the stomach and I could feel the pressure coming out of my body. This really had no way to protect myself so because of the damage I received earlier, I couldn't help but spit blood and fell to my knees on the floor trying to soothe the pain by rubbing my stomach. I kept touching where Blaze just stood there waiting to see if I got myself together or not, if it was Amy I'm sure she wouldn't have hesitated to continue with her combo of attacks.

『(This is the first time I've seen her fight like this...her attacks are always direct but now they're more coordinated and complex...so this is your real fighting style Blaze....)』

And I'm sure his fighting level will also increase as his power increases, now he's only using his fists and kicks, I don't want to imagine combining these skills and techniques with his flames and flames that he manages to release, if what I saw all this time is something basic like throwing flames through his arms, I don't want to imagine when he gets would be the incredible techniques he will show with it.

『O well yeah...I want to see you perform more things Kitten...I want to see how strong you really are...so I still can't lose here....』

I spoke tired but still strong, I stood up while I implied that the fight wasn't over, which Blaze didn't say anything, so I simply returned to his fighting pose to continue the fight. I had to come up with a strategy, I must take advantage that Blaze doesn't use all her skills at 100%, if she really got to my level that means that even if I catch her off guard even with a hit from me in this state, she can be strong enough to defeat her. I must concentrate .... I was thinking of a plan, Blaze was already in front of me trying to hit me all over my body, I was dodging as much as I could while I was still thinking of a plan, I quickly came up with an idea, and I would soon put it into play.

I managed to attack his fist with my hand, I also managed to attack his other fist with my other hand, where quickly to leave him immobilized by this, I managed to tie her legs with my tail, I squeezed as much as I could to leave her immobilized, I could feel how she wanted to get free, this would not hesitate much so...

Pomm!!!!! With my legs that I had free, I was quickly kicking and kneeing Blaze's body, I was receiving them without him being able to do anything, I would like to think that this is hurting him a lot, I really want to think that this is hurting him a lot but...that his gesture is still as usual gave me a bad look to this, when I was about to give another kick I felt that something stopped me, when I noticed I realised that....

『Enseriously your tail is stronger than mine?....』

Although for sure anything is stronger than my current self, Blaze's tail stretched out in front stopping my kick, he quickly managed to free himself from all my grips and as he already knew from living together that I had a mania for whipping my opponents against the ground and walls with my tail, so....

『Eh? Your tail is going to lift me up *smiles* That would be cool .....------』

Just as we all thought, his thin tail, smaller than mine, ended up lifting me up and making me want to whip me against the ground, but of course, I would be a fool if I didn't know my own techniques, I quickly prepared my arms to stop the momentum, where Blaze being in the air because of the momentum he gave, I quickly prepared my kick to hit him squarely in the stomach. POMM!!! I end up hitting him but in the end he ended up covering himself with his arms which wasn't much as I would have liked, I didn't have to waste this moment, now that I was in the air, I quickly jumped to give him a rising hook all over his body, but as I imagined, again still in the air, Blaze managed to deflect my fist, but now this time he wanted me to make me smash against the ground which....

『Not this time Kitten!!!! My tail is more useful because it's longer!!!!』

I quickly turned his move around, with my tail I managed to change positions and now with the help of his momentum merged with mine, I managed to be on his back while I grabbed his arms so that he could not escape. POMM!!!! He also received a strong kick that I managed to do at the last moment, this if or if I caused a huge damage in Blaze so I must not waste these seconds, I must not give a chance to the enemy as Amy says, quickly prepared my fist with all my strength, I wanted to replicate the same attack with which I could beat Amy, my fist began to glow slightly where for not waiting too long to finish the fight, I went with everything ....pero....

A flames detached Blaze that quickly there was a collision, I went out throwing wasting this moment, this is what Amy was referring to not leave a second of peace to your opponent, because at any moment you can turn the tortilla. Blaze was getting up as if it was nothing but now...he was showing his flames and the control he has over them, this should worry me and scare me but....

『Well, I got you to use them, Kitten! *smiles*』

I can finally see his true form unfold with the correct use of his flames. I'm really glad I got Blaze to this point, it means that I consider the attack I was about to make to be dangerous. Without wasting time, Blaze quickly summoned his flames in his hands where he threw them at me without apparent control, I dodged as much as I could running, and when he saw that one was going to hit me, he gave a powerful blow to free me but...at that moment I could see how a trace of flames approached me nobly and ....


It ended up giving me a double slap of flames that ended up causing me a lot of damage and an explosion in between. Looks like I wasn't going to be left alone here, as I could see a streak of fire coming at me to continue the attack, it was going to come from above so I quickly took cover to block it but....

『Eh?...An image?...』

The streak of fire I saw was just that, the real Blaze was at my back who couldn't do anything at that moment, so with his hand set ablaze, with a simple touch of fingers on my back.....

This caused a great roar throughout my body, it was like an internal heat running through me and it was really hurting me, I couldn't take any more of this, I've taken a lot of damage and I'm extremely tired, while Blaze is like everything I've done has had little effect, I'm really going to lose here? did I really get this far? My eyes were rolling slowly falling to the ground but....

『NO!!!!!! I haven't lost yet!!!!』-『This isn't fun at all!!!!』

I managed to stay on my feet at the last moment where I didn't avoid screaming through all this, this was supposed to be fun and it was going to be an even fight, but it's still a humiliation on my part, the problem is not Blaze, the problem is that I have become too weak to be able to fight her, I should have stayed strong, I shouldn't have gotten too tired, I should have beaten the others without any effort to give it my all in this fight but....


This was really very frustrating, I didn't want to lose, I don't want to lose, after all this I don't want this ending, I'm strong, I've grown up, I must grow up, I want to show everyone that this little boy can overcome all the obstacles in front of him....I want Blaze to be satisfied!!!!!

As if it was the flame of my inner self, I began to expel extremely powerful energy from my body that even Blaze had to cover his eyes to look at it, what was it... anger? frustration? or the simple desire to fulfil my friend's expectations? The expulsion of energy that mostly was not represented by anything, right now if it could be perceived completely, it was white demonstrating the simplicity that has .... I had not perceived at that moment, but I was expelling and making use of my true energy as it should be, this was the Ki, the most basic energy of the world from whom comes that being of Light.

I had no strength left, this was just a new release of power that I did, it didn't increase my stamina, or my health, in this state I was in it really wasn't much. The only thing I could do to win this match, was to gather all my energy in one blow and have the desire, to win with it.

I struck a pose as I clenched my fist with all my might, all the energy that was pouring out of me was being collected in that one punch that would define the fight. I was in the most extreme moment I've been in since this new life, it really felt like a protagonist, unlocking power, wanting to win, I just need to remember my past and I would win at all costs but ....

『I'm glad to see you're happy Blaze....』

I could see it, Blaze was smiling for seconds to see that she could really overcome me, quickly to not humiliate me nor humiliate herself, she also expelled great power within her, the flames that she expelled enveloped her as if it were a sea of flames, she also did the same as me, she gathered all her power in a fiery attack. Without us noticing, the castle began to tremble slightly, believing that it was because of our released power. Looking at her and seeing that she also like from the beginning wants to surpass me with the same level, this only made me want to more.

『Don't underestimate me Blaze!!!! I will beat you!!!!』

『Come on M, don't embarrass us』

Blaze finally got to say something in the whole match, which just hearing her say that really made me happy about it. I was already able to concentrate all this energy into my fist, so the final blow was coming. I also didn't notice at the time, but my fist did end up glowing slightly, it was the same attack I used to defeat Amy with. I was going with speed against Blaze who was also doing the same, both of them expelling large amounts of power who had a fist clash in the middle of the castle.


I really wanted to win this match, so I was even trying harder, yelling and screaming, believing that it would help me win. Blaze was also trying just as hard as he was at this point, he wouldn't mind losing to this kid who ended up proving to him right now that he can grow up if he puts his mind to it.

『....This...was really fun....*laughs*....』

There were 2 people on the 4th floor, one completely on the ground implying that he lost, and the other who was completely on his feet implying that he won the fight. M was happy with this and was laughing, actually the latter was the funniest thing he could think of, but his expression quickly changed to a sadder one because of that....

『I....*cry*I lost....』

M ended up losing the fight, the one lying on the ground was the little boy who could no longer move his body, if he returned to his Base Form he would most likely not wake up for many days. While Blaze was standing still on the other side, completely upright, giving the impression that she won the fight, it can be understood that because of the condition she ended up in, it was easy for her to win the fight, while M was totally wounded and his body was a mess. Seeing him like that, crying like a baby, this made Blaze feel....

『Yes...*smiles* You're just a kid M, and growing up properly...』-『You lost Hairy Dog *smiles*』

Blaze again and looked happy to have won this fight, she knows very well and was satisfied with this result. Where M upon hearing that already just like Amy that she returned to normalcy out of possession, M could only claim her not to make fun of her loss, but it seems that she will end up annoying him until.

『Then the next time we face each other, you're going to have to defeat me if you don't want me to mock you』.

Blaze said it with encouragement, it really seems like he's talking down to me somehow? This is how he treats someone he trusts? I didn't know, I had to ask him, but if this was the result and change I was going to see in Blaze, I guess it's not so bad to have lost. I was going to ask Blaze what we are right now, but before we knew it, this whole time we were talking, the lower floors were being destroyed because a bestia was ascending and...POMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!

We both managed to see it, both Blaze and I managed to see how in the middle of the floor, a huge monster passed by, never seen before, never seen before? As I was lying on the floor I could see how it surely ended up ascending with a great leap and heading to the top floor at once, destroying everything in its path. Was that the beast Carmis was talking about? I was going to ask Blaze what that thing was but....

『Eh?...it's not there?...』

Blaze was nowhere to be found, when the monster was passing by, he managed to see Blaze so without hesitation, with his huge and stretching arms he grabbed the Kitten taking her with him to the top floor. M was a bit confused now, he can't move, he needs help if he wants to get around, and as if he had been heard, he could hear a rumbling sound coming towards him, as he looked up at the ceiling, the same giant hand from before grabbed him and....

『This was not the help I was expecting...although it was soft and fuzzy』.

I could neither free myself nor move, I had no choice but to let this stretching hand take me to the top floor as well. Where it seems like this whole Mysterious Island event will be over soon.

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