
137. Research Results

- Well, Morgana, let's start working? - I said with a smile as I sat down at my work computer in the Cave.

- [Of course, dear]. - Morgana's projection said with a smile as she opened the files I've been working on for the past couple of days.

These couple of days were enough for me to fully study the results of the explore of the Mr. Hyde Formula and I think that Morgana and I successfully managed to create its enhanced equivalent, which makes the transformation into a human-alien hybrid permanent, while maintaining a human appearance and providing the racial skills of the selected race.

Frankly, I was tempted to create such a serum based on Alen X's DNA in order to gain almost omnipotence, but I decided not to risk it. Especially since I'm unlikely to succeed. Still, the Celestialsapiens are the highest race of this world, literally gods, and I don't think that some kind of serum created by a mad scientist from Earth will be enough to recreate and maintain such power.

However, I think I have an idea of ​​what Jekyll's Serum (temporary title) might be useful for. Since I now have a whole faction of Forever Knights under my control, I thought that they would need an additional boost in the form of turning into a hybrid. As practice has shown, ordinary people, even those with advanced technologies, can do little against a truly powerful alien.

And since in the future I want to entrust the protection of the Earth to my new subordinates, I will be calmer if my Knights have superpowers. Of course, I'm not going to just create an army of super soldiers, we all know where this can lead, especially since, in fact, this is exactly what Vilgax wants to achieve.

To get a dose of Jekyll's Serum, my Knights will have to work hard, shedding rivers of sweat and tears. Although, I think my five Forever Ninjas have already earned this opportunity.

This is to serve as a reward and my thanks for choosing me as their King. In addition, it will serve as a good incentive for others. True, before building such Napoleonic plans, it is worth synthesizing the Jekyll Serum, since so far it has been created only virtually.

I think we can create a stockpile of the Mr. Hyde Formula. What if one day I need an army and I can turn a bunch of people into hybrids that will lose their power when their help is no longer needed. Anything can happen in life…

- Ah, I still have my serum based on the blood of aliens, which I haven't perfected yet… -I muttered, remembering my first experiment.

'I don't really need it anymore, since the Keystone and Magic are enough for me, but I think it can be adapted.' - I thought, opening up my research and noticing that my past problems with this serum could possibly be solved by the same Corrodium.

- How funny. It seems that Dr. Jekyll and I used the same method, but came up with completely different results. I came up with a general boosting serum made from the blood of certain aliens, and he came up with a formula, basically, temporarily turning him into a monster, as he used whatever blood he could get his hands on. - I unconsciously muttered as I read Jekyll's research I found in his lab.

- Although, everything worked out for him only thanks to Corrodium, but me everything worked anyway. Not perfect, but it worked. But this Corrodium is unusual… - I continued to talk to myself, turning into a Share-Oh, thanks to which I can safely work with this mineral.

Having created a magic dome around me so that the radiation would not saturate the entire Cave, I took out one of the fragments of Corrodium and carefully broke off several pieces, which I ground into dust, and already sent it to the analyzer.

Locking the Corrodium in a protected area, I cleared the air with a spell and sat back down in my seat, waiting for Morgana to finish her analysis.

Since we already had a lot of data and assumptions about Corrodium, the analysis only took twenty minutes. Comparing the results just obtained and the results of research Hyde Formula, I saw exactly what I expected, which is why I unconsciously muttered:

- Yeah, as I thought...

As you know, Corrodium has a very negative effect on the DNA of living beings, literally causing explosive mutations, which are completely unpredictable. But it looks like Dr. Jekyll has figured out a way to make this mutation more controllable and steer it in the direction he wants. And the answer, oddly enough, is even more radiation.

Apparently, Jekyll went so far as to irradiate Corrodium with X-rays in his experiments, and this helped him to, shall we say, stabilize the mineral and combine it with the rest of the serum. This updated Corrodium not only made the previously failed formula work, but also improved it several times.

Although, it is strange that all the excess radiation from the serum has long disappeared (Morgana accidentally found residual traces, and then only when I asked her to check it a second time), but the formula works as before and no side effects appeared, despite the fact that the formula I found lay in that laboratory for more than a century.

I wanted to verify everything for myself and see how it would affect my serum, so I decided to repeat the Jekyll method, albeit in a slightly different way. I have one alien that can use radiation, so after taking everything I needed for the experiment, I went to the safe room. Yes, there is one here, it's just that before I was too lazy to go there...

Having completely isolated the room, I turned into NRG and left the bulky armor that protected the world from the radiation emitted by this alien. Picking up another Corrodium crystal, I began to intensely saturate it with my radiation.

After a couple of minutes, the first reaction appeared, and the color of the crystal began to slowly change from purple to pure white. It looks like the 'cleansing' is going well...

After another twenty minutes, I ran out of energy and the crystal completely changed. After processing it into a powder to make it easier to use, I put it in another safe container, after which I cleared the room and returned to the main laboratory. Too much actions...

- Morgana, is the serum ready? - I asked as I walked over to the computer.

- [Yes, I synthesized it from the DNA samples I have of the same aliens.] - said Morgana, bringing a new batch of Omni-Enhanced Serum out of the fabricator.

- Come on, let's try… : I muttered as I added some altered Corrodium powder to the vial of serum, after I had secured everything, of course.

As soon as the powder got into the serum, it boiled and began to intensely shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, until the vessel itself exploded, but fortunately I expected something like that and managed to surround the entire liquid with a small sphere, in which I enclosed the serum.

When any external reaction was over, I poured the serum into a new vessel and sent it to the analyzer to see the changes.

- Hmm, all the radiation is gone. And the serum has completely stabilized and now it can be safely used by anyone. In addition, the effect increased four times. - I muttered when I saw the result.

'I used to not be able to give this serum to Gwen and Ashley, firstly, because it was dangerous for everyone except me, and secondly, because they are still growing and this could affect their development. But now, I think they can be given serum. It won't be redundant. Although, it depends on their choice…' - I thought, making a few Omni-Enhanced Serums + just in case.

- And now, the most interesting. What happens when you combine Hyde Formula, Jekyll Serum and my Serum+? Morgana, start the virtual calculation. - I ordered, wanting to see the result.

- [Wait a minute ... Done.] - said Morgana and having made all the necessary calculations, deriving a new formula.

- Wow… - I said involuntarily, realizing that I had accidentally created something revolutionary.

- With this, the need for the Omnitrix will completely disappear... - I said, not fully believing what I saw.

'Not. Too early for that. I have not yet fully realized my plans with this Omnitrix, alpha forms, Ultimatrix and Biomnitrix. I must first finish with this, and only then move on to this formula, which will be the finale of all my research.' - Shaking my head, I thought.

- [Honey, it's not so rosy. Look at this part of the formula…]. - Morgana caught my attention, magnifying the problematic part on the screen.

- Yes you are right. If you use it in this state, then a real disaster will happen. It looks like one more unknown detail is missing to complete the whole picture. - I said, noticing that the connection of the three serums didn't go as smoothly as I thought.

- Well, that's good. I still have a lot of time to find the answer, otherwise this thing would only distract me. - I said with relief, also thinking: 'It's even scary to imagine what will happen if this formula falls into the wrong hands….'

- Morgana, remove her to hell... When we find the fourth component, we will return to her, but for now this forbidden information. - I said seriously, not wanting to risk it.

- [As you say, dear…] - Morgana said with a smile, and destroyed something that could lead to the death of the entire universe (and I'm not exaggerating).

'Okay, that's sorted out. It remains only to buy all the necessary ingredients, and it will be possible to synthesize a supply of Hyde Formula and Jekyll Serum. And it will be possible to make personal serums for Kei, Ywain, Bors, Lamorak and Bedivere.' - I thought as I leaned back in my chair.

- How is the creation of 'Bleach' going? - I asked my dear assistant.

- [I think everything is ready, it remains only to obtain the blood of the Techadonian and conduct the final test.] - Morgana announced, displaying a special formula based on the invention of Dr. Jekyll, but having the exact opposite effect.

- That's good, but I think we need to finish these three first. - I said, turning my chair and looking at the Circus Freak Trio, who had been in cryo-pods for several weeks now.

- [Do you think Bleach will help them?] - Morgana asked.

- Well, if we can identify absolutely all of their mutations and program the Bleach to destroy them, then most likely yes. But they are unlikely to survive it. In addition, we need to deal with the remnants of Corrodium, which is also unpleasant, given how deep he penetrated them. - I said after some thought.

- [And what will you do?]

- I will cure them of course. I promised. - I said calmly, and then added: - Although, they will not become ordinary people. In order for them to survive all the procedures, you will have to give them an Omni-Enchanted Serum +.

'Eh, I was hoping to cure them and let them go so they wouldn't be my problem anymore, but now with the new powers from the serum, I'll have to keep an eye on them to make them even more trouble than before.' - I thought with displeasure, because I knew that this was the only way and the serum itself could not be removed from the body, because I took care of it in advance and now I regret it.

- Okay, once I get down to business, I need to finish it. Isolate all of their mutations that need to be removed. - I said and got up from my chair and got to work.

First, I dismantled the cryo-capsules and replaced them with stimulating healing flasks, into which I immediately placed the bodies, so far freaks. The flasks themselves I filled with healing mucus, which can be excreted by Doctor Fatty.

It is perfect for this situation, as it will be able to maintain the bodies of the freaks during the change. Then, I gave all three of them in turn injections with strong sleeping pills and painkillers so that they would not wake up and their pain would be less. And it will be very painful, because it is a restructuring of the whole organism.

And in the end, I only introduced the Bleach synthesized especially for them and immediately added serum +, to keep them alive.

- It will take time, but I think they will be fine…. - I said, I saw that all three began to convulse, which means that everything is working. So they have to spend about two more weeks...

- Okay, then I'll go to the underground city, for ingredients and blood. I'll be back soon, don't miss it. - I said loudly and, turning into UltraViolent, ran away from the Cave to go shopping.


I back!!

I never thought that everything would be so serious, it would seem a common cold, but everything almost came to the amputation of several fingers.

Don't ask how it all turned out this way, I'm still in shock myself, but most importantly, I finally recovered and can return to writing again.

Although, I'm still not quite in shape, but the most important thing is that a start has been made and the next chapter will be released on Thursday.

I sincerely apologize that I was gone for so long, but it didn't depend on me and you can't imagine how much I missed it, but the most important thing is that I really returned and I'm not going to quit this job.



Check out my patr*eon if you want to get a few chapters in advance.


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The next chapter will be on Thursday.

Zeckyll11creators' thoughts
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