
129. The Forever King

'Eh, and how it all came to this....' - I thought involuntarily, sitting on the golden throne, looking at my new subordinates.

I had a crown on my head and a royal robe draped over my shoulders. About three hundred Forever Knights gathered in front of the throne, led by five knights in red armor that I knew well. All of them now bowed their heads in submission to me, kneeling. -

-You can go up. - I said imposingly, sitting comfortably on the throne.

Hearing my command, all the knights stood at attention, after which, simultaneously putting their right hand to their hearts, they loudly exclaimed: - LONG LIVE, THE TRUE FOREVER KING!!! LONG LIVE TO THE TRUE FOREVER KING!!! LONG LIVE TO THE TRUE FOREVER KING!!! LONG LIVE TO THE TRUE FOREVER KING….

'Their fanaticism knows no bounds...' - I thought calmly about the fact that I was now being crowned.

If someone does not understand what is happening now, then I will explain everything. To make things clearer, I have to go back to last night, when I was visited by uninvited guests… As some of you may have already guessed, these were the five knights in red armor that I met while infiltrating the London branch of the Forever Knights.

As it turned out, the words that I said about their order and Sir George, after our duel was over, quite strongly influenced the outlook of these Forever Ninjas (it turns out they have such a title).

When the Ninja woke up from the magical sleep that I had placed on them, they decided to reconsider their allegiance to the order of the Forever Knights and, for the first time in their lives, decide on their own what they really want to dedicate their lives to, and most importantly to whom...

Unexpectedly, it was the Ninja who turned on the storage destruction system. It was they who destroyed the place for the protection of which they were, in fact, created. Well, at least they did not abandon their former comrades, and saved all the Forever Knights that were on the upper floors of the vault. After all, they are ordinary soldiers and did not deserve such a death...

By the way, I found out the origin of the Forever Ninja. The majority of this elite squad are level 6 androids created by the late Chadwick, but there are 12 of them who act as commanders.

They were orphans who had been recruited by the order as children, brainwashed into their allegiance and undergoing rigorous training to become elite warriors and bodyguards for high-ranking members of the order.

Everything is so sad that they don't even have their own names, but only the call signs they got from the names of the Knights of the Round Table, who, most likely, were also Eternal Knights in the past.

In my case, I met Kay, this is the girl I fought, Yvain, he fought Lee, a knight with a shield, goes by the call sign Bors, and the other two are called Lamorak and Bedivere.

Somewhere in the world there are still Forever Ninjas with the call signs Gawain, Bomain, Galahad, Percival, Uriens, Gaheris and Agravain.

So, back to the topic. After the ninja left the London branch, they began to think about what to do next, because, in fact, they became traitors to their order. As is clear, they decided to find the one who pushed them to change, that is, me.

Ironically, creating such subordinates was the main mistake of the Forever Knights. They created too loyal soldiers who honor the code the most.

The problem is that these high-ranking members of the order themselves did not give a damn about the code for a long time, and everyone did what they wanted.

In principle, this was the reason why I was able to shake their faith so easily and they came to me so that I could direct them to the right path, which their former order had long lost.

That's what Kay said when she and her comrades found me in Los Angeles, kneeling down and swearing eternal loyalty to me.

For some reason, they were sure that it was me, or rather even the Legion, who should lead the order of the Forever Knights and return it to its roots, and punish all heretics who violated their oaths for their own benefit. People like Enoch.

Frankly, it was an unexpected turn of events. But after a little thought, I decided that this is the right way. Anyway, it was dangerous to leave the Forever Knights unattended, you never know what these fools would do.

Remember only Sir Reginald, who in the animated series opened the seal of Dagon, only because he thought that treasures were hidden there. This idiot almost let a dangerous demon into the world, and I don't want a story like that.

In the end, after I was convinced of the sincerity of the intentions of the Forever Ninja, I accepted their offer, in fact, founded my own faction, consisting of five ninja and three hundred Forever Knights, whom they found and pulled over to my side.

These people were truly devoted to the original cause of the order, the protection of the Earth, and were ready to swear allegiance to me, which was actually happening right now.

As proof of her loyalty, Kay gave me all of the Forever Knights' data that she could access. This included the identities of the spies and members of the order, all their ins and outs, secret properties, their other possessions, bank accounts, and so on. And also, the plan that Enoch was building against me...

This, of course, was not necessary, since, nobly Morgana, I could already get access to this information, but it was still a nice gift that I gladly used to destroy The North American faction of the Forever Knights and the life of Enoch in particular.

I did this, firstly, because they pissed me off with their attempt to set a trap for me, dragging the whole city into it (it's good that no innocent people were hurt), and secondly, because I needed to make room for my own the faction could flourish.

Although, of course, I did not reveal the identities of some ordinary knights. As I said, they are only soldiers following orders for a salary. I also spared those who did nothing wrong and those whom I decided to give a second chance, these are mainly those who have families who did not know about the real work of their relatives.

And everyone else is now really wanted all over the world and they are on the run. I think it is especially difficult now for spies who were exposed when they were in the camp of the enemy. Well, they are to blame. They deserve it...

Although, I still let Driscoll go, since I still need him in my plans. True, I did not expect that he would still save Enoch at the last moment, before the military captured him. Probably to personally punish him for what happened to the order through the fault of Monk. Well, that's probably better. The government will not receive dangerous information.

- Okay, that's enough. - I said loudly stopping my new subordinates from screaming in my honor.

- What are your further orders, Your Majesty? - Kay, who is now my second in command, asked respectfully, bowing her head.

- For now, lay low here and try not to shine. Right now, the order is far from being held in high esteem, and until things calm down, we'd better be as discreet as possible. - I said calmly, pointing to the floor of the castle in which we were now.

- What about heretics? - Kay asked.

- They are no longer our problem. I think by the end of the week, most will be caught by the government. And those who are lucky will climb into the deepest hole to avoid a similar fate. - I said coolly.

- Should we make sure that the infidels can't get support and hide in one of the shelters? - Kay asked.

- Yes, mothball all shelters and property, so that no one but us can access the resources of the order. I'll deal with this on my own later. In the meantime, rest, restore your strength, because when I return next time, I will begin the reformation of the order. I will return the Forever Knights to their glory and destroy the legacy of these foolish heretics!!! - I said pompously, getting up from the throne and waving my mantle. It's not bad for me, it turns out, to play an overbearing king, right?

- LONG LIVE TO THE TRUE FOREVER KING!!! LONG LIVE TO THE TRUE FOREVER KING!!! LONG LIVE TO THE TRUE FOREVER KING!!! - bowing again, a horde of forever knights began to shout, each of which I had already checked and made sure of their loyalty to me personally.

There are real fans here who really believe in the true purpose of the order and for whom I have now become a real ruler, for whom they will do anything. I must say, the recruiters of the Order know how to do their job. They obviously had to work hard to find such fanatics….

Usually, such devotion does not bode well, but in my case it is even useful. At least I can be sure of their loyalty and obedience. I think they will find work within their strength, especially when I upgrade their arsenal and train them so that they truly become an elite order, not the clowns they were before I came.

Still, it will be easier for me if I have assistants who can deal with minor problems. Not all same me forever to do all work…. I hope, in the future, I can entrust them with the protection of the Earth, in my absence...

I will be calmer if I have forces subordinate to me personally. And I won't have to trust the same Plumbers, which I honestly have a little doubt about, especially after they left my planet to fend for themselves after defeating Vilgax the first time...

Well, that doesn't matter now. It's time to go back to the family, they must have seen my little show and must be worried that I'm gone for a long time...

- Kay, I leave you in charge. Make sure everyone gets everything they need to relax. The main thing to remember is not to walk around the street in your armor. - I looked at my assistant and said.

- As you wish, Your Majesty. - Kay bowed low.

- We have a lot of work ahead of us, but trust me, we can fulfill our duty to protect the Earth!!! - Playing the role of the king again, I said loudly, after which I teleported back to the hotel.



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The next chapter will be on Thursday.

Zeckyll11creators' thoughts
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