
11. Overflow (Edited)



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Editor: Kyran_Ambrosius


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June 5, 2010

The next day, we were still at the lake. After breakfast, we went about our business again.

Grandpa went fishing with Captain Shaw again, and Gwen went to sunbathe again.

I decided to test the abilities and powers of Overflow because I knew little about him.

First, I asked Morgana to check the Plumbers database and search for all the available information about the Overflow race.

She did find something. Firstly, the race of Overflow is called the Cascan, and Secondly, the homeland of the Cascan race is the planet Cascareau, which is located in the Andromeda Galaxy.

In addition to their appearance and similar abilities, Overflow and Water Hazard also have a common homeland.

In fact, the planet Kiusana, home of the Water Hazard, is in the same sector as the planet Cascareau and can be called neighbors.

Apparently, these planets are practically twins and have very similar conditions, which led to these two races, Cascan and Orishan, having much in common.

Yet they are fundamentally different. Suppose the Water Hazard is a creature that is somewhat reminiscent of a shellfish in its structure and has a natural exoskeleton. In that case, Overflow is a spirit of water, enclosed in a robotic suit, necessary for a safe life on their planet.

This is all that Morgana managed to get; after all, the Andromeda Galaxy is not included in the jurisdiction of the Plumbers of Space, and it's even surprising that we were able to find out so much.

As for the abilities of the Overflow, as I said before, they are related to water. Considering that 95% of the planet Cascareau is covered with water, this is not surprising. And do not forget that they are primarily water spirits, albeit in a tin can.

I was sure that Overflow could survive underwater and withstand the enormous pressure of the depths, so when I approached the lake, I turned into it and swam away from the beach.

Cascan, of course, was slower than

Piscciss Volann (Ripjaws), but also swam pretty fast. In addition, I quickly mastered one trick that significantly accelerated swimming.

I have containers with water in my forearms, which the main body creates, and I can send condensed streams of water from my hands parallel to my body, and if I do this underwater, I can swim very quickly.

I found a secluded spot after swimming for about 10 minutes, accelerated by water currents. On the shore stood some kind of factory, which had apparently been abandoned long ago.

After getting ashore in the form of Overflow, I decided to check a few things.

First, I became human again and took off my glasses and bracelet with Morgana. When I become an alien, I lose access to Morgan, which is undoubtedly a disadvantage, and it will need to be addressed in the future.

Putting my bracelet and glasses on a boulder near the shore, I turned on the camera on my glasses and called a holographic projection of Morgana.

- Well, beauty, you know what to do. Record my tests of the Overflow and scan all the information gathered. - I said to Morgana.

- [Of course, dear, everything will be done in the best possible way.] - with a bright smile, the AI answered me.

Smiling at her, I turned into Cascan again. Then he began to perform several tests.

First, we checked if Overflow has any restrictions on breathing in the fresh air. After all, he is primarily an underwater inhabitant, but it turned out that there is no difference in what environment Overflow is; he can be both underwater and on the surface.

It is possible that the Cascans do not need air for life. After all, they are spirits, and maybe they can survive in a vacuum.

After that, we checked the physical data of Overflow. Thanks to the armored exoskeleton, I have super strength and super dexterity in this form.

To be precise, I can lift twenty tons of weight and run at 60 km / h. All these indicators increase by 3-4 times in water.

The exoskeleton of Overflow itself is made of durable but lightweight metal that does not sink in water and withstands all the harsh conditions inherent in living in the ocean's depths. This indirectly gives me super durability.

The water containers on the forearms and head and the tubes leading to the respirator are made of heavy-duty glass that can withstand enormous pressure, but it is less durable than the base metal is a clear weak point.

Finally, I decided to test the primary ability of Overflow - Hydrokinesis.

As I said, I can let go of the water that my main body produces.

Of course, this water is not infinite, the containers contain thirty tons of water, and you can't say that much, but it looks like they have some kind of spatial pocket, and if I use up the entire supply, I will be left without ammunition.

If such a situation occurs, all that remains is to wait for the main body to produce more water. Fortunately, this happens quickly enough.

Initially, I thought that I could control any nearby water, but all my attempts to subdue the water from the lake have been unsuccessful.

So, we can conclude that the only water that I can control is my water. Perhaps because it was created by my main body and saturated with my energy, and the water from the lake has nothing to do with me, so it does not obey.

But, all my water is under my complete control. I can do anything with her. Change to any form, be it any animal or weapon, change the state of aggregation, though then I will lose control, and much more.

Realizing that I was capable of this, I decided to pull off one famous trick from Naruto.

After waiting for the containers to fill up again, I stood in front of the lake, stretched out my hand forward, and said, for pathos:

- Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique.

A powerful jet of water under pressure flew out of my hand, which soon changed its shape and turned into an eastern dragon.

The Water Dragon flew a few meters, then crashed into the lake's water surface, which led to a powerful explosion and the creation of a geyser.

- Not bad ... - I drawled, looking at the work of my own hands.

This was the last test I wanted to do with Overflow, so that's about it.

I have learned enough about the powers of this alien, and I can say that I am satisfied. This is a great alien with outstanding abilities.

In fact, I have noticed a lot of similarities between Overflow and Heatblast. Yes, they use different, opposite elements, but their abilities are very similar since they both can produce their element and freely control it.

Pyronite has long been shown to be helpful, so its watery antipode is unlikely to be any less valid.

Having transformed into a human, I put on a bracelet and glasses, after which I displayed a video with me on their glass, in the form of Overflow. Sometimes it can be constructive to look at yourself from the outside.

After watching the entire tape, I became even happier that I received this alien. Overflow is much more powerful and valuable than Ripjaws. But sometimes, Ripjaws will still be better due to its agility.

I especially love the Overflow water cutter. High-pressure water can cut through almost anything.

For the emergency DNA storage, I took some water, as it contained the energy of the main body, and the Omnitrix was capable of scanning even that.

After finishing with everything, I turned into XLR8, and in 5 seconds, I was already at the RV. Grandpa and Gwen had just returned.

- Where have you been? - Gwen asked me curiously when I sat down at the table and began to eat another culinary masterpiece of my grandfather. It seems they were crickets.

- Checked out the new alien. - I answered, chewing a cricket.

- Is that the one with the power sockets and the tail? What did you call him there? Comeback? - Gwen asked me.

- His name is Feedback. And no, I was testing another new alien. - I said.

- Do you have another newbie? What does he look like? And what did you call him? - Gwen pounced on me with questions.

- Yes, there is a new fifteenth, and I named it Overflow. Let me tell you about him later. And then I really want to eat. - I asked.

- Okay, but you will definitely tell me everything. - said, not too pleased, Gwen.

After a quiet lunch, we all went to the beach together, swam, and sunbathe.

After spending the rest of the day on the beach, we had dinner and went to bed because tomorrow we are leaving.


June 6, 2010

The next day we continued our journey. While we were driving, I remembered what I wanted to do. Taking out all my tools, I sat down at the table and began to invent.

Twenty minutes later, I had a shock pistol in my hands. He looked like an ordinary black tazer. But I actually used several alien components.

I installed a few parts from the Vilgax robot and something else. Despite his simple appearance, he can even knock out the Four Arms. Although the entire charge is used, it's still cool. You can even charge it through an outlet, and it only takes a few seconds.

Gwen all this time looked at me with curiosity but did not distract me. When I finished, she decided to ask a question.

- What is it?

- This is an ordinary tazer, and it can even knock out a wrestler in just a couple of seconds. - I said casually.

- Why do you need it? - Gwen asked, not seeing the logic in creating a simple shocker.

- I made it for human use. When I dealt with the smugglers, I used a crowbar. This is not good. After all, I could have killed them by accident if I had not calculated the strength. Or those thugs from Washington, I had to knock each other out to knock them out. I thought that for those like them, it is better to create such a shocker, and quickly and not dangerous.

Yes, I told Gwen and Grandpa about the smugglers. They ultimately agreed with my decision about the Krakken and these rogues. Only Gwen was a little offended that I did not invite her with me. And Max was proud that I did everything right.

- Clear. Can you do one for me too? - Gwen asked with sparkling eyes.

After thinking a little, I decided to make her the same, just in case. After creating the second shocker, I taught Gwen how to use it. Since it has several modes, just in case.

By the way, despite the power, these shocker pistols were small and light. Only 15 centimeters long, they can easily fit into a pocket.

Grandpa Max stopped at a gas station just as we finished dealing with the shocker.

After getting off the bus, we went to an ice cream shop to buy a treat. And Max went to the ATM.


(Max POV)

While the children went to get ice cream, I decided to withdraw money from the card and therefore went to the ATM.

While I was dealing with the ATM, a bull in a cap came up from behind.

- Come on, you old fool, now I will withdraw money, go out. - having said this, the bully pushed me to the ground because of what I fell.

After that, he took a hook from his pickup truck and poked it through the ATM. After giving a sign to his accomplice that he was driving the car, he stepped aside.

Just as the second gunman was about to turn on the gas, Lex and Gwen came out of the store.

Seeing the whole situation, they simultaneously pulled out of their pockets the shock pistols that Lex had only recently made and aimed each at their own gunman.

Without a word, they pulled the trigger. Shockers fired small darts, which knocked out the bandits with electricity in just a couple of seconds.

Having finished with them, they came over and helped me up.

- Everything is fine now, grandfather, and the police should be called. - Lex said, as usual with his calm face.

I nodded at his words and called the police. After they were taken away, we went to the bus.

When we sat down, I told them the good news that the next destination was the house of my sister Vera.

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