
Escape pt. 3

The boy was sitting in the cargo space when he heard footsteps and hid in the fruit box. Footsteps came closer before they stopped and the boy heard "That guard captain called, he said we might have a slave on our ship." the boy listened closely and the other voice replied "Impossible, they checked the ship!" the first man's voice said "I don't know, boss, but that's what he said. I told him we didn't and that we checked, he told me to tell you that the Marines want to search the ship at the next port."

The boy blinked and the second man's voice sounded "Then we'll just do that!" the other voice "Boss…" the second voice cut him off "We're allowed to have those! That's enough." before footsteps got farther and farther.

The boy peeked out of the box and when he confirmed no one was there, he got out. He stood in the cargo space and looked around before emptying a bag of flour and filling it with fruits. He took all the fruits in the box he was in and looked out the window, the sun was coming up and the horizon was barely visible.

The boy opened the window and stuck his head out, looking in all directions before hiding slightly and waiting.

After a couple hours, the boy saw an island off in the horizon and waited for the ship to get closer.

When they were near the island the boy waited to see if the ship was docking there. Luckily for the boy, they were only passing the island and not staying, the absence of Marine ships was a good sign for the boy.

The boy looked out the window again and when the coast was clear he squeezed through the window, plunging into the sea and disappearing into the water as he swam to the island.

The boy had underestimated how close the island was from the ship and continued to swim, munching on fruits as he went. Surprisingly, he never stopped. Not even once. Though he had a run in with a shark, but nothing close to the giant monsters and crazy weather Rob had described.

After an entire day of swimming, he finally arrived on the island.

Unfortunately for the boy, he only had a few fruits left. He looked at the islanders before running off into the forest on the island and disappearing, curiously only a few people got a good look at the boy before he disappeared. While their faces were filled with disgust, they didn't make any calls to the marines.

Mainly because the boy's bounty notice hadn't been printed yet.

The boy ran into the forest and sat down against a tree, looking at his fruits. He had one before moving through the forest looking for animals or berries to feed himself.

This persisted for a month, but the boy had a big appetite, the animals in the forest just weren't cutting it anymore, not only that but there weren't many of them. To put even more on top of his problems, he only had one fruit left and he didn't like the smell of this one, so he never ate it.

The boy turned his sights to the town on the island and after scouting for days. He finally entered the city today.

The boy crept through the alleys and rooftops, looking out for any Marines or Celestial Dragons. He ignored the people as they weren't important and looked towards the food shops along with clothing shops.

His pants were basically falling apart and he needed something to cover himself up, along with a shirt to cover his brand. The boy looked on the streets before running into a clothes shop, grabbing the first pair of shorts and t-shirt he saw before running out, causing the owner to run out shouting at him "Damn monster! Disgusting half-breed!"

The boy ignored him, but the problem now was that he had too much attention. Using this opportunity, he shot forward and stole food from a stall and disappeared into the alleys. The villagers clamored before one of them said "Isn't that the half-breed rapist slave?" The other villagers looked at each other and shook their heads, thinking it couldn't be possible.

Why would a half-breed rapist slave come to their island? Conveniently for the boy, his bounty poster didn't have a picture.

So the boy would periodically steal from the food stalls in the village and the villagers would try and fight him off to no avail.

Days turned to months and months turned to a year.

The boy had lived in the forest for a year and stoel from the villagers every couple days. He had no other option, but today was different. He stumbled across a bounty poster, surprisingly it was his own.

The bounty was relatively simple.

Half-Breed Mink Slave- 450 million Belli- Wanted Alive

Along with the bounty amount, there was a sketch of his face, which was terrifyingly accurate. Not only this but his crimes and cause for upping his bounty from what it was before. It read 'Rape of a Celestial Dragon along with several murders of Nobles, 17 counts of arson and 3 villages slaughtered already. If seen, do not approach and call the nearest Marine base as soon as possible.'

The boy looked up at the villagers looking at him in horror, he immediately ran away as people started screaming.

The boy sat in the forest and immediately searched for anything he could eat. He estimated he had a day or two to leave before the marines came.

The first day, he couldn't find anything.

The second day, he was starving. It wasn't just his normal hunger but his mass and the weight he carried at all times was making him use more energy. The only thing left to eat was the fruit he didn't want to eat.

The boy sat down against a tree and pulled out the last fruit. It was square with dark swirls and a completely square leaf. The boy sniffed it before throwing the whole thing in his mouth and swallowing it.

His body jerked and he gagged but nothing came out as he slumped against the tree and fell asleep.

leave comments telling me how great i am

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts
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