
Rikudou Akai

[Guild ID]

Name : Rikudou Akai

Age : 17

Gender : Female

Race : Demonfolk

Affiliation : Foxtrot Guild/Foresight Club

Residence : Foresight Club Office, Pandemonium District, 56th Vajra St.

Rank : H

She felt so lucky having joined this otherworldly guild. Seeing the Guild Card is a proof of that.

On the School City, the topic about "Another World" have become popular to those in the know. Even when she is just an amateur wannabe crime boss, she is competent enough to be a part of this circle.

She got ahold of this knowledge when she is just browsing the Square Network, looking for some new employers. It seems like one of the main criminal organization in this city, Thesaurus, has hacked into the main framework of the Central Section Operatives, and leaked whatever they can within.

Of course, being the center of every lawful organizations on the city, they didn't manage to leak all the important parts, but they got the gist of what they managed to reveal.

Another world, a person named William Foxtrot, new resources and research avenues.

She tries to go deeper and found out that one of the Freelancers has been luckily chosen by William Foxtrot (allegedly). The pay for just going to that world and returning with samples is honestly baffling that it almost makes her blink her eyes repeatedly.

It goes from ten to thirteen digits in numbers. That's how much they are willing to pay just for those otherworldly objects. It seems like the black market pays double or triple the amount for just a dirt of that otherworld, which truly shows how much they saw it's value.

With that much money, she can buy the office that she has been renting and own it permanently. She can also go around and hire whoever she wanted without worrying about her finances anymore.

With this chance, she can finally acquire so much money that she can achieve her true dream, which is to be a known crime lord that is feared all over the city.

'My dream is expanding!~'

She didn't notice herself laughing menacingly as she thought of those prospects. William and Merzalfit are staring at her before shrugging it off.

'So this is how it looks like in personal huh...' William thought as he looks at the daydreaming Akai.

He might not have the benefit of reading her thoughts like those from the game, but he can easily deduced what she is thinking about based on her portrayal from Insertia.

"William-sama! I'd like to go on a hunt right now!"

She seems so excited that she wanted to go outside and begin collecting every objects she can get outside.

"Wait. That'll be dangerous. At least take someone along with you."

Remembering the time when Elio got ambushed made him more paranoid. He didn't want another repeat of the kidnapping.

"Oh! What about me? I can come along with her!~"

".... Your just going to screw us, isn't it?"

"How rude, I have made my own stance clear. I will help you to the best of my abilities!"

He looks at the witch in a deadpan before sighing.

"Okay fine. But only because you seem to be behaving.... I leave her into your hands."

"Of course! Leave it to me!~"

Merzalfit stood up and walks besides Akai. The sniper wielding student is curious about it but shrugs, thinking that this might be common on this world.

The two of them leave the place, leaving him alone on this guild.


With Merzalfit on the lead, the two have arrived on the Green Forest and is currently roaming it for some monsters.

Despite having left the walls of Beth for once, Merzalfit already knows where this forest is located. This is because she always watches the laptop William always uses to control the drones.

While the two are walking, Akai seems to be looking around with a compose and cool look on her face. Though internally, she is flying around in excitement at the raw natural sight of this environment.

'Amazing! This is the first time I got to a real forest!'

School City might be very large that it have it's own biomes, but the forest in there always felt so artificial and fake to her. So getting to this forest feel so fresh.

While the two of them are walking slowly on the ground, a surveillance drone is floating idly on the air, following them.

William is looking through the live feed and is looking out for any potential monsters. Seeing some red dots on it's wide scanners, he quickly lowered the drone for a bit so the two girls can hear him.

["Just a notice. There are some monsters heading your way."]

Akai smirks at that. 'Finally, I can show him how useful I am!' "Roger that!"

After telling them the direction where the monsters are approaching, she took cover on the back of the tree while Merzalfit just follows lazily.

After waiting for a moment, someone emerges behind the bushes. They are a group of goblins.

"So those are the goblins. They really look disgusting..." Akai mutters.

She took a sniper's stance and pointed the muzzle of her gun at the head of the goblin, her sights focused on it's scope. Merzalfit is just looking behind in interest, seemingly letting her to do all the work.

The goblins are a fair distance away. So she have some breathing time to reload for her next shot.

"Here it goes!"

Exclaiming like that, she pulls the trigger and imbue her bullet with her own brand of magic. The bullet wheezes through the air with a trail of crimson, hitting the head of the monster and exploding. The resulting explosion blows away the other goblins besides it.

Without missing a beat, she quickly flicks the lever on her sniper, releasing the spent rifle bullet and quickly putting a new bullet in it before closing it. Then she pointed it with practiced ease and pulls the trigger, hitting another who is just going to stand up.

After that, she repeated the process. Shoot, reload, shoot, and reload. The goblins didn't even manage to recover their ranks as they slowly fell one by one. Wiping them out in the process.

The end result is obvious. She quickly took care of the group of goblins by her lonesome.

William who is watching on the screen is impressed by it. This is the first time he is seeing her fighting. He knows the game is not a faithful representation of their true skills after all.

The way she quickly shoots her sniper is like she is just handling a shotgun that is loaded with slugs. She is too fast that it is abnormal for a manual loading sniper.

'That's amazing. Even with her funny personality, she really is good at handling her weapon!' William thought in amazement.

Merzalfit is still there and smirking in amusement. She is just interested watching things unfold.

"So, how's that?" The sniper wielding demonfolk asked with a quick and elegant sweep of her hair.

"Yes. That is interesting." The witch just nodded at it with an amused smirk.

["Great job. That's an amazing performance."] William honestly complimented her.

"It was nothing!~"

She looks so happy at the way they praised her, ignoring the scenery of her slaughter on the distance.

After awhile, the two girls take the corpses of the zombies and put it on the supply drone, which he deployed after confirming their kill.


The sky has turned orange when the two of them decided to come back. They have defeated some goblins and spiders along the way. So now they have a lot of loots on their supply drones.

They quickly pass through the city gates and go straight to the commercial district where they can sell these monster materials.

Merzalfit recalls about the shop that rejected her two fellow members, so she told them that they'll be looking for a new shop to sell these monster parts.

The few remaining will be given to Akai. She really wanted to take some things home so she can begin selling it to the Black Market.

"I'm impress. Your as good as the wolf-eared girl. The way you handle those weapons spoke of experience." Merzalfit said as they passed through the crowd.

"I am a leader of my own organization so this much talent is natural!" Akai replies while feeling proud inside of her.

As they are walking through the busy streets of the commercial district, Merzalfit suddenly sensed something and stops. She looks behind her with a smirk of her face, her eyes having a malicious light within it.

Behind the many crowds, within a certain dark alleyways, a guy flinches and tries to hide behind the walls. His eyes wide.

"Did she notice me?" The guy mutters.

He is one of the agents from the Draupnir, sent here by one of the Guild Officials. He has been ordered to spy on a witch from the Foxtrot Guild and take every info he can get about her.

He has been specialized on stealth, so he has been asked to do this. Seeing her just smirking at him with her eyes just staring straight to him makes him terrified. He didn't thought that even with this many crowds, she is still capable of sensing someone spying on her.

He decided to take a step back for now and try doing this with more people on his group.

While he flees at the scene, Merzalfit continues smirking on his direction before she was snapped out of it by Akai poking her.

"Uhmn... what is the problem?"

"Oya? It's nothing!~" The witch waves her hands nonchalantly. "Let's go and sell those monster parts. I am sure you are excited to go back to your world with those parts."

Akai seems to have missed her intention to change the subject as her eyes brightened.

"Your right. Let's go!~"

The vermillion haired sniper enthusiastically takes the lead even when she didn't even know where she is going.

Merzalfit just smirks before shrugging her shoulders. Then she follows the girl.

Sorry for the long delay. Here is the next chapter!~

Yeye0900creators' thoughts