
Chapter 46 - Visit and news (part 1)

The next day in the morning, Horeo and Miriette came to see Zoemi...


As soon as the door to the room opened and the future royal couple have entered, the gold-haired prince froze in place staring wide-eyed at the black-haired attendant doing his best to fix his bedhair.

Even though he was warned by both Veo and Patishi – seeing the healed-up Zoemi in person was just too much!

...to think that the gold-haired prince was going to make fun of his fiancee's reaction to the black-haired boy's 'new' appearance just to be the first one to fall victim to it...!

"What are you doing, my prince? Please, proceed!"

"You little...!"

Miriette still stuck outside furrowed her brows and prodded the prince's side with her finger, making him jump and turn to her with a completely bright red face – but it wasn't red from anger, Horeo was blushing.

"Eh...? Why are you...?"

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