

She lowers her eyes and there were no messages and no phone calls from her father – There was no way for her to get in contact with her mother.

It broke her heart to break the news to him but decided to take it one step further. She showed up at her father's house unannounced and it was emptied out. There was a sign in the front yard saying for sale.

She returned to the villa and saw the look on his face." Dad is super busy with the company, but he promised to make time for us soon, and mother still enjoying her vacation. In due time, all of us will be together." She reassured and send a small smile.

"Thank you for going through the trouble." He picked at the vegetables on his place and the guilt of lying to her was eating him alive.

'I'm so stupid—Why couldn't I just tell him the truth! Do they even care that he's alive?"

She lost her appetite, and the thought of abandonment tore her heart apart as she let out a sigh.

Kyosuke walked through the doors and his assistant followed behind him then notice the woman in the kitchen then presented her with information.

"Tuesday at 8 o clock in the morning you have an audition for the female lead role. I put in calls that make it possible for you be hired for the roles and mesmerized the parks highlighted. – The talk show is at noon and from this day forward you will be addressed as Mrs. Nakamaru. You must take this position of yours very seriously."

She looks at the packet in her hands with questions. Just when she wanted to say something the two-man walked away.

"You can rehearse with me if you like." Hideaki offered.

"Uh sure... that would be great."

She practices in front of him for a few hours it was a long night.

'I wished I received this sooner and not on such a short notice—I can't imagine being in front of an audience."


The chauffeur drove her.

She entered the enormous building and her tag number 124 then she glace at the other contestants nervously. When she looked at her reflections at the wall.

" I can't compete with the man and woman here—It's embarrassing."

Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she wore a plain light blue dress with flats. It's the most basic clothing and yet comfortable.

Mr.Nakamaru and the assistance wanted her to wear something more extravagant and complimented her personality but in the end, they didn't fight her on the matter.

' The other contestants are beautiful, talented, and more experienced than I." She watched everyone else practicing their script and sometimes she felt people staring at her.

A gorgeous tall, petite woman approach her in a mustard yellow lace-up dress with high heels that had straps. She walked with confidence and carried herself with grace and charm.

She laughed," You are out of your league."

Kotori lowered her eyes and sulked at the woman's mean remarks then it filled her with complete doubt.

'Mr. Nakamaru will be disappointed if I left, and I won't get paid."


She walked slowly and dragged her feet through the door. She manages to gather some courage as she faces all four of the judges.

"Hello, I'm Kotori Haru... I mean, Nakamaru – And I'm 18 years old... It's a pleasure to allow me with such an opportunity." She says nervously.

"Carry on.."

She choked on her words and forgot her lines in seconds. She realized that the judges watched her every move and that didn't make things better for her.

Sweat dripped from her forehead.

"Can you read line 5 on page 6 ma'am?"

"O-of c-course!" She stuttered and picked up the script from her purse then flip to the correct page and took the deepest breath while preparing herself to speak," I-please don't leave me. I u-uh can't live without you... Um- I gave up my—

One of the judges interrupted," Miss Kotori, right?" He questioned.

She slowly nodded.

" You can leave now."

"I-I can s-start over I- can do better!"

" I think I can speak for everyone here." He looked to his left and then to the right as the other judges nodded in approval." We have seen enough, please leave."

"Thank you for having me."

The judges remained silent and watched her walked away. The only sound that could be heard was the clicking of the pen on the paper.

She faintly overheard their conversation.

" She's inexperience."

" Lacks the proper requirements"

"And boring there no emotion in her words --- A woman couldn't finish a sentence."

"Call Mr. Nakamaru immediately."

She looked down at her phone and received a new text message

Mr.Nakamaru" Come outside

She walked out the doors and into the vehicle.' How should I break the news to him?"

" Mr. Nakamaru, there's something I need to tell you."

He pointed his index finger." Hold that thought." He said then answered the phone. That kindness on his face turned to a devious smile.

"Oh, is that what you agreed? – Perhaps the company won't mind knowing that you're laundering money through their buildings."

He chuckled.

"Oh, I see. I'm glad that we fixed that misunderstanding.

Call ended.

"Did he just blackmail the judge?'

He spoke," What did you want to bring to my attention, Miss Haru."

"Oh-uh.. Where's my brother?"

"My assistant William picked him up and proceeded with a guest pass so he can be a part of the audience for the talk show."

A new message popped up on his phone

Assistant" Mr. Nakamaru, Kotori's brother had a seizure and we're on our way to the hospital.

He lifted his head and thought about notifying her

"She's asleep—I'll just keep this a secret a little bit longer so the announcement is perfect."

I will update soon-- I'm editing chapters

Confession_Heartcreators' thoughts
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