
Harry Potter: Book 2 Part 3 ("Lets Do The Time Warp AGAIN")

The bell rang for people to get to their next classes before Snape could threaten the man with a meeting between himself, McGonagall, and Lockhart himself. The man took the moment to flee before he could incur the wrath, Snape looked around the courtyard seeing the idle students standing and staring in awe at how the situation was handled.

Fou looked around the courtyard, something was off, the timeline was fine he could tell that much but it seemed as if something was messing with time because he swore he had already gone through today.

The massive feeling of Deja-vu continued as he followed Harriet through her next class, as soon as he passed through the door everyone disappeared. A quick jump saved him from being cut by a Katana.

???: "Tch-"

A sword appeared out of nowhere blocking the Katana which at a closer look was quite old and rusty, an open book right behind the handle as a hand grasped it. The wear and tear disappeared as the sword was brought to bear its blade against another weapon.

A quick structural analysis shows him the blade's history, one of tragedy with the uncountable number of lives taken by the very blade. The tragedy this sword had brought its original universe by the fake Wizard King.

Julius: "Be honoured Beast for I, Julius Novacock, have been given the greatest honour of killing you bestowed upon me by THE DARK LORD KEVIN. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH- *Ahem* please excuse my fanaticism, he will return my dear Cynthia's soul to me upon your death."

The man stood at a tall 6ft, with long blonde hair and blue eyes, he was dressed in a white suit with a black tie and a blue swallowtail coat with gold trim and accessories.

(image made with: Nemu's Waifu Generator)

Fou: "Are you sure this battle is wise? How many times have you reset to start this battle? How sure are you that your lord will even give you her?" Blue letters made of mana flout above Fou as he Traces a couple of nameless blades that float in the air.

Julius: "I WILL DO ANYTHING, ANYTHING FOR MY CYNTHIA AND YOU SHALL NOT STAND IN THE WAY OF MY BELOVED!" He smiled insanely while yelling, his smile was worthy of Tanya the Evil's own insanity.

Fou: "Let's dance"


'The Wrath of the Fluffy Goddess: No Maidens? Edition'

Some interdimensional reicarnators have decided that they want to impose themselves on to the epics of others! They are trying to forcefully invade timelines to add themselves. They are messing with Fate in an UNFLUFFY WAY!!!! Show them what it means to defy Fluff-- I mean Fate in such an uncouth way!

*Dark Souls Invasions Intensifys*

Mission: Style on some maidenless bitch who is trying to force their way into places they do not belong!

Maidenless Bitch Dead [0/1]


- Charles (This is the Greatest Plan!)


Instantly shooting forth Fou launches his blades at the man's neck, with a quick slash Julius deflects both blades that break only to be replaced by another pair aiming for his legs that he jumps over.


While in the air a red spear giving off bloodlust with a barbed tip files towards his chest and impales into his heart as he coughs out- The spear pauses mid-flight and appears to be unmoving and color drains from it.

Julius: "Gae Bolg? While it reverses causality, it still takes time to reach your target" He held a hand out in front of him "It appears my [Mana Zone] has no effect on the mana you use, what an interesting phenomenon..."

Fou quickly fades into blue motes, appearing behind Julius with a sword aimed at his heart. The sword loses colour and is frozen in place just before his body.

Julius: "Interesting Tactic, however, you are no match for my Time Magic, we've been through this fight over 100 times. Just give up and lie down WHILE I KILL YOU LIKE THE DOG YOU ARE!" Quickly spinning around he stabs his katana down atop Fou, who quickly rolls left, and jumps as a new pair of swords come down on Julius's out-stretched arm.

The swords freeze in place, leaving more in the air that Fou jumps off and back as he lands on a wall dodging a sword swing. Quickly jumping from the wall he starts dashing all around the room off the walls, ceiling, floor the whole shebang as he makes passing strikes at Julius and the swords become stuck in the air.

Moving gracefully Julius moved away from the swords stuck in the air, once free of the prison he shot forth with an indescribable speed, grabbing Fou and slamming him into the ground like the Hulk did to Loki.

Only to jump back as a *Bang* went off, there clutched in an arm made of blue mana was a gun, the long black barrel engraved with "Jesus Christ is in Heaven now" gleaming in the light shining through the window as a large amount of the bricks are destroyed.

Fading away it's replaced by another weapon, the chains of Enkidu rush forth from the ground and aim to restrain the incredibly fast human. Only for Fou to be grabbed and launched into the ceiling causing some of it to come down.

Again the "Jackal" makes another appearance as six rounds are fired in quick succession, 5 were dodged before the 6th hit Juliu's right leg. A moment later and the bullet is back floating just before it hit and he was just fine.

Julius: "We've done this whole shebang before, just give up and die will you?" Julius slowly walks forth adjusting his clothes as the gun disappeared again only to be replaced by a spiralling sword that quickly slims down.

The now arrow is notched into a giant black both that's being held by more arms of pure mana.

Fou: "I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD- (FOOOOOOOOOU-)" Mana gathers around the arrow and glowed blue as the bow was drawn back.

Julius: "ARE YOU INSANE THAT WILL DESTROY THIS WHOLE ROOM!?" Julius was surprised as for once Fou did something different.

Fou: "CALADBOLG! (KYUUUUUUU!)" and with that, the spiral arrow is sent flying into the wall exploding with massive force, the walls of the roof reduced to tiny bits of rubble as a sphere of mana covers Julius.

His swallowtail coat was floating in the air ripped to shreds by the force of the attack, his clothes ruffled and cut showing numerous shallow wounds on his body from the rubble that hit him. He takes a deep breath as his clothes and body repair from his time magic.

The swallowtail coat flies to him as it's repaired and lands back onto his body, looking around he searches for Fou only to find a mess of blood and gore with white fur stained red in places over the ground.

The weapons all floated in mid-air as he strolled through them, arriving at the biggest pile of remains from the suicide attack he kicked the corpse.

Julius: "In the end, your efforts were futile. (He adjusts his gloves) And now I shall be with my dear Cynthia!" He giggles and looks towards the sky, breaking out into full-blown psychopathic laughter as he holds both sides of his face.

He continues to laugh on top of the corpse as he takes deep ragged breaths, his face flushed with lust and his eyes pupil changed to hearts as he imagines how he will ravage his dear Cynthia's body when he finally gets to meet her again.


Julius: "Huh?"

Looking down at his heart he sees (Gae Bolg) impaled in his heart, numerous swords resume their flight and impale his body as his right leg is blown apart again. He falls to his knees and coughs out blood again.

His entire left arm is shredded down to nothing but a paste, and his clothes are now nothing but rags as blood gushes out of his body. He looks at the ground only for Fou to be sitting there and none of the blood and gore is left, almost as if it was never there, to begin with.

Looking at his left thigh he sees an iridescent and jagged dagger that is thin, brittle, and blunt sticking out of his body.


Julius laughs weakly with what little strength he has left as he glares hatefully at Fou.

Fou: "Was this really worth it!?" He asked, the blue letters forming quickly.

Julius: "EVERYTHING IS WORTH IT, IF IT'S TO BE WITH MY DEAR CYNTHIA AGAIN I WILL DO ANYTHING!" He continued to laugh, sounding like Kira from the end of death note.

Julius: "Everything has been worth it, EVERYTHING I DO IS FOR MY DEAR CYNTHIA!" He savagely yelled as if he lost all reason, he had fallen down and was now lying on his back.

Fou: "So, why is this dark God Kevin after me then?" Fou walked around the body cautiously,

Julius: "You know... a great man once said...-" He gained a manic smile across his face as he snapped his fingers.

All of a sudden they appeared in the classroom again, the room was back to normal as if their fight had never happened... Only for both to be stared at by the children of Harriet's class as they just put away the final Cornish Pixie.

Julius: "ART IS AN EXPLOSION!" His body started to double and expanded as if he was filling up with water.

Fou: "HARRIET BARRIER NOW!" He shouted at his companion, and without hesitation, she quickly waved her staff and wand in tandem as numerous shields of magic appeared over the body.


'The Wrath of the Fluffy Goddess: No Maidens? Edition'

Some interdimensional reicarnators have decided that they want to impose themselves on to the epics of others! They are trying to forcefully invade timelines to add themselves. They are messing with Fate in an UNFLUFFY WAY!!!! Show them what it means to defy Fluff-- I mean Fate in such an uncouth way!

*Dark Souls Invasions Intensifys*

Mission: Style on some maidenless bitch who is trying to force their way into places they do not belong!

Maidenless Bitch Dead [1/1]


- Charles (This is the Greatest Plan!)


[NEXT TIME ON: JUJUTSU KAI- *AHEM* Uh... Primate Murder Through a Multiverse!]


{WORD COUNT: 1711}


What is your dream Pokemon Team?


1. You can have them permanently Mega-evolved/Special Form. (Ash Greninja)

2. You have to adhere to "Legit" Pokemon, so no Hackmons.

3. Legendary's are not Allowed, that includes Mythics and other such ones because they brake the balance badly enough.

4. Held items are a thing.

Alright, my team:

1. Empoleon [Bubble Beam, Metal Claw, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam] (Torrent) {Waterium Z}

2. Lucario 'Mega-Evolved' [Swords Dance, Meteor Mash, Close Combat, Bullet Punch] (Adaptability) {Sitrus Berry}

3. Lopunny 'Mega-Evolved' [Return, High Jump Kick, Fake Out, Ice Punch] (Scrappy) {Sitrus Berry}

4. Greninja 'Ash' [Water Shuriken, Aerial Ace, Double Team, Night Slash] (Battle Bond) {Waterium Z}

5. Toxapex [Scald, Haze, Recover, Baneful Bunker] (Regenerator) {Black Sludge}

6. Ditto [Transform] (Imposter) {Choice Scarf}

Your Team here, In the same format, please!

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