
Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 8 ("Interlude")

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# HARREITS STATUS [I HAVE CHOSEN |Mysterious Heroine X| for some of the Skills




{Strength} [A+]

{Endurance} [B+]

{Agility} [B++]

{Mana} [A+]

{Luck} [B+]

{N.P} [E-EX]



Shining Path [EX]

Succubus's Vicinity [EX]

Projection Magecraft [A]

Mana Burst [A]

Dreamlike Charisma [A]

Instinct [A]

Mind's Eye (True) [B]

Charisma [B]

Dragon Reactor Core [B]

Clairvoyance [C]

Magecraft [C-]


Riding [EX] (Harry is seen riding BuckBeek with no problems When riding him for the first time as well as being a natural on the broom in HP)

Mixed-Blood [EX]

Magic Resistance [A+] (Harry Survived the Killing Curse because of his Mother and her magic, So due to the stories about him surviving he gets this if he were an actual servant if ask me)

Presence Concealment [A++] (Harry is often seen sneaking around in HP and getting away with it I believe this is Okay, I will include Flashbacks in later chapters for stuff okay?)

Item Construction [C]

Territory Creation [C]

High-Speed Incantation [C]

{Noble Phantasm}

Avalon [EX]

Unlimited Mind Defense Works [E -> conditionally A+] ( Stores all of her swords )

Secret-Calibur [A++] (She will get this at the very end of the training)

Caliburn [B]

Invisible air [C]

Prydwen [A] (Takes the form of Artoia's (Yamaha V-Max) When on land)




#You know the drill already#

#Oh and before I forget since fou can make solid mana constructs he make letters appear in the air#

[Fou]「 It's a beautiful day outside, Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, On days like this, Magus like you, Should be burning in HELL! 」*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*

Ahh what a great day to be in Avalon, We continue our story by watching the tiny Fou speeding around at the speed of sound, Chasing Merlin off after he tried to peek on Harriet... Again,

[Merlin]「 C'mon Fou you don't have to do this, I was only worried for your safety, after all, It's a really bad idea to fuse Both Excali-*BANG* AHH! PLEASE STOP SHOOTING AT ME」

How about some backstory, Eh?

&Flash Back at least 5 minutes ago&


Harriet was currently on break, Since tomorrow she would start learning with merlin, I was searching high and low for him so I could ask a question that was really bugging me recently, I found him sitting in a small field of flowers

[Fou]「 Hey, Merlin! 」

[Merlin]「 Yes, master? 」

[Fou]「 I can trace anything, you know that right? 」

[Merlin]「 Yes, All though I don't understand what your getting at 」

Looking at my Titles Speficly the [ULTIMATE FAKER] Title with its description of,

「The ability to copy anything with skills [Structural Grasp], [Projection], [Reinforcement], [Alteration] and [Tracing] to make a copy of Said item, All items are stored in your own [UBW]. 」

I Proceeded to trace both {Excalibur} & {Excalibur Morgan} in front of merlin,


[Fou]「 With the [Alteration] magecraft you can change somethings structure, For example taking a branch of a tree I could make it into a bow, But with my mastery with it, I have been able to permanently change things like advanced transfiguration, as I change it down to the atom of the item, I can totally fuse these to create a [pseudo-Secret-Calibur] Right? 」

I continued to stare down at the weapons while Merlin began thinking about it,

[Merlin]「 I don't see why theoretically you could, but putting that into practice with both of these items to be able to make a [pseudo-Secret-Calibur] is very dangerous, One wrong move you just created a bomb that can destroy an entire small island 」

I continued to stare at the weapons using [Structural Grasp] and [Reinforcement],

[Merlin]「Master... you're not gonna do it are you? 」


#Start at 0:16 End when it is said so#

[Fou]「 Judging the concept of creation. 」

[Merlin]「Master... 」

[Fou]「 Hypothesizing the basic structure. 」

[Merlin]「Master Please 」

[Fou]「 Duplicating the composition material. 」

[Merlin]「Master! 」

[Fou]「 Imitating the skill of its making, altering the item to commence fusion. 」

A large amount of glowing light started to gather at where the swords were,

[Fou]「 Sympathizing with the experience of its growth. 」

[Merlin]「FOU! 」

[Fou]「 Reproducing the accumulated years. 」

Merlin had this point had taken out an iridescent and jagged dagger that is thin, brittle, and blunt.

[Fou]「 Excelling every manufacturing process. 」

[Merlin]「 Forgive me, master, it has come down to this [Magic's principles, divine providence, the principles of the world... All creation... I will send back everything to their origins] "Rule Breaker!" 」

#stop the music#

Stabbing the glowing light with the dagger, A small explosion occurred, Sending both Fou and merlin to the sides of the small field they were standing in, Standing up Fou Created his mana arms on his back, Then he traced Two revolvers, That belonged to a certain Alter.


There were shadow's covering Fou's eyes only a red light could be seen through them, Merlin began to sweat at this sight

[Fou]「 You have 5 seconds. 」

&Flash back over&


So as you can see that's how we end up with Fou chasing Merlin Around Avalon, Although one of the problems with Fou using "His" Guns is that when he misses the bullets still travel, So let's go visit Harriet, Archer, and Saber who is outside watching and taste testing Harriet's food while she is practicing her cooking on a campfire,

[Harriet]「 Archer, They are at it again! 」

[Archer]「 Just leave them be they will sort it out themselves 」

[Saber]「 It is unbecoming of a king to worry about trivial squabbles, I am sure that it just over merlin accidentally spilling something on his fur again 」


[Harriet]「 Alright if you guys say so 」

Harriet had just spent the past hour making breakfast and was finally plating her food along with Archers and Sabers,



With her food all over the floor, she just stood there processing what had happened, After it had all registered in her head she started shaking Furiously.


Meanwhile back over with the two dead people


Both suddenly freeze in place

[Fou & Merlin]「 *whispering* oh no. 」

Both start silently crying

[Fou & Merlin]「 *whispering* we are dead. 」

The ground started shaking, heavy, fast, footsteps racing towards them, they turned in the direction that the sound was coming from, and there they saw her, With the rage of the entire Berserker class with maxed out [Mad Enhancement] was rushing like the heavenly bull that Gilgamesh killed

[Fou]「 Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again. 」

Well my dear readers, let's just leave these two fools to their punishment and go check up on some old coot who sticks his nose where it shouldn't be and developed a god complex

&Flashback to Nov. 1st, 1981&


#Goes until the flashback ends#

[Minerva McGonagall]「 Albus you cant! I've been watching them all day, You couldn't find two people who are less like us. And they've got this son, I-I... I saw him kicking his mother all the way up the street, screaming for sweets! Ms. Potter can't live here! 」Professer McGonagall was stressed out, she just couldn't allow him to leave her here, not with these filthy people.

[A.P.W.B.D] (Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)「 I'm afraid Minerva, that this is the safest place for her 」He said with the absolute resolution, A strange twinkle in his eyes that he didn't have usually. just a hint of greed that was almost undetectable.

[Albus Dumbledore]「 Her Aunt & Uncle will understand and be able to explain everything to her, I have written them a letter explaining everything 」The strange twinkle in his eyes that he didn't have usually intensified ever so slightly.

[McGonagall]「ALBUS PERCIVAL WULFRIC BRAIN DUMBLEDORE! I will not, no, CAN NOT! Allow you to leave her with such horrid people you know I have always wanted a child of my own, Please just give me her I could do a much better job of raising her」She had said in such a tone that left no room for argument.

[Dumbledore]「 It is for the greater good Minerva, After all, she will be famous, a legend no one could understand her, I wouldn't be surprised if today become known as the "Girl-Who-Lived" day, there will be books written about her and every child in our world will know about her 」He said in a way that made it seem it was for her benefit but it didn't seem like that to McGonagall.

[McGonagall]「 Exactly, why she needs someone who can take care of her, I have plenty of experience with children, and my inability to have one of my own, which you specifically know of, she would be better taken care of with me, rather than these horrid people 」She had said in such a tone that left no room for argument.

[Dumbledore]「 But can't you see? wouldn't it be better to grow up away from all that fame until she is ready to take it? 」The slight movement of his hand casting a wandless and wordless compulsion charm to accept his decision.

[McGonagall]「I-I-I... I suppose you are correct, it would be better to grow up away from it all, but please can she go to any other home? 」She pleaded desperately.

[Dumbledore]「 I'm afraid not Minerva, she has to be in a home of love, safety and her own blood to be protected in case anyone wants to hunt after her 」As he finished his sentence hagrid had finally arrived at the destination.

[Rubeus Hagrid]「'Ello Professer's 'Ere's little 'Arreiet Dumbledore 」He said while handing Dumbledore the wicker basket with the little girl in it.

[Dumbledore]「 Thank you Hagrid, why don't you head back to the case we will take care of things from here 」Putting the little girl down on the steps in front of the door, Well aware of what will take place in the nest 10 or so years, after all, he is paying them for it

&Flashback end&


Let us go into Dumbledore's office present day and see what machinations this old meddling fool is up to.

[Dumbledore]「 I wonder how she is doing, surely in awe about the magical world no doubt. ahh, where did I put that?... 」Hearing this Fawkes just couldn't help but scowl at what Ablus was going to do, Little did either know that Harriet has a special pet that can just about do everything.

[Dumbledore]「 AHA! There it is, Now once she reaches the age of maturity she will legally have to marry the Weasley kid, thus giving us full access to the vault, damn goblins barring us from taking anything. at least I have the cloak.」Not even noticing that the Pheonix he forced into a contract that was making it suffer was scheming with the hat nearby away to end Albus's reign of terror once and for all, all hingeing on one Ms. Potter.

[NEXT TIME ON DEAD BY DAY- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]

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