
Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 4 ("Sweet Home Avalon")

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#I recommend listening to this song trough out the chapter I was listening to it while writing and it helped set the mood I was trying to go for#

I was sitting on the window sill today's the 3rd day, I would have the answer sometime soon.

When we arrived The Dursley's had immediately locked her stuff under the stairs while reluctantly giving her Dudley's old room, since it was late in the day and they were afraid of her, not knowing she couldn't perform magic in front of "Muggles", We had been locked in here.

[Harriet] Fou?

I Proceed to look at her from the corner of my eyes, her lying in the old broken bed. Her "Avada Kedavra" green eyes staring me looking at the rain pouring down out the window.

[Fou] yeah?

[Harriet] If we go through with this... will I have to stay here, With the Dursley's I mean.

[Fou] No we would go to my home or, Well "Our" home should you choose to go with me. To the garden of Avalon.

Harriet had turned her eyes to the roof, she had this contemplating look on her face, Her Ahoge swinging side to side.

[Harriet] Is it as Beautiful as the stories say?

[Fou] No, it's even better after all... It's the ever distant Utopia, The garden of Avalon... We may even encounter a Merlin there as well whichever version we find.

Harriet was stunned herring about meeting "A Merlin" Seeing as she was frozen from the information, I waited to see how she would respond when she just turned to me after I turned around with a serious look on my face.

[Harriet] What. Do. You. Mean. "A Merlin"

Good, she knew when to take something seriously, I think I'll ask her if she knows about the multiverse theory.

[Fou] Are you aware of the multiverse theory?

[Harriet] Your saying it's real!?

Aww, she looks so cute being so stunned, Whoever gets her as a wife will be lucky.

Then again I don't know if they would approach her with me around, after all, who wants to experience a sword where the sun doesn't shine.

[Fou] Yes. The universe we are in is one of many, there are many like you and many like me, But since you found me in that shop, We became... anomalies if you will.

[Harriet] But what does that mean? How are we Anomalies?

[Fou] From even meeting me your entire "Fate" has changed, Meaning that in a situation you're never supposed to die, You could.

I glanced back to look out the window, The darkening clouds with rain enforcing the sombre mood.

[Fou] "Fate" won't interrupt to save you anymore you only have yourself to rely on, to save yourself.

She shifted her head to look at the roof once more, studying every detail she can while coming up with a reply.

[Harriet] So all this time the only reason... I'm alive right now... isn't because of my magic? But fate, Fate itself?

[Fou] Yes the only reason you even survived the abuse is because of fate, But now that that's gone, I have to stay with you anyway to protect you.

[Harriet] That not going to be enough is it? I'm no longer protected and can die at any moment?

She closed her eyes, her shoulders shaking, Giving away the fact she was scared for her own life.

[Fou] That is unless you have me, If you had left me there you may have died at the end of your first year at Hogwarts.

I decided to let her stew in her thoughts for a while longer, Even if I'm not sure of the whole "Fate" spiel I made being even remotely true, I have to stay with her no matter what. Because now, she's my Artoria and I, her Merlin.

[Fou] *in thoughts* *system menu*









{Travel} (locked)


[Fou] *shop*


{Ballance - 2000SP}





(PLEASE NOTE: The shop responses to the user need in bundles that give what you really need for a situation that it deems necessary prices will change depending on items in the bundle, Frist time Purchase is 1/100th of the price)


[Fou] That should be really useful*Bundles*


{Emrys & Pendragon Bloodline vials + Summoning Ticket's [Fate]}

- Emrys Bloodline

- Pendragon Bloodline

- Merlin Summoning Ticket

- Artoria Summoning Ticket (Saber)

{Cost - 2000SP}


[Fou] *That's all my points, But it's worth it. I can have them teach both her and me.*

As I added the item to the cart and bought it, I was brought out of my head by Harriet telling me something.

[Harriet] Hey Fou?

[Fou] Yeah kid?

[Harriet] I made my decision, I want to go through with this.


#I recommend listening to this song trough out this next part I was listening to it while writing and it helped set the mood I was trying to go for#

[Fou] The I'll ask one last time,

Do you accept to condemn your soul to the garden of Avalon?

[Harriet] I do.

[Fou] Do you accept To cast away your Afterlife to a life of travel with me?

[Harriet] I do.

I was silent for a bit, I turned around pointing my tail at her.

[Fou] Very well I'll start the ritual... Thank you, I'm glad I won't be alone in my travels anymore.

[Harriet] Your welcome, May we forever enjoy each other's company.

[Fou] Verhexter Schlaf

#I do not know of a sleep spell so I made It just "Bewitched sleep" in German I used DeepL to translate it#

Hearing the soft thud of Harriet falling backwards on the bed, I jump down onto her stomach and used ID create to make an empty ID. After clearing everything out of this empty ID house I went to the living room it's big enough.

#I would recommend switching back to the sun sprites eulogy now#

I set Harriet down on the floor before pulling the Viles out of my inventory and pouring them down her throat, As she start to convulse because of the change happening, Her Boddy being remade with the Viles into a Human/Succubus/Dragonoid Tribrid.

It was fixing all the damages made to her body from the abuse and malnutrition, but her own magic was rejecting her body's transformation, I finally pulled out Avalon and put it on her chest hoping this would work.

Seeing Avalon the sheath Of Excalibur meld with her and her body stop convulsing I was relieved, her hair had changed it was now like Merlin's with it being fluffy and all the way down to just above her butt, But with the colour of Artorias blonde, I chuckled she looked as if both Merlin and Artoria had a child together.


'Your new Artoria Pendragon'


- Get a Female Companion


Bonus goals

- Get the Protagonist as your Companion


- Save your companion from some "Walrus" with his "Rather horsey faced" wife and their "Pig" of a child


- Rewards

- Garden of Avalon (U.B.W)

- EXP+ 5000

- SP+ 1000

- Bonus Rewards

- Caliburn

- Excalibur

- Merlin's library (Harry Potter)

- Garden of Avalon H.B.T.C (Soul world)



I guess that the Bloodline vials purged out the Dursley's because they were unworthy of even being related, Picking up Harriet's body with constructs of mana again I exited the ID back in her room, leaving her on her bed I left the room in an ID and entered the cupboard under the Stairs.

After exiting the ID, I grabbed her things, leaving nothing behind to elude to where she would be going, Arriving back at the room I open a portal to my new soul world, Arriving at the top of the tower.

I Ignored my Surroundings before going down to find a guest bedroom, I placed her with all her things in there and left.

Going back upstairs, I Gaze upon my new "HBTC" and immersed myself in the wonder and beauty of Avalon, I looked into my own [UBW] to see the same scene just with an infinite amount of swords everywhere.

Going down the tower to the grassland underneath I found a stone with a perfect hole for Caliburn and decided what I would do with it.

[Fou] System... Copy all knowledge from both the fate and Harry Potter libraries, and put it in my Brain.

I sat there in an agonizing headache but after what felt like hours, The headache was well worth the reward, what I did with my Magecraft to put Harriet to sleep could've killed her.

I'm glad I did the correct thing though, she wouldn't have felt the pain of the transformation thankfully.

I put my Caliburn into the stone and enchanted it so only when she was prepared and ready should she be able to take the sword out I'll keep this Excalibur with me until she's ready.


'Your new Saber/Lancer/Assassin/Archer/Foreigner/Berserker/Caster/Alter/Ruler/Grand Caster'


- Summon Artoria to have her train her new descendant into a proper king

Bonus goals

- Summon Merlin to have him train his new descendant into a Magus of Flowers

- Summon Archer(EMIYA) To train both you and "Your New Pendragon" in both the way's of fighting and the mundane things

- Rewards

- Merlin's staff (+ Prototype version) & Excalibur Morgan

- EXP+ 5000

- SP+ 1000

- Bonus Rewards

- EMIYA Level cooking

- Better control Over Magecraft

- Personal throne of Hero's ( All summoned servants stay here when not summoned or when travelling through dimensions )



#I added all class types of Artoria and the Grand Caster because merlin is a Grand caster#

After getting the quest, I Ascended the tower reaching the top and continued to look out over the horizon.

I called out to the system once more.

[Fou] System

[NEXT TIME ON THE F/SN-UB- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]

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