
Chapter 45: Pink Sensei's demand

"Kirisu-sensei, I know I might be young, talented, and full-fledged husband material but you can't just invite me to 'your' room and don't speak," Seiya smirked and flicked his hair.

Mafuyu flinched when Seiya passed that remark. She was fumed when she heard the word 'husband' from his lips. Yes, she might be single and doesn't have any experience with men but it doesn't mean that a mere brat could just mock her.

"First of all, this is not 'my' room; this is staff room so watch out for your language, Kanie-kun." Mafuyu said with a stern face.

Seiya twitched as he realized that this pink head sensei was annoyed this time, "Very well then, I might want to hear what you have to say."

"Kanie-kun, I will be straight to point, you should join the basketball club."

"I refuse. I am sorry sensei but with all due respect, I have already made my mind and I won't change it."

Seiya sighed as he knew that this talk will come to this point. He was well aware of Mafuyu's personality. She thinks that people should follow their talent and that they shouldn't be swayed by emotions.

The moment he showed his basketball skills, he was looking forward to this day.

"Please don't decide on impulse. If you have talent then you should focus on harnessing that talent then letting it waste like this."

"Then what if I have more talent and who said that I am wasting my talent."

"Can you elaborate on what you just meant?" Mafuyu narrowed her eyes.

Seiya twitched his lips and thought that this pink head beauty will also be going to be forever single with this kind of stern attitude. Just what the hell is wrong with this world's women? First Aisu and Machida then his sensei are all single even if they are pretty women of their league.

He thought he should try to flirt with his sensei so she could get a little softer.

"Then sensei, please lead me to music club so I could show you my other skill and you will realize that I am not made to follow just one path," Seya spoke.

Mafuyu was taken back from his statement. For a second her heart stopped beating from the way Seiya looked. Now that he was up close, she could see Seiya is one hell of a charming boy.

"Ah mam, are you finally falling for my charms. I don't mind having a beautiful sensei as my girlfriend but I am already taken by another tights beauty."

Mafuyu snapped out as she realized that she was again staring at Seiya with a bright red face.

"Un-unacceptable, Kanie-kun, please have some respect for your teachers and follow me." Mafuyu coughed with rosy cheeks and passed Seiya out of the room.

Seiya grinned as he followed the pink-haired beauty.

Too bad that the modern world doesn't allow having a harem or he would have gone for straight flirt. I mean who doesn't want a beautiful sensei as a lover.

Ah, it must be his puberty speaking. He has yet to taste Utaha before anything else.

They then walked into a big room where the music room was supposed to be.

"Isn't that drama club?" Seiya asked as it was the drama club that Utaha was part of. Although he never went there, he was at least aware of where she goes. Also, the art club where Eriri was supposed to hang out.

"Affirmative. This is drama club but this is where music club also practices as they usually need music club for the themes."

Seiya nodded.

They then entered the hall where different kind of instruments and stage was set.

"Oh Seiya-kun, what are you doing here?" Utaha asked when she saw her boyfriend entering the club along with the homeroom teacher.

"Well…" Seiya scratched his cheek and then explained what he came here for.

"Oh, then I will inform the club president." Utaha smiled and then after talking with the whole crew, everyone gathered around Seiya since he had become pretty popular after the match.

Seiya then saw a couple of new faces in front of him.

"So you are that popular Seiya Kanie from basketball match. Hey, I am lead actor, Yuu Kashima." One blue-haired boy came forward and flicked his hair. He was wearing a prince-like costume.

However, Seiya knew that character as he was actually 'she', a reverse trap from anime Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun.

'So the whole cast of that anime is also present? Impressive.' Seiya nodded as he also found another red-haired cool looking boy hiding behind curtains. He must be Mikoto Mikoshiba, another pretty boy from the same show whose personality was like a tsundere girl.

Although he didn't find the tall oblivious guy and the little orange riding hood who is in love with him, Seiya did find other members of the show.

"Oh Kashima-kun, I remember you from yesterday when a bun of girls was blocking the hallway. But you are a chick, right? Why are you dressed as a prince?" Seiya tilted his head.

"…" Everyone in the room went speechless.


Literally, everyone thought that Seiya would also mistake their lead prince as a boy since Kashima does look like a boy.

"Impressive. To think Kanie-kun could even identity correct genders." Mafuyu mumbled as even she was baffled when she found out about the trap living in her school.

"Boyfriend-san, are you into that stuff? I don't mind acting like a boy for you." Utaha whispered. She thought that sometimes Seiya tends to act like he is interested in boys. Like for example, he was very close with Shiro Sakatsuki, and then there was his song where he sang for his friend, there was also almost no romance in his novel and then he instantly recognized Kashima's gender.

Seiya twitched when he heard that. What was she trying to imply, he is interested in boys? Absolutely not! He is straight with the agenda that 'Sticks should enter the holes where they should belong.'

"Whoa! It is the first time that someone identified me as a girl. Can you help me and teach my senpai a thing or two about my girly charms. I will help…"

Kashima was overjoyed and started to babble with Seiya when a short guy knocked her out.

"Sorry for the trouble. I am Masayuki Hori, president of the drama club. I just heard Kasumigaoka's request. There are some instruments here so you could try them." It was a short boy and trap's crush.

'Man, he is short.' Seiya thought as Hori was really short for a third-year boy. Even Utaha could compete for the height. Even though Seiya wanted to laugh, the kind senior already permitted him so he can't be rude to her.

"Thanks, Hori-senpai. I will just take a few minutes to play a theme then leave." Seiya said calmly. He just wanted to show his skill to his teacher then leave. Since it was drama club rehearsals, he could just play one or two themes only.

It was then another girl barged it.

"Chotto Matte!!!"

She was a girl with naturally wavy, shoulder-length dark-blonde hair, tied in a low ponytail and secured a brown scrunchie on her left shoulder with bangs swept to the right side. She also had reddish-brown eyes and her notable feature being her short skirt and no socks on her legs.

"Who are you?" Seiya raised his brow pretending to not know.

"Who am I?! You brute, don't you remember what you did to me yesterday?!"

"Yesterday…" Seiya started to recall his memory.


Seiya was walking beside Shiro and some basketball club members when he saw a girl running towards them. She was being chased by two teachers.

"Clear my way you fukin' idiots if you don't want to die!" The girl shouted as she was dashing like a mad titan.

"Who are you calling idiot?!" Seiya was furious when a no-name mob girl called him an idiot.

He smirked and slightly kicked the running girl's feet making her stumble and roll the whole hallway before crashing into the storeroom.

He then received some praise from teachers for stopping the troublemaker.

(Flashback ends)

"Nope. Still doesn't ring any bell."

"Smarty jackass huh?! Well guess what I am the president of the music club and I just won't allow anyone to use the club's property, haha!" The girl said and laughed.

"Declined." It was then the silent Mafuyu Kirisu came forward. She stared at the tomboy girl, startling the poor thing, and spoke, "Yuzuki Seo, right? Might I ask why can't Kanie-kun play the instrument?"

"Ah ha ha, K-Kirisu sensei…! You might know this but I have known him from middle school. *Whisper* He is terrible in playing any instrument." Seo tried to convince the furious teacher.

"This doesn't prove anything because I am the one who brought Kanie-kun here. If you have any problem then we might have to visit the faculty office to recheck your troublesome records."


Let alone now 1 meter small Seo, everyone in the room was terrified from the pink head sensei. Even Seiya was impressed by how good Mafuyu was for making her point.

"Who said such a thing?! Come here Seiya-chan, I will show ya da wae!" Seo said and dragged the brown-haired boy. "Oi, you are done playing idiot, or should I crack your nuts?!"

"Of course, I remember you. You are one of many idiots that come across in my life, though your brother was a decent guy." Seiya spoke as he remembered Seo from the past. Yuzuki and her brother Ryousuke used to be tutored by his aunt Aisu with Seiya being her assistant.

So Seiya was kind of familiar with her and her brother. Her brother was also the one who used to drag Seiya out whenever he gets depressed. After Ryousuke graduated from high school, Seiya stopped hanging out with him.

However, Yuzuki was kinda polar opposite of him. She was brute, bland, and annoying. She was the type of girl whose ass won't stick anywhere for a minute.

"So you forget how often you wanted me to be your girlfriend?" Seo smirked.

"Desperate time calls for desperate measures. You even have to make donkey your father. Anyway, I have already a beautiful girlfriend so don't fall for me now. I am already taken~." Seiya said and left Seo petrified.

Seo then smirked and walked towards the black-haired girl.

"So I heard you are the chick my ex-boyfriend is hanging out with nowadays?" Seo grinned.

"Ah yes, I am Utaha Kasumigaoka. Nice to my boyfriend's self-proclaimed ex-girlfriend-san." Utaha smiled with a grin too.

"Ugg, what the?! How did you know?"

"Because my boyfriend never had any girlfriend and he never lies to me," Utaha spoke.

Seo covered her eyes from the radiance Utaha was emitting. Utaha doesn't belong here. She was clearly in true love with Seiya.

Utaha was positive from the outside but curiosity developed inside. Although Seiya hides his past, he was very clear when it comes to relationships. Even Aisu has approved of Utaha being his first girlfriend. Well, she shouldn't pry his past if her boyfriend doesn't want to reveal it.

However, she then thought to summon a possible ally since she wasn't good with the crowd so she texted Eriri.

Eriri was walking with a second-year student who was in the same art club named Chiyo Sakura along with a 6'3 foot tall skyscraper named Umetarou Nozaki.

Eriri didn't know why and how but her senpai was in love with the skyscraper that was even denser than her childhood friend Tomoya Aki.

And also the skyscraper turned out to be a shoujo manga artist that she didn't believe.

It was then she received Utaha's message.

"Oh my god, Seiya-senpai is going to perform a music piece!" Eriri subconsciously gasped.

"You mean the second-year boy from basketball match? Wait Sawamura-san, you are calling him by the first name. Are you guys close?!" Chiyo asked with a shock. She knew that her kohai Eriri was close with Seiya but to call the boy by the first name, she thought maybe Eriri had some other relationship.

"Sakura-senpai what are you talking about?! I just knew him from grade school. That's all! Let's go to drama club!" Eriri said and then dragged her short senpai away. As a fellow flat-chested girl, Eriri considers Sakura a comrade.

"So the natural young mistress is actually childhood tsundere from inside. Interesting, she might be a great rival character for Mamiko." Nozaki mumbled and wrote the points in his notebook. He was observing Eriri's character as a young rich mistress who just turned out to be Seiya Kanie's childhood friend.

"Well, time to meet the former captain of the old basketball team." Nozaki smiled and followed the two flat-chested duos.

On other hand, Shiro was with Ryota Kise, Shinya Nakamura, Hirotaka Wakamatsu (1st year junior) sitting inside the cafeteria. Since Shiro doesn't have many male friends from Archery Club he started hanging out with the basketball club.

It was Hirotaka Wakamatsu who wanted to meet the famous basketball master so Kise along with Shinya approached Shiro to make a meeting.

Apparently, Wakamatsu is from the same junior high that Seiya attended. Since Seiya took his leave in the second year, Wakamatsu doesn't know much about the famous Seiya who beat the generation of miracles until he saw the match between Seiya and Kise.

Shiro on other hand was a little troubled. Since the basketball club couldn't convince Seiya to join them, they turned their way towards Shiro since he was the only male closer to Seiya. They are treating Shiro as Seiya's manager now.

"Wait, what is he doing there?" Shiro then received a message from Seiya who was going to perform some songs in the drama club.

"What is it, Sakatsuki-san?" Kise asked.

"Seiya is in drama club and he is going to perform a piece," Shiro explained the situation.

"We have to go!" Kise also stood up.

"Right!" Shiro nodded with excitement and followed the blond-haired boy. Most of them don't know but Seiya had another identity as a new singer with groundbreaking talent.

Unbeknown to all of them, they would witness another Seiya's talent that would create a new record.



Name: Seiya Kanie

Age: 16

STR: 34

AGI: 44

STA: 49

INT: 100

WIS: 60

CHA: 86

LUC: 90

Innate Ability: Natural Narcissist.

Other Abilities: Exercise, Skill Maker, Appraisal, Inventory, Mystic Eye (left) of Life Perception

Skills: [Mathematics (Invincible) +], [English (Expert) +], [Literature (Master) +], [Science (Advance) +], [Cooking (Expert) +], [Basketball (Master) +], [Mental Resistance (Invincible)], [Teaching (Advance) +], [Management (Expert) +], [Taste Resistance (Expert) +], [Music (Master)] +], [Massage (Master) +], [Hand Sign language (Advanced) +], [Acupuncture (Master) +], [Accuracy (Master) +], [Singing (Master) +], [Story telling (Advance) +]

System Points: 720]

[Main Quest: Let the world taste the talent of your music.

Since the host has every required skill to step into the music field so why not make an impact with your voice.

Objective: Make a music video with your voice and upload it on YouTube to get over a million views within a day.

Rewards: 1000 system points.

Additional rewards: System points based on views exceeding the 1 million limited divided by 1000. (Example: 1.1 million views will get you extra 100 points.)]

(AN: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Characters



I am not dead yet

I can write and I can think

I am not dead yet

I can watch anime without any blink

I am not dead yet

No need to stop

No need to drop this book

Cause I'm not yet dead!

Sorry for unnoticed delay. My exams are coming so I might take a leave or post less till march. Not dropping it though.

If you like today's chapter then make sure to invite the Power Stone button to a close room debate along with DBZ, Naruto and One Piece toxic fandom and lock the door from outside.

1K PSs will get you an extra chapter on Sunday.

2K PSs will get you 2 extra chapters on Sunday.

Suggestions and reviews for the book will motivate me to write more.

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