

The moment Elijah got inside the barrier he smelled a tantalizing smell of medicine that made his entire body feel relaxed. He couldn't help but take deep breaths. What in the world is she cooking? He remembers she had said what she did to Nicklaus was taken from a pill. He stopped and contemplated his current options.

Nicklaus is not sick or dead he is just less powerful. Does he need to poke at this crazy woman? She is clearly utterly insane. Cutting off his little sister's arms incapacitating his little brother and then cuddling him to sleep.

"I really am unlucky." He said in a low voice walking to the door and knocking lightly. No one came to answer so he tried opening it himself. He thought since he had been invited in the other day then he can surely come in now but he is mistaken.

He couldn't go inside. So he stood and waited but when it became apparent there is no one coming to open the door he went around to the place where he can hear slight noise. When he made his way there he saw a surprising sight.

A large fox stood proud in the middle a pack of wolves. One of them initiated the attack but it seemed to be a distraction. The fox is a few feet larger than a normal werewolf. It seems to be at least 4 times that size. The wolves attacking it are half it's size which is still above twice a normal werewolf size.

The fight started light, both parties testing each other but it got fierce and there is broken bones and blood. The wolves did not hesitate and attacked with their full power but it seemed futile. Elijah sat down on a stone chair under the tree and put his hand on the stone table watching the fight intently.

This must be why that boy is able to keep up with him. It is amazing these wolves are able to turn at will and are still just wolves not vampires like how they would have been had they been turned by Nicklaus. This sight will break Nicklaus. She did something he has wanted to do his entire life.

These wolves love and care for her. They are a pack, a family. The one thing Nicklaus has failed to achieve she is doing it with stride.

This atmosphere, this life is exactly what Nicklaus has always wanted but he is paranoid, ruthless and too in his own head to realize that having an army is more than that. Soldiers will fight for a leader they respect. How can a man like him who put his own family inside boxes can earn respect from those who are not related to him?

He can not help but mourn for his brother. What she did to him had taken any chance of him gaining this even if he learns. He will not be loved by wolves if he doesn't even have a wolf. Although that fox is able to do it.

Elijah is speechless. Katherine has studied his brother thorough, to the point that it creeps him out. She seems to have carefully considered everything including his actions. From start to finish she knew what he will do. He is honestly horrified by the length she is going to hurt his brother. She did say 'he will live, and I will have my revenge.'

The hours pass by and the pack fights became slow and soon it seems to have come to an end. They separated and came back in ropes. Katherine walked towards him in a light robe looking like the material is silk or linen she is bare footed. She sits down as One girl keeps going to the badly wounded.

A minute passes and they get back up as if nothing had happened. A moment ago they couldn't even move but now they are happily running around chasing the girl cycling her as if to thank her.

"Adorable aren't they?" Katherine looked at them and looked at Elijah.

"Katharina." He searched for that particular reaction bit she avoids his eyes and looks to the wolves.

"What did you do to my brother?" He asked in a serious tone. One that promises pain if she doesn't answer.

"You know Elijah, I didn't do anything to you for your part in the decimation of my family mostly because I'd hate to put my anger on you. But you are to blame, anyone on his side is to blame." She looked at him with an expression that is cruel.

"It is true, I'd hate to direct my anger on to you. After all, you are responsible for what happened back then. Your mutt of a brother is alive, he is no longer under any traumatic medicine. I even pat myself and called it even. Which it is not. It can never be even. But I put my anger on the side and decided to move on."

"My brother's wife was pregnant! We thought it might be twins the way she was big. I had three young annoying sisters that father preferred to me. My mother, she loved me. She loved me and he took her from me, with your help!"

"I pride myself on my generosity but do not for a second think it is my weakness. Talk about that filth in my presence again, and I will pull out your tongue and make sure it never grows back. Do you understand?" She looked at him with hard eyes.

Elijah is surprised by her ruthless tone. He doesn't know how to deal with this side of her. He had always watched on the side watching as she would tear people apart with her poisonous tongue. He stood up.

"It appears we have nothing to discuss." He looked at her with hesitation.

"It is simple. He took something precious from me. I took it upon myself to take something precious from him. Like I said that time. I am done with him now. But I know exactly what his response will be."

Elijah looked at her and realized if she had wanted Klaus's life, he would be dead. She will probably still kill him off if he annoy her. He must try and come him down somehow.

"Do I have your word that this is it? You have avenged your family now. Are you giving me your word that it ends here? If I can convince Nicklaus that he stay his hand you will not do something else against him?"

She is right that he is also to blame for what happened back then. Perhaps this can end like this. The conclusion is sour but to keep his life, his brother will have to compromise.

She chuckles. "If you go to him and tell him to let this go you will upset him. You will be showing him just how much you to do not have ìn common. His wolf is not just something that can be forgotten about. But you can give it your best shot."

"That does not concern you. Do I have your word or not?" He asked in a cold tone.

"Sure. I will not go against him if he doesn't go against me in any shape or form. No loopholes too. After our first encounter, he must have a small understanding of me." She smiles "But you are dreaming if you think you can convince him." Seeing Elijah's disregard for her warning she continued.

"He had spent too much time being victimized and abused that he has built this allusion where he is at the top, over looking everyone and everything under the sky. This feeling of being the top dog makes him feel slightly safe. And it gives him some semblance of dignity after what he has been through."

Elijah listening to her wonders if she has finally gone beyond insane. This person she is describing is not his brother. It can not be.

"But deep down he knows it is all a lie, because there is someone who can still hurt him, even after all this time so he is constantly on edge with paranoia. He sees enemies at every corner. It has made him a master of schemes but also deprived him the ability to gain calm and peace. He can not trust his own family, he can not make friends and don't get me started on love."

"So, for daring to rock his already unsteady boat, he will come for me. Because it is who he is. He will tell himself that as long as he can get rid of me, he will go back to being invincible again. He will tell himself that it is just me who is preventing him from being at the top and when I'm gone he can go back to gazing at himself and hypnotizing himself with the lies that made him come this far."

Elijah left feeling like an immense weight is sitting on his shoulders. He hasn't even gotten to settle the score with Nicklaus for daggering him.


Vicky found her way to Katherine's home and found her sitting under the tree still watching the wolves who are playing and fighting among themselves by now.

"Katherine." Vicky says trying to sound respectful so she will get what she wants.

"The little ghost vampire wants something. What is it?" Katherine drinks the blood brought to her by Iren. Vicky doesn't even glance at the blood.

The blood she drank from that powerful vampire is still keeping her satiated till now.

"I want to do something but I am not smart enough nor do I have ways. You however, are very capable looking at the headaches you are giving the dead witches on the other side." Vicky tried her hand.

"Flattery? You must underestimate me little girl. Just say what you want."

"I want to make Elena and Damon suffer. Even that Stefan too, but I can't do something over board since Matt loves her."

"Is there a plan there somewhere?" Katherine sounded bored.

"I want to make Elena fall in love with someone else. Someone not Damon or the other one."

"Don't you hate Elena? If she is in love, wouldn't she be happy?" Katherine tilted her head.

"Perhaps but what if the one she is in love with doesn't feel the same? Wouldn't that hurt?" Vicky asked weakly.

"I see what you mean there. So what if she is madly in love with your brother? Wouldn't he be happy?"

"That will be even better. What do you say? Do you have such magic?"

"No. You are over thinking things. Just walk in there and break a few bones. You will feel better and they will feel bad. Win win. Why do people complicate things so much?"

"I don't want Matt to see me as a monster who go around hurting poor defenseless kind angels like Elena Gilbert."

"Well she is kind." Katherine said making Vicky greet her teeth.

"She and Damon are planning to let Stefan stay the way he is so that she will not be hurt by their relationship. Damon even said 'let him kill a few cheerleaders as long as he is happy and the 'kind' Elena didn't seem to mind too much." Vicky said.

"You have just gotten your life back. How about spending it doing things that brings you happiness and peace instead of chasing pipe dreams?" Katherine asked with an irritating wise tone.

"Why are you hitting a hybrid with a bat in a school gym?" Vicky snaps back making Katherine laugh happily.

"You make a good point. Why don't I help you out a little bit? Instead of making her fall in love with someone else, why not increase the love she already has? This is not a pipe dream. You see, she doesn't love Matt anymore but she does love both brothers." Katherine said with a mysterious smile. Vicky got interested.

"Instead of changing targets we intensify what is already there? This will be messy. I like it." Vicky hit the stone table with a slap making it break in to two equal parts. Katherine looked at her with a 'are you kidding me look.'

"Sorry. I have no idea what is wrong with me I even fed on a vampire."

"The pill will not target specific feelings. She will feel all the other feelings intense as well. I suggest adding a truth serum. I wish to be a fly on the wall."

"So when can it be ready?" Vicky showed impatience.

"What do I get from all this?" Katherine stopped her with a question.

"I don't have anything. According to you even my life belongs to someone else now. What can I possibly give you?"

"Fine come back a tomorrow, you are lucky I have enough medical herbs to substitute the original ingredients."

Katherine decided to go see the pot she had been boiling for most of the day and make this fun new medicine by the way.


Rebekah opened the class and entered. Being introduced as the new student making Caroline glare at her. She smiled. This is going to be fun.

During lunch she went to seat where Caroline was having lunch with Paige, Elena, Bobby and Jake. Caroline stiffened seeing her but everyone else excluding Bonnie and Elena sat there eating as if they didn't see her.

"What do you want?" Caroline got angry because of how she was dragging her and Tyler when her brother first came. She knows she can take her but she hasn't shown her power yet and she knows her friends are aware she was enhanced but they don't know by how much. And just like Katherine had said, they are overlooking her.

"I am sitting here having lunch Caroline, why are you bothered so much?" Rebekah likes to pluck her feathers. She is powerful and when people a really scared of her power she feels great.

"There are a lot of free tables in the hall. You just don't have friends." Caroline said with venom.

"Caroline, I have a temper, so you better watch it." She said with narrowed eyes wanting to put Caroline in her place.

'Clank' 'Clank' 'Clank'

Bobby had taken out her frost claws clanking them against the table freezing the area where she is clanking. The cold air from the claws caused Rebekah to shiver. She remembers the feeling of having these things Pierce her neck and turning her entire body to an ice sculpture.

The noise from Rebekah and Caroline's bickering halted. Bobby fixed her gaze on Rebekah. She is obviously a cute blond lolly but why does her stare want to freeze people's bones?

"New arms? Use them wisely. I'd hate for history to repeat itself." Bobby's voice is cold. She seems like a different person altogether.

Bobby might be a relatively pleasant person now but she used to do drugs, and as a woman in a world like that she had to pick up some skill. She had this adorable exterior so she had to improvise when dealing with un pleasant people. In fact, none of the nine tails are simple people.

Rebekah got angry, it is the most usual way she deals with situations. She throws a tantrum and her brothers fix things. A spoiled little princess.

"You think because you surprised and sneak attacked me last time you are all powerful? Guess again. One of these days I'm gonna enjoy the destruction of your entire family. My brother will see to it that you and that little slut pay for everything you did to us." Rebekah spoke every word with conviction.

Bobby switched seats with Caroline and sat next to Rebekah. She looked at her and smiled. She put her hand under the table and dug her ice nails to her.

"What a thing to relive fond memories." She looked at Rebekah with her wolf eyes making Rebekah tense. She heard what happened to Klaus what if his blood lost effects? She will probably not die but a werewolf bite is not fun.

"Get those ugly things away from me before I make a scene." Rebekah said with anger but inside she is hoping she wont turn into stone again.


"I will boil her bones..." the threats have been getting more colorful as the day go by. The surprising thing is that he hasn't moved to confront his enemy like most would have expected him instead he is sitting in the house getting shocked at what has befell him over and over again.

Elijah walked in looking defeated. He sat down and looked at his brothers in surprise. He was sure they were going to let him remain daggered for longer than this. He looked at Nicklaus in pity he really does not envy his brother's current predicament. 

Elijah had, in more than one occasion wish that he was in his brother's position instead of Nicklaus, he had wished he could take all the beating all the insults and the curse so that his brother would instead enjoy their father's love. However, Nicklaus has done awful things and left him helpless on what to do. He has on more than one occasion taken away his own love. 

He treats it as inconsequential but Elijah knows that it is his way of hording all his family's affection. Elijah falling in love is a slight to his rule. So, at times Elijah had wanted for his brother to disappear. At last they are finally equals and this information should have been good news but it just has a bad taste in his mouth.

"What did the girl say?" Kol the impatient jumped right to the matter. 

"She said if I bring up his name in her presence again she will tear off my tongue and make sure it never grows back." Elijah answers lightly. 

"This entire time?" Rebekah who had come back from school folded her arms. 

"I had to wait before she could see me. I found them during training. She in her fox form and the rest in wolf form fighting each other." 

Nicklaus's ears perked up. "They can turn at will?" His eyes held fury. 

"She did not only took away my wolf but she recruited a pack for herself and gave them the ability to turn at will while I couldn't do it." He stood up realizing what Katherine is doing. She wants him to watch her have all that he desired for himself. He chuckled a dark chuckle. 

The house became quiet as everyone looked on. What will he do? He left. 

"I kind of feel sorry for him." Kol said in a low voice. 

"I begged him not to kill her family, I pleaded with him. They were innocent. Innocent mortals and he had them butchered. 500 years is not nearly enough to forget such a grudge." Elijah said finally after keeping silent for a long time. 

"Are you honestly siding with her? She took away my arms and then proceeded to take away our brother's wolf. You spent more time with him then with any of us, you should know how much it means to him." 

"And you should know how much you mean to me. All of you, I spent centuries plotting to kill him because I had believed him when he said he had scattered your daggered bodies across the ocean. He had said this and I had believed him, I had believed him without a second thought because of the man he has become."

"I had thought he did it, daggered you all and threw you into the ocean to be lost forever. Rebekah, think. That sweet artist who got excited after discovering a new color for his paintings, he would mix berries of different colors an come up with new beautiful colors and get overly excited for it. Father would get angered by his happiness and brutally beat him to a pulp but he would cry and get back to his art."

"He would tell stories to you when you were a child and run after Finn trying to gain his approval. That young man got into someone's home and butchered every single living person in there. With that action I believed that he would really do what he said he would to all of you." 

"Tell me Rebekah, If someone did that to all of us and you are the only one remaining what would you do?" 

"I would kill them."

"Well, that is because you are a good person. You think killing someone is the worst you could do to them. There are clearly worse things to do to a person. Case in point." Elijah pointed at where Klaus had left. 

"So, this is okay and he deserves it? He is your own brother you can not pick an outsider to your own family." Rebekah said in outrage.

"He is my brother, and I will stand by him. If there was anything I could do I would have killed her myself. I would kill everyone on that family if it meant bringing back what my brother has lost. I am his brother and my side is already determined. But do not make him to be some victim. We are a family and will go to war for him but it will not change what he has done."

"I never said he is a victim, no one knows better than I, what Nick has become but he is my brother and no one has the right to make him look like that. No one." Rebekah said with anger. She looked at Kol and Finn finding them playing chess quietly in the side table. They have treated their conversation as if it has nothing to do with them. 

"Are you two not going to contribute?" Rebekah asked.

"Check mate!" 

"Not so fast, Look here." Finn removed Kol's piece having his shoulders sag in defeat. 

"Your problem is impatience, little brother. How do you win if you disregard your opponent's total strength. Do not disregard any of their pans just because you feel yours are stronger. A colony of ants can kill a powerful lion." Finn's words sounded like he is talking about more than chess. Elijah understood. 

"Katherine is not alone." Elijah said to his sister who stiffened. She can not forget the feeling of frost invading her every part of her body. 

"I don't see why you are all going to war. Nick is fine, he is still an original, he is still powerful and most importantly she said she wont bother him anymore. Just let it go already." Kol poured himself a drink. 

"That is just an excuse to be overly ruthless the next time Nick attacks her. She knows he will come for her. By then she will just say 'I was just defending myself' which will technically be true." Elijah added. 

"If Nick doesn't antagonize her, she wont do anything more to her? That is a pipe dream though, Nick will want revenge after what she did." Rebekah said now that she has come down from her anger and remembered Katherine's power. 

"Perhaps we can convince him." Finn suggested. 

"No. He will make it into this big thing where we are all betraying him and siding with the outsider. He will rave and rant about how we are happy that he is not a wolf anymore. When you poke that particular nest tell me so I can make myself scarce." Kol said in resolution. 

"IT is too late for that, I may have made a mess already." Klaus's voice came from the door. He entered, all the siblings looked at him and became apprehensive after seeing his bloodied shirt. 

Nicklaus went to the bathroom to shower and change. His mood is rather improved from what he was when he first left the house. 


Nicklaus walked to the High school and stayed near by to gather information. 

Caroline conducting her cheerleading squad, Bonnie, Jake and Paige are sitting in the benches waiting for Caroline and Bobby's practice to finish.

"That Caroline is bossy. How did you become friends?" Jake asked Bonnie since his sister had a rare moment of silence as she is looking here and there trying to find someone. He knows she likes June who is too caught up with his shadows to notice anything. 

"When we were in kinder garden she came to me and said in her baby voice. You are my friend from now on." Bonnie said with a fond smile on her face.

"Even as a baby she knew what she wants, Nate has his work cut out for him." Jake laughed.

"She has her entire life planned out, that was before she got turned. Now I think she might be just as lost as the rest of us." Bonnies said with a frown. 

"She will surprise herself, she will surprise you. Did you ever imagine her this good at being a vampire?" Jake said.

"No, but I have to admit my mistake there, she is amazing." 

"Well, I aim to know all there is to know about Bonnie Bennet." Jake smiled making Bonnie shy. 

"How about you let me make a picnic and we can gaze in to the nature while enjoying fruits. You can tell me all about yourself." He looked into her eyes making Bonnies chicks burn.

"Has anyone seen June?" Paige asked but got no answer. When she turned she found her brother and friend staring at each other longingly. 

"There is someone spying on you. If I'm not wrong, it is Klaus. Stay alert I have already called Tony and Kat.

They all heard June's voice through the link and pretended to remain calm. Soon the rest of the pack came and surrounded Klaus. 

"Get your friend home. We will talk later." Jake's entire demeanor changed as his eyes fixed at a particular spot. 

Bonnie is surprised by this change. One moment he is flirting the next he seemed to have turned into a dangerous predator. 

"Rebekah told me you have a group of children following you calling each other pack." Nicklaus looked at Katherine who is yarning in front of him. She must think him weak, now that he is no longer wolf. She would be wrong. 

He attacked, fast and ruthless he swiped out a strong looking long knife. Katherine can feel that it is special. She took out a wooden stake made from white oak. She saw him stiffen.

The knife aimed at her heart, she deflected it and aimed her stake to his own, but he is taller which gave him enough room to dodge. He came back to cut off her head but she rolled her head out of the way. She surprised him and stabbed his knee using the stake ruthlessly shattering the tendons. 

Klaus surprised her by not showing much reaction to this but the stake is left inside his knee. It must hurt like hell. But Nicklaus is too busy taking advantage of her momentary distraction, he used all his original vampire strength to plunge the knife deep into her chest. 

There is black lines from the knife sucking her life force. It feels like her power is being sucked away from her. She staggered, Nick gave her a ruthless kick in her stomach and her figure flew crashing and destroying trees. 

"You have deluded yourself into thinking you are my match, I don't need the wolf to get rid of you." He walked towards her then he felt himself surrounded then he smiled. 

"You pack had come to watch you die." He turned to see her on her feet. The knife that had been in her chest is now in her hand examining it closely. This surprised him because this knife is heavily spelled with black magic. He remember when it was used against him back then, he stent a long time recovering. 

"You must be confused. You see, as an alpha of a pack. My power triples in the presence of my pack. Along with their own power. You must be un aware of this since you have vampires as a pack." She looked at him with her pupils turned pink. The color is beautiful but that bloody smile makes her look sinister. 

"Give us a distance."

The wolves took several steps back. "Come now, show me how much you don't need your wolf." She half expected him to do what he did but it still caught her of guard. He sped to the nearest wolf and stabbed into their heart with another black object. The wolf exploded into a cloud of blood. 

Deathly silence. He has gone. The one who dies was Bobby. 

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