

The girls had been walking for a while, passing several closed stores and establishments in search of an open restaurant. At some point, their search started to feel futile, not to mention the dizzying corridors that seemed to weave together in an intricate maze.

"Do you think anyone runs the facilities on this floor? I thought it was only for the royals," Bree asked her companions.

"I think the floor is simply being rented out by the Sirius pack. If it wasn't for the Royal games, it would probably be free. I'm not sure what restaurant would be open in such conditions. It's not like…" Honour stopped with her theory when a set of footsteps suddenly came from around the corner.

They had been walking the halls for a long time without a single sign of life and now they had found it. Madeline froze in fear wondering whether hiding from sight was a better option.

Honour felt like confrontation would be better but didn't know what to do.


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