
The American Military and Intelligence Agencies

United States Military (as of 1806):

United States Army:

The bread and butter of the United States Military. The United States Army has the most personnel out of the three branches (Army, Navy, Marines). Consisting of 60,000 soldiers, the United States Army is a medium-sized, yet well-trained and disciplined, fighting force. Unlike the armies of other nations, a majority of the United States Army consists of veterans due to the ongoing conflict between the Free Sioux Nation and the United States. The main military academy for the Army is West Point Military Academy, which is located in New York. Per the USM doctrine, during wartime, the U.S. Army is to be rapidly expanded with the "regulars" serving as the mentors for newly enlisted recruits. While the Marines take priority in equipment (to the grumbling of many Army soldiers), the United States Army is still well-equipped in terms of 1806 standards. Nearly every soldier is armed with the M1790 Lee Rifle, which is a far superior standard firearm than rifled muskets and smoothbore muskets. Some of the officers are armed with the experimental SIA (Staten Island Armory) Revolver (six-shots). The artillery corps are armed with M1802 6-Pound Field Guns and M1802 12-Pound Howitzers (an earlier, less reliable version of M1841 12-pounder howitzer - Wikipedia). Bayonets and entrenching tools are, of course, critical parts of the standard Army kit.

Each division consists of 15,000 men, which is then split into several regiments and battalions. None of the divisions are divided by region or state. Instead, any enlistees are expected to mingle with fellow Americans from other states. Additionally, each division has a nickname, based on its history or a name that was selected by the members of the division.

4 divisions (60,000 men in total):

1st Infantry Division "Washington" (named after the highest-ranking Army general during the Revolutionary War)

2nd Infantry Division "Eagle" (rumors have it that the leader of the division shot a flying eagle down with a smoothbore musket)

3rd Infantry Division "Iron Wall" (ever since its deployment to the west, the division has solidified a "wall" on the Missouri River)

1st Cavalry Division "Talulah" (in Choctaw, this means "Leaping Water." A fitting name since the division often fights alongside the Mississippi and the Missouri)

United States Navy:

The United States Navy is small (compared to the British or Spanish Navies), but powerful. Armed with the best naval technology of the era (explosive shells, rifled cannons, hulls made of live oak, steel bottoms), the United States Navy boasts fleets of modern ships that are capable of holding the line against most navies around the world. While the USN rarely ventures beyond the "Bermuda Line" (the unofficial line just fifty nautical miles east of Bermuda), it has the ability to do so when required (such as fighting pirates, protecting merchant ships, and seizing slave ships). Its main bases are located in Norfolk, Annapolis, Boston, Halifax, Bermuda, and Sovtaj. If war occurs between a major naval power and the United States, the USN is expected to deploy hit and run tactics while the United States government builds more ships in Quebec (which is isolated from the Atlantic except through the northern straits) and elsewhere. In a situation where the United States Navy holds the numbers advantage, it is expected to fight cautiously, but aggressively. Like the Army and the Marines, the Navy is expected to expand rapidly if a war breaks out between America and a foreign power. The United States Naval Academy is located in Annapolis, Maryland.

4 Fleets (55 ships in total):

North Atlantic Fleet (Halifax)USS Washington (80-guns First Rate)

USS John Paul Jones (80-guns First Rate)

USS New York City (64-guns Third Rate)

USS Boston (64-guns Third Rate)

USS Quebec City (60-guns Third Rate)

USS Philadelphia (56-guns Third Rate) (converted from the captured fourth-rate HMS Bristol)

USS Virginia (44-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Maryland (44-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Delaware (40-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Iroquois (40-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Hornet (32-guns Frigate)

USS Bunker Hill (28-guns Frigate)

Defiant (Transport Ship)

Discovery (Transport Ship)

Atlantic (Transport Ship)

South Atlantic Fleet (Norfolk)USS Jefferson (80-guns First Rate)

USS Hazelwood (80-guns First Rate)

USS Charleston (64-guns Third Rate)

USS Richmond (64-guns Third Rate)

USS Baltimore (60-guns Third Rate)

USS Constitution (60-guns Third Rate)

USS South Carolina (44-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Rhode Island (44-guns Continental Frigate)

USS New York (40-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Massachusetts (40-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Wasp (32-guns Frigate)

USS Providence (28-guns Frigate)

Defender (Transport Ship)

Lift (Transport Ship)

Legacy (Transport Ship)

Home Fleet (Bermuda)USS Hopkins (80-guns First Rate)

USS Samuel Kim (80-guns First Rate)

USS Columbia (64-guns Third Rate)

USS Montreal (64-guns Third Rate)

USS Savannah (60-guns Third Rate)

USS Halifax (60-guns Third Rate)

USS North Carolina (44-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Nova Scotia (44-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Quebec (40-guns Continental Frigate)

USS New Jersey (40-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Bermuda (32-guns Frigate)

USS Mohawk (32-guns Frigate)

USS Choctaw (32-guns Frigate)

USS Norton Creek (32-guns Frigate)

USS Persistence (6-guns Steamer)

USS Indomitable (6-guns Steamer)

Caribbean Fleet (Sovtaj)USS Benedict Arnold (80-guns First Rate)

USS Enterprise (60-guns Third Rate)

USS Wilmington (60-guns Third Rate)

USS Sovtaj (60-guns Third Rate)

USS New Hampshire (44-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Pennsylvania (40-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Connecticut (40-guns Continental Frigate)

USS Liberty (28-guns Frigate)

USS Cambridge (28-guns Frigate)

United States Marines:

Heirs of the greatest American war hero, Samuel Anyoung Kim, the United States Marines take pride in the fact that they are considered the "very best" the United States has to offer. Consisting of the most disciplined and harshly trained men of the entire military, the Marine Corps is the "spear" of the United States and the front line troops to any invasions. Equipped with the best weaponry, lead by quick-thinking officers, and filled with indomitable spirit (Semper Fi), the Marines are the toughest opponents that any American enemies will face on the battlefield. The Marine Corps Officers Academy is located on Tybee Island in Georgia, just several kilometers east of Savannah.

1 Division (15,000 men in total):

1st Marine Division "The Huns"Headquarters Battalion

1st Marine Regiment

2nd Marine Regiment

3rd Marine Regiment

4th Marine Regiment

1st Marine Engineer Battalion

1st Marine Cavalry Regiment

1st Marine Recon Battalion

1st Marine Artillery Battalion

1st Marine Division Medical Battalion

United States Special Forces:

The USSF is considered its own, independent unit. Under the direction of SOCOM (Special Operations Command), the USSF carries out dangerous tasks that are considered beyond the capabilities of ordinary US Military personnel. There are only two battalions under SOCOM, yet both of them (the 1st and the 707th) are considered to be the most elite units in the United States Military. Boasting a success rate of over 90%, the USSF is like a silent assassin while the USM is like a booming cannon. Specializing in espionage, infiltration, sabotage, "blitz," and intelligence gathering, the USSF weakens the enemy before the USM strikes its hammer upon them. The USSF is armed with the most advanced technology of its era (all members are issued with the SIA Revolvers, experimental breechloading carbines, and grenades) and is put under a training regimen that puts even the Marines to shame. Currently, the 1st Special Forces Battalion is deployed in Louisiana while the 707th is deployed in France.

Weapons of the United States Military:

M1790 Lee Rifle (standard issue rifle for the US Army and the US Marines):

SIA 1805 Revolver (issued to several battalions of the US Marines and a select number of US Army officers)

M1796 Carbine (based on the French Carbine, single-shot musket/breechloader hybrid, used by cavalry)

Bayonets (issued to all members of the US Army and US Marines)

Officers' Swords (issued to all officers of the United States Military)

Tomahawks (issued to several units, but primarily cavalry ones)

M1802 6-Pound Field Guns

M1802 12-Pound Howitzers

United States Intelligence Agencies:

National Intelligence Service

National Intelligence Service

America's premier foreign intelligence agency, the National Intelligence Service is tasked with collecting and analyzing information on foreign powers that may present a threat or an opportunity for the United States. The NIS is considered the nation's first line of defense, acquiring information about any potential threats abroad and relaying it back to the American government. It played a critical role during the First Haitian Revolution and gave President Jefferson advice on the First French Revolution. While it does not have eyes and ears everywhere, it is still an important agency that is rapidly growing to give the American government a glimpse of the situation in the Caribbean islands and in the Louisiana Territory (specifically, the Free Sioux Nation). While the agency is secretive and the agents are recruited following a very strict guideline, the NIS is constantly monitored by the American government and its mission files are released to the public after a period of ten years (or earlier, if Congress demands it). Additionally, the agency is forbidden from overthrowing foreign governments, arming rebels, or entangling in foreign politics. All in all, it remains an intelligence agency: nothing more, nothing less. The NIS HQ ("Mount Vernon") is located in Richmond, Virginia and the NIS employs just under five hundred individuals (everything from paper-pushers to field agents).


Federal Bureau of Investigations

America's domestic intelligence agency. The FBI is tasked with investigating criminals and threats on American soil, countering counterfeit currency, and cracking down on smuggling. Considered America's second line of defense, the FBI employs over a thousand individuals and works in conjunction with the NIS to root out threats at home. While not as "prestigious" as the NIS, the FBI is more than capable of fulfilling its missions and even nets a bit of income for the federal government due to its anti-smuggling and anti-counterfeit operations. Like the NIS, the FBI is constantly under Congressional scrutiny and is expected to follow the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the letter. The FBI Headquarters, nicknamed "Mount Justice," is in Providence, Rhode Island.


United States Secret Service

The USSS protects the president and the vice president, that is its main and most crucial role. While the USSS hardly carries out any intelligence work, its agents do intercept any packages and threatening letters sent to the president and take note of any potential threats to the Head Executive of the federal government. Letters that are incredibly bellicose and alarming are sent to the FBI for investigations and the USSS follows up with a stern warning to the sender. Many members of the USSS are veterans and they are expected to be in top shape to protect the president from any threats, even at the cost of their lives. The USSS HQ is located in Columbia, the Federal District.

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