
Short story

Since Itsuki had decided to what his final goal is there is no need to pretend anymore.

Itsuki can control his life force he put little show.

When Sakura come to re examine him there is trace of life force that is growing.

From that Sakura had calculated that Itsuki might able to live 4-5 years if everything goes currently this time.

Sakura who was extremely worried about Itsuki's health don't even think how suddenly Itsuki's life force grow.

Sakura thought for a while that must becuse of her some medicine work out this time . but there will be no next time.

Sakura had to find permanent solution for Itsuki after all someone likes him even more...

Next day Aoba come to meet Itsuki.

He was also worried about Itsuki but after meeting Itsuki he reviled that he is okay now.

Itsuki " when I can go on mission ?"

Aoba " you will not...'"

Itsuki " I can't live like this forever you know.."

Itsuki look at Sakura with same expression.

Sakura "... if everything goes fine you will able to go on mission from next week "

Itsuki nodded.

Aoba " even you will out in week and go on mission but I will only give you join mission with another team "

Itsuki " anything as long as I am able to out from hospital "

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