
prince Liam and Melissa is caught!

Arianna stood akimbo for a while, she tried to think, nothing was forth coming. She bagan to hear footsteps approaching, she hurriedly walked away. The morning was gradually turning into mid-day, Arianna quietly walked into the palace. The large living room was now just filled with palace maids and wardens that continued to walk to and fro the room, attending to duties. Arainna quietly walked till she got to her room. She was very grateful that she didn't have to bump into anybody again. She wasn't sure if all the guests had left, but she was just grateful that she'd get a time to her self atleast.

Arianna dropped into the bed like a falling tree. " St Lucia what more surprises do you have in store for me? " She asked aloud. She remembered prince Liam, she held her breasts tenderly " I regret ever allowing that jerk to take a hold on me, ( she said letting out a tear ) I feel so stupid. I stupidly allowed my emotions to get the best of me, now Emmaline my precious little girl is missing. If anything happens to Emmaline, I won't forgive my self. " She said amidst a painful sob, curling up on the bed...

Prince Liam and uncle Francis hurriedly walked back into the living room. They kept using their eyes to either search for Arianna or Melissa, but they were no where to be found.

" Liam, you know what? ( Uncle Francis asked ) we would have to split. You remain here, I'd go upstairs. Staying together might not help in the search ( prince Liam just nodded. ) Prince Liam wasn't even sure of where to go to. He just stood still, using his eyes to search. " Hey you come ( he gestured to a palace guard. Have you seen my wife anywhere ? "

" No my prince " the guard answered, bowing respectfully. Prince Liam gestured with his head, asking the warden to leave. " Where could they be ? Perhaps I should check our room, I just hope Melissa hasn't met with Brianna, the last one was not at all. " Prince Liam said giving a deep sigh.

As he was about to head for the room, the living room door was opened with a force, he turned to look, it was Melissa. Prince Liam stood still and waited for her to walk close.

" Little devil " prince Liam called her not smiling.

" Is that how to you say you say you missed me? ( Melissa asked smiling craftily ) alright I miss you too. " She said laughing a bit.

Prince Liam didn't reply. He just looked deep into her eyes. Melissa had a very seductive eyes, her eyes was strong and appealing enough to cause an erection. He had wanted to ask her about Brainna, but somehow he had become very enchanted at her beauty, for she was indeed a very beautiful woman.

" Come " she took his hands softly and led him away quietly. They got to a quiet corridor. Melissa tried to force a kiss on prince Liam, prince Liam resisted, but after a second trial he fell for it. However after a short while, prince Liam pulled away form her again.

" Melissa I can't do this anymore. I just can't. I am married. I am trying to become a changed man damn you! " prince Liam said turning his face

" So what ?Do you love her " Melissa retorted scornfully

" Atleast I am trying to. Melissa don't make this any harder. Please don't " prince laim said raising his voice a bit.

Melissa walked towards him again seductively.

" Liam you dont love that woman, I am the one you love, right ( she asked searching into his eyes. Prince Liam just closed his eyes without saying anything ) tell me does she treat you the way I do? Does she pamper your body the way I do ? Can she be compared to me on bed Liam? Answer me ! ( She yelled a bit ) prince Liam didn't say anything again he just closed his eyes, biting his teeth hard. I know right? Her sex is wack! Look at you, ( she ran her hands through his chest ) you look starved of good sex ) just allow me feed you well again baby boy ( She aimed for a kiss again, prince Liam gave in easily. She ran her hands from his chest, through his trouser zip. She unzipped it and found his pennis stuffed in his pant. She began to softly caress his testicles "

" Melissa stop! You know I can't stand that " prince Liam said resisting a bit. Melissa continued...

Arainna had come out of the room in search of prince Liam. As the search party that were sent out to find Emmaline had brought news that Emmaline was no where to be found. They found only an apron which Arianna recognized to be Emmaline's. Arainna asked a maid about the prince's where about, and was directed the way that the maid had last seen the prince take. Prince Liam and Melissa were so engrossed that they didn't know of Arianna's presence.

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