
The Waterfall!

" Wait stop ! " Arianna said at once in a fear some manner. What fueled her fear was that Prince Liam came down with a little black bag, of which she didn't know what was in it. Her heart was beating really fast. Prince Liam stood still. Arianna withdrew her hand from his hand and stepped back a bit. " Where the hell are we going ? Where is this place? All I see is an environment surrounded with bush. " Arainna asked looking vexed.

Prince Liam walked to her and held her by her waist, with a quirky laughter. " Wait you think I brought you here to hurt you ? ( There was no reply from Arainna ) c'mon I would never do that. I have come to love you so much to think about hurting you. " He said looking deeply into Arainna's eyes. Arianna just watched. She was very scared within her that he wanted to kill her. She hasn't still recovered from her sister's sudden disappearance. The last news they had heard was that she went to see prince Liam, and that was the last they heard from her. She didn't want to fall a victim.

" I don't know, but I see a whole new and different person in you my lady, ( before Arainna could say anything, he continued immediately ) and please don't get me wrong, I don't mean you have changed, I just blame myself, for not really knowing the kind of person I have been dealing with all the while. Your beauty leaves me speechless all the time. I love you so much to hurt you. " Arainna peeped into his eyes, they looked genuine. Her heart was surprisingly melted by his words. She was somehow very sure he was not pretending. Those eyes had truth in them.

" Can we go on now ? We're almost there. " Arainna just nodded. He opened his arms, Arianna enveloped her's into them, and they got moving again. They walked till they got to an open space inside the bush. There was a beautiful waterfall. The sight was beautiful and majestic. It was a cascade waterfall. Arianna's mouth was wide opened, but was left speechless.

" what place is this? This place is beyond beautiful " Arianna asked in total amazement, finding her voice at last. Prince Liam just stood smiling and watching her. She moved quite a distance from prince Liam, moving towards the waterfall, Prince Liam followed her slowly. Prince Liam sat the rock and just watched her. Arianna kept sniffing in with satisfaction the good and refreshing fragrance of nature.

Arianna heard him opening his bag, she was so curious to find out what was inside of the bag. She turned to look immediately, it was a bridge camera. Arianna was speechless once more. He just smiled. " Please give me a nice smile " prince Liam pleaded seductively. He took a quick shot at Arianna as she smiled.

Arianna walked towards him, and sat on a rock beside him. She was very delighted to be at such a place. It was all she needed to cool her head off the troubles she had encountered for the period. Prince Liam just kept quiet and allowed her to continue drooling over the Wonderful work of nature. " How did you come to know this place ? " Arainna's asked still amazed

" Well I told you I love photography, and not just photography, I love nature. I love to take pictures of birds, waterfalls, flowers and everything nature. " Then I also like to come to this waterfall each time it feels like I don't know what to do anymore, I feel revived and alive when I come here. It's like where I draw inspiration from. " Prince Liam explained calmly.

" Does the king and queen know you visit this place ? " Arianna asked still trying to assimilate the information that he had just given to her.

He was silent for a while before answering. " No ! For now it's just you and aunt Rose. "

Arianna wondered within herself, " aunt Rose there you go again. What is it about you this woman, she seems to know alot around here. " She turned to admire the waterfall again... " Have you ever thought of what could happen if the king finds out ? " She asked turning to look at the prince again.

Prince Liam sighed, suppressing a noticable pain. " Well my lady, I don't want to think about that, I just want to live for the moment. " He said looking away.

Arianna was dieing to tell him about her own experience with dancing. She was itching to tell him she understands his pains greatly. She looked at him with Pity. She was finally meeting someone like her, she was compared great a many times with her sister, simply because she didn't want to live the life associated with being royalty.

" But you're going to be king ! " She asked him again, wishing she didn't have to.

" Look Brianna, ( Arainna was startled. For the first time, he addressed her by a name. ) I know how much everyone wants me to be king, of cause it is my birth right, but I am very sure I'd mess up things as soon as this Kingdom is left in my care. You see those words you said to me that day about being spontaneous, it left me really thinking, those words got to me greatly. Even if I become king, I'd love to be my own kind of king. ( He drew out Arianna's hands and held them tightly ) I know how much you want the throne, and I am not saying I don't want it either, just make me a promise, that you'd help me to be a spontaneous king. " He pleaded looking deeply into Arianna's eyes.

His eyes where always charming, she couldn't resist it's soft yet hard appeal.

" I promise, I promise I would always stand by you. " Arainna said with a heavy heart. She knew how traditional and practical Brianna was, and that as soon as Brianna was back, prince Liam would have to become the king Liam that he didn't want to become.

He was happy.

" So tell me about aunt Rose " Arainna continued again.

Prince Liam gave her a stare, " look I brought you all the way from the palace, because I just wanted to be with you, away from what ever that has to do with the palace. We'd talk about that later, right now let's focus on you. " Prince Liam said drawing near for a kiss

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