
Beast, Meet Monster Pt. 1

*purururururu purururururu Click*

"…. Who's calling?" (Kaidou)

"…. A monster is, who do you think?"

"Hmph a monster huh? Maybe to those weaklings around the world but you certainly don't scare me Eagle."

"And neither do you Beast, but I'm not here to butt heads, Vargas left me a message saying you wanted to talk to me, question is why?"

"To test your mettle you little shit, you think you just get a title like emperor just by mass murdering CD's? No you need to genuinely earn it and to me you haven't earned it yet…"

"Well if you want to test me sure, I'll be honest with you I know I'd lose if I fought you even if you gave me a handicap and let me and my crew attack you all together, but how about another test, me alone against your crew, I think that would be a more reasonable test for my skill level and I'll be nice and not completely slaughter your crew and just cripple them with debilitating injuries that will just make them useless for the rest of there lives."

On the other end of the call Kaidou is genuinely getting pissed off at how much he's underestimating his crew that he was releasing so much conquers haki in anger it was causing Onigashima to shake and all the weaker willed beast pirates to fall unconscious while the stronger ones were able to hold on and not fall unconscious.

"….. Your really underestimating my crew if you think I'll just let you cripple my crew without getting involved you brat…"

"Ok then let me make it a better deal, send your best of the best at me, they have the full right to go all out and try to kill me, I on the other hand will hold back and only knock them out cold instead…. But in all honesty I feel like you wanted to call me about something else and wanted to talk about something in private rather than have us at each other's throats Kaidou, after all we both want the same thing….

"….. *Sigh* your right I do need to talk to you about something else but I do want to test your mettle and see how strong you are, so how about this, you versus my best, no holding back because I want to see your true skills for myself."

"Fine and since I was being a bit harsh and rude earlier I'll have my doctor make some drugs that can rapidly increase the bodies healing process."

"…. Now I have more things to talk to you about if you have drugs like those on your hand."

"Sure I don't mind making some deals with you Kaidou after all we both want to see one thing happen…"

"End the WG Permanently." (Kaidou/Eagle)

"Heh… maybe we can get along after all kid…"

"Maybe so old man, but you better get your men ready for a fight, I'll be disappointed if they don't take it seriously, I'll arrive at your island with my crew in a few days so we can talk and you can have your men test my mettle…" I say before hanging up the call.

"Hmph cheeky brat... well at least my son will be happy to see one of his idols…. Maybe I should let him join the fun in fighting Eagle, he needs to get some real life and death training every once in awhile." He says before leaning back and taking a swig of his gourd before pulling out a Baby Den Den Mushi.


"Yes Commander?" (King)

"Gather all of the higher ups every All star, Tobiroppo, Shinuchi, Numbers, and my son, you all are gonna have to prepare to fight Blood Eagle personally…"

"…. Yes sir!" King says before hanging up and calling everyone to prepare for a fight.

After he calls King he gets up and walks deep into the depths of Onigashima before coming upon a cell with a man(?) reading his books while leaning under the wanted posters of both of his idols Kouzuki Oden and Blood Eagle.

"…. My son prepare yourself….. Eagle is coming here…. And I want you to test his mettle with everyone else in the higher ups of the crew….."

Hearing this his son puts away his book and then stands up while taking off his Hanya mask to reveal the face of a beautiful woman underneath with stars shining in her eyes.

"REALLY FATHER!!! He's coming here himself!?" She says excitedly as she comes up to her cage.

He just sighs a bit before opening up the cage and doing something he hasn't done in years and also removed her shackles on her wrists and ankles as well.

"Yes, and should you do me proud with fighting him with all you got, I won't mind you being with me as I have a rather important conversation with him…." He says as he grabs a rather large Kanabo and hands it off to her, it's her personal weapon Takeru.

"Now go to the others and train and prepare for his appearance…. If he's not just boasting and is as strong as he says then only the All Stars will give him trouble it would seem…. Give a good fight is all I can ask son…" he says as nicely as possible before heading back to his room not even bothering to have guards watch over his rather rebellious son.

Realizing that she/he(?) could just leave and no one would be able to stop her quick enough made him/her(?) plan on just getting out and seeing the world…. But the thought of meeting and even fighting against one of her idols made her blood boil in excitement so instead of fleeing this hell hole she decided that it be best to join the rest to prepare for his arrival.

"…. Hmph…. Maybe I should think about being less harsh on him….. if only he stopped looking up to that bastard Oden…."



"This isn't the smartest plan you've ever had, I'm not doubting your strength honey but soloing the higher ups of the beast pirates isn't a good idea…." (Albedo)

"Well this is more of a test for me and from what I have heard even though the All stars were physically stronger than Katakuri before he got powered up by the frontier, they don't even have anything besides armament haki from the intel I have bought from the system they seem to have only basic levels of observation haki and with all the training I've had with Katakuri over the years I can see several seconds into the future now thanks to the past 4 years of training with him."

"…. But idn't you lose to Mihawk ack then with only iving him a scratch boss?" (Czorag)

"That I did, how ever I couldn't go all out against him back then as I was Vargas and I couldn't show my hand to them, especially with Kuma being there, because if I did it would have been recorded and seen by the higher ups of the marines and the 5 elders since I later found out he was recording the whole thing which he apologized for, but if it was Eagle back then I wouldn't have just only left him with a scratch…. But I still probably would have lost just not that badly as back then…. But now with a new evolution and my level being maxed out I feel I have a good chance at getting through them solo, probably not completely unscathed but I'm confident in winning."

"Well I guess we'll have to just enjoy the show, man why does Captain get to have all the fun?" (Zeek)

"Will get our chance soon enough… I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to test our strength as well after his men heal up." (Zekuu)

"Mmmm looks like I'll get to get my full of bloodshed soon enough." Shalltear says with a rather scary grin.

And soon everyone takes on the same look as well as we all start to laugh with a bit of madness and bloodlust in our eyes.

"*sigh* looks like we will be busy keeping people from dying Florence." Theo says looking at the silent Florence, I had decided to bring him with me on this journey to keep any of Kaidous weaker crew members from dying when I go all out.



"Commander…. He has come…" (King)

"Hmph, about time, now let's see what you got Monster…." He says as he proceeds to step out on his balcony to watch everything unfold down below as he sees off in the distance a ship approach before stopping a good distance away.

Those on the island then saw something surprising and it's own way a bit terrifying to see, a man hopping off his ship but not plunging into the sea but landing on the water as if it's solid ground, and mind you it's not like he was turning the water to ice with every step no everything looked completely fine as he slowly approached Onigashima with him holding his katana at his side.

(A/N he's using the fish man units water control just so he can walk on water, also thanks to Noel increasing the over all production of artificial Zoan everyone that's above the status of grifter that takes an artificial Zoan is already here to fight, but none of the normal grifters exist currently)

And soon enough he makes it to shore and stands before an army of elite soldiers under Kaidou's command.

"Ahhh looks like he brought everyone here just to welcome me personally… let me answer back in kind." I say as I remove my mask letting them see a rather gruff and rugged red headed man with some five o'clock shadow on his face, before I place my thumb under my hilt to click it out of its sheath.

"Let's see…. How about you big guys first?" I say staring at the rather somewhat stupid looking giants? Well I mean there huge like giants but most look like monsters than giants, except for the one female with them all being labeled 1 through 10.

Feeling challenged they all roar, besides the female one, and all charge at me.

"Heh…. Judgement Cut *SHING* Mountain Cutter…. *CLICK*" and suddenly they were all cut up on every part of there body leaving very deep wounds and even cutting off an arm or leg from them leaving the only one left standing the female one bearing the number nine who I was currently perched on top of her head.

She was absolutely terrified as she felt him standing on her head before she felt an immense pressure assault her mind making her immediately collapse as I hop of her head leaving her frothing at the mouth.

Luckily by this time a small boat carrying Theo and Florence got to shore and got to work on the numbers, some of the shinuchi saw this and wanted to stop them but I stood in between them and Theo, "I'd suggest you let them do there jobs…. There here to keep any of you from dying, Kaidou wants me to go all out on you guys but he doesn't want to lose good soldiers if he can help it."

"Now then, why don't I be kind and not cut you guys apart…. And just horribly break your bones instead." I said with a smile that would make a demon shiver as I put my blade back in the sheath and cracked my knuckles.

I think to myself as I look at these guys and think, *man I wouldn't want to look like this even if it gave me immense power if I'm deformed like this….* looking at some of the more strangely shaped characters, a woman's upper body coming out from an apes belly, a guy who looks like his back is connected to the neck of a giraffe, a guy whose head and arms are the only human part of him with the rest of his body a chicken with his head coming straight out of the chickens ass, a buff guy with an arm turned into a gorilla, a six armed chick with monkey tail is honestly not that strange, a guy with an elephant coming out of his gut, a guy with the legs of a scorpion with a scorpion stinger as a ponytail, a guy who looks like he's growing out of a hippos mouth, a large man with a lions head and arms growing out of his gut, though the last two looked completely normal most likely they got lucky and can switch between human features and animal features at Will though they both had horns growing like the rest signifying they have artificial Zoans as there devil fruit powers.

"Don't underestimate us Blood Eagle!!!" Says the chicken man joined his rather more disfigured fellow crew mates launch themselves at me with a few hanging back to see how this all goes out.

And all I do is activate my armament haki all over my body giving my skin a pitch black look to it as my blood red eyes shined, I looked like a devil with the viscous grin on my face as I just let them attack me with all they got.

Though they weren't given there titles as Shinuchi for nothing as they could deal significant damage to even rather tough pirates, but there blades and there heavy hitters from the larger animals such as the Gorillas, Hippo, Scorpian and Elephant fighters didn't even make me move when they were going all out that they had to recoil back and wave there hands to get rid of the numbing from hitting something so tough that they all pulled back scared realizing that maybe his title isn't all for show after all.

I then just crack my neck rather loudly and roll my shoulders, "Thanks for the massage guys, you really got the knots out of my body, so how about I reward you ten fold?" I say as I start to slowly approach them.

Even though they wanted to back away they couldn't, if they run away they know Kaidou will kill them for being cowards so they all together this time decided to rush me and see if they can at least try and injure me.

"Lesson number 1…" I say as I dodge the giraffe guy and grab his giraffe neck attached to his back before spinning him around using him as a wrecking ball as I slam him into all of his Ally's sending some flying and other tumbling backwards I then take him and grab him by the head before slamming him face first into the ground over and over well after he's unconscious as his blood splashes on my grinning face.

"…. Know when to fight and when you should run…" I say as I wipe the blood off my face as I approach the remaining conscious Shinuchi (Sheepshead, Ginrummy, Hold'em, Daifugo, Babanuki and Solitare)

The six of them look at each other and without saying anything they form a plan, the 4 guys surround me from all sides while the two girls provide gunfire support from a distance.

I just grin and start taking off my top, "Hmmm I guess you guys are smarter than I thought." I say as I completely pull off my top showing my extremely toned torso covered in red fiery tribal like lines across my body that with my body completely covered in black armament haki looks like lines of lava flowing off my body.

"Lesson 2…" I say as they all alternate attacking me while the two girls provide gun fire that I have to dodge or defend against, or if need be just ignore while dealing with the guys as they launch all manner of attacks, scorpian stingers, elephant trunk and tusks, lions fangs and claws and a sheeps horns used like spears.

I then use there strengths against each other as I take the scorpian guys head stinger and stab it into the elephants head causing the elephant on his gut to rampage about in pain attacking the guy with a lion in his gut in the process.

This makes the lion head attack the elephant head in retaliation causing them to fight each other, while they were trying to calm there animal head friends I rip off the stinger completely and spear the sheep guy in the gut with the poisonous stinger causing him to collapse and froth at the mouth losing consciousness.

I then turn to the scorpian guy who's reeling in pain from having his stinger pulled off I desire to make use of his wide stance while his distracted and give him a real low blow to the crotch that makes him scream bloody murder before falling unconscious as well.

As those two we're trying to stop there animal heads I roughly grab both of there heads and smash them into eachother hard knocking them out as well, with them all unconscious the girls had a completely unobstructed view of me and could unleash an absolute volley of gunfire on me causing so much smoke that it completely hid me from sight for a short moment that I could approach them and grab them by the heads as I hoisted them both up into the air.

"... Use your enemy's strengths against themselves… and lucky for you two I personally don't like hurting beauty's such as yourselves so you can go to sleep now." I say as I unleash conquers haki straight into there heads causing them to lose consciousness as well before dropping to the floor as I proceed deeper into Onigashima reaching the main section of the fortress facing off against 6 rather colorful characters.

"Tch, so they lost huh? Looks like they have to leave it to the pros after all." A blue haired snobbish girl says when seeing me enter the room.

"Big sis…. We have to take this seriously captains orders…" says the rather young looking man with somewhat long purple hair.

Hearing that she instantly snaps on who I assume to be her younger brother, "Are you telling me what to do Page-tan?! I do whatever I want however I want and whenever I want to do it!" She says as she grabs his collar while shaking him back and forth in annoyance.

"Both of you shut the hell up! God this is why I hate working with brats like you two, why the hell did Kaidou even let either of you two little shits get into the ranks of the Tobiroppo anyway? Why don't you take after his son and be fucking quiet!" The man with long pink hair with a mostly red outfit says while pointing to the one who is supposedly Kaidou's sun wearing a Hanya mask with horns and long white hair ending in teal tips was sitting absolutely silent while cradling his large mace as if waiting for his moment to fight.

"Now now everyone we are being rude to our guest, if Kaidou-sama wants us to fight him we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves." Says a rather tall woman that dwarfs the rest of us here, she was almost Big Ma's height from what I could tell.

"Maria is right but I say we fight him one on one and see who is the true leader of the Tobiroppo really is…" says the rather heavyweight guy with long green hair.

While they were all arguing with themselves I was quietly repeating my lessons for whom the only one who had there full undivided attention on me was Kaidou's son.

"Lesson 1, know when to run or fight."

"Lesson 2, use your enemy's strengths against themselves." I then look up at them all.

"Im rather unimpressed with Kaidou's crew so far, I feel like the only ones that will impress me will be the All Stars, though if you guys want to prove me wrong then show me what you got, how about we start with you two, let's see what a brother and sister can do." I say as I motion to both of them to bring it on.

Though they both looked like they weren't taking it seriously they both instantly entered there hybrid forms to face off against me to the surprise of there comrades.

"Huh so the brats are taking it seriously right off the bat, this will be interesting then…" (Who's-Who)

"Ulti! Use the motor attack!" Her brother Page one says as he positions himself to launch her at me.

She nods and jumps onto his arms and with both of them combined they send her flying at me head first trying to headbutt me.

"Lesson 3…." I say as I force all my armament haki into my skull as she headbutts me with such force that I'm sent skidding back a bit before coming to a stop with our heads still on each other.

"If that was anyone else that would have blown off there head, but I'm hard headed after all." I say as I step back and crack my neck and close one nostril to push out a little bit of blood in my nose.

"Now I think it's my turn…"

I just realized that if I kept going this would be aiming like a 6000 to 7000 word chapter…. So I decided to cut it in half so you guys would have something to see before I upload the other half later.

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