
Rewards, Beasts and Gold

Quest: SMILE Completed

Ranking- SSS do to the fact that your crew mate not only became a part of the group working on making Smile Devil fruits but actually being able to improve on the overall formula for SMILE Devil fruits and increasing the chance someone will gain devil fruit abilities of there own from the Smile's

Rewards- 7 select ultra rare units of your choice, 2 high potential units of your choice, 1 dual crossover unit, and 1 save point.

Dual crossover units- are units who are generally seen as a single unit in there respective worlds, making it very odd for only one being summoned and not the other, usually meant for siblings, twins, couples and the like.

Save point- one time use of letting you save your point in space and time and allowing you to return to that previous point in time, note that save points are only available up to 1 year since you used them, after passing the 1 year mark you will not be able to use said save point as it will have expired.

"Huh, these are some good rewards, would have been better if I got some crystal units but this will do for now, plus I can get more members for both my and my blood Eagle crews, mostly blood Eagle crews and so with that 8 of them I summoned were for my Blood Eagle Crew after all an emperors crew is much larger than what I currently have for a crew after all so I summoned…



Battle Fanatic Zeek

Calm Triumph Zekuu

Dark Swordsman Neviro



And Sea Pirate Eve to be my ships official navigator

And the last one I summoned to join my Firebrand crew was…

Twin Gem Rickel

And like I said earlier I'm planning to hold off on summoning my crossover and dual crossover units until I feel like it's time to summon them.

"So you decided to increase the size of both of our crews Huh kid?" (Owen)

"Mhm and since we are already in the New World side of the Grand Line I think it's time to find us our second HQ soon, after we go have fun in Grand Tesoro of course because everyone here deserves to have fun at a resort and make or lose money at your own pace so go out there and enjoy yourselves everybody!" I say the last bit to the rest of the crew.

"OOOOOOO YEAH!!!" They all cheer as we go heading for home.



"Boss we have gotten intel that both Doflamingo and Firebrand Vargas are working together to mass produce Devil fruits with the help of Caesar Clown, it seems these Devil fruits have a roughly 25% success rate in giving someone currently an animal based devil fruit ability's." A intel subordinate comes in and hands some papers to a beast of a man.

And he is a beast after all because this is none other than one of the original 4 emperors of the sea, leader of the beast pirates, Kaidou.

"Hmmmm…. So they're starting to mass produce Devil fruits Huh? And that there only those of the animal type of Devil fruits? Get me in contact with Doflamingo and Vargas, I'd like to make a business deal with them, and tell Vargas that I want to talk to him personally… after all he's the only known connection to Blood Eagle himself…." Kaidou says as he hands back the papers to his intel officer and downs some more of his sake.

"Yes sir!" Then the intel officer hurries off to do what needs to be done.

"….. if he truly is Xebec's successor, then me and him will get along just fine…."



A few days later we returned home as just as I expected I had received the invite to Grand Tesoro, so I decided I should give him a call.

"Vargas, I'm guessing you got my invite?"

"Mhm I got it right now since I just returned actually, so where you around at right now?"

"Currently somewhere in the northern calm belt of the paradise side of the grand line so I'm not that far away from you currently."

"Sweet that will make things easier then, I'll gather my crew and head off in your direction in a day or two and have the official grand opening after all."

"Fantastic… though I should mention something even though I hate the world government like you with a burning passion I've had to concede in giving them a heavenly tribute of money just so the marines don't bother with me since due to the size of Grand Tesoro is considered a floating City-state so if I don't want them on my back I'm gonna have to pay them off after all."

"Though I personally don't like what there forcing you to do just to stay off your back I understand why we have to do things we personally don't like to do, but anyway I'll see you in a few days."

"Alright see you soon Vargas."

And with that all said and done I was about to grab some of my more casual clothes but…

*purururururu purururururu Click*


"….. Is this Firebrand Vargas?"

"Your speaking with him, though who's calling me?"

"You can call me… Jack… My Commander Kaidou has asked of you to send a message to Blood Eagle as you are the only known connection to him after all…" Jack says on the other side of the line in a rather polite tone, which I found somewhat odd coming from someone under Kaidou as I assumed that everyone there is rather rude, crude and extremely brutal to anyone that isn't there crew, and sometimes even there crew as well.

"And what does he want me to tell Eagle?"

"Commander Kaidou has asked if Blood Eagle would be willing to meet with him in person in Wano on his personal island of Onigashima to have a personal conversation with him…"

"…. Fine I'll tell him, but don't be surprised if it takes him awhile to get back to him, Eagle likes to go off and 'cut loose' so when he's doing that it's debatable when he'll get back to Kaidou about that, but here I'll tell you one of his den den mushi numbers that I know of, don't bother calling him if he doesn't know your number he'll ignore it, he'll call Kaidou, and just a fair bit of warning that it better be Kaidou picking up on the other end or there's a good chance that will just piss him off, and having a guy who can transform into anyone he's ever seen before mad at you is just asking for trouble, so take what I've said seriously alright?"

Jack then stops and turns his head to see his leader sitting in his chair drinking his sake as he listens in on the whole conversation, luckily he just started drinking so he's not drunk and irrational right now, so he just looked back at Jack, one of his newly appointed All-Stars and just nodded at him before going back to drinking more of his Sake.

"… Understood, when he calls here he will talk with Commander Kaidou personally."

"That's all I needed to hear then, here's his number it's..... got it?"

"Got it."

"Well it's been a pleasure talking with you Jack but I must hang up now, I'm heading off to the Grand opening of Grand Tesoro in a few days so see you around." And with that I hung up.

Though that slightly peeved Jack about Firebrand abruptly cutting off the call he soon got over it and just looked at his Commander.

"…. This Firebrand kid has some balls on him, even though the Beast Pirates called him personally I heard no fear in his voice, unlike that Doflamingo brat who is only useful so long as he keeps those artificial Zoans chugging along and had a slight quiver in his voice talking to us, though it maybe that he is under Blood Eagle's protection and see no fear in dealing with us either…. Speaking of Blood Eagle I think my son will be excited to meet him *sigh* if only he looked up to blood Eagle and emulated him instead of that bastard Oden…" thinking about his son and his stupid admiration for one of his former enemies he down his sake and chucked it at a wall shattering it and cracking a bit of the wall as well.

"*sigh* if he wasn't so rebellious I wouldn't have to keep him locked up all the time…" he says as he just grabs his gourd full of Sake and just downs it before relaxing and being left with his thoughts.



"WOOOHHOOOOO!!!!!! We're going to a literal city of gold! This one a modern one this time!" Nami says all excited like as most of my crew joins me to have fun at the grand opening of Grand Tesoro.

"Of course, but first Nami, Nojiko I have something for you both." I say as I pull out two boxes and one having my compass on top of it.

"Nami, you have finally grown up to be a fine navigator and for that i grant you my compass, may it lead you to where ever you wish to go." I say while taking the compass and placing it in her hands, it actually made her tear up a bit at receiving it.

"*Sniff* Thank you Captain!" She says as she goes and hugs me tightly before pulling back and hanging the compass off her neck.

I just smile and then place the two boxes in front of them box before opening them up and showing them both there new Devil fruits.

"Nami, Yours is the Arashi Arashi No Mi: Thunderstorms devil fruit that I made from mixing the original storm version with the Rumble Rumble fruit that I got after taking down Enel way back then, now that your old enough and the official Navigator of the Firebrand Pirates this is my gift to you."

I then turn to Nojiko, "And the devil fruit I got for you is the Yoru Yoru No Mi: Night Fruit, it lets you manipulate your surroundings to make areas your in unnaturally dark and allow you to blend into the shadows as well, there's probably more than can be done with this fruit but you'll just have to find that out for yourself."

They both look at what they got and run over and both hug me tightly, "Thank You Captain!" Before they go back to there devil fruits.

"Now as a heads up it's gonna taste bad, but when you get over it you'll have brand new devil fruit powers."

They both gulp and both chomp down on there fruits and swallow what they can before spitting and coughing the rest out.

But with eating the fruit there powers begin to manifest, Nami getting lightning to appear on her body and when she points towards the sky clouds slowly begin to form before turning into a thunderstorm that hits our island, but since she's not used to it she can only keep it up for a little over a minute before she collapses on the ground exhausted as the thunderstorm fades away, I just come over and pick her up princess style.

"You ok Nami?" As I say that the sun shines behind my head giving me a very radiant look and by proxy making me even more handsome looking than usual, this actually starts to make her blush a bit.

"I-I'm fine just tired is all…" she says while turning away from me.

Though seeing her very reddened face I place her forehead against mine making her blush even harder.

"Your burning up! Hang on I'll go get Theo." I say as I put her down on a chair to have her relax, but as I turn away she grabs my wrist.

"I'm fine! I'm just tired is all, see? My face looks a bit normal now right?" She says trying to look completely fine.

"Hmmmmm well if you say so, we'll get ready we set off soon." I say as I start to head off to my ship with my luggage in tow.

As Nami is trying to calm herself down she sees her sister slightly covering her mouth not even trying to hide the mischievous grin on her face, "Ara Ara? Is my baby sister getting a crush on Captain as well?"

"Nojiko! I don't know what your talking about…" she says while turning away with an even deeper blush returning to her face.

"Aww, there's nothing wrong with going after him, sure he's got plenty of women but he wouldn't mind having you as well, hell I might start to go after him myself if you won't."

"HMPH!" Nami just leaves Nojiko behind and heads over to the ship.

"Hehe your so easy to tease little sis…. But even if you go after him I won't mind…" she says before shaking her head and following after her sister to the docks.



About a day and a half later we see off in the distance a floating city of Gold out on the sea.

"Oooo!!! It really is a city of gold! But it has all the luxuries we'd ever need!" Nami says all excited like with literal Berry signs appearing in her eyes at all the money she can make.

"Huh, I think I'm gonna actually have some fun here…" (Owen)

"Even though I just joined up with you guys I'm just happy to be here!" (Rickel)

Both Mikita and Nami were dancing with each other since they both enjoy making lots of money, though Gem and Kuda were just being stoic about the whole thing, but I could see them both clenching and unclenching there fists, something they do when there excited, Robin, Viola and Hancock were all relaxing or reading while waiting to arrive in Grand Tesoro, Baby 5 was just cleaning up as she usually does since she just genuinely enjoys cleaning, while Theo and Florence were having some private time together in there cabins, and as usual Perona sleeping in her cabin while Nojiko was cleaning up her kitchen since will be eating in Grand Tesoro for the duration of our stay.

As we approached the port we noticed the gate was closed with several other ships nearby waiting for the grand opening, most of these being merchant or cruise liners for tourists to enjoy the city life of Grand Tesoro.

Though the other ships seeing a pirate ship made them nervous, but that soon subsided when they noticed we were the firebrand pirates, a crew that works with the world government so they calmed down after seeing that and let us get closer to the gate, hey being a warlord does have it's perks.

As I get close my baby Den Den Mushi starts to ring, "Vargas! I see your ship down there, look up above the gate!" Gild says, and when I look up I see the man of Gold himself, so with a grin I use my flames to propel myself all the way up to him.

As I approach a rather thickset man comes in and gets in front of Gild seeming to protect him, but Gild just pats his shoulder, "It's ok Dice, he's a old friend of mine, and the main reason I was ever able to make my dream city is thanks to him saving my life almost 10 years ago now." He says as he passes the man, Dice and stands before me as I land on the deck he's standing on.

I then take his hand and bring him in for a hug, "it's good to see you again old friend." (Gild)

"It's good to see you too Gild, and I love what you have done to build this place up into your dream city."

"Yep, and today is the day we open up to the city to the world, so will you do the honors of opening the city?" He says as he shows the lever that opens the gates. I just grin and pull on it slowly opening up the gates as he went and approached the edge while holding his personal microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to the Grand Opening of Grand Tesoro!"

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