
Life as a BoyToy

After returning to my new cell that had a small window that let some light into the cell and a bed that looked more of a prisoners cot than an actual bed, besides those 2 things and a near lack of people living around my cell it wasn't that much different from my old one.

so after they shut my cell for the day I thought of what I'm gonna need to do to get out of here, as they were closing my cell the cell door squeaked really loudly as it was being shut, *Bingo* so before they could start walking off I stopped them "Fellas you think you guys could, oh I dunno, grease up the axles on this door here? Not just mine but all the doors in here, I'd hate to have my beauty sleep ruined by the sound of really loud squeaky doors, and I can see it on your faces that you find it loud and annoying as well." I say as I walk to my cell door and tug on it a little, even though its locked in place it still squeaks loudly.

"Well... I mean yeah..." says one

"it is pretty annoying to hear that all the time...." says the other

"Right? So if you guys go get some oil to grease these doors up, I'll do you guys a favor." I say with a grin on my face but before I can get them to agree the fat bastard of a jailer came back to cut my plan down.

"Oh really? and what can a slave possibly do for us, besides the female ones we use sometimes too..... relieve stress he he he" he says with a disgustingly lewd smile on his face and his lackeys' smiling evilly in the background.

*God I can't wait to kill these fuckers, but calm down I know of a better idea, let's use some scare tactics....* I say as I begin grin as well but in a way that visibly unnerves them

"What you smiling at you little...."

"uhuhuh I wouldn't keep going with that train of thought going if I were you."

"Oh and why is that?"

"Well you guys remember what the mistress said don't you? one word from me and I can make your lives a living hell by telling what you guys did to me right before bringing me to see her, and we all know how sadistic she can be to people who piss her off right?" I say with an evil grin as I see them visibly shuddered at knowing how sadistic she can be

"You wouldn't dare." Says the fatty

"Oh I very much would, but don't worry if you guys do this one tiny little thing for me I will forget everything you've done to me, and maybe down the road put in a good word for you to the Mistress..." I say as I move away from the door and sit down on my cot as I wait for there response


"Alright fine will do it, but no more favors we will only listen to our Master and Mistress from now on, got it?"

"That's perfectly fine by me, now if you fellas don't mind I'm gonna get some beauty sleep, I can't be tired for the Mistress tomorrow after all." I say as I pull my thin blanket over me as I pretend to go to sleep.

They just scoff at me as they go off to grab the oil, to fix the squeaky cell doors problem in the VIP slaves section of the slave pens.

Now your probably wondering how I was able to get into my current situation so easily well the simple answer is one of the rewards I got for my reincarnation, that being my charisma and unlocking the skill tree that I like to call the people skills, skill tree that currently had all the levels unlocked because of me having a high charisma as the base of the tree, with a side branch sprouting from the tree with that branch looking more like a sakura tree with it blooming petals having three additional nodes, the Kama Sutra, 10,001 ways to please a woman and something just called D, with both the Kama Sutra and 10,001 ways to please a woman maxed out in rank with the D skill stuck at Lvl. 1, the other main skills starting from the bottom going up.

Charisma: Lvl. 20, no max Lvl. cap, With this Lvl. of charisma being similar to that of a skilled diplomat.

Communication: Lvl. 12, Max at 30, You have a sharp tongue that can get you in or out of sticky situations.

Empathy: Lvl. 10, Max at 50, You have a surface level understanding of people you meet for the first time, but you still need to try to get to know them to truly understand someone.

Listening skills: Lvl. 13, Max at 35, You listen well enough that you'll remember most of a conversation if your kind of paying attention.

Flexibility: Lvl. 14, Max at 40, To people who don't like you they would say your a brown noser but to the people that like you your considered a people pleaser.

Judgment: Lvl. 10, Max at 50, Your gut will tell you sometimes if this person is going to be important to you in the present or near future.

Persuasion: Lvl. 13, Max at 50, With the proper incentive you can get people that are weaker than you physically to listen to what you say.

Negotiation: Lvl. 14, Max at 50, Can cut deals with people so long as its heavily in their favor.

Body Language: Lvl. 11, Max at 30, Basic understanding of what people want just by looking at them.

Problem solving: Lvl. 16, Max at 40, You have a better chance of deescalating any situation you come across.

Manners: Lvl. 7, Max at 50, Your just starting to get the basic understanding of proper etiquette when around people of higher status than yourself.

Leadership: Lvl. 5, Max at 50, With the right set of words and strong charisma you can get a small group of people to follow your lead.

(A/N Sorry for the info dump but with these stories that have systems in them they kinda need them every once in awhile but when any of these lvl. up I'm not gonna write this much unless it hits a milestone like any that end in a 5 or 0)

With a slight grin I closed my eyes and went to sleep while letting my mind enter the Frontier to hone my skills of my flames and my swordsmanship.

*The Next Day*

I wake up to the smell of food, as I rise from my cot to see the guards open my now silent cell door to leave a plate on the floor that had a slice of bread and some meat stew.

"Eat quickly the Mistress wants you to come to her as soon as possible." the guard says as he closes and locks the cell door behind him.

*Hmmm I'm surprised I get meat stew now all we usually get is black bread, I guess this is a benefit of being a boytoy*

with me getting an intake of protein I can slowly start to bulk up my muscles to make my looks actually match my strength.

after having my meal I then knocked my spoon on my iron bars to tell the guards that I was ready to meet the Mistress. soon afterwards I was brought to a room and was handed a three piece suit with tie and leather shoes combo which I quickly changed into and then went into her room. she was currently wearing the common garb of World Nobles which had the appearance of a space suit.

"Ahh good your finally here, Mmmm that outfit suits you." she says with a smile as she caressed my face and chest with her gloved hand.

"Not at all, you just have a good taste for men's fashion" I say with a gentle smile on my face

"Mmmmm, well enough about that today your coming with me on a shopping trip."

"I'm guessing Baggage carrier? I mean I'd love to carry you around like a princess but I'm a bit to short to do that." Well I am tall for a 10 year old at 5'1 but she was standing at 5'11 almost a full foot taller than me.

"Awww aren't you sweet, but yes you'll be one of my baggage carriers but more specifically you'll be my eye candy for the trip, I'd rather have something nice to look at then all those other filthy slaves and other fat slobs that call themselves nobles." she said with a look of distain on her face.

"Well I'm flattered at your words, well shall we be on our way?" I say as I open the door for her

"Yes let's go." she says as she leads the way and I followed from behind as we headed for the court yard where the other slaves and a giant slave on all fours with a carriage attached on his back, I help her into her carriage while the other slaves were chained to her carriage as we headed off to the market for her personal shopping spree.

I'm not going to really talk about the trip all we really did was go around shopping for clothes and browsing other slaves to possibly buy, there were a few other female nobles that wanted to buy me off her but she had to refuse under the reasoning that she hasn't had a chance to 'taste' me yet which made the others laugh while giving me hungry looks. its very obvious that these female nobles don't really get that much from there husbands because from what I could tell most of there marriages are political ones with no love involved. So most of there marriages were kind of sad if you think about it but because these nobles both men and women are all horrible people I don't really give a shit all I got to do is smile and look good for my Mistress and any other interested woman. after all of that was said and done with towering boxes full of clothes and a few new slaves we went home, after the slaves dropped the boxes off in the main foyer of the mansion it was left to me to bring the clothes up to her room since only I'm allowed in her room besides her husband but he's barely ever home as he's always out partying and having his way with his personal sex slaves.

After bring the last of her clothes up to her room I sat in one of her chairs to take a break, after a few minutes of resting she finally came back to the room.

"Well that's all I had planned for today, you can go back to your cell now."

I was about to say goodbye but then I noticed that her hair was frayed with split ends, it looked like a mess


"Well I'd love to go back but Mistress your hair is all in a mess I can't just leave you looking like this, here if I can be so rude as to offer my services in washing and styling your hair?" I say as i give a bow.

"You know how to style and wash hair? Aren't you only 10 years old?" she was a bit skeptical of my skills.

"Just give me a chance to prove my skills to you, I promise you'll enjoy it." I said with a grin, I personally didn't know how to do any of that but in the 10,001 ways to pleasure a woman it had a section on massages, hairstyling and cleaning, as well as manicures and pedicures and other skills that could earn me the rights to open my own professional spa if I wasn't in this situation

"Well alright kid, show me what skills you got." she said as she lead me to her personal bathroom that could be considered a mix between an onsen and a spa with an area for her to get her hair done, she then sat down on her chair and faced away from the sink to allow me to more easily wash out her hair.

I then started the water and let it get nice and warm before letting it run through her hair, after undoing her stupid hairstyle of course, as I dragged my fingers through her hair and massaged her scalp and the shortly after I lather up soap and running my fingers through her hair as I wash out her hair.

"Mmmmmm, you are good at this" she says with a satisfied smile on her face

"I aim to please" I say with a gentle smile

*If I had a razor I could easily slit her throat, but that can wait, I got to wait for these new arrivals before I can really set my plan into motion*

Almost 2200 words for this one oh and as a heads up I'm more likely to write more chapters for this on Weds. and Thurs. as I don't work those days but that doesnt mean i won't upload on other days just that theres a better chance for me to upload more on those 2 days of the week.

OneMoreScorecreators' thoughts
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