
Unconscious feelings

"Princess, wait!"

Tama ran after Kirana who entered the villa first.

"What the hell, I'm tired you know," said Kirana.

"Why did you go with Devan? Where did you go?", asked Tama.

"To the Restaurant, in BSD"

"Wow, why visited so far away?"

"So what if it's far?"

"I'm worried if my princess goes far away with Devan"

From the security post, Denok and Limbur peeked at Tama and Kirana. They smiled at Tama's behavior, who was jealous of Devan.

Meanwhile, Tama is still questioning Kirana, who that day went with Devan.

"So you're worried that I'm going far away, or are you worried that I'm going with Devan?" Kirana is firmly against Tama.

"Wow, at the checkmate, it's done with our princess," said Denok to Limbur.

"Just said, I'm jealous, why it's so hard?" replied Limbur.

Meanwhile, Tama is still silent due to confusion. He questioned himself whether he was worried because Kirana had gone far away, or because Kirana had gone with Devan.

"See, didn't answer. Well, I'm tired of going to bed!", Kirana left Tama.

"Ehhh, Princess!!!"

Tama can't stop Kirana. He walked to his room confused. What happened to him, why does he feel worried if Kirana looks close to Devan.

At the Security Post, Denok was disappointed that Tama didn't answer Kirana's question, even though she thought it was the right time for Tama to confess his feelings to Kirana and say that Nadia was just his obsession. In fact, in Tama's heart, there is only Kirana.

"Tama should say like that! Annoyed!", said Denok.

"Patience. Maybe Tama still doesn't understand his own heart" said Limbur while patting Denok's shoulder who was feeling emotional.

The night was getting late, all the residents of the Villa were sleeping soundly. But there is something unusual about Tama's dream. He dreamed that someone came to report to a prince that Princess Kirana had become a victim of a natural disaster. In his dream, the prince's face was so blurry that Tama couldn't see his face.

"Yes, if that's the case, how can we cancel the engagement" said the King who was sitting beside the prince.

"But father, I think we need to visit their kingdom to ensure that Princess Kirana is dead", The prince couldn't believe the news.

"Yes, please come to her country and ask Prabu Sanjaya directly"

The royal guard who reported left the king's assembly hall. After that, the prince prepared his horse and troops to go to the kingdom where Kirana lived.

Arriving at the kingdom, the Prince whose face was not visible in Tama's dream came to Prabu Sanjaya and questioned the truth of the information he received. Then Prabu Sanjaya accompanied by his son, Crown Prince Wardhana, explained that Princess Kirana had indeed become a victim of a natural disaster.

Crown Prince Wardhana took the Prince to the Castle where Kirana lived, and the Castle was already sunk. Prince Wardhana patted the back of the Prince of the other country who was supposed to be Kirana's fiancé. Prince Wardhana tried to calm the Prince's heart and asked him to immediately give up his elder sister's death.

"At first, I didn't believe that the Castle where my sister lived had sunk. But we had to let it go." Prince Wardhana said.

Prince Wardhana left the Prince first. The prince sat down and took out a piece of paper. He wrote a letter to Kirana in Sanskrit writing.

* If in this life we ​​are not matched, I hope we will be matched in the next life *

The prince folded his stationery into the shape of an airplane, then flew it into the lake.


Tama wakes up from his dream. But it was still dark. He woke up at 3 am.

"What is this dream? It turns out that the man in the princess's life is not only General John Willem".

Tama is curious about his dream. He intended to go back to sleep so he could have that dream again, and Tama fell back into a deep sleep.

Then what happened after Tama fell into a deep sleep? Tama doesn't have that dream anymore, he instead dreams of coming to a wedding. The location of the wedding party was Princess Villa.

But there is something different from the usual. In Tama's dream, Princess Villa had surfaced, no longer submerged in the lake. Many guests were present at the wedding. All the guests who came were wearing white clothes.

Suddenly Denok came to him and invited him in.

"Tama, come on! You have been waiting for the princess and Devan", said Denok.

"Huh, Devan?"

Tama followed Denok from behind, he went to the place where the bride and groom were. Tama was dumbfounded as he was in front of the bride and groom. It turns out that the wedding party was Kirana and Devan's wedding.


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!", Tama shouted to wake up the residents of the villa.

"Ouch, who's screaming?" Kirana woke up.

Kirana, Denok, and Limbur came to Tama's room to make sure that Tama was okay.

"Sorry, I just had a bad dream", said Tama.

"What kind of dream was it that you screamed and woke us all up?" asked Kirana.

"So, princess, that...", Tama is embarrassed, to tell the truth.

"Yes, disband - disperse", Kirana ordered.

Finally, all returned to their respective rooms.

Tama wonders in his heart, is Devan the reincarnation of the prince? Why after Tama dreamed of the prince then in the second dream he dreamed of Kirana marrying Devan.

"Is it possible that Devan is the true love of the princess who is the reincarnation of the prince who was about to be engaged to her?", said Tama thoughtfully.

Tama's feelings are uncertain this time. When he finds out about Kirana's story with General John Willem, Tama feels normal and instead is excited to help Kirana find the reincarnation of General John Willem. But why this time, Tama's heart doesn't seem willing, if Kirana marries Devan.

"What kind of feeling is this, why is my chest suddenly tight", said Tama while squeezing her tight chest.

Tama thought of how to ask Kirana, who was the prince in his dream. Is the prince someone who has filled Kirana's days in the past? He was very curious.

The sun started to rise and Tama had not slept since he woke up from his second dream that night. He looked very tired and it looked like his eyebags were swollen.

Not long after, Denok came to bring breakfast for Tama.

"My handsome... eh I mean Tama is handsome, Denok is here, bring a delicious breakfast", said Denok.

"Come in, Miss Denok"

Denok enters and prepares the food on the table. Tama can't wait to ask about the prince who will be Kirana's fiancé. Finally, he asked Denok.

"Oh, that. His name is Prince Lingga"

"Prince Lingga?"

It turns out that Tama's dream is true.

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