

ironwood- you can't be serious every company here in atlas have to give taxes to the military so that we can PROTECT them from getting ROBBED by terrorist ( us so time) even if you have more shers in every company than there owners you must pay and make them pay you know how much we suffer because of your order to not pay taxes

ryu : why so serious it's just money or to be more accurate 666 M$ monthly 7,992 M$ per year so not much and by looking at what have you done with the past taxes oh boy it's gets dark like look here 9000 $ for to some orphanage

ironwood- what's wrong with that

ryu - you see they my lovely friend slave traders that catch young fenous and sell them t

ironwood- and it's not the first time something like that to happen

ryu: let me complete would ya as I said sell them to you scum so that you can do all your experiment

ironwood- glp

ryu- no thing no regret no gelty what a man ( clapping slowly)

ironwood- it was for the greater good you can't understand what would happen with out us

ryu: happy life for 5000 boy and girl that have been lost because of you... the grateer good what a hypocrite

( will I know that nothing make since so let's go back to the start)

?: heavy breathing I .. am .. your.. father

( not this back move a little forward)

okay that enough stop

layds and gentlemen here I am you every day college otaqu/student doing what every man do because my girlfriend just dumped me for some over the top second generation rech family son that was until the moment when

: alix go to the supermarket I need you to get the grocery now nibe

I know what you think but this is my neighbor he has been talking care of me from time to time since my family past away nice man anyway I want to the supermarket when I returned on the way home I heard something wired like some gay vampire


alix: da fu@#

?: roud roller da.

think want dark will it was special way to end normal life..

in the same time in some strange places

??: oh what do we have here ... what's your name boy

alix: wh.. ha what are yellow thing

bill: oh were my manners am bill syper you can call me bill Billy lily (am looking at you snap )

or just $@%^#

alix: so rob and I think you will give there wishes and some fanfic world am I right

bill: you show some respect can you

alix : can but will not

bill : 😡😡🤬🤔😈

bill: okay you boya first I was going to let you wish for what you want but now lucky draw you know... mahahhaah


bill:so look her luck draw was made to milk human from there money/ soul so you will lose ..let's start shall we .. (snap his finger)

puff .. magical draw appear ×3

bill: here's the rules you get what will be chosen after draw one for appearance one power one for the world are you ready will it's not important lucky draw i choose you .

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