
The end of the abyss and return

as I have said in my other story, due to my school being re-opened, all of my stories updates will become 2 days per chapter instead of daily updating.

Again, I'm sorry for letting you guys wait.


(Shayla POV) {Day 9}

[Report: We have passed the deepest point recorded in the ocean, if we continue to go deeper then I can't provide any information for you Shayla-san]

"We can still go deeper!? I thought the abyss rift has a limited depth of... 14000m?"

[apparently, the last calculation of humanity has been wrong, you can't blame them since the chance for a robot like this to survive under the abyss rift filled with high-class leviathan are nearly non-existing.]

"Point taken. Then Aqua, is the other functions still working normally?"

[...All other functions other than the radar is still working normally]

"That is good to know." So we are going down to the lowest point of the abyss right now, with the help of my new skill I have gained the power to command the leviathan in the abyss rift and make all of them my familiar!

Now all of them are a part of my family and family members have to help others so we got accompanied by a group of high-class leviathan. They helped us on the way here so no obstacle will get in our way and some of them even volunteer to carry our robot with their body so we can get down faster.

According to Aqua-san, the one that is carrying us is at least triple our Mech's size, which means a sea leviathan at the size of 1 kilometer is carrying us on his back right now!

(The Grammarly app just identify kilometer as kilometre all the time, I look it up and found out that they are the same thing. A kilometer is how Americans spell it.)

Also, I usually saw they called Abby-chan the princess through our communication link, I understand why they called her that but why do they call me their Queen? Sometimes I heard someone call me their master which is understandable but why I'm the queen though?

Let's push that problem aside and let's continue our journey to the deepest point of this dimension!

"Everyone, can we go faster?" I yelled out loud

'Whatever you wish my queen' I don't really like the way they use telepathy though, whenever they said a word it always goes with a static crash sound.

But I can't blame them, the signal in the abyss won't be able to compare to the signal on land since they don't have any signal tower down here.


(3rd POV)

Shalya's massive robot got carried by a huge leviathan so the progress got speed up quite a lot, combined with her new skill making everything is like a walk in her house.

With nothing able to stop Shayla and her 'little' army, they were able to dive down the deep of the abyss rift as fast as... a bullet I guess? Nah, let's just say that they are too fast underwater now and the leviathans don't wanna go slow.


With Shayla's keen sense, she could hear some noises happening many times inside the robot. "Eh, what is that sound Aqua? I think I just heard some metal sound inside the robot, is something happening inside the mech?" She asked... with a bit of nervous I suppose. Her emotions are messed up quite a lot.

[Apparently, the robot wasn't strong enough to withstand the pressure of the unexplored section of the abyss rift. Although this mech was made of a high-class leviathan, human's technology couldn't fully bring out the power of a leviathan so it won't be able to last long under this place.]

"Wait! Doesn't that mean we will all get crushed if the robot break?! Is there any available method for us to prevent that?" Shayla asked panicking

[There is one solution available. If we use all of our stored power left inside the robot to create a magic layer to cover us then we will be able to withstand the pressure]

"Then do it, it's not like we have other choices to make and we have the leviathan friends to help us out already."

[Roger that captain. Activating magic shield, maximizing magic shield...]

A thick blue layer covers the whole mech's body as the metal sounds stop, the energy shown inside the control board is falling dramatically every minute.

{After a while}

the group of a robot and a dozen of leviathan stopped moving as they has reached the deepest point in the world, the surrounding is just full of darkness, nothing can be seen except a single ruins gate located at the size of an underwater mountain.

'My queen, we have reached the deepest place of the abyss, this is the place our king has stored his legacy at, you and the princess maybe enter it but I affair your friend will have to stay.' A snake-like leviathan spoke and pointed in the gate's direction with its claws.

Inside the cockpit, Shayla look at her snake and phoenix and open the portal to their living dimension and command them to go back, the two don't have any choice but to obey and wish for their mother's luck to help her.

"Aria-san, can I store the mech inside my ID: Blank?" Shayla asked as she look at the robot's magic shield began to crack.

[You can store whatever you want into the ID: blank as long as it's ownerless or it's yours, the size of the item or stuff doesn't matter since that space is infinite. The ID: blank doesn't preserve the item through so you must carefully choose what type of stuff you are throwing into it.]

"Thank you. I want to store the OC-0001 into my ID: Blank please." Shayla said as she subconsciously active her light barrier magic

[Okay my dear] The system said as the whole robot disappear in an instant, leaving Shayla inside her barrier and Abby swimming around curiously.

"Abby-chan, do you mind pushing me for a bit? I can't really move with this barrier on." the abyss leviathan shifted her attention back to her mother, she swim near the light barrier and began to push it with her head.

Due to the light barrier being a ball of lights coupled with Shayla's weight and the rule of physic, The newborn abyss leviathan was able to roll Shayla and her barrier with ease.

[You have entered the temple of the abyss, the place of the end of the world]

When Shayla passed the gate is the moment her barrier broke because her mana has been drained completely due to constantly keeping the barrier up. At that moment the girl thought that she will be crushed by the water pressure but nothing happened since behind the gate there are no water!

She and her daughter look around the place curiously with her Haki and found several massive structures made of unknown material laying around the temple.

Shayla tried to use her observation skill on those structures and found something quite interesting.

Abyss stone (epic)

A normal stone that had made contact with the power of the abyss for a long time, making it become an abyss stone. This stone is very durable and carries a small portion of the abyss so if you decide to use it for forging weapons or crafting then it's a good idea.

Abyss gems (epic)

A Gem that has been infused with the power of the abyss, if you use it as a magic catalyst then beware of its unstable power.

"Hehe, since all of them are technically belong to me now then I'm sure they wouldn't if I store them inside my inventory." Shayla smiled and process to store the structures or whatever they are into her endless inventory.

Well, all I can say is the sin of greed have quite a big impact on her.


After looting- ahem - putting her items in the right place. Shayla and her leviathan pet continue to advance further into the temple.

They walk (and fly) through a long dark hallway and finally arrive at the biggest room in the whole temple and also the most important one: the altar.

The system gives Shayla a quick introduction about the altar and what they usually do. After a quick lesson, Shayla and Abby climb up the long staircase that leads directly to the massive altar on the top of the pyramid-like structure.

after a whole hour of climbing none-stop (Those leviathans are too big bruh) Shayla has finally able to get to the top of the pyramid and face the altar of the leviathan, although she has a lot of questions about the altar and why does the leviathan build this but all of them doesn't matter when she saw what is in the middle of that altar.

The Abyss core (legendary)

Take the shape of a normal crystal. This item has no noticeable abilities other than giving the consumer the power of the abyss. Although this item brings no drawback to the user, beware that it may cause an unthinkable phenomenon when you use it.

"Woah... this is the first time I ever see a legendary item... but I wonder what is the power of the abyss though. It's like using the darkness or something?" Shayla wonder out loud while the abyss leviathan used her mouth to grab the abyss crystal...

Yeah, that just happen, a leviathan grabbed the abyss's core like a dog.

"Uh Oh, Abby, give me that, it's isn't something you should bite on!" Shayla take to core away from her familiar's mouth and put it inside her inventory for safe, she take a glance at the altar then decide to take it with her too.

In the end, the whole temple was looted by Shayla.

[10 days has passed, please be prepared to return.]



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