
Omake 1: my world of beast! (part 1)

Quick overview: Shayla in fate grand order has not given a grail to summon her hero so she opened her gates of the beast, you know the drill, more than 1 million enhanced beasts on the move.

This crap is not canon yet, I have no reason to send her to the Fate series but this might be the future I'm aiming for.

CE: the child of life ATK+300, HP+5000

Effect: fully restore HP each turn, increase max HP by 50000. Increase healing effectiveness for the whole team by 400% when equipping these cards. When this card is equipped on a child servant, they will gain 70% resistance to every class

CE: Chaos's mistake ATK+10000, HP+0

Increase Art, Buster, Quick cards effectiveness by 200%, apply special effects on all normal card hits, Increase critical Strength by 200% and double the crit rate of whoever equips this CE. When equipped with a child servant, they will deal 150% more damage to all classes, ignoring class resistance.

Lostbelt: The world of beast

Approximately 25 chapters/sections (not the longest but also not the shortest)

Main enemy: beast-type, average level: 100

Number of main bosses: 11

First boss: 10th pet of Shayla (no spoiler bitches)

Second boss: 9th pet of Shayla

Third boss: 8th pet of Shayla

Fourth boss: 7th pet of Shayla

Fifth boss: 6th pet of Shayla

Sixth boss: 5th pet of Shayla

Seventh boss: A godly cat (Neko-chan)

Eighth boss: Ancient leviathan (Rivu)

Ninth boss: a phoenix that can burn the whole world in the future (Akatori)

Tenth boss: World devouring serpent (Hebi)

Final boss: Shayla the child of Chaos/Life (umu)

Noticeable enemy:

Elder island turtle.

HP: 3000000. Class: shielder. 5 charge bar.

NP: Raging ocean

Passive skill:

Elder leviathan: Increase own defence by 50% when near water

Hardest shell: Reduce damage received by 30% and apply damage cut (permanent)

OC model 0001, controller: Aqua

HP: 10000000. Class: unknown. 5 charge bar

NP: Leviathan killer

Passive skill:

Human's last hope: deal extra damage to non-humans servants

Ocean controller: increase damage when near water, immune to some debuff

AI helper: gain 2 charges bar each turn.

and many more.


(3rd POV) {Chaldea}

"Please give me a 5 stars servant!" Gudako prayed to all kinds of gods, despite having nearly all of the servants already, she still wanted to roll the gacha like a maniac.

Unlike his older sister, Ritsuka is standing next to her helplessly and trying to calm down the embodiment of chaos itself. His kouhai is also helping him but all of their efforts seem to be useless since the beast is still spending a lot of saint quartz for the summoning.

"NOOO!" Her voice echo through the whole Chaldea, every single person inside the building could hear her monstrous voice, even Da Vinci who is spending time inside her room crafting new stuff can hear it completely.

All servants and workers in Chaldea just sigh and continue their works, this kind of situation isn't something that happens every day but everyone has used to it a long time ago because of the famous embodiment of chaos have done a lot of things like this before.

"Seem like we won't have any new problem today." Some servants secretly sighed because they won't have to deal with new servants, especially troublesome servants.

After that, Gudako was accompanied by her younger brother back to the cafeteria and needless to say, her mood is really bad.

"Just get over it already onee-san, this isn't the first time anyways."

"I know, but I hate farming for quartz, it's take so much time!" Gudako groaned and slam her face on the table, then she cried out loud "I wish there is a new singularity so I can farm more saint quartz!"

"Onee-san, do you remember that each singularity can pose danger to the human's history and can wipe out humanity if anything goes wrong right?" Ritsuka reminds his sister. "I don't care, I just want more quartz." And after a lot of singularities, this girl doesn't even give a damn about human's safety anymore.


Suddenly, the little Da Vinci run in hastily and saw the two masters sitting on the corner, she wasted no time and announced a 'good' bad news: "We have an emergency Gudako-san, Ritsuka-kun, a new singularity has been spotted!"

"Really?!" Gudako asked in shock, she didn't think that her words would become real. And as expected, from shock turned into joy, she immediately drag her serious brother straight to the preparing room.

All servants who witness this scene can only sigh and wish for the younger brother's luck to keep him alive this time, while his sister can choke Goetia with her bare hand, he holds no particular power when it's come to combat.

{Sometime later}

"I'm ready Da Vinci-chan, you can start the Rayshift now," Gudako said while dressed in the usual Chaldea suit, Ritsuka and Mashu following behind hurriedly.

After they settle in, Da Vinci gives them basic information about the singularity, or rather, a lostbelt.

"Wait, are you saying that we have to go to another timeline again and help another lostbelt? Man, I hate lostbelt." Gudako groaned

"Well, it's not like we have a choice, please be ready to get Rayshift."

"Sure" the team get into their respective chamber and ready to get Rayshifted,

"here we go!" Da Vinci pressed the button and active the Rayshift


(Ritsuka POV)

After being consumed in the white light, I found myself, my kouhai and my idiotic sister falling from the sky, again. Why do we always have to fall from the sky whenever a Rayshift happen?

Well, this isn't the first time anyways, in this situation, it's time to rely on my kouhai, "MASH!"

"I understand senpai, please hold tight Gudako-san!" I hold onto my sister's back and ready myself for the impact... only for nothing to happen.


A huge shadow appears beneath us and the next moment we are already landed? Everything that happens so sudden makes my head unable to register the information.

"Senpai, Gudako-san, please wake up from your thought." Eh? "What happened Mashu? It's like we have landed on a tree or something? The land here is soft compare to what we usually landed on." Yeah, I'm having the same question here.


[I have connected successfully, is there any problem Gudako-chan, Ritsuka-kun?] The familiar blue screen appears in front of me and Da Vinci is on the other side like usual.;

"Well, I think the place we were dropped at is pretty strange, the landing here is oddly soft."

[Oddly soft you said... have you ever tried to look around?] Oh yeah, I haven't looked around yet, I got distracted because of the soft landing.

Let's see, surrounding us is the vast ocean... did we get dropped on a lostbelt that resemble Okeanos singularity?

"Da Vinci-san, there are only oceans surrounding us on this island, are you sure you are not mistaken and drop us at the wrong location?" I asked

[No, I didn't mistaken, I have dropped you at the nearest point to the leyline but for some reason, your destination has been changed to somewhere else, I think it's the work of the lostbelt king. You will have to find a way to get back to land]

"So we have to find a travelling ship or craft ourselves some boat to get out of this island? That seems like a long term task since I can't see anything except water around us." My sister commented and I agreed.


"The island is shaking, I think an earthquake is happening!"

[An earthquake? We better find a hiding spot first, there is a possibility that you are standing on a volcano island right now so try to reach the edge of the island as fast as possible!]

(3rd POV)

After a few minutes of running, the group manage to reach the edge of the island, they take a quick tour around the coast of the island, trying to find some ship going by so they could get a trip to land.

A few hours have passed but nothing happened, the group has to gather some resources to make a nice easy shelter so they could stay for the night, strangely enough, the trees doesn't fall even with Mash's strength.

"How come can a tree be this tough? It's sound like you are hitting an iron wall." Ritsuka said after he saw his kouhai helpless in front of a single tree. "Tsk, whatever it's I want to get out of this place fast, the quartz is waiting for me!" Ritsuka sweet drop at his sister's exclaim.


[it's happening again, does this island located in a special place or something? this is the 3rd earthquake that happened on this island!] Da Vinci said why trying to find the group's location on the lostbelt map.

"Gudako-san, senpai, I just want to ask something... Do you think the island is moving?" At Mash's question, the twin and the researcher look around the island and see nothing changed at all.

"No I don't think so, why did you think the island is moving Mash?" Ritsuka asked

"Well, I think I can see the land from here," Mash said as she pointed her finger at the distance where a shadow is standing tall.


"LOOK LIKE YOU YOUNGLING HAS FINALLY NOTICED, AND HERE I THOUGHT THAT YOU WOULD GO TO SLEEP BEFORE FINDING OUT WHAT IS HAPPENING" A deep voice emerge from the water, coupled with the island they are standing on suddenly raised higher than usual.

[Ritsuka, Gudako, what is happening?] The loli asked in a worryly.

"I think the whole time we have been staying on a creature's back Leo-san, likely an island turtle in the myth!" Mashu said out loud her theory

[An island turtle?! That creature isn't even dubbed as real in the myth, every myth I have read so far only mention it as something that has gone extinct!]

"COMPARING ME TO THOSE YOUNGLINGS IS A MISTAKE HUMAN." The deep voice echoed in the ears again, this time it sound clearer than last time. The group immediately ran toward the source of the voice and saw what they are looking for, a turtle head, a very massive one.

[Impossible... it's really an island turtle!] Da Vinci explain in shock

"NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE HUMAN." The turtle reply in its usual deep voice

"Hey Mashu, do you think we can use our usual way to communicate to this turtle?" Gudako whispered into Mash's ear. " I think we can senpai, let's me try" Mash gather her confidence and walk up and talk to the old turtle.

"Ehm, Mr turtle, can I know where are you taking us to?"

"OH, I'M ONLY OBEYING HER COMMAND TO BRING YOU TO THE LAND OF BEASTS." Hearing this sentence make everyone suddenly have a bad feeling, including the servant back in Chaldea watching.

"Land of beasts..." The two masters mutter while having a cold running in their spine and memory flash back continuously about the beast-type enemy.

"That sound really bad"

"Wait for a minute, who is her you are talking about?'


"Well crap."

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