

It had been the Calculus exam, and she hadn't read for it. She had gone to an older friend's party with Amelia the previous night prior to the exam day, Amelia who didn't have any exam the following day; and had partied away into the night. And when she had returned back home, drunken and exhausted, she had fallen into her bed mindlessly, without any care in the world, until the following morning.

She had woken up with a banging headache and the taste of nausea in her mouth. Actually, Amelia had done the waking up for her with a cup of water. Her sister had tried waking her up the normal way, the normal usual way of waking someone up from sleep with the slight tapping on hands or legs, but she hadn't woken up, being dead to the world and alive unto sleep. Well, not until she had felt a huge splash of water on her face.

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