
Cute And Inconsequential.

Helios's narration seemed believable. He is strong and luck was on his side. He happened to come across help in the form of retired royal guards. Then they escaped together.

No one suspects that he knows that the cavern would be there. How would he know that? Helios didn't lie about stumbling into the cavern. He knew the area it should be in, not the area it is. So he had to try several times to find it. He stumbled upon it, he just didn't stumble aimlessly into the cavern.

Helios asked carefully, "So what will be done about the demigods? I'm sure they are suffering."

The Celestial Supreme answered. "We wait for their demands."

Harkam wanted to speak up but he kept quiet. He doesn't like to wait but he thought it better not to voice his disagreement especially since he doesn't have a better idea. Instead, he turned his ire to Helios.

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