

Rank 1 - 10: Spiritual Apprentice

Rank 11 - 20: Spirit Master (1 Spirit Ring)

Rank 21 - 30: Grand Spiritual Master (2 Spirit Rings)

Rank 31 - 40: Spiritual Elder (3 Spirit Rings)

Rank 41 - 50: Spirit Ancestor (4 Spirit Rings)

Rank 51 - 60: Spirit King (5 Spirit Rings)

Rank 61 - 70: Spirit Emperor (6 Spirit Rings)

Rank 71 - 80: Spirit Saint (7 Spirit Rings)

Rank 81 - 90: Douluo Spirit (8 Spirit Rings)

Rank 91 - 98: Titled Douluo (9 Spirit Rings)

Douluo Title Ranks

Rank 91 - 94: Average Douluo

Rank 95 - 98: Super Douluo

Rank 99: Extreme Douluo

Divine Ranks

Rank 99 Threshold: Quasi Demigod

Rank 99 Initial: Semi-God

Rank 99 Advanced: Quasi-God

Rank 100 ~ 149: God

Rank 100: God's Officer

Rank 100 ~ 109: God of the third class

Rank 110 ~ 119: Second Class God

Rank 120 ~ 129: First Class God

Rank 130 - 139: Half King God

Rank 140 ~ 149: Quasi-God King

Rank 150 - ??? : God King

Spiritual Rings and Beasts

Beast / White Spirit Ring: 1 to 99 years old

Beast / Yellow spirit ring: 100 to 999 years

Beast / Purple spirit ring 1,000 to 9,999 years

Beast / Black spirit ring 10,000 to 99,000 years

Beast / Red Spirit Ring: 100,000 to 999,999 years

Divine Rings

God Officer (1 Divine Rings)

God of the third class (3 divine rings)

God of the second class (5 divine rings)

God of the first class (7 divine rings)

Half god king (8 divine rings)

God King (9 Divine Rings)

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